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内蒙古中南部轮藻植物以温带成分占绝对优势,有较多的中国特有植物;种类以轮藻属为主,其中丛刺轮藻、灰色轮藻为本地的广布和优势种;分布以上河套平原的种类、数量最多;另外,轮藻植物的形态结构、种类组成及分布均与其生长的环境紧密相关。  相似文献   
T3801C is a common polymorphism in CYP1A1, showing differences in its biological functions. Case–control studies have been performed to elucidate the role of T3801C in cancer, although the results are conflicting and heterogeneous. Hence, we performed a meta-analysis to investigate the association between cancer susceptibility and T3801C (55,963 cases and 76,631 controls from 268 studies) polymorphism in different inheritance models. We used odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals to assess the strength of the association. Overall, significantly increased cancer risk was observed in any genetic model (dominant model: odds ratio [OR] = 1.14, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.09–1.19; recessive model: OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.12–1.34; CC vs. TT: OR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.19–1.45; TC vs. TT: OR = 1.12, 95% CI = 1.07–1.18; additive model: OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.09–1.19) when all eligible studies were pooled into the meta-analysis. In further stratified and sensitivity analyses, the elevated risk remained for subgroups of cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, hepatocellular cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. In addition, significantly decreased colorectal cancer risk was also observed. In summary, this meta-analysis suggests that the participation of CYP1A1 T3801C is a genetic susceptibility for some cancer types. Moreover, our work also points out the importance of new studies for T3801C association in some cancer types, such as gallbladder cancer, Asians of acute myeloid leukemia, and thyroid cancer, where at least some of the covariates responsible for heterogeneity could be controlled, to obtain a more conclusive understanding about the function of the CYP1A1 T3801C polymorphism in cancer development.  相似文献   
本实验观察了活性钙调素(CaM)含量和CaM依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ(CaMkinaseⅡ)活性在急性低氧(模拟海拔7000m,5h)和常氧对照大鼠脑子组织中的变化。用流式产胞仪(FACS)所测两组动物脑皮层细胞的CaM,平均荧光强度分别为40.0±4.9和46.1±5.8,急性低氧组明显低于常氧对照组(P<0.05);用同位素液闪计数法所测两组动物皮层脑匀浆提取液中CaMkinaseⅡ活性,分别为184.3±8.1和198.8±9.4pmolPi·min-1·mg-1pro,急性低氧组明显低于常氧对照组(P<0.01)。结果提示CaM和CaMkinaseⅡ对低氧较为敏感,急性低氧时中枢神经细胞结构或功能的紊乱可能与活性CaM的含量减少和CaMkinaseⅡ活性能下降有关。  相似文献   
应用Southern blot杂交试验检测HBsAg及HBeAg均阳性母亲流产的9例胎儿肝细胞中HBV DNA的存在状态,并与其HBV血清学、免疫电镜及肝脏免疫组织化学的结果相比较。结果在3例胎肝高分子DNA中检出了整合的HBV DNA顺序,且此3例HBV DNA整合到胎肝细胞基因组并无特定部位,提示为随机整合。3例中2例的血清及肝匀浆都检出HBsAg颗粒,其胎肝细胞胞浆HBsAg也阳性;另1例受HBV感染的唯一标志是在胎肝细胞中存在着整合的HBVDNA。此外,另1例则仅胎肝细胞中HBsAg阳性而无整合的HBV DNA。在胎肝细胞中检出整合的HBV DNA进一步证实HBV子宫内传播途径的存在。  相似文献   
Cabbage Fusarium wilt (CFW) is a destructive disease causing great losses to cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) production worldwide. At present, there are few reports concerning molecular marker research on cabbage resistance to CFW. In this study, 160 double haploid (DH) lines were obtained from the F1 population of a 99–77 (highly resistant to CFW) × 99–91 (highly susceptible to CFW) cross. Insertion–deletion (InDel) markers were designed according to the reference genome sequence of cabbage and the whole-genome re-sequencing data of the two parents. A genetic map of chromosome C06 including seven InDel markers was constructed based on the DH population. Thus, FOC (resistance gene to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans) was located on chromosome C06 and two InDel markers out of the seven, M10 and A1, flanked the gene at 1.2 and 0.6 cM, respectively. Marker A1 revealed a significant consistency with the phenotype assay in the F2 population as well as in 40 inbred lines (96 and 82 %, respectively). This study lays the foundation for fine mapping and cloning of the FOC gene and for marker-assisted selection in cabbage resistance breeding.  相似文献   
【目的】本研究从健康桑树茎中分离筛选对桑断枝烂叶病菌具显著拮抗作用的内生细菌,为该病生物防治奠定研究基础。【方法】采用组织培养法分离桑树内生菌,抑菌圈法和平板对峙法筛选抑菌活性稳定的内生拮抗菌;根据形态学、生理生化特征检测和基于16SrDNA、gyrA和gyrB基因的系统发育分析对拮抗菌进行菌种鉴定;利用抑菌圈法测定拮抗菌株活性发酵液热稳定性,菌丝生长速率法检测活性发酵液抑菌谱;并通过观察拮抗菌对桑断枝烂叶病菌BoeremiaexiguaGXH1菌株生长及菌丝形态的影响,扩增抑菌活性物质合成关键基因,以及采用酸沉淀法提取拮抗菌株脂肽类化合物并进行高效液相色谱串联质谱分析(LC-MS),初步探究可能的抑菌机制。【结果】从健康桑树茎中共分离获得17株桑树内生细菌,并从中筛选获得一株对桑断枝烂叶病菌B.exiguaGXH1有稳定拮抗作用的桑树内生细菌NPJ13菌株。该菌株形态学、生理生化特征与芽孢杆菌属一致,基于16SrDNA、gyrA和gyrB基因序列的系统发育分析结果显示该菌株与贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillusvelezensis)的亲缘关系最近,且处于系统发育树的最小分枝,故将NPJ13菌株鉴定为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌,命名为B. velezensis NPJ13。NPJ13菌株对灰霉病菌SWU5、核地杖菌SXSG-5、核盘菌PZ-2及烟草疫霉SWU20等12种病原真菌具有不同程度的拮抗作用,其活性发酵液具有较好的热稳定性。NPJ13菌株会导致桑断枝烂叶病菌GXH1菌丝发生扭曲、膨大、透明度增加、断裂等畸变现象;基因检测结果显示NPJ13菌株基因组中具有PKSI、NRPS、Sfp、ItuD、Srfc等5种抑菌活性物质合成关键基因,LC-MS检测结果表明菌株NPJ13脂肽类粗提物中含有表面活性素和伊枯草菌素。【结论】本研究分离筛选获得一株对桑断枝烂叶病菌具有显著拮抗作用的桑树内生细菌B. velezensis NPJ13菌株,为桑断枝烂叶病的生物防治提供了候选菌株。  相似文献   
为了了解我国两栖动物受威胁现状和致危因素, 进而制定相关的保护措施和开展国际合作, 本文依据中国两栖动物野生种群与生境现状, 利用《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)和《IUCN物种红色名录标准在国家或地区的应用指南》(4.0版), 对中国已知的408种两栖动物的濒危状况进行了评估, 并编制了《中国两栖动物红色名录》。评估结果表明: 中国两栖动物有1种灭绝, 1种区域灭绝, 受威胁的两栖动物共计176种, 占评估物种总数的43.1%, 明显高于《IUCN濒危物种红色名录》(2015)的物种受威胁率(30.8%)。中国两栖动物特有种272种, 其中48.9%属于受威胁物种。中国两栖动物受威胁比例最高的目是有尾目(63.4%), 明显高于无尾目(39.0%); 受威胁比例最高的科是隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidae) (仅有1种, 100%受威胁), 小鲵科(Hynobiidae) (86.7%)和叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae) (78.1%)。有11个省区的受威胁物种数占本省区两栖动物物种总数的30%及以上, 前3位分别是四川(40.8%)、广西(39.2%)和云南(37%)。中国大多数两栖动物物种分布在西南山地和华南地区, 以海拔2,000 m以下区域为主。栖息地退化或丧失、捕捉、环境污染列受威胁两栖动物致危因子的前3位。鉴于中国两栖动物区系的复杂性和独特性, 进一步加强两栖动物资源调查、种群和生境监测及相关科学研究, 仍是今后一段时期开展两栖动物多样性保护和濒危物种拯救行动的关键性基础工作。  相似文献   
Plasma membrane disruptions occur in mechanically active tissues such as the epidermis and can lead to cell death if the damage remains unrepaired. Repair occurs through fusion of vesicle patches to the damaged membrane region. The enzyme phospholipase D (PLD) is involved in membrane traffickiing; therefore, the role of PLD in membrane repair was investigated. Generation of membrane disruptions by lifting epidermal keratinocytes from the substratum induced PLD activation, whereas removal of cells from the substratum via trypsinization had no effect. Pretreatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, previously shown to increase PLD1 expression and activity, had no effect on, and a PLD2-selective (but not a PLD1-selective) inhibitor decreased, cell lifting-induced PLD activation, suggesting PLD2 as the isoform activated. PLD2 interacts functionally with the glycerol channel aquaporin-3 (AQP3) to produce phosphatidylglycerol (PG); however, wounding resulted in decreased PG production, suggesting a potential PG deficiency in wounded cells. Cell lifting-induced PLD activation was transient, consistent with a possible role in membrane repair, and PLD inhibitors inhibited membrane resealing upon laser injury. In an in vivo full-thickness mouse skin wound model, PG accelerated wound healing. These results suggest that PLD and the PLD2/AQP3 signaling module may be involved in membrane repair and wound healing.  相似文献   
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