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对TMV不同抗性番茄品种的叶绿体DNA限制性内切酶酶谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用对TMV有抗性和敏感的番茄品种、制备其ct-DNA, 用限制性内切酶BumHI、EcoRI和PstI完全酶解, 三种酶切图谱与前人报道一致, 由酶切片段计算番茄ct-DNA。分子量约为156.9kb。比较抗性和敏感品种的ct-DNA图谱, 发现三种酶切图谱均存在差异, 但由差异片段计算分子量之和又很除近。我们推测这是由于检基顺序变异或小段DNA顺序插入或缺失所造成, 由此证明, 叶绿体基因组与核中的TMV抗性基因, 共同决定着植物体对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   
Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) were found to exhibit efficient chaperone-like activities under stress conditions although their native structures are severely disturbed. Here, using an alternative approach (site-directed mutagenesis), we obtained two structurally and functionally distinct Mycobacterium tuberculosis Hsp16.3 single-site mutant proteins. The G59W mutant protein (with Gly59 substituted by Trp) is capable of exhibiting efficient chaperone-like activity even under non-stress conditions although its secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures are very different from that of the wild type protein. By contrast, the G59A mutant protein (with Gly59 substituted by Ala) resembles with the wild type protein in structure and function. These observations suggest that the Gly59 of the Hsp16.3 protein is critical for its folding and assembly. In particular, we propose that the exhibition of chaperone-like activity for Hsp16.3 does not require its intact (native) structures but requires the disturbance of its native structures (i.e., the native structure-disturbed Hsp16.3 retains its chaperone-like activity or even becomes more active). In addition, the behavior of such an active mutant protein (G59W) also strongly supports our previous suggestion that Hsp16.3 exhibits chaperone-like activity via oligomeric dissociation.  相似文献   
Chen X  Li Y  Wei K  Li L  Liu W  Zhu Y  Qiu Z  He F 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2003,278(49):49022-49030
Hepatopoietin (HPO) is a novel hepatotrophic growth factor that stimulates hepatocyte proliferation by two pathways. In the first, intracellular HPO specifically modulates the activator protein-1 (AP-1) pathway through JAB1 (Jun activation domain-binding protein 1), whereas in the second, extracellular HPO triggers the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway by binding its specific receptor on the cell surface. In this report we demonstrate that HPO is a flavin-linked sulfhydryl oxidase, and the invariant CXXC (Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys) motif in HPO is essential for the enzyme activity of HPO but not for its dimerization nor for its binding ability with JAB1. Two intramolecular disulfides were identified in HPO by mass spectrometry, one of which is formed by the redox CXXC cysteine residues. HPO site-directed mutants (Cys/Ser) at active sites, which lost sulfhydryl oxidase activity, could not increase c-Jun phosphorylation and failed to potentiate JAB1-mediated AP-1 activation. However, the mutants still have mitogenic stimulation and mitogen-activated protein kinase activation effects on HepG2 cells. Thus, it can be concluded that the potentiation role of HPO on AP-1 is dependent on its sulfhydryl oxidase activity.  相似文献   
Fu G  Hu CS  Wang Q  Quinn PC  Lee K 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e37688
It is well established that individuals show an other-race effect (ORE) in face recognition: they recognize own-race faces better than other-race faces. The present study tested the hypothesis that individuals would also scan own- and other-race faces differently. We asked Chinese participants to remember Chinese and Caucasian faces and we tested their memory of the faces over five testing blocks. The participants' eye movements were recorded with the use of an eye tracker. The data were analyzed with an Area of Interest approach using the key AOIs of a face (eyes, nose, and mouth). Also, we used the iMap toolbox to analyze the raw data of participants' fixation on each pixel of the entire face. Results from both types of analyses strongly supported the hypothesis. When viewing target Chinese or Caucasian faces, Chinese participants spent a significantly greater proportion of fixation time on the eyes of other-race Caucasian faces than the eyes of own-race Chinese faces. In contrast, they spent a significantly greater proportion of fixation time on the nose and mouth of Chinese faces than the nose and mouth of Caucasian faces. This pattern of differential fixation, for own- and other-race eyes and nose in particular, was consistent even as participants became increasingly familiar with the target faces of both races. The results could not be explained by the perceptual salience of the Chinese nose or Caucasian eyes because these features were not differentially salient across the races. Our results are discussed in terms of the facial morphological differences between Chinese and Caucasian faces and the enculturation of mutual gaze norms in East Asian cultures.  相似文献   
水牛精子蛋白质组双向电泳体系的建立和优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和优化一种适合水牛精子蛋白质组学研究的双向电泳技术。以水牛精子为研究对象,比较两种不同配方的裂解液,以及不同上样量对其2-DE图谱质量的影响。结果显示,以7 mol/L尿素、2 mol/L硫脲、4%CHAPS、1%DTT、0.5%Cocktail of protease inhibitors为裂解液,24 cm胶条上样量200μg时,可获得较好的精子总蛋白质2-DE图谱。运用ImageMaster 2-Dplatinum分析软件检测出约500个蛋白质点,蛋白质大部分分布在等电点5-7之间,分子量范围约40-90 kD。  相似文献   
He XY  Li J  Qian XP  Fu WX  Li Y  Wu L  Chen WF 《Cell research》2004,14(2):125-133
Mouse thymic stromal cell line 4 (MTSC4) is one of the stromal cell lines established in our laboratory. While losing the characteristics of epithelial cells, they express some surface markers shared with thymic dendritic cells (TDCs). To further study the biological functions of these cells, we compared the capability of MTSC4 with TDCs in the induction of thymocyte apoptosis, using thymic reaggregation culture system. Apoptosis of thymocytes induced by MTSC4 and TDCs was measured by Annexin V and PI staining and analyzed by flow cytometry. We found that MTSC4 selectively augmented the apoptosis of CD4^ 8^ (DP) thymocytes. This effect was Fas/FasL independent and could not be blocked by antibodies to MHC class I and class II molecules. In addition, MTSC4 enhanced the apoptosis of DP thymocytes from different strains of mice, which implies that MTSC4-induced thymocyte apoptosis is not mediated by the TCR recognition of self peptide/MHC molecules. In contrast to MTSC4, thymocyte apoptosis induced by TDCs was MHC-restricted. Thus, MHC-independent fashion of stromal-DP thymocyte interaction may be one of the ways to induce thymocyte apoptosis in thymus. Our study has also shown that the interaction of MTSC4 stromal cells and thymocytes is required for the induction of thymocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   
该研究以3种阴生地被植物麦冬、虎耳草和紫萼玉簪为研究材料,采用人工模拟熏气方法,测定不同浓度(5.71,11.43,17.14,22.86mg·m~(-3))SO_2胁迫下参试植物的外观受害症状,以及膜质过氧化、保护酶活性、渗透调节物质等生理指标,以叶片吸硫量比较3种植物的净化能力,并采用模糊数学隶属函数与主成分分析法对其抗SO_2能力进行综合评价。结果显示:(1)随着SO_2熏气浓度的升高,3种植物的叶片都有不同程度的受害症状,叶片叶绿素含量、汁液pH值和相对含水量下降,丙二醛含量、叶片相对电导率、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量上升,且其SOD和CAT活性显著增强。(2)隶属函数法和主成分分析法综合评定结果显示,3种地被植物对SO_2抗性能力表现为:麦冬紫萼玉簪虎耳草,与叶片受伤害症状和叶液pH值下降的顺序相反,说明这2个指标可作为简单可行的评价SO_2抗性的重要鉴定指标。(3)3种植物均有一定的SO_2净化能力,其强弱顺序为虎耳草麦冬紫萼玉簪。研究表明,3种阴生地被植物都能够在SO_2胁迫下提高其保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量,增强其抗硫胁迫和SO_2吸收能力,并以麦冬对SO_2抗性最强,虎耳草对SO_2的吸收能力最强;该试验中最低参试SO_2浓度远远高于城市大气中的实际SO_2浓度,在试验环境下3种阴生植物再都未呈现伤害症状,说明吸收硫能力强的虎耳草和麦冬可以在SO_2污染严重的林下区域大面积应用推广。  相似文献   
Despite the long availability of a traditional prophylactic vaccine containing the HBV surface antigen(HBsA g) and aluminum adjuvant, nearly 10% of the population remains unable to generate an effective immune response. Previous studies have indicated that hepatitis B virus(HBV) PreS 2-S is abundant in T/B cell epitopes, which induces a stronger immune response than HBsA g, particularly in terms of cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL) reaction. In the current study, the HBV PreS 2-S gene encoding an extra26 amino acids(PreS 2 C-terminus) located at the N-terminus of HBsA g was cloned into the pV CH1300 expression vector. Pre S2-S expressed in the methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha, was produced at a yield of up to 250 mg/L. Subsequent purification steps involved hydrophobic adsorption to colloidal silica, ion-exchange chromatography and density ultracentrifugation. The final product was obtained with a total yield of ~15% and purity of ~99%. In keeping with previous studies, ~22 nm viruslike particles were detected using electron microscopy. The generated PreS 2-S antigen will be further studied for efficacy and safty in animals.  相似文献   
Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21 form a family of cytokines based on their sharing the common cytokine receptor gamma chain, gamma(c), which is mutated in X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). As a step toward further elucidating the mechanism of action of these cytokines in T-cell biology, we compared the gene expression profiles of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, and IL-15 in T cells using cDNA microarrays. IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 each induced a highly similar set of genes, whereas IL-4 induced distinct genes correlating with differential STAT protein activation by this cytokine. One gene induced by IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 but not IL-4 was dual-specificity phosphatase 5 (DUSP5). In IL-2-dependent CTLL-2 cells, we show that IL-2-induced ERK-1/2 activity was inhibited by wild type DUSP5 but markedly increased by an inactive form of DUSP5, suggesting a negative feedback role for DUSP5 in IL-2 signaling. Our findings provide insights into the shared versus distinctive actions by different members of the gamma(c) family of cytokines. Moreover, we have identified a DUSP5-dependent negative regulatory pathway for MAPK activity in T cells.  相似文献   
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