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Insect allatotropin upregulates the biosynthesis of juvenile hormones by the corpus allatum. We raised two rabbit antisera against the allatotropin of Manduca sexta (Mas AT) using a synthetic, multiple-antigenic-peptide that contains a branching heptalysine core and eight Mas AT molecules. Both antisera recognized specifically the same neurons in the larval brain, frontal ganglion and terminal abdominal ganglion of M. sexta as previously reported by others. Immunoassay showed reactivity specific to the Mas AT. Very low or nearly no cross-reactivity was found for two Mas AT-like peptides, a myotropin from Locusta migratoria and a Mas AT-like peptide deduced from the DNA sequence of Aedes aegypti, respectively. Immunopositive neurons also were identified in adult Phormia regina, Dacus dorsalis, Oncopeltus fasciatus, and Mythimna loreyi, and in larval M. loreyi, Bombyx mori, and Andraca bipunctata. At 20 pmol per 25 μl incubation medium (i.e. 8x10(-7) M), synthetic Mas AT significantly stimulated in vitro juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpus allatum of adult, sugar-fed females of P. regina to 2.64-fold that of controls. Thus, this study provides the first demonstration that at the higher end of the physiological concentration range, the Mas AT has allatotropic effect in vitro to CA of non-lepidopterans. However, in vivo functions of Mas AT and/or Mas AT-like peptide in P. regina remain to be defined.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in calves cloned by using adult somatic cell   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Adult somatic cell cloned calves were produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer prepared by fusion of cultured ear fibroblast from a Holstein cow into enucleated oocytes of Luxi Yellow cow. In order to determinate the source of mitochondrial DNA of cloned calves, we designed the breed-specific PCR primers by aligning the known D-loop sequences of Bos taurus and analyzed the displacement loop sequences of five live cloned calves by breed-specific primers PCR. The results demonstrated that mtDNA originated from Holstein breed and that from Luxi breed co-exist in all five live calves.  相似文献   
The endothelial isoform of nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) undergoes a complex pattern of covalent modifications, including acylation with the fatty acids myristate and palmitate as well as phosphorylation on multiple sites. eNOS acylation is a key determinant for the reversible subcellular targeting of the enzyme to plasmalemmal caveolae. We transfected a series of hemagglutinin epitope-tagged eNOS mutant cDNAs deficient in palmitoylation (palm(-)) and/or myristoylation (myr(-)) into bovine aortic endothelial cells; after treatment with the eNOS agonists sphingosine 1-phosphate or vascular endothelial growth factor, the recombinant eNOS was immunoprecipitated using an antibody directed against the epitope tag, and patterns of eNOS phosphorylation were analyzed in immunoblots probed with phosphorylation state-specific eNOS antibodies. The wild-type eNOS underwent agonist-induced phosphorylation at serine 1179 (a putative site for phosphorylation by kinase Akt), but phosphorylation of the myr(-) eNOS at this residue was nearly abrogated; the palm(-) eNOS exhibited an intermediate phenotype. The addition of the CD8 transmembrane domain to the amino terminus of eNOS acylation-deficient mutants rescued the wild-type phenotype of robust agonist-induced serine 1179 phosphorylation. Thus, membrane targeting, but not necessarily acylation, is the critical determinant for agonist-promoted eNOS phosphorylation at serine 1179. In striking contrast to serine 1179, phosphorylation of eNOS at serine 116 was enhanced in the myr(-) eNOS mutant and was markedly attenuated in the CD8-eNOS membrane-targeted fusion protein. We conclude that eNOS targeting differentially affects eNOS phosphorylation at distinct sites in the protein and suggest that the inter-relationships of eNOS acylation and phosphorylation may modulate eNOS localization and activity and thereby influence NO signaling pathways in the vessel wall.  相似文献   
Some 2,224 children given X-ray therapy for tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp) have been followed for up to 50 years to determine cancer incidence, along with a control group of 1,380 tinea capitis patients given only topical medications. The study found a relative risk (RR) of 3.6 (95% confidence interval, 2.3-5.9) for basal cell skin cancer (BCC) of the head and neck among irradiated Caucasians (124 irradiated cases and 21 control cases), in response to a scalp dose of about 4.8 Gy. No melanomas of the head and neck have been seen, and only a few squamous cell carcinomas. About 40% of irradiated cases have had multiple BCCs, for a total of 328 BCCs. Although 25% of both the irradiated and control groups are African-American, only 3 skin cancers have been seen among them, all in the irradiated group, indicating the importance of susceptibility to UV radiation as a cofactor. Light complexion, severe sunburning and North European ancestry were predictive of BCC risk in the irradiated group, but chronic sun exposure was not. Children irradiated at young ages had the highest BCC risk. The RR for BCC risk is approximately constant with time since exposure, suggesting that risk will probably last for a lifetime.  相似文献   
Two blazeispirane derivatives including blazeispirols G and I were isolated from the cultured mycelia of the fungus Agaricus blazei Murill and were established to be (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22: 22,25-diepoxy-5-methoxy-des-A-ergosta-5,7,9-triene-11 alpha,23-diol and (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22:22,25-diepoxy-5-methoxy-des-A-ergosta-5,7,9,11-tetraene-23,28-diol by comparison of extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectral data with that of blazeispirol A. Furthermore, four blazeispirol derivatives blazeispirols, U, V, V(1) and Z(1) were isolated form the same source described above. Their structures were determined to be (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22:22,25-diepoxy-23-hydroxyergosta-4,6,8,11-tetraen-3-one, (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22:22,25-diepoxy-6 alpha,7 alpha,23-trihydroxyergosta-4,8,11-trien-3-one, (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22:22,25-diepoxy-6 beta,7 alpha,23-trihydroxyergosta-4,8,11-trien-3-one and (20S, 22S, 23R, 24S)-14 beta,22:22,25-diepoxy-23-hydroxy-4,5-seco-ergosta-6,8-diene-3,5-dione by extensive 1 D and 2D NMR spectral data.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of tachykinins in airway neurogenic responses occurring in the early phase of endotoxemia. Forty-eight anesthetized guinea pigs were evenly divided into six groups pretreated with either saline vehicle, CP-96,345 (a tachykinin NK(1) receptor antagonist), SR-48,968 (a tachykinin NK(2) receptor antagonist) or CP-96,345 and SR-48,968 in combination. Animals then received an intravenous injection of either saline (the vehicle for endotoxin) or endotoxin (30 mg/kg). Total lung resistance (R(L)) and dynamic lung compliance (C(dyn)) were continuously measured before and 30 min after administration of saline or endotoxin. Airway microvascular leakage was assessed at the end of the observation period. Endotoxin significantly increased R(L) and decreased C(dyn) 10 min after intravenous endotoxin injection. Plasma extravasation significantly increased in the trachea, main bronchi and intrapulmonary airways with endotoxin administration. These changes in lung mechanics were abolished by SR-48,968, but were unaffected by CP-96,345. The plasma extravasation was largely attenuated by CP-96,345 and/or SR-48,968. We conclude that (1) endogenous tachykinins play an important role in producing changes in lung mechanics and airway microvascular leakage during the early phase of endotoxemia and (2) activation of tachykinin NK(2) receptors is responsible for the former response, while activation of both tachykinin NK(1) and NK(2) receptors is involved in the latter response.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional structure of the human melanocortin 4 receptor (hMC4R) is constructed in this study using a computer-aided molecular modeling approach. Human melanocortin 4 receptor is a G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR). We structurally aligned transmembrane helices with bovine rhodopsin transmembrane domains, simulated both intracellular and extracellular loop domains on homologous loop regions in other proteins of known 3D structure and modeled the C terminus on the corresponding part of bovine rhodopsin. Then tandem minimization and dynamics calculations were run to refine the crude structure. The simulative model was tested by docking with a triplet peptide (RFF) ligand. It was found that the ligand is located among transmembrane regions TM3, TM4, TM5, and TM6 of hMC4R. In consistence with mutational and biochemical data, binding site is mainly formed as a hydrophobic and negatively charged pocket. The model constructed here might provide a structural framework for making rational predictions in relevant fields.  相似文献   
Allatotropic activity was found in the methanolic extract of the suboesophageal ganglia (SOG) and the corpora cardiaca (CC) of the Mythimna loreyi virgin males. No allatotropic activity was observed in the extract of brain or corpora allata (CA). Although CA can be activated by the SOG and CC extract, respectively, CC extract inhibited the response to the SOG extract. A significant in vitro allatotropic effect was exerted by the SOG and CC extract within 10 and 15 min, respectively, and this effect can be sustained for several hours even after transferring to fresh medium without extracts. The time course pattern of the CA activation ratio in both the SOG and CC extract-treated group is very similar to, but with significantly higher level than, that in the control group, suggesting the existence of an intrinsic pacemaker or an in vitro effect that controls the fluctuation of the CA biosynthetic activity. Synthetic Manduca sexta allatotropin had no significant effect on the M. loreyi CA. The results of treatment with the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin, the phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX, and the cAMP analogue dibutyryl-cAMP did not indicate that cAMP might be involved in the allatotropic control of CA. Arch.  相似文献   
Hsu TH  Lai YL  Kou YR 《Life sciences》2000,66(11):971-980
A prior airway exposure to wood smoke induces a tachykinin-dependent increase in airway responsiveness to the subsequent smoke inhalation in guinea pigs (Life Sci. 63: 1513, 1998). To further investigate the time course of, and the contribution of other chemical mediators to, this smoke-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (SIAHR), two smoke challenges (each 10 ml) separated by 30 min were delivered into the lungs of anesthetized guinea pigs by a respirator. In the control animals, the SIAHR was evidenced by the bronchoconstrictive response to the second smoke challenge (SM2) which was approximately 5.2-fold greater than that to the first challenge (SM1). This SIAHR was alleviated by shortening the elapsed time between SM1 and SM2 to 10 min or by extending it to 60 min, and was abolished by extending it to 120 min. This SIAHR was reduced by pretreatment with either MK-571 (a leukotriene D4-receptor antagonist) or dimethylthiourea (a hydroxyl radical scavenger), but was not affected by pretreatment with either pyrilamine (a histamine H1-receptor antagonist) or indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase inhibitor). The smoke-induced reduction in the neutral endopeptidase activity (a major enzyme for tachykinin degradation) measured in airway tissues excised 30 min post SM1 was largely prevented by pretreatment with dimethylthiourea. However, this reduction was not seen in airway tissues excised 120 min post SM1. These results suggest that 1) the SIAHR to inhaled wood smoke has a rapid onset time following smoke inhalation and lasts for less than two hours, 2) leukotrienes and hydroxyl radical may play contributory roles in the development of this SIAHR, and 3) hydroxyl radical is the major factor responsible for the smoke-induced inactivation of airway neutral endopeptidase, which may possibly participate in the development of this SIAHR.  相似文献   
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