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幽门螺杆菌HspA融合蛋白口服疫苗的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
构建表达幽门螺杆菌的保护性抗原分热休克蛋白A亚单位(HspA)和霍乱毒素B亚单位(CtxB)的重组融合蛋白的生物工程菌株,以此制备幽门螺杆菌的口服疫苗。用PCR方法扩增hspA和ctxB两个目的的基因片段,将它们分别克隆至pSK(+)质粒上,然后插入含T7启动子ET-22b(+)的表达载体中,构建嗓基因的表达质量pET-hct,转化E.coliBL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达融合蛋白HCT。经测序,hspA-ctxB(hct)融合基因片段由726bp组成,可以编码242个氨基酸残基的多肽。经SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹分析检测发现,融合基因表达的蛋白质相对分子质量约为30kD。融合蛋白经镍离子柱纯化、复性后,和HspA共同标记同位素^125I,然后给小鼠灌胃,结果观察到HCT组小鼠血清中的^125I的放射量要明显高于HspA组(P<0.001),且吸收峰值时间明显提前。融合蛋白中的CtxB可明显促进小鼠对HspA的吸收,HCT融合蛋白可以作为预防和治疗幽门螺杆菌感染的侯选口服疫苗。  相似文献   
Bacillus gibsonii Alkaline Protease (BgAP) is a recently reported subtilisin protease exhibiting activity and stability properties suitable for applications in laundry and dish washing detergents. However, BgAP suffers from a significant decrease of activity at low temperatures. In order to increase BgAP activity at 15°C, a directed evolution campaign based on the SeSaM random mutagenesis method was performed. An optimized microtiter plate expression system in B. subtilis was established and classical proteolytic detection methods were adapted for high throughput screening. In parallel, the libraries were screened for increased residual proteolytic activity after incubation at 58°C. Three iterative rounds of directed BgAP evolution yielded a set of BgAP variants with increased specific activity (Kcat) at 15°C and increased thermal resistance. Recombination of both sets of amino acid substitutions resulted finally in variant MF1 with a 1.5‐fold increased specific activity (15°C) and over 100 times prolonged half‐life at 60°C (224 min compared to 2 min of the WT BgAP). None of the introduced amino acid substitutions were close to the active site of BgAP. Activity‐altering amino acid substitutions were from non‐charged to non‐charged or from sterically demanding to less demanding. Thermal stability improvements were achieved by substitutions to negatively charged amino acids in loop areas of the BgAP surface which probably fostered ionic and hydrogen bonds interactions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 711–720. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
水稻与大黍不对称体细胞杂交再生植株   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用PEG(聚乙二醇)融合法,诱导水稻(Oryza sativa L.)原生质体与无融合生殖大黍(Panicummaximum Jacq.)原生质体融合,经过融合体筛选、培养,成功地获得了再生植株并移栽成活。在融合前,水稻原生质体经过2.5mmol/L碘乙酰胺(IOA)在室温(22~25℃)条件下处理15min,大黍原生质体经过60Kr软X射线照射处理。对获得的28株融合再生植株进行初步检查发现,在花器官形态、结构及生殖特性上与对照亲本水稻植株有显著的差异,出现多花药(一朵颖花具7~11枚甚至13枝花药)、多胚珠(1个子房内有2~3个胚珠)及“多胚囊”(1个胚珠内有2个以上类似胚囊的结构)等现象。雌、雄性育性显著降低或完全不育,仅有5株能够少量结实,I-KI溶液着色的花粉从0至68%不等。细胞胚胎学检查表明不能结实的植株雌性均不育,即不能分化出正常的胚囊结构。  相似文献   
Neurogenesis in the adult mammalian hippocampus may contribute to repairing the brain after injury. The signals that regulate neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus following ischemic stroke insult are not well known. We have previously reported that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression is necessary for ischemia-stimulated neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus. Here, we show that mice subjected to 90 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) significantly increased the number of new neurons and up-regulated iNOS expression in the dentate gyrus. Blockade of the L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel (L-VGCC) prevented neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and subventricular zone (SVZ), and down-regulated iNOS expression in the dentate gyrus after cerebral ischemia. This study suggests that Ca(2+) influx through L-VGCC is involved in ischemia-induced neurogenesis by up-regulating iNOS expression.  相似文献   
CCR5 is an essential coreceptor for the cellular entry of R5 strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). CCR5-893(-) is a single-nucleotide deletion mutation which is observed exclusively in Asians (M. A. Ansari-Lari, et al., Nat. Genet. 16:221-222, 1997). This mutant gene produces a CCR5 which lacks the entire C-terminal cytoplasmic tail. To assess the effect of CCR5-893(-) on HIV-1 infection, we generated a recombinant Sendai virus expressing the mutant CCR5 and compared its HIV-1 coreceptor activity with that of wild-type CCR5. Although the mutant CCR5 has intact extracellular domains, its coreceptor activity was much less than that of wild-type CCR5. Flow cytometric analyses and confocal microscopic observation of cells expressing the mutant CCR5 revealed that surface CCR5 levels were greatly reduced in these cells, while cytoplasmic CCR5 levels of the mutant CCR5 were comparable to that of the wild type. Peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells obtained from individuals heterozygous for this allele expressed very low levels of CCR5. These data suggest that the CCR5-893(-) mutation affects intracellular transport of CCR5 and raise the possibility that this mutation also affects HIV-1 transmission and disease progression.  相似文献   
目的 研究不同培养条件分离和克隆小鼠ES细胞集落的效率。方法 以PMEF饲养层、NIH3T3细胞饲养层或培养液中加入LIF为培养条件 ,分离和克隆昆明小鼠ES细胞集落 ,比较其效率。结果 饲养层的培养条件明显优于培养液中加入LIF的培养条件 ;有饲养层的培养条件下 ,桑椹胚的ES细胞集落出现率显著低于囊胚 ;两种饲养层培养囊胚 ,其ES细胞集落的出现率差异无显著性。结论 以PMEF或NIH3T3细胞作饲养层 ,培养昆明小鼠的囊胚 ,适时离散ICM ,是比较理想的分离ES细胞集落的方法。  相似文献   
在根癌农杆菌介导的T-DNA(携带有除草剂Basta抗性基因bar和Ds因子)转化中花11水稻群体中,获得了一个叶片发生明显内卷的突变体R1-A。经过连续三代的分离鉴定,获得突变体的纯合株(R1-A2),并与中花11号进行杂交,在调查的36个F_1植株中,全部表现为卷叶,并对Basta除草剂都表现为抗性。在852个F_2单株中,卷叶为645株,正常叶207株,卷叶和正常叶的比例为3:1,其中,卷叶株均对Basta表现抗性,正常叶株均对Basta表现敏感,表明卷叶性状和Basta抗性存在着共分离关系。用扩增Ds因子的引物,对F_2中45个卷叶抗性株进行PCR鉴定,都获得预期长度的Ds因子片段,进一步表明在这些卷叶的植株中都有T-DNA的插入;而30个正常叶敏感株都不能检测到Ds的特征片段。在以卷叶突变(R1-A2)为回交亲本的F_1B_1植株中,全部植株表现卷叶;在以中花11号为回交亲本的F_1B_1植株中,卷叶和正常叶植株的分离比为1:1。上述结果表明该卷叶突变是个显性突变,受一个基因所控制,且该基因的突变与T-DNA的插入有关。  相似文献   
piRNA是单链非编码小分子RNA,长度约26-31nt,大部分集中在29-30nt,5’端具有尿嘧啶偏向性(约86%),能够与Argonaute蛋白家族中的Piwi亚家族蛋白相互结合而产生作用。piRNA的功能主要是维持基因组中转座子的正常沉默状态,以防止基因组中转座子爆发而引起相应基因的改变。piRNA与siRNA及miRNA均是近些年发现的非编码小RNA,它们均可通过一套相应的机制进行RNA干扰,在转录、转录后甚至翻译水平对靶基因及蛋白进行调节,它们之间既有联系又有区别。piRNA数据库的建立将对这类小分子RNA的研究有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   
目的:检测胃癌组织中CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF表达情况及其与胃癌临床病理因素的关系,并探讨其表达与胃裸区侵犯的临床意义。方法:采用免疫组化方法测定60例胃癌组织CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF表达情况,并结合患者的临床病理资料进行分析。结果:CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF的表达与胃癌的TNM分期、浸润深度、淋巴结转移有关。胃裸区受侵组与未受侵组胃癌组织的CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF的表达无明显差异。结论:CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF的表达与胃癌的浸润转移密切相关,胃裸区是否受侵与胃癌组织的CD44v6、MMP-9、VEGF的表达无关,胃裸区这一解剖结构可能是胃癌预后较差的原因。  相似文献   
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