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Non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (NPQ) is mainly associated with the transthylakoid proton gradient (ΔpH) and xanthophyll cycle. However, the exact mechanism of NPQ is different in different oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. In this study, several inhibitors were used to study NPQ kinetics in the sea ice alga Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L and to determine the functions of ΔpH and the xanthophyll cycle in the NPQ process. NH4Cl and nigericin, uncouplers of ΔpH, inhibited NPQ completely and zeaxanthin (Z) was not detected in 1 mM NH4Cl-treated samples. Moreover, Z and NPQ were increased in the samples containing N,N’-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide (DCCD) under low light conditions. We conclude that ΔpH plays a major role in NPQ, and activation of the xanthophyll cycle is related to ΔpH. In dithiothreitol (DTT)-treated samples, no Z was observed and NPQ decreased. NPQ was completely inhibited when NH4Cl was added suggesting that part of the NPQ process is related to the xanthophyll cycle and the remainder depends on ΔpH. Moreover, lutein and β-carotene were also essential for NPQ. These results indicate that NPQ in the sea ice alga Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L is mainly dependent on ΔpH which affects the protonation of PSII proteins and de-epoxidation of the xanthophyll cycle, and the transthylakoid proton gradient alone can induce NPQ.  相似文献   
生物类专业基础课“生物化学”课程思政教育探索与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业课教学中渗透思政教育是实现高校全过程、全方位、全员育人的重要途径,而且以专业知识为载体的思政教育比纯粹的思政课更有说服力和感染力。生物化学作为生物类专业的基础必修课,蕴含着丰富多样的思政资源。近年来,我们教学团队结合“生物化学”课程自身特征,开展了颇有成效的课程思政教学探索与实践,明确了课程育人目标,丰富了课程教学资源,创新了课程教学模式,构建了思政融合策略。思政资源的深度挖掘和巧妙应用收获了“润物细无声”的效果,实现了“生物化学”课程教学价值塑造、知识传授与能力培养的三者有机结合。  相似文献   
In the last two years, because of advances in protein separation and mass spectrometry, top-down mass spectrometry moved from analyzing single proteins to analyzing complex samples and identifying hundreds and even thousands of proteins. However, computational tools for database search of top-down spectra against protein databases are still in their infancy. We describe MS-Align+, a fast algorithm for top-down protein identification based on spectral alignment that enables searches for unexpected post-translational modifications. We also propose a method for evaluating statistical significance of top-down protein identifications and further benchmark various software tools on two top-down data sets from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Salmonella typhimurium. We demonstrate that MS-Align+ significantly increases the number of identified spectra as compared with MASCOT and OMSSA on both data sets. Although MS-Align+ and ProSightPC have similar performance on the Salmonella typhimurium data set, MS-Align+ outperforms ProSightPC on the (more complex) Saccharomyces cerevisiae data set.In the past two decades, proteomics was dominated by bottom-up mass spectrometry that analyzes digested peptides rather than intact proteins. Bottom-up approaches, although powerful, do have limitations in analyzing protein species, e.g. various proteolytic forms of the same protein or various protein isoforms resulting from alternative splicing. Top-down mass spectrometry focuses on analyzing intact proteins and large peptides (110) and has advantages in localizing multiple post-translational modifications (PTMs)1 in a coordinated fashion (e.g. combinatorial PTM code) and identifying multiple protein species (e.g. proteolytically processed protein species) (11). Until recently, most top-down studies were limited to single purified proteins (1215). Top-down studies of protein mixtures were restricted by difficulties in separating and fragmenting intact proteins and a shortage of robust computational tools.In the last two years, because of advances in protein separation and top-down instrumentation, top-down mass spectrometry moved from analyzing single proteins to analyzing complex samples containing hundreds and even thousands of proteins (1621). Because algorithms for interpreting top-down spectra are still in their infancy, many recent developments include computational innovations in protein identification.Because top-down spectra are complex, the first step in top-down spectral interpretation is usually spectral deconvolution, which converts a complex top-down spectrum to a list of monoisotopic masses (a deconvolved spectrum). Every protein (possibly with modifications) can be scored against a top-down deconvoluted spectrum, resulting in a Protein-Spectrum-Match (PrSM). The top-down protein identification problem is finding a protein in a database with the highest scoring PrSM for a top-down spectrum and further output the PrSM if it is statistically significant. There are several software tools for top-down protein identification (
SoftwareIdentification of unexpected modificationsProteogenomics search against 6-frame translationSpeedEstimation of statistical significance
Open in a separate windowa ProSightPC has various search modes that contribute to bridging the gap between blind and restrictive modes of MS/MS database search. It can identify truncated proteins by using biomarker search and identify unexpected modifications by using Δm mode and setting the error tolerance of precursor mass to a large value (e.g., 1999 Da). However, it is not designed for identifying truncated proteins with unexpected PTMs which are not represented in the “shotgun annotated” database.b In its most advances mode, ProSightPC can search the annotated top-down database that contains various protein species. However, ProSightPC searches in this mode become an order of magnitude slower.We describe MS-Align+, a fast software tool for top-down protein identification. MS-Align+ shares the spectral alignment approach with MS-TopDown, but greatly improves on speed, statistical analysis (providing E-values of PrSMs), and the number of identified PrSMs (e.g. by finding spectral alignments between spectra and truncated proteins). We benchmarked various tools for top-down protein identification on two data sets from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) and Salmonella typhimurium (ST). We demonstrate that MS-Align+ significantly increase the number of identified spectra as compared with MASCOT and OMSSA on both data sets. Although MS-Align+ and ProSightPC have similar performance on the ST data set, MS-Align+ outperforms ProSightPC on the more complex SC data set.  相似文献   
郭云  梁晨  李晓文 《生态学报》2018,38(6):1984-1993
基于系统保护规划的理论和方法,以长江流域湿地为研究区,构建了基于气候、地貌分异的湿地生态地理综合分类单元,并将其作为宏观尺度湿地生态系统保护目标,同时考虑以湿地鸟类为代表的物种保目标,依托Marxan系统保护规划工具,确定了长江流域湿地保护具有不可替代性的优先保护格局。该格局能以最小的社会经济和土地资源代价最大程度的保护湿地生物多样性,对比现有湿地保护格局,最终确定了游离于现有保护体系外的湿地保护空缺。研究结果表明:长江流域源区和长江三角洲地区的湿地保护体系完善,无需新建保护区;金沙江流域湿地保护空缺主要分布在现有保护区周围,可以适当扩充保护区外围或调整边界;嘉陵江流域和长江上游干流流域的保护空缺严重,大面积集中在重庆西北部,乌江流域的贵州省习水县北部湖泊湿地存在保护空缺,这些区域建议适当新建保护区或者保护小区;长江中下游湿地保护空缺主要分布在湖北、湖南、江西与安徽境内的沿江湖泊湿地,建议建立湿地公园及合理进行河流岸坡修复。研究结果可为长江流域湿地保护体系调整、保护规划制定提供参考依据,从宏观层面上为长江流域湿地统筹保护及合理开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Structure of PICK1 and other PDZ domains obtained with the help of self-binding C-terminal extensions          下载免费PDF全文
Elkins JM  Papagrigoriou E  Berridge G  Yang X  Phillips C  Gileadi C  Savitsky P  Doyle DA 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2007,16(4):683-694
PDZ domains are protein-protein interaction modules that generally bind to the C termini of their target proteins. The C-terminal four amino acids of a prospective binding partner of a PDZ domain are typically the determinants of binding specificity. In an effort to determine the structures of a number of PDZ domains we have included appropriate four residue extensions on the C termini of PDZ domain truncation mutants, designed for self-binding. Multiple truncations of each PDZ domain were generated. The four residue extensions, which represent known specificity sequences of the target PDZ domains and cover both class I and II motifs, form intermolecular contacts in the expected manner for the interactions of PDZ domains with protein C termini for both classes. We present the structures of eight unique PDZ domains crystallized using this approach and focus on four which provide information on selectivity (PICK1 and the third PDZ domain of DLG2), binding site flexibility (the third PDZ domain of MPDZ), and peptide-domain interactions (MPDZ 12th PDZ domain). Analysis of our results shows a clear improvement in the chances of obtaining PDZ domain crystals by using this approach compared to similar truncations of the PDZ domains without the C-terminal four residue extensions.  相似文献   
Fibroblasts share mesenchymal phenotypes with stem cells,but lack their differentiation and colony‐forming potential     
Eckhard Alt  Yasheng Yan  Sebastian Gehmert  Yao‐Hua Song  Andrew Altman  Sanga Gehmert  Daynene Vykoukal  Xiaowen Bai 《Biology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization》2011,103(8):403-403
Genomic imbalance determines positive and negative modulation of gene expression in diploid maize     
Xiaowen Shi  Hua Yang  Chen Chen  Jie Hou  Katherine M Hanson  Patrice S Albert  Tieming Ji  Jianlin Cheng  James A Birchler 《The Plant cell》2021,33(4):917
Genomic imbalance caused by changing the dosage of individual chromosomes (aneuploidy) has a more detrimental effect than varying the dosage of complete sets of chromosomes (ploidy). We examined the impact of both increased and decreased dosage of 15 distal and 1 interstitial chromosomal regions via RNA-seq of maize (Zea mays) mature leaf tissue to reveal new aspects of genomic imbalance. The results indicate that significant changes in gene expression in aneuploids occur both on the varied chromosome (cis) and the remainder of the genome (trans), with a wider spread of modulation compared with the whole-ploidy series of haploid to tetraploid. In general, cis genes in aneuploids range from a gene-dosage effect to dosage compensation, whereas for trans genes the most common effect is an inverse correlation in that expression is modulated toward the opposite direction of the varied chromosomal dosage, although positive modulations also occur. Furthermore, this analysis revealed the existence of increased and decreased effects in which the expression of many genes under genome imbalance are modulated toward the same direction regardless of increased or decreased chromosomal dosage, which is predicted from kinetic considerations of multicomponent molecular interactions. The findings provide novel insights into understanding mechanistic aspects of gene regulation.

Genomic imbalance caused by the addition or subtraction of chromosomal segments leads to modulations of gene expression inversely or directly related to chromosomal dosage but also to nonlinear responses.  相似文献   
Predominantly inverse modulation of gene expression in genomically unbalanced disomic haploid maize     
Hua Yang  Xiaowen Shi  Chen Chen  Jie Hou  Tieming Ji  Jianlin Cheng  James A Birchler 《The Plant cell》2021,33(4):901
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