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太湖流域大型底栖动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高欣  牛翠娟  胡忠军 《应用生态学报》2011,22(12):3329-3336
分别于2009年8月和2010年5月对太湖流域37个采样点的大型底栖动物进行调查采样.共采集到大型底栖动物69种,其中寡毛类15种,占21.7%;软体动物16种,占232%;甲壳动物5种,占7.2%;水生昆虫27种,占39.1%;多毛类6种,占8.7%.利用大型底栖动物的物种组成以及物种相对丰度,应用双向指示种(TWINSPAN)和无偏对应分析(DCA)将37个采样点分为4组.第1组的指示种为齿吻沙蚕和河蚬等多毛类及软体动物;第2组的指示种为太湖大螯蜚和方格短沟蜷等多毛类及软体动物;第3组的指示种为霍甫水丝蚓等环节动物;第4组的指示种为正颤蚓和摇蚊幼虫.典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明: 电导率和总氮是影响底栖动物分布的主要环境因子,铵氮、CODCr、透明度、叶绿素a、水深及硝态氮对底栖动物分布也有影响.  相似文献   
目的:通过比较胃印戒细胞癌与非印戒细胞癌的临床特征与病理资料,探讨胃印戒细胞癌的临床特征,病理特点及预后。方法:回顾性分析2005年1月至2007年1月在哈尔滨医科大学附属第三医院住院治疗的1138例胃癌患者临床资料,根据组织学类型分为胃印戒细胞癌组和非印戒细胞癌扣对两组的性别、年龄、家族史、肿瘤发生部位、浸润深度、淋巴结转移、远处转移及根治术后中位进展时间、1年生存率和3年生存率进行统计分析比较。结果:胃印戒细胞癌好发于女性(P〈0.05);年龄≤55岁的患者发病率高于非印戒细胞癌(P〈0.05),≥56岁的患者发病率低于非印戒细胞癌(P〈0.05);肿块生长部位以胃中下部为主(P〈0.05),侵犯胃上部者明显少于非印戒细胞癌(P〈0.05);胃印戒细胞癌多数在胃壁组织内呈弥漫浸润性生长,垂直浸润能力较弱,突破浆膜层者明显少于非印戒细胞癌(P〈0.05);根治术后中位进展时间胃印戒细胞癌(10个月)较非印戒细胞癌(12个月)提前2个月,进展风险增加(P〈0.05);胃印戒细胞癌在家族史、淋巴结转移、远处转移及根治术后1年和3年生存率方面与非印戒细胞癌比较无差异。结论:胃印戒细胞癌多发于中青年女性;好发年龄小于56岁;发病部位以胃中下部为主;多呈弥漫性浸润性生长,且较少突破浆膜层;中位进展时间短,进展风险高。  相似文献   
Chen H  Sun H  You F  Sun W  Zhou X  Chen L  Yang J  Wang Y  Tang H  Guan Y  Xia W  Gu J  Ishikawa H  Gutman D  Barber G  Qin Z  Jiang Z 《Cell》2011,147(2):436-446
STAT6 plays a prominent role in adaptive immunity by transducing signals from extracellular cytokines. We now show that STAT6 is required for innate immune signaling in response to virus infection. Viruses or cytoplasmic nucleic acids trigger STING (also named MITA/ERIS) to recruit STAT6 to the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to STAT6 phosphorylation on Ser(407) by TBK1 and Tyr(641), independent of JAKs. Phosphorylated STAT6 then dimerizes and translocates to the nucleus to induce specific target genes responsible for immune cell homing. Virus-induced STAT6 activation is detected in all cell-types tested, in contrast to the cell-type specific role of STAT6 in cytokine signaling, and Stat6(-/-) mice are susceptible to virus infection. Thus, STAT6 mediates immune signaling in response to both cytokines at the plasma membrane, and virus infection at the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
陆生生境中喜旱莲子草的生长模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)原产南美洲, 后被引入到北美洲、大洋洲、东南亚和中国等地, 成为一个世界性的外来入侵种。对喜旱莲子草陆生种群的有效控制一直是一个难题。本文中通过种植实验建立了陆生生境中喜旱莲子草主枝长、生物量、叶面积和斑块面积等的生长模型。结果表明: (1)喜旱莲子草的主枝长、生物量、叶面积和斑块面积等均表现为指数式生长, 其日增长率(%)分别为4.28、11.27、11.59和8.67。(2)喜旱莲子草的地上重(x)-地下根茎重(y)的异速生长指数b约为3/4(01), 即总重和叶面积相对于主枝长呈二次幂增长, 由此可进一步推出总重和叶面积与斑块面积成正比; 生物量-叶面积的异速生长指数b约为1, 为等速生长(b=1), 即单位生物量所支持的叶面积不随植株大小的变化而变化(冠层恒定性)。其叶面积比为88.24 cm2/g, 比叶面积为287.97 cm2/g。通过本研究期望对喜旱莲子草陆生局域斑块的生长进行预测, 同时为进一步建立其控制模型提供基础数据, 为制定经济有效的控制对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Hydraulic impairment due to xylem embolism and carbon starvation are the two proposed mechanisms explaining drought‐induced forest dieback and tree death. Here, we evaluate the relative role played by these two mechanisms in the long‐term by quantifying wood‐anatomical traits (tracheid size and area of parenchyma rays) and estimating the intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) from carbon isotopic discrimination. We selected silver fir and Scots pine stands in NE Spain with ongoing dieback processes and compared trees showing contrasting vigour (declining vs nondeclining trees). In both species earlywood tracheids in declining trees showed smaller lumen area with thicker cell wall, inducing a lower theoretical hydraulic conductivity. Parenchyma ray area was similar between the two vigour classes. Wet spring and summer conditions promoted the formation of larger lumen areas, particularly in the case of nondeclining trees. Declining silver firs presented a lower iWUE than conspecific nondeclining trees, but the reverse pattern was observed in Scots pine. The described patterns in wood anatomical traits and iWUE are coherent with a long‐lasting deterioration of the hydraulic system in declining trees prior to their dieback. Retrospective quantifications of lumen area permit to forecast dieback in declining trees 2–5 decades before growth decline started. Wood anatomical traits provide a robust tool to reconstruct the long‐term capacity of trees to withstand drought‐induced dieback.  相似文献   
Organic–inorganic halide perovskites are efficient absorbers for solar cells. Nevertheless, the trap states at the surfaces and grain boundaries are a detrimental factor compromising the device performance. Here, an organic dye (AQ310) is employed as passivator to reduce the trap states of the perovskites and promote better stability. The results demonstrate that the trap states of perovskite are minimized by the presence of AQ310's ?COOH group and the formation of coordination with under‐coordinated Pb2+ ions. The resulting carrier recombination time is prolonged and verified by the photoluminescence and open‐circuit voltage decay measurements. Consequently, the best average power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 19.43% is achieved for the perovskite solar cell (PSC) with AQ310 passivation, as compared with a low average PCE of 17.98% for the PSC without AQ310 passivation.  相似文献   


To assess vegetation changes in montane fens and wet meadows and their causes over 38 years.


Wetlands, Jura Mountains (Switzerland and France).


Plots were inventoried in 1974 and re‐located in 2012 (quasi‐permanent plots) on the basis of sketches to assess changes in plant communities. The 110 plots belonged to five phytosociological alliances, two in oligotrophic fens (Caricion davallianae, Caricion fuscae) and three in wet meadows (Calthion, Molinion, Filipendulion). Changes between surveys were assessed with NMDS, and changes in species richness, Simpson diversity, species cover and frequency and the causes of these changes were evaluated by comparing ecological indicator values.


Changes in species composition varied between alliances, with a general trend towards more nutrient‐rich flora with less light at ground level. Species diversity declined, with a marked decreasing trend for the typical species of each alliance. These species were partly replaced by species belonging to nitrophilous and mesophilous grasslands. However, no trend towards drier conditions was detected in these wetlands. The largest changes, with an important colonization by nitrophilous species, occurred in the Swiss sites, where grazing was banned 25 years ago. As a result of floral shifts, many plots previously belonging to fens or wet mesotrophic meadows shifted to an alliance of the wet meadows, generally Filipendulion. Moreover, communities showed a slight trend towards more thermophilous flora.


The investigated wetlands in the Jura Mountains have suffered mainly from eutrophication due to land‐use abandonment and N deposition, with a loss of typical species. Areas with constant land use (grazing or mowing) showed less marked changes in species composition. The most important action to conserve these wetlands is to maintain or reintroduce the traditional practices of extensive mowing and livestock grazing in the wetlands, especially in areas where they were abandoned 25 years ago. This previous land‐use change was intended to improve fen conservation, but it was obviously the wrong measure for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
The domestication of the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is thought to be contemporary with the development and expansion of viticulture along the Mediterranean basin. Until now, the unavailability of wild lineages prevented the identification of the closest wild relatives of wine yeasts. Here, we enlarge the collection of natural lineages and employ whole‐genome data of oak‐associated wild isolates to study a balanced number of anthropic and natural S. cerevisiae strains. We identified industrial variants and new geographically delimited populations, including a novel Mediterranean oak population. This population is the closest relative of the wine lineage as shown by a weak population structure and further supported by genomewide population analyses. A coalescent model considering partial isolation with asymmetrical migration, mostly from the wild group into the Wine group, and population growth, was found to be best supported by the data. Importantly, divergence time estimates between the two populations agree with historical evidence for winemaking. We show that three horizontally transmitted regions, previously described to contain genes relevant to wine fermentation, are present in the Wine group but not in the Mediterranean oak group. This represents a major discontinuity between the two populations and is likely to denote a domestication fingerprint in wine yeasts. Taken together, these results indicate that Mediterranean oaks harbour the wild genetic stock of domesticated wine yeasts.  相似文献   
免疫稳态的维持涉及多种细胞因子的基因表达调控,其中在转录后水平对mRNA稳定性的调控起重要作用。ARE(AU-rich element)位于mRNA 3'UTR(非编码区),富含AU碱基,某些RNA结合蛋白通过识别结合ARE影响mRNA的稳定性。本文综合最新研究,概述了TTP、HUR等RNA结合蛋白对mRNA稳定性的调节机制及其在信号通路中的作用。  相似文献   
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