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【目的】有关Microbacterium maritypicum在植物线虫生物防治方面的研究较少,探究菌株M. maritypicum Sneb159的杀线虫活性,明确菌株发酵液中具有杀线虫活性的物质,为生物农药的开发提供理论依据。【方法】本研究检测了菌株Sneb159发酵液对大豆胞囊线虫二龄幼虫的触杀活性;并以触杀活性为追踪,采用有机溶剂萃取、硅胶柱层析及半制备高效液相色谱等技术对菌株Sneb159发酵滤液中的活性物质进行分离纯化;采用核磁共振波谱对纯化物进行结构鉴定。【结果】菌株Sneb159具有杀线虫活性,在24 h和48 h处理组中线虫的死亡率均显著高于对照组。从菌株Sneb159发酵滤液中分离得到杀线虫活性物质A6,经结构鉴定确定该物质为苯乙酰胺。【结论】首次发现M. maritypicum对大豆胞囊线虫的触杀作用,并且明确活性物质为苯乙酰胺。结果表明菌株M. maritypicum Sneb159和苯乙酰胺在大豆胞囊线虫的生物防治方面具有较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   
本科教学实验室是开展本科生实验教学的主要场所,如何通过实验室的管理有效提升学生实验素养值得探索。文中主要介绍了将“6S (整理 (Seiri)、整顿 (Seiton)、清扫 (Seiso)、清洁 (Seiketsu)、素养 (Shitsuke)、安全 (Safety) 六项要素) 管理”理念引入本科教学实验室管理的应用实践与效果,特别是实验室环境管理、实验室安全管理、物品定位管理、试剂和耗材管理、学生培训和考核等方面的具体做法。通过实施“6S管理”,实验室环境得以改善,学生的实验素养得到提高,本科实验教学的质量得到改善和提高,达到环境育人的目的。这为高校教学实验室的建设和有效管理提供可推广、可操作的经验。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of solids retention time (SRT) on membrane fouling and the characteristics of biomacromolecules. Four identical laboratory-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were operated with SRTs for 10, 20, 40 and 80 days. The results indicated that membrane fouling occurred faster and more readily under short SRTs. Fouling resistance was the primary source of filtration resistance. The modified fouling index (MFI) results suggested that the more ready fouling at short SRTs could be attributed to higher concentrations of soluble microbial products (SMP). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra indicated that the SRT had a weak influence on the functional groups of the total extracellular polymeric substances (TEPS) and SMP. However, the MBR under a short SRT had more low-molecular-weight (MW) compounds (<1 kDa) and fewer high-MW compounds (>100 kDa). Aromatic protein and tryptophan protein-like substances were the dominant groups in the TEPS and SMP, respectively.  相似文献   
用云南山楂(Crataegus scabrifolia(Franch.)Rehd.)成年树茎尖和实生芽两种不同发育阶段的材料为外殖体,诱导它们休眠芽萌动,丛生芽条并诱导芽条生根。实验结果如下:1.以成年态的云南山楂侧芽为外植体,培养在附加IAA 0.1—0.5mg/l+6-BA 1-2mg/l的MS培养基上可诱导芽的萌发;将芽继代培养在附加0.5—1mg/l 6-BA的SH或MS培养基上,40天后芽数增殖4—6倍;将芽条截下置于1/2MS培养基上,附加不同浓度的IAA或IBA,可得到50—80%的生根率。2.以实生芽为外殖体,在相同条件下,则20天后芽数增殖便可获4—6倍;98%以上生根。结果表明:云南山楂的幼年态要比成年态易脱分化和再分化。  相似文献   
利用DNAMAN软件对GenBank登录的戊型肝炎病毒四个主要基因型代表株的序列进行分析, 选择其高度保守的ORF2区域设计合成引物和探针, 并用包含有扩增区域的核苷酸片段进行体外转录制备标准品cRNA。在对荧光定量RT-PCR的反应条件优化的基础上, 建立了适用于戊型肝炎病毒主要基因型检测的荧光定量RT-PCR检测技术。该检测技术可以有效检测I型和IV型戊型肝炎阳性病料, 而对猪的其它几种疫病阳性病料则为阴性结果, 证实本技术的特异性强、可靠性好。对阳性标准品的检测结果表明, 所建立的TaqMan荧光定量RT-PCR灵敏度可达2.0×101拷贝/反应, 相比于巢式RT-PCR方法, 其灵敏度高10~100倍以上。在对54份临床样品的检测中, 进一步证实了该方法快速、灵敏且重复性好, 可满足戊型肝炎病毒早期快速诊断的需要。  相似文献   
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - The intestinal mucosal barrier plays a critical role in the maintenance of host health. In farmed teleost fish, the intestinal epithelium is challenged by a...  相似文献   
子宫颈糜烂病毒病因的探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
491份宫颈拭子病毒分离结果表明:糜烂宫颈单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)分离阳性率(30.8%)是正常宫颈(2.6%)的11.8倍,用人干扰素治疗一个疗程后,病毒分离率下降至疗前的1/4.36例糜烂宫颈活体组织DNA分子杂交表明,乳头瘤病毒16型(HPV-16)阳性者占52.8和,HPV-18占17.9%,HPV-6B占28.1%,HPV-11占7.7%,251例宫颈糜烂患者经人(?)D型基因工程干扰素双盲对比治疗后,总有效率达93.8%,显效率达60%,分析临床疗效与HSV分离率的变化表明,临床有效病例中有35%(49/140)在治疗后病毒阴转,有57%在疗前疗后均未分离出HSV,有5%在疗前疗后保持阳性不变,有2.9%疗前阴性,疗后阳性,上述结果表明,HSV和HPV与慢性宫颈炎有一定关系。  相似文献   
Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a new parvovirus first discovered in 2005, which is associated with acute respiratory infection. Analysis of sequence homology has revealed that a putative phospholipase A2 (PLA2) motif exists in the VP1 unique region of HBoV. However, little is known about whether the VP1 unique region of HBoV has PLA2 enzymatic activity and how these critical residues contribute to its PLA2 activity. To address these issues, the VP1 unique region protein and four of its mutants, were expressed in Eschericha coli. The purified VP1 unique protein (VP1U) showed a typical Ca2+-dependent secreted PLA2-like (sPLA2) activity, which was inhibited by sPLA2-specific inhibitors in a time-dependent manner. Mutation of one of the amino acids (21Pro, 41His, 42Asp or 63Asp) in VP1U almost eliminated the sPLA2 activity of HBoV VP1U. These data indicate that VP1U of HBoV has sPLA2-like enzymatic activity, and these residues are crucial for its sPLA2-like activity. Potentially, VP1U may be a target for the development of anti-viral drugs for HBoV.  相似文献   
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