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This work develops a simple, sensitive and signal-on electrochemical sensor for methyltransferase (MTase) activity analysis. The sensor is composed of a methylene blue-modi?ed "signaling DNA probe" and a "capture DNA probe" tethered methylation-responsive hairpin DNA (hairpin-capture DNA probe). The thiol- modified hairpin-capture DNA probe at 5' end was firstly self-assembled on gold electrode via Au-S bonding. Methylation-induced scission of hairpin-capture DNA probe would displace the hairpin section and remain the "capture DNA probe" section on the gold electrode. Subsequently, the remained "capture DNA probe" on the gold electrode can hybridize with the methylene blue-modi?ed "signaling DNA probe", mediating methylene blue onto the gold electrode surface to generate redox current. It was eT on state. The developed facile signal-on electrochemical sensing system showed a linear response to concentration of Dam MTase range from 0.1 to 1.0 U/mL. The detection limit of Dam MTase activity was determined to be 0.07 U/mL and the total detection time is 7h. The sensor also has the ability to provide information about the dynamics of methylation process. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this sensor could be utilized to screen inhibitors or drugs for Dam MTase.  相似文献   
脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)是一类无包膜单股正链RNA病毒,基因组长约7.5kb。其5′端非编码区由约742个核苷酸长,主要与病毒RNA复制、蛋白翻译起始、病毒颗粒的装配及病毒的细胞适应减毒及神经毒力密切相关。我们研究发现,脊髓灰质炎病毒(Sabin株)在人胚肺二倍体细胞(KME17)上致细胞病变较猴肾细胞慢,病毒产量亦明显低于恒河猴肾细胞培养,国内外也有类似的报道。  相似文献   
RT—PCR法检测大鼠脑组织及C6细胞中β—APP的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
β-淀粉样蛋白(β-AP)是阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheimer’s disease)病人老年斑的主要成分,它是β-淀粉样前体蛋白(β-APP)剪切后的产物。β-APP基因在体内存在β-APP_(695),β-APP_(751)β-APP_(770)。等几种主要的转录物,它们的区别在于Kunize丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制区(KDI)编码序列的存在和缺失。通过RT-PCR技术,用针对KPI编码区两侧序列的一种特异性引物可由总RNA样品中扩增出反映以上三种转录物的cDNA片段。实验表明,胎鼠脑组织中未检测到β-APPmRNA;6月龄大鼠海马组织,大脑皮层中只检测到β-APP_(695);在神经胶质瘤细胞系C6中存在β-APP_(695),β-APP_(751),β-APP_(770),其中β-APP_(770)占优势。  相似文献   
Su Z  Gu X 《Gene》2012,504(1):102-106
Gene duplications and alternative splicing (AS) isoforms are two widespread types of genetic variations that can facilitate diversification of protein function. A number of studies claimed that after gene duplication, two AS isoforms with differential functions can be 'fixed', respectively, in each of the duplicate copies. This simple 'functional-sharing' hypothesis was recently challenged by Roux and Robinson-Rechavi (2011). Instead, they proposed a more sophisticated hypothesis, invoking that less alternative splicing genes tend to be duplicated more frequently, and single-copy genes are younger than duplicate genes, or the 'duplicability-age' hypothesis for short. In this letter, we show that all these genome-wide analyses of AS isoforms actually did not provide clear-cut evidence to nullify the basic idea of functional-sharing hypothesis. After updating our understanding of genome-wide alternative splicing, duplicability and CNV (copy number variation), we argue that the foundation of the duplicability-age hypothesis remains to be justified carefully. Finally, we suggest that a better approach to resolving this controversy is the correspondence analysis of indels (insertions and deletions) between duplicate genes to the genomic exon-intron structure, which can be used to experimentally test the effect of functional-sharing hypothesis.  相似文献   
Herbaceous model species, especially Arabidopsis has provided a wealth of information about the genes involved in floral induction and development of inflorescences and flowers. While the genus Populus is an important model system for the molecular biology of woody plant. These two genuses differ in many ways. This study was designed to improve understanding of flower development in poplar at a system level, as its regulatory pathway to a large extent remains poorly known, owing to the presently limited mutant pool. To address this issue, a poplar GeneChip was employed to detect genes expressed during the whole floral developmental process. Using the expressed floral genes, a systematic gene network was constructed with the aid of functional association with Arabidopsis. The results suggested that autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization, photoperiod, ethylene, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways are involved in poplar flowering. Modularity analysis revealed several pathways in common with Arabidopsis, such as autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization and photoperiod pathways. In addition, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways were implicated as additional novel pathways. Notably, a difference in vernalization between Arabidopsis and poplar was revealed. Autonomous, gibberellin, vernalization, photoperiod, ethylene, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways integrated into a systematic gene network in floral development of poplar. Compared to Arabidopsis, brassinosteroid, stress-induced and floral suppression pathways are additional in poplar, and FLC is absent in vernalization pathway in poplar. Preliminary conclusions drawn here provide a basis for both identification of key genes and elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in poplar floral development.  相似文献   
The vacuole, a multifunctional organelle of most plant cells, has very important roles in space filling, osmotic adjustment, storage and digestion. Previous researches suggested that aquaporins in the tonoplast were involved in vacuolar functions. The rice genome contains 33 aquaporin genes, 10 of which encode tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs). However, the function of each individual TIP isoform and the integrated function of TIPs under various physiological conditions remain elusive. Here, five rice TIP members were characterized with water and/or glycerol transport activities using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. OsTIP1;2, OsTIP2;2, OsTIP4;1 and OsTIP5;1 possessed water transport activity. OsTIP1;2, OsTIP3;2 and OsTIP4;1 were demonstrated with glycerol transport activity. Rice TIP expression patterns under various abiotic stress conditions including dehydration, high salinity, abscisic acid (ABA) and during seed germination were investigated by real-time PCR. OsTIP1s (OsTIP1;1 and OsTIP1;2) were highly expressed during seed germination, whereas OsTIP3s (OsTIP3;1 and OsTIP3;2) were specifically expressed in mature seeds with a decrease in expression levels upon germination. The results of this research provided a functional and expression profiles of rice TIPs.  相似文献   
【目的】通过对极端环境耐受的耐辐射奇球菌Deinococcus radiodurans R1全基因组进行序列比对分析,获得具有铁储备蛋白Ferritin类似功能基序的未知功能蛋白DRA0258,采用分子生物学技术对该蛋白的功能和性质进行了验证和分析。【方法】首先对DRA0258进行克隆表达和纯化,并经络合物显色法测定蛋白上铁结合含量;通过三段连接敲除法构建dra0258突变株,检测突变株在双氧水协迫下的生存率、总抗氧化活性及过氧化氢酶活性;利用实时定量PCR检测突变株内抗氧化酶类及铁转运相关性调控蛋白的基因转录水平。【结果】经体内外蛋白铁含量检测证实DRA0258具有一定的铁结合能力;双氧水生存率实验表明dra0258的缺失导致细胞的抗氧化能力显著下降;过氧化氢酶活性、总抗氧化活性检测及抗氧化酶类的基因转录水平检测证实dra0258基因的缺失导致细胞内一些抗氧化基因转录水平下调,细胞的抗氧化应激系统受到损伤,并影响了一些铁调控网络蛋白的基因转录水平。【结论】本研究证实DRA0258是一种铁结合蛋白,该编码基因的缺失影响胞内铁转运系统并使细胞抗氧化能力下调。  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of homocysteine (Hcy) and oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) on DNA methylation in the promoter region of the estrogen receptor α (ERos) gene,and its potentialmechanism in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.Cultured smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of humans weretreated by Hcy and ox-LDL with different concentrations for different periods of time.The DNA methylationstatus was assayed by nested methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction,the lipids that accumulated inthe SMCs and foam cell formations were examined with Oil red O staining.The proliferation of SMCs wasassayed by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method.The results showedthat ox-LDL in moderate concentrations (10-40 mg/L) induced de novo methylation in the promoter regionof the ERα gene of SMCs.However,high concentrations (50 mg/L) of ox-LDL,resulted in demethylation ofERα.The Hcy treatment resulted in de novo methylation in the promoter region of the ERα gene with aconcentration- and treating time-dependent manner,and a dose-dependent promoting effect on SMCproliferation.These data indicated that the two risk factors for atherosclerosis had the function of inducingde novo methylation in the promoter region of the ERα gene of SMCs. However,high concentrations (50rag/L) of ox-LDL induced demethylation,indicating that different risk factors of atherosclerosis with differentpotency might cause different aberrant methylation patterns in the promoter region of the ERα gene.Theatherogenic mechanism of Hcy might involve the hypermethylation of the ERα gene,leading to the proliferationof SMCs in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   
利用生物信息学方法分析白桦4CL蛋白的氨基酸组成、等电点、疏水/亲水区、跨膜区及二级结构等蛋白质性质;并同拟南芥、水稻和毛白杨的4CL蛋白进行对比,进行同源性分析;利用生物信息学软件对其空间结构进行了模拟,得到了可靠的分子生物学模型,并根据模型对白桦4CL蛋白功能进行预测,为今后测定白桦4CL蛋白生物学功能奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
花发育是林木生长发育过程中的重要阶段。林木的花发育分为开花诱导、花的发端和花器官发育3个阶段, 是由多种基因参与的十分复杂的调控过程。本文对林木在花发育过程中的基因调控进行了综述, 并对林木花发育领域的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
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