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光照、盐分和埋深对无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)和条叶车前(Plantago lessingii)种子萌发的影响研究结果显示,无芒隐子草和条叶车前种子为萌发需光性种子。随着盐(NaCl)浓度的增加,2种植物种子的发芽率呈直线下降趋势(P<0.01),但以条叶车前下降较为缓慢。当盐分浓度为0.4 mol.L-1时,2种植物种子皆不能萌发。低浓度的盐分促进胚根的生长,高浓度则表现为抑制作用;盐分对胚芽的生长则一直起抑制作用。2种植物种子发芽率随埋深的增加而减小,当埋深>2 cm时不能萌发。  相似文献   
Endolysins are produced by (bacterio)phages to rapidly degrade the bacterial cell wall and release new viral particles. Despite sharing a common function, endolysins present in phages that infect a specific bacterial species can be highly diverse and vary in types, number, and organization of their catalytic and cell wall binding domains. While much is now known about the biochemistry of phage endolysins, far less is known about the implication of their diversity on phage–host adaptation and evolution. Using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, we could genetically exchange a subset of different endolysin genes into distinct lactococcal phage genomes. Regardless of the type and biochemical properties of these endolysins, fitness costs associated to their genetic exchange were marginal if both recipient and donor phages were infecting the same bacterial strain, but gradually increased when taking place between phage that infect different strains or bacterial species. From an evolutionary perspective, we observed that endolysins could be naturally exchanged by homologous recombination between phages coinfecting a same bacterial strain. Furthermore, phage endolysins could adapt to their new phage/host environment by acquiring adaptative mutations. These observations highlight the remarkable ability of phage lytic systems to recombine and adapt and, therefore, explain their large diversity and mosaicism. It also indicates that evolution should be considered to act on functional modules rather than on bacteriophages themselves. Furthermore, the extensive degree of evolvability observed for phage endolysins offers new perspectives for their engineering as antimicrobial agents.

Endolysins are produced by bacteriophages to degrade the host cell wall and release new particles, but the implications of their diversity on phage-host adaptation and evolution is unknown. This study uses CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing to reveal novel insights into bacteriophage endolysin diversity and phage-bacteria interactions as well as into endolysin adaptation towards a new bacterial host.  相似文献   
气候因子和土地利用因子是影响生物多样性分布格局的两个主要驱动因素。然而,当前关于气候因子和土地利用因子对生物多样性影响的研究主要集中在物种层面上,在群落水平上对生物多样性的影响依然知之甚少。本研究以大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物为研究对象,结合物种丰富度数据、气候数据、土地利用数据以及经纬度数据,构建基于不同变量组合的多元线性模型,并通过模型拟合优度比较和方差分解等方法,探讨气候因子、土地利用因子和空间结构在影响大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物物种丰富度中的相对作用。结果表明:(1)四川省大熊猫分布的五大山系内的大中型哺乳动物在属数和物种数方面差异较大。其中岷山山系的属数和物种数最高,分别为25属和28种,凉山山系的属数和物种数最低,分别为19属和20种,五大山系内排名前五的优势种分别为大熊猫、羚牛、野猪、中华斑羚、中华鬣羚;(2)大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物物种丰富度在空间分布上差异较大。所有10 km×10 km栅格内的物种数在1~14之间,平均值为6.199±3.475;(3)完全模型(包含所有气候变量、土地利用变量和空间结构变量的模型,CLS)的拟合优度要好于其它6类模型,且包含土地...  相似文献   
中国社会经济快速转型背景下土地利用变化所引发的环境问题被广泛关注。以土地利用现状遥感监测数据和统计资料为数据源,借助ArcGIS和SIMCA-P软件平台,基于"三生"空间视角,通过生态环境质量指数测度了1980—2018年甘肃省土地利用转型的生态环境效应,并运用偏最小二乘法揭示生态环境质量演变的驱动机制。研究发现:(1)"三生"空间结构演化和地域分异显著。生产、生活空间集中分布于河西走廊、陇中和陇东黄土高原并呈扩张态势;生态空间主要分布于陇南山地、甘南高原、祁连山地和河西走廊以北地带且整体呈缩减趋势;生产、生活空间的增长源于对生态空间的侵占。(2)生态环境质量改善和恶化趋势并存,整体上经历了先下降后上升的"U"形演化过程;空间上呈"东南高-西北低"的分布特征,空间格局演化具有明显的集聚性。(3)生态建设、科技进步等对生态环境改善具有明显的促进作用;而人口增加、社会消费水平提升在一定程度上加剧了生态环境压力;对外贸易对生态环境的影响具有双面性。  相似文献   
水土保持林土壤改良效益评价研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
沈慧  姜凤岐  杜晓军 《生态学报》2000,20(5):753-758
森林效益评价是目前林业研究的热点,也是难点问题,通过评价水土保持林土壤改良效益,对效益评价的方法和思路进行了探索。指出水土保持林土壤改良效益指标体系的总目标层为效益评价综合指数,准则层包括土壤肥力、抗蚀性能和抗冲性能3个方面,指标层由水稳性团聚体含量、有机质含量、土壤酶活性、pH值、平均重量直径、团聚度、分散率、土壤硬度和渗透系数构成。在计算效益评价综合指数时,首先要对各项指标的实测数据进行处理,  相似文献   
丰水期长江感潮河口段网采浮游植物的分布与长期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2009年6、8月对长江口门至江阴的河口段浮游植物进行了拖网采集,共检出浮游植物6门99属239种。其中:硅藻123种,甲藻19种,绿藻和蓝藻各42种,裸藻9种,黄藻4种。河口段网采浮游植物丰度以蓝藻占绝对优势,硅藻次之,两者合计在群落中的比例超过了95%。优势种也主要以蓝藻(水华鱼腥藻Anabaena flos-aquae、柔软腔球藻Coelosphaerium kuetzingiarum、微囊藻Microcystis spp.、颤藻Oscillatoria spp.和席藻Phorimidium spp.)构成,硅藻仅有2种(骨条藻Skeletonema spp.和颗粒直链藻Aulacoseira granulata)。口门内盐度均<0.5,群落基本以淡水类群为主,口门附近则以半咸水类群为主,海水类群主要位于口门外(盐度>13)。随着水温和营养盐水平的升高,8月浮游植物平均丰度(347.75×104 个/m3)明显高于6月(204.19×104 个/m3)。根据多维尺度和相似性分析,丰水期长江河口段浮游植物群落组成与分布存在显著(P<0.01)的时空差异。对比20世纪80年代以来的历史资料发现,长江口门内网采浮游植物丰度显著升高,且优势种也从硅藻(骨条藻、直链藻和圆筛藻)转变为蓝藻(颤藻、鱼腥藻和微囊藻)。  相似文献   
Taurine transporter is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liao XB  Zhou XM  Li JM  Tan ZP  Liu LM  Zhang W  Tan H  Lu Y  Yuan LQ 《Amino acids》2007,33(4):639-643
Summary. The regulation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) function by taurine has been a subject of increasing interest and investigation, and taurine is taken up into cells through a specific transporter system, the taurine transporter (TAUT). In the present study, we examined the expression of TAUT in VSMCs and the kinetic parameters of the uptake process of TAUT in VSMCs. RT-PCR and western blot demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of TAUT was expressed in VSMCs in vitro. Immunohistochemistry using antibody for TAUT revealed the expression of this protein in rat thoracic aorta. The maximal [3H]taurine uptake rate in VSMCs was 37.75 ± 3.13 pmol/min per mg of protein, with a K m value of 5.42 ± 0.81 μM. Thus, VSMCs are able to express a functional taurine transporter. The regulation and detailed function of taurine and TAUT in VSMCs remain unclear, but our findings suggest a functional role for them in VSMCs metabolism.  相似文献   
The cathepsin E-A-like, also known as ‘similar to nothepsin’, is a new member of the aspartic protease family, which may take part in processing of egg yolk macromolecules, due to it was identified in the chicken egg-yolk. Previously, studies have suggested that the expression of cathepsin E-A-like increased gradually during sexual maturation of pullets, but the exact regulation mechanism is poorly understood. In this study, to gain insight into the function and regulation mechanism of the gene in egg-laying hen, we cloned the cathepsin E-A-like gene and evaluated its evolutionary origin by using both phylogenetic and syntenic methods. The mode of the gene expression regulation was analysed through stimulating juvenile hens with \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol and chicken embryo hepatocytes with \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol combined with oestrogen receptor antagonists including MPP, ICI 182,780 and tamoxifen. Our results showed that cathepsin E-A-like was an orthologoues gene with nothepsin, which is present in birds but not in mammals. The expression of cathepsin E-A-like significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner after the juvenile hens were treated with \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol (\(P~<~0.05\)). Compared with the \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol treatment group, the expression of cathepsin E-A-like was not significantly changed when the hepatocytes were treated with \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol combined with MPP (\(P~<~0.05\)). In contrast, compared with the \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol combined with MPP treatment group, the expression of cathepsin E-A-like was significantly downregulated when the hepatocytes were treated with \(17\upbeta \)-estradiol combined with tamoxifen or ICI 182,780 (\(P~<~0.05\)). These results demonstrated that cathepsin E-A-like shared the same evolutionary origin with nothepsin. The expression of cathepsin E-A-like was regulated by oestrogen, and the regulative effect was predominantly mediated through ER-\(\upbeta \) in liver of chicken.  相似文献   
毛红椿天然林种子雨、种子库与天然更新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008-2011年,调查江西九连山国家级自然保护区毛红椿天然林的种子雨、种子库及林下幼苗数量.结果表明:在毛红椿天然林,种子雨散布时间为10月下旬至12月下旬.2010年不同样地的种子雨强度为虾公塘气象观测站(320.3±23.5粒·m-2)>虾公塘保护站(284.7±24.2粒·m-2)>大丘田保护站(251.6±24.7粒·m-2),分别以222.0、34.3和22.6粒·m-2完好种子供土壤萌发更新;毛红椿种子储量取决于结实量、鸟类取食和种子活力等因素,鸟类取食是其种子储量大幅下降的首要因素;由于种子不耐储藏以及大量腐烂,种子有效贮藏期不足1个月.12月天然林种子库平均萌发数≤2株·m-2,次年1月土壤种子库种子量最少,为6.7~11.8粒·m-2,平均仅萌发0.4~0.6株·m-2,与林下实生幼苗分布极少相吻合.毛红椿种子雨储备、种子库种子活力保存及幼苗建成等因素影响其天然更新.  相似文献   
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