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实验探讨了建鲤和异育银鲫摄食低质和高质饲料时氮和能量的收支情况.低质饲料以豆粕为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为33.91%,高质饲料以鱼粉为主要蛋白源,饲料蛋白含量为45.59%.55d的生长结果显示,氮收支和能量收支受到饲料质量和鱼类种类的显著影响:摄食低质饲料时,建鲤的生长氮和生长能比例显著低于异育银鲫,排泄氮、排泄能和代谢能比例显著高于异育银鲫;摄食高质饲料时,两种鱼的氮收支和能量收支无显著差异;建鲤的氮收支和能量收支受饲料质量的显著影响,摄食低质饲料时,其生长氮和生长能比例均显著低于摄食高质饲料时,而排泄氮、粪能和代谢能比例均显著高于摄食高质饲料时;异育银鲫的氮收支、生长能和代谢能比例不受饲料质量的显著影响.结果表明,在低质饲料条件下,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力弱于异育银鲫,在高质饲料条件下,两种鱼没有显著差异.与异育银鲫相比,建鲤利用氮和能量的能力受饲料质量的影响更为显著.    相似文献   
藜科的极端盐生植物盐穗木(Halostachys caspica)的高盐胁迫抑制差减文库中有39%的功能未知蛋白(proteins with obscure features, POFs),利用亚细胞定位分析可以初步判断其可能的功能.将盐穗木的1个POF-cDNA序列HcUKPP的编码区构建至pCAMBIA1301-GFP植物表达载体上,冻融法将重组质粒pCAMBIA1301-HcUKPP-GFP转化农杆菌EH105A,利用花序浸染法将基因导入拟南芥,经潮霉素筛选获得T1代阳性幼苗.通过激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察转基因拟南芥植株的根部细胞. 结果显示,表达GFP蛋白的对照转基因植株中,绿色荧光在细胞核、细胞膜以及细胞质中均能检测到,而表达HcUKPP-GFP融合蛋白的转基因植株中,绿色荧光只在细胞质膜上表达,说明HcUKPP蛋白为细胞质膜相关蛋白.本研究为深入探讨盐穗木未知蛋白的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   
K Huang  Y Zeng  H Xia  C Liu 《Biorheology》1998,35(4-5):355-363
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a surgical limb lengthening procedure on the biorheological features of some lengthened soft tissues. In this procedure external fixators were applied to goats' right radius to stretch the tissues. The right forelegs of goats were lengthened by 2, 4 cm, respectively. After lengthening ceased, the goats were examined after different periods of time. The lengthened median nerves, arteries and veins were harvested and used to study their biorheological features. Tensile strength of lengthened and control specimens were measured and their stress relaxation features and stress-strain relationships were studied. Results showed that at the beginning of recovery, the stress-strain curves, relaxation curves and tensile strengths of the lengthened specimens began to deviate from those of their controls. However, with increasing recovery time, the curves and tensile strength of the lengthened specimens reverted to those of their controls. All the tissues studied exhibited the same behavior.  相似文献   
应用固定化里氏木霉糖化玉米秆纤维素的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用多孔聚酯材料固定里氏木霉(TrichodermareeseiRutC30)菌丝细胞,将固定化细胞在生长限制条件下重复分批培养,使纤维酶的合成与玉米秆纤维原料的酶解糖化耦合在一个反应器中同时进行。在30℃、初始pH4.8、摇瓶转速150r/min的条件下,连续重复进行12次分批培养试验。每批玉米秆用量为60g/L,培养周期4.5d,共54d。培养液中含滤纸酶活力平均为0.70IU/ml,还原糖26.41g/L,糖化率达到理论值的89.11%。固定化菌丝形态正常,菌量保持在10g/L左右。在间歇添料条件下,玉米秆原料的总量可提高到120g/L,7d后还原糖浓度达52.81g/L,糖化率为89.20%。利用固定化里氏木霉同时产酶和糖化植物纤维原料,工艺简便、成本低廉、易于连续自动化操作,是一条有效利用可再生纤维素资源的新途径。  相似文献   
1. AMPA receptor potentiators (ARPs) exhibit antidepressant-like activity in preclinical tests (for example, the forced swim test) that are highly predictive of efficacy in humans. Unlike most currently used antidepressants, ARPs do not elevate extracellular levels of biogenic amines (e.g., 5HT, NE) in prefrontal cortex at doses that are active in the forced swim test.2. The present series of experiments examined the effects of combining the ARP, LY 392098, with biogenic amine-based antidepressants in the forced swim test. Male, NIH Swiss mice were placed in a cylinder of water and observed for attempted escape behaviors and immobility.3. LY 392098 dose-dependently decreased immobility as did a range of classical antidepressants. At doses of LY 392098 below those that decreased immobility, this compound significantly increased the potency with which fluoxetine and citalopram (SSRI antidepressants), imipramine (tricyclic antidepressant), duoxetine (norepinephrine/serotonin uptake blocker), nisoxetine (norepinephrine uptake inhibitor), and rolipram (PDE4 inhibitor) decreased immobility in the forced swim test with potency shifts upward of 5-fold (fluoxetine, imipramine, and rolipram). Likewise, ineffective doses of the traditional antidepressants potentiated the effects LY 392098 with shifts in the dose-effect functions that were 10-fold or more for citalopram, fluoxetine, imipramine, and duloxetine.4. Combined with other evidence for a role of AMPA receptors in the efficacy of antidepressants, the current data suggest that the addition of an ARP may augment the activity and perhaps the onset of the therapeutic effects of biogenic amine and second messenger-based antidepressants.  相似文献   
APP processing is regulated by cytoplasmic phosphorylation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) aggregate in senile plaque is a key characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we show that phosphorylation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) on threonine 668 (P-APP) may play a role in APP metabolism. In AD brains, P-APP accumulates in large vesicular structures in afflicted hippocampal pyramidal neurons that costain with antibodies against endosome markers and the beta-secretase, BACE1. Western blot analysis reveals increased levels of T668-phosphorylated APP COOH-terminal fragments in hippocampal lysates from many AD but not control subjects. Importantly, P-APP cofractionates with endosome markers and BACE1 in an iodixanol gradient and displays extensive colocalization with BACE1 in rat primary cortical neurons. Furthermore, APP COOH-terminal fragments generated by BACE1 are preferentially phosphorylated on T668 verses those produced by alpha-secretase. The production of Abeta is significantly reduced when phosphorylation of T668 is either abolished by mutation or inhibited by T668 kinase inhibitors. Together, these results suggest that T668 phosphorylation may facilitate the BACE1 cleavage of APP to increase Abeta generation.  相似文献   
山茶属Camellia植物在其进化过程中,以雄蕊不定数、在某些类群中存在心皮离生至合生的中间过渡,认为是山茶科中较原始的一属,分布于亚洲东部和东南部,中国长江以南广袤的亚热带地区是该属的现代分布中心,中南半岛和我国云南、广西南部的热带地区种类虽少,却集中了本属原始或较原始的类群和种类。本属演化上的近缘属或姐妹群——核果茶属Pyrenaria(包括石笔术属Tutcheria)分布区大致与本属相似,其原始(子房5室,心皮先端多少分离,花柱离生)的种类也分布于此,它们可能同出于一个心皮离生的古老祖先,即生长于亚洲古热带森林环境中的类似千五桠果属(Dillenia)的原始山茶科植物,上述地区是该属的早期分化中心和起源地,大约在白垩纪特提斯海(古地中海)东岸的劳亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆接触地带由原始五桠果类植物演化而来。山茶属植物自热带亚洲起源和分化发生后,向四周辐射状扩展,在亚洲大陆,类群和种类明显表现出由南向北、从热带向亚热带分化和替代的规律。在漫长的进化过程中,经历第三纪以来地史和古气候的变迁,分化发展为具花梗和花梗强烈缩短变无便的两个演化枝,分道扬镳平行发展,两枝在演化上相似地表现出雌、雄蕊数目的减少及合生水平的提高,本属最进化的类群是分布区南界的管蕊茶组 Sect.Calpandria和广布我国亚热带林下的连蕊茶组Sect.Theopsis,前一组花丝全部合生成肉质管,后一组雌、雄蕊高度合生,果通常1室发育,中轴退化。晚第三纪以来,古气候的变迂和亚洲山体的隆升,山茶组 Sect.Camellia,油茶组Sect.Paracamellia以及连蕊茶组 Sect.Theopsis在新的环境中产生进一步分化和自然杂交,出现了一些多倍体种群,细胞地理学研究表明,自中南半岛向北呈现出核型由对称到极不对称、染色体从二倍体到多倍体的变异系列,从而对山茶属中演化与分布的一致性提供了证据。  相似文献   
视觉和嗅觉信号对果蝇食物搜寻行为的协同作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯波  王霞  李岩  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2013,56(7):792-798
为了探索视觉和嗅觉信号在昆虫食物搜寻过程中的作用, 本研究利用杨梅和橘子为引诱物, 在实验室条件下测定了嗅觉和视觉信号诱集到的黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster数量, 分析了嗅觉经历对果蝇嗅觉和视觉食物搜寻的影响。发现同源性嗅觉和视觉信号存在的杨梅诱集到的果蝇数量显著大于单一的视觉信号和嗅觉信号, 但异源性嗅觉和视觉信号组合诱集到的果蝇数量和单独的嗅觉信号相似。嗅觉信号预处理不仅能够显著增加嗅觉信号诱集到的果蝇数量, 其中杨梅嗅觉信号对杨梅预处理果蝇的吸引能力与视觉和嗅觉信号存在的杨梅相似, 而且异源性嗅觉和视觉信号组合诱集到的预处理果蝇数量也不低于视觉和嗅觉信号存在的杨梅。另外杨梅嗅觉信号预处理也能够显著增强杨梅视觉信号诱集到的果蝇数量。但嗅觉预处理并不会改变同源性视觉和嗅觉信号组合诱集到的果蝇数量。本研究表明, 果蝇同时利用视觉和嗅觉信号进行食物搜寻, 因此同源性视觉和嗅觉信号在果蝇诱集过程中具有协同作用。另外果蝇具有较强的记忆和学习能力, 能够将记忆中的嗅觉信号应用于食物搜寻。本研究结果不仅有利于我们了解果蝇在自然状态下的食物搜寻机制, 而且有利于开发更有效的果蝇新型诱捕器。  相似文献   
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