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A mutagenesis study to systematically analyse residues spanning the first extracellular loop of the GLP-1 receptor identified a double mutant, Met-204/Tyr-205-Ala/Ala, which displayed: markedly reduced affinity for the natural agonist GLP-1; slightly reduced affinity for its analogue exendin-4; and unaltered affinity for several N-terminally truncated analogues of GLP-1 and exendin-4. This suggests that the locus is important for the formation of the binding site for the N-terminal residues of peptide agonists.  相似文献   
Geographical heterogeneity in the composition of biotic interactions can create a mosaic of selection regimes that may drive the differentiation of phenotypes that operate at the interface of these interactions. Nonetheless, little is known about effects of these geographical mosaics on the evolution of genes encoding traits associated with species interactions. Predatory marine snails of the family Conidae use venom, a cocktail of conotoxins, to capture prey. We characterized patterns of geographical variation at five conotoxin genes of a vermivorous species, Conus ebraeus, at Hawaii, Guam and American Samoa, and evaluated how these patterns of variation are associated with geographical heterogeneity in prey utilization. All populations show distinct patterns of prey utilization. Three ‘highly polymorphic’ conotoxin genes showed significant geographical differences in allelic frequency, and appear to be affected by different modes of selection among populations. Two genes exhibited low levels of diversity and a general lack of differentiation among populations. Levels of diversity of ‘highly polymorphic’ genes exhibit a positive relationship with dietary breadth. The different patterns of evolution exhibited by conotoxin genes suggest that these genes play different roles in prey capture, and that some genes are more greatly affected by differences in predator–prey interactions than others. Moreover, differences in dietary breadth appear to have a greater influence on the differentiation of venoms than differences in the species of prey.  相似文献   
Disconnected (disco)-interacting protein 2 homolog A is a member of the DIP2 protein family encoded by Dip2a gene. Dip2a expression pattern has never been systematically studied. Functions of Dip2a in embryonic development and adult are not known. To investigate Dip2a gene expression and function in embryo and adult, a Dip2a-LacZ mouse model was generated by insertion of β-Gal cDNA after Dip2a promoter using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Dip2a-LacZ mouse was designed to be a lacZ reporter mouse as well as a Dip2a knockout mouse. Heterozygous mice were used to study endogenous Dip2a expression and homozygotes to study DIP2A-associated structure and function. LacZ staining indicated that Dip2a is broadly expressed in neuronal, reproductive and vascular tissues, as well as in heart, kidney, liver and lung. Results demonstrate that Dip2a is expressed in ectoderm-derived tissues in developing embryos. Adult tissues showed rich staining in neurons, mesenchymal, endothelial, smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes by cell types. The expression pattern highly overlaps with FSTL1 and supports previous report that DIP2A to be potential receptor of FSTL1 and its protective roles of cardiomyocytes. Broad and intense embryonic and adult expression of Dip2a has implied their multiple structural and physiological roles.  相似文献   
Representative viruses of the RI-APC group were observed with the electron microscope in thin sections of infected HeLa cells. The viral particles varied in density, were approximately 60 mµ in diameter and had a center to center spacing when close packed of about 65 mµ. Many of the less dense particles exhibited an internal body averaging 24 mµ in diameter. It was suggested that within the nucleus the virus differentiated from dense granular and reticular material and formed crystals. Disintegration of the crystals and disruption of the nuclear membrane with release of virus into the cytoplasm appeared to occur at any stage. No evidence to suggest development of the virus in the cytoplasm was obtained. It was possible to deduce the structure of the viral crystal from the electron micrographs. The viral particles are packed in a cubic body—centered lattice. Correlative histochemical observations in the light microscope which are now in progress revealed that the crystals and non-crystalline aggregates of virus were strongly Feulgen-positive.  相似文献   
mRNA from uterine microfilariae of the cattle parasite Onchocerca gibsoni was used for the construction of cDNA libraries. A cDNA clone encoding an antigen recognized by serum from human individuals infected with O. volvulus was found to contain five copies of an 87 bp unit. These 87 bp units were present in the genome in high copy number as long tandem arrays. These are the first cDNA sequence data obtained directly from larvae of any Onchocerca species.  相似文献   
A major goal of material science is to produce hierarchical materials that are ordered on all length scales, from the molecular (1-100 A) via the nano (10-100 nm) to the meso (1-100 microm). In these materials, the larger-scale properties can be controlled by choosing molecular characteristics. Methods developed to produce three-dimensional, bulk-like hierarchical structures include biomimetic methods, which use polypeptides as building blocks, and amphiphile and colloidal templating, which use amphiphilic or colloidal mesophases as templates for inorganic mesoporous materials. Designing finite mesostructures with a given geometry still remains a challenge.  相似文献   
1. Oviposition behaviour and host size ? fitness relationships of a gregarious, idiobiont ectoparasitoid, Elachertus cacoeciae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), were studied by implanting one fourth‐, fifth‐, and sixth‐instar spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larva per tree in a stand where the density of the wild C. fumiferana population was low. 2. Development time of E. cacoeciae larvae was quickest on fifth‐instar C. fumiferana larvae, which were the preferred hosts for oviposition. 3. Brood sex ratio (proportion of females) was related positively to increasing C. fumiferana instar, indicating that more females were laid on larger hosts. 4. Parasitoid offspring size increased with increasing C. fumiferana instar and decreased with increasing brood size on smaller hosts. Female but not male size was related positively to increasing brood sex ratio (proportion of females). 5. Under laboratory conditions, parasitoid longevity was related positively to parasitoid size and realised lifetime fecundity, and clutch size was related positively to host size. 6. These results suggest that selection of intermediate‐sized C. fumiferana larvae may be adaptive for E. cacoeciae.  相似文献   
RNA can interact with RNA-binding proteins(RBPs), mRNA, or other non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs) to form complex regulatory networks. High-throughput CLIP-seq, degradome-seq, and RNA-RNA interactome sequencing methods represent powerful approaches to identify biologically relevant ncRNA-target and protein-ncRNA interactions. However, assigning ncRNAs to their regulatory target genes or interacting RNA-binding proteins(RBPs) remains technically challenging. Chemical modifications to mRNA also play important roles in regulating gene expression. Investigation of the functional roles of these modifications relies highly on the detection methods used. RNA structure is also critical at nearly every step of the RNA life cycle. In this review, we summarize recent advances and limitations in CLIP technologies and discuss the computational challenges of and bioinformatics tools used for decoding the functions and regulatory networks of ncRNAs. We also summarize methods used to detect RNA modifications and to probe RNA structure.  相似文献   
Stathmin (STMN) plays a vital role in maintaining the malignant behavior of cancer through directly regulating microtubule dynamics equilibrium. Taxol, an effective chemotherapeutics mainly acting to promote microtubule polymerization, has been commercially applied in treating solid tumors, which results in serious drug resistance. Our study demonstrated that STMN RNA interference (RNAi) enlarged taxol-induced inhibitions in cellular proliferation, colony formation, and multidimensional spaces of cell immigration and decreased half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of taxol in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) NCI-H1299 cells; STMN RNAi and taxol jointly attenuated the expressions of extracellular regulated kinase (ERK), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2), but up regulated Bax expression and initiated intrinsic cell death pathway by activating caspase-3 and caspase-9, while inhibited interleukin 10 (IL-10) autocrine from cell culture supernatant and xenografted mouse serum, as well as intracellular expressions of IL-10 protein and mRNA in vitro; additionally, neutralizing IL-10 alone would incur cell apoptosis to some degree; the further study confirmed that RNAi targeting STMN promoted the sensitivity of taxol in different NSCLC cells. In vivo animal experiments proved that STMN RNAi and taxol cooperatively inhibited the tumorigenicity of NCI-H1299 cells and histological atypia and Ki-67 proliferative index of xenografted tumors and promoted cell differentiation to a higher grade with well-differentiated indicators of glandular lumen-like structure and proliferative fibroblasts. These findings suggest that silencing STMN alleviates the resistance to taxol and collectively contributes to induce the dysfunction of multiple signals and down regulate the malignancy of tumors; thus, STMN is a promising target in treating refractory tumors.  相似文献   
For matching the new fungal nomenclature to abolish pleomorphic names for a fungus, a genus Pseudocercospora s. str. was suggested to host holomorphic Pseudocercosproa fungi. But the Pseudocercosproa fungi need extra phylogenetic loci to clarify their taxonomy and diversity for their existing and coming species. Internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) secondary structures have been promising in charactering species phylogeny in plants, animals and fungi. In present study, a conserved model of ITS2 secondary structures was confirmed on fungi in Pseudocercospora s. str. genus using RNAshape program. The model has a typical eukaryotic four-helix ITS2 secondary structure. But a single U base occurred in conserved motif of U-U mismatch in Helix 2, and a UG emerged in UGGU motif in Helix 3 to Pseudocercospora fungi. The phylogeny analyses based on the ITS2 sequence–secondary structures with compensatory base change characterizations are able to delimit more species for Pseudocercospora s. str. than phylogenic inferences of traditional multi-loci alignments do. The model was employed to explore the diversity of endophytic Pseudocercospora fungi in poplar trees. The analysis results also showed that endophytic Pseudocercospora fungi were diverse in species and evolved a specific lineage in poplar trees. This work suggested that ITS2 sequence–structures could become as additionally significant loci for species phylogenetic and taxonomic studies on Pseudocerospora fungi, and that Pseudocercospora endophytes could be important roles to Pseudocercospora fungi’s evolution and function in ecology.  相似文献   
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