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The recently described focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been implicated in signal transduction pathways initiated by cell adhesion receptor integrins and by neuropeptide growth factors. To examine the mechanisms by which FAK relays signals from the membrane to the cell interior, we carried out a series of experiments to detect potential FAK interactions with proteins containing Src homology 2 (SH2) domains that are important intracellular signaling molecules. Using v-Src-transformed NIH3T3 cells, we showed that FAK was present in the immune-complex precipitated by anti-Src antibody, suggesting potential interaction of FAK with v-Src in vivo. We also showed potentially direct interaction of FAK with v-Src in vivo using the yeast two-hybrid system. Using recombinant FAK expressed in insect cells and bacterial fusion proteins containing Src SH2 domains, we showed direct binding of FAK to the Src SH2 domain but not to the SH3 domain in vitro. A kinase-defective mutant of FAK, which is not autophosphorylated, did not interact with the Src SH2 domain under the same conditions, suggesting the involvement of the FAK autophosphorylation sites. Treatment of FAK with a protein-tyrosine phosphatase decreased its binding to the Src SH2 domain, whereas autophosphorylation in vitro increased its binding. These results confirm the importance of FAK autophosphorylation sites in its interaction with SH2 domain-containing proteins. Taken together, these results suggest that FAK may mediate signal transduction events initiated on the cell surface by kinase activation and autophosphorylation that result in its binding to other key intracellular signaling molecules.  相似文献   
【背景】垫状点地梅作为青藏高原最具代表性的垫状植物,其叶际和内生微生物对适应极端环境有重要意义,同时也是一种独特的资源。【目的】探究垫状点地梅叶际和叶内可培养微生物多样性,以及不同生存状态个体之间的微生物差异。【方法】采用纯培养方法分离和纯化3个不同地区垫状点地梅叶际和叶内的细菌、酵母菌和丝状真菌,并用16S rRNA基因和ITS区域序列进行分析鉴定。【结果】最终得到叶际微生物350株,鉴定为22属49种,优势种为Penicillium sajarovii;内生微生物274株,鉴定为19属45种,优势种为Bacillusmycoides;两者的优势属均为Penicillium。垫状点地梅叶际和叶内之间及不同生存状态个体之间微生物的α多样性大多无显著差异,各群落间的成员也有重叠,但物种组成存在显著的空间异质性。【结论】垫状点地梅叶际和叶内有着丰富的可培养微生物资源,来源于不同生存状态的个体或不同部位的微生物物种组成差别较大,微生物对不同环境的选择偏好形成了不同的群落模式。但这些不同来源的微生物群落之间同样存在高比例的共有菌株,这些共有菌株的异养方式和生态位并不固定,可兼共生和腐生生存,生...  相似文献   
恶劣环境下,人工海防林因面临养分胁迫而经营困难。为探讨盐、磷胁迫对主要海防林树种木麻黄和台湾相思种子萌发及生长的影响,该研究分别用不同浓度的NaCl(盐)和KH2PO4(磷)溶液处理种子和浇灌幼苗,测定种子萌发和幼苗生长指标。结果表明:(1)高盐胁迫显著抑制种子萌发,对幼苗生长有一定影响,但两种植物影响程度不同;台湾相思种子萌发耐盐性高于木麻黄,前者相对盐害率最大值为23.03%,后者为89.15%;随着盐浓度增加,木麻黄和台湾相思种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均降低,对应最大值分别为38.70%、34.67%、18.70、0.055和76.67%、62.22%、48.46、6.11。(2)两种植物的株高和根长随盐浓度增加而降低,木麻黄和台湾相思株高分别为12.29~6.01 mm和48.27~17.33 mm,根长分别为8.57~1.45 mm和33.41~5.88 mm;台湾相思根、茎、叶生物量及根冠比均随盐浓度的增加逐渐减小,木麻黄各处理差异较小。(3)台湾相思的种子和幼苗较木麻黄更耐低磷环境,二者最适磷浓度存在差异;木麻黄种...  相似文献   
应用真彩色医学图像分析技术,对51例角结膜缘上皮良、恶性病变(其中上皮增生19例,不典型增生6例,原位癌14例,鳞状细胞癌12例)进行了DNA原位定量分析研究.结果显示:原位癌和鳞状细胞癌DNA含量明显增加,多为高倍异倍体细胞,DNA直方圆明显右移,峰值主要位于>5C处,≥5C细胞分别占78.89%和78.31%;上度增生病变DNA含量较低,多为低倍整倍体细胞,DNA直方图峰值位于2C~4C处,2C~4C细胞占88.59%;上皮不典型增生病变DNA含量介于良性病变和癌之间,DNA直方图逐渐右移,2C~4C细胞占58.62%,≥5C细胞占41.38%。以上数据经统计学处理各组间有显著性差异。表明DNA倍性程度与肿瘤的增殖程度呈正相关,高倍异倍体细胞随肿瘤恶性程度的增高而增多。作者认为DNA原位图像定量分析可为角结膜缘上皮良、恶性病变的诊断、分级及早期发现癌变趋势提供一个可靠的参考指标。  相似文献   
探讨了研制的具有谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力的含硒抗体酶(GPX-abzyme)对于受损心肌线粒体的保护作用,利用牛的心肌线粒体为实验材料,通过线粒体的膨胀度、脂质过氧化物含量、CCO活力变化及电镜观察等几个方面证明GPX-abzyme能抵抗XO/HX系统产生的自由基的损伤作用,ESR研究也表明GPX-abzyme能明显降低XO/HX损伤系统中的自由基含量。  相似文献   
Abstract: Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces the synthesis and the phosphorylation of the orphan nuclear receptor NGFI-B in PC12 cells. Previous work has shown that phosphorylation, by protein kinase A, of a specific serine in the DNA-binding domain inhibits its binding to the NGFI-B response element. Also, cytoplasmic extracts from PC12 cells phosphorylate this serine, and phosphorylation is greater in extracts from cells treated with NGF. The present work describes the induction, identification, and partial purification of a kinase (termed NGFI-B kinase I) from PC12 cell extracts that catalyzes this phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of the DNA-binding domain with this purified preparation inhibits its binding to the NGFI-B response element. The kinase is rapidly activated by treatment of the cells with NGF, and the activation lasts for at least several hours. It also is activated by fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor (EGF), but the activation by EGF is quite transient. The kinase requires Mg2+ but will use Mn2+. The molecular mass of the kinase is 95–100 kDa, and it is different from protein kinase A, Fos kinase, or pp90 rsk . Comparison with a partially purified preparation of cyclic AMP response element-binding protein kinase, however, indicates that the two are either very similar or identical.  相似文献   
用固相pH梯度(pH 5.05~5.60)等电聚焦技术对随机抽取的188名北京地区健康汉族人的血清转铁蛋白(Tf)进行分型调查,并统计基因频率,检出了在中国还未见报道的TfC3基因.其表型分别是:TfC1, TfC2, TfC1C2, TfC1C3, TfC1Dchi, TfC2Dchi.TfC1=0.7420, TfC2=0.2420, TfC3=0.0027, TfDchi=0.0133, 符合Hardy-Weinberg定律, 并与其他已见报道的汉族 Tf基因频率大致相符.  相似文献   
以克山病病区粮配成基础饲料,另在基础饲料中分别补充Se或VE,或Se+VE喂养大鼠,在细胞及亚细胞水平上以Ca代谢为主研究并比较了Se和VE在克山病病因中的作用。测量了心肌细胞和心肌线粒体的Ca代谢及有关指标、心肌线粒体能量转换功能及心肌组织自由基含量。结果表明,在低Se病区粮中补充Se或VE均能在一定程度上预防病区粮中致病因素对心肌细胞及线粒体的损伤;并且补充Se或VE均能使心肌组织中自由基含量减少。提示Se和VE是通过清除体内过量自由基预防细胞和线粒体的损伤的。但值得注意的是,实验中所用病区粮VE含量不低于甚至高于非病区对照粮,在低Se情况下,所补VE的量需要相当大(如本实验中补充200μg/g)才能较明显地预防心肌细胞和心肌线粒体的损伤。通过对这些结果的分析,进一步肯定低Se是克山病形成的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
We studied the regulation of arachidonic acid (AA) release by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate (GTP gamma S) and Ca2+ in electropermeabilized HL60 granulocytes. Stimulation of AA release by GTP gamma S and Ca2+ was mediated by phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and required the presence of MgATP (EC50: 100-250 microM). The nucleotide effects were Ca(2+)-dependent (maximal effects detected at 1 microM free cation). UTP and ATP gamma S, which stimulate AA release in intact HL60 granulocytes with potencies and efficacies similar to those of ATP, were ineffective in supporting the effects of GTP gamma S in electropermeabilized cells. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin affected stimulation of AA release by ATP in intact cell, without altering the nucleotide effects in permeabilized cells. We observed the protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of PLA2 in permeabilized HL60 granulocytes, together with a correlation between the effects of phorbol esters and staurosporine on this reaction and on AA release. ATP-independent activation of PLA2 by GTP gamma S and/or Ca2+ was measured in subcellular fractions prepared from HL60 granulocytes. These data appear consistent with a model in which PLA2 activity in resting HL60 granulocytes is subjected to an inhibitory constraint that prevents its activation by Ca2+ and G-proteins. Removal of this constraint, either by the protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme in vivo or physical disruption of the regulatory assembly (e.g. by N2 cavitation), allows its activation by Ca2+ and G-proteins.  相似文献   
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