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Podocyte injury induced by hyperglycemia is the main cause of kidney dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy. However, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) regulates a diversity of cellular processes in a variety of cell types. Calpain, a Ca2+-dependent cysteine protease, was recently shown to be involved in podocyte injury. In the present study, we sought to determine whether increased SOCE contributed to high glucose (HG)–induced podocyte injury through activation of the calpain pathway. In cultured human podocytes, whole-cell patch clamp indicated the presence of functional store-operated Ca2+ channels, which are composed of Orai1 proteins and mediate SOCE. Western blots showed that HG treatment increased the protein abundance of Orai1 in a dose-dependent manner. Consistently, calcium imaging experiments revealed that SOCE was significantly enhanced in podocytes following HG treatment. Furthermore, HG treatment caused overt podocyte F-actin disorganization as well as a significant decrease in nephrin protein abundance, both of which are indications of podocyte injury. These podocyte injury responses were significantly blunted by both pharmacological inhibition of Orai1 using the small molecule inhibitor BTP2 or by genetic deletion of Orai1 using CRISPR-Cas9 lentivirus. Moreover, activation of SOCE by thapsigargin, an inhibitor of Ca2+ pump on the endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, significantly increased the activity of calpain, which was inhibited by BTP2. Finally, the calpain-1/calpain-2 inhibitor calpeptin significantly blunted the nephrin protein reduction induced by HG treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that enhanced signaling via an Orai1/SOCE/Calpain axis contributes to HG-induced podocyte injury.  相似文献   
We have recently purified mammalian sterile 20 (STE20)–like kinase 3 (MST3) as a kinase for the multifunctional kinases, AMP-activated protein kinase–related kinases (ARKs). However, unresolved questions from this study, such as remaining phosphorylation activities following deletion of the Mst3 gene from human embryonic kidney cells and mice, led us to conclude that there were additional kinases for ARKs. Further purification recovered Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinases 1 and 2 (CaMKK1 and 2), and a third round of purification revealed mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5 (MAP4K5) as potential kinases of ARKs. We then demonstrated that MST3 and MAP4K5, both belonging to the STE20-like kinase family, could phosphorylate all 14 ARKs both in vivo and in vitro. Further examination of all 28 STE20 kinases detected variable phosphorylation activity on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the salt-inducible kinase 3 (SIK3). Taken together, our results have revealed novel relationships between STE20 kinases and ARKs, with potential physiological and pathological implications.  相似文献   
Climatic variation is a key driver of genetic differentiation and phenotypic traits evolution, and local adaptation to temperature is expected in widespread species. We investigated phenotypic and genomic changes in the native range of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. We first refine the phylogeographic structure based on genome-wide regions (1,901 double-digest restriction-site associated DNA single nucleotide polymophisms [ddRAD SNPs]) from 41 populations. We then explore the patterns of cold adaptation using phenotypic traits measured in common garden (wing size and cold tolerance) and genotype–temperature associations at targeted candidate regions (51,706 exon-capture SNPs) from nine populations. We confirm the existence of three evolutionary lineages including clades A (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos), B (China and Okinawa), and C (South Korea and Japan). We identified temperature-associated differentiation in 15 out of 221 candidate regions but none in ddRAD regions, supporting the role of directional selection in detected genes. These include genes involved in lipid metabolism and a circadian clock gene. Most outlier SNPs are differently fixed between clades A and C, whereas clade B has an intermediate pattern. Females are larger at higher latitude yet produce no more eggs, which might favor the storage of energetic reserves in colder climate. Nondiapausing eggs from temperate populations survive better to cold exposure than those from tropical populations, suggesting they are protected from freezing damages but this cold tolerance has a fitness cost in terms of egg viability. Altogether, our results provide strong evidence for the thermal adaptation of A. albopictus across its wide temperature range.  相似文献   
旅游环境舒适度评价及其时空分异——以杭州西湖为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游环境舒适度是影响旅游者出行决策和消费行为的重要因素,进一步影响到目的地适游期长短和旅游设施利用率。影响旅游舒适度的因素主要包括气候与环境两方面。以杭州西湖景区为研究对象,尝试将影响舒适度的空气质量、噪音等环境因素与气候因素共同纳入评价体系,选取温度、相对湿度、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、噪音5项指标和6个代表性检测点,进行为期1a定时定点检测,在排除二氧化碳与一氧化碳影响的基础上,构建了旅游环境舒适度评价模型,研究景区尺度存在的旅游环境舒适度时空分异特征。研究发现:不舒适时段主要集中在1月上旬到2月下旬,舒适和较舒适时段主要集中于2月下旬到7月中旬、8月下旬到11月下旬;山区与湖区各项环境指标要优于近城区、游客集聚区及交通繁忙区,平均舒适度山区(1.30)湖心区(1.66)城区(1.82)近城区(2.02)游人集聚区(2.47)交通繁忙区(2.48)。6个观测点在不同时段表现的舒适度差异也不同,差异最大的时段出现在4月中旬到5月中旬,差异最小时段出现在1月上旬到2月下旬。温湿度与噪音存在反向协同作用,引起环境舒适度变化。温湿度舒适时段往往旅游活动频繁,导致噪音升高降低了旅游环境舒适度。温湿度不舒适期旅游活动减少使得声环境相对舒适。  相似文献   
利用皇竹草处理城市污泥生产植物产品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用大生物量植物——皇竹草(Pennisetum hydridum),处理城市污泥高效生产有用的植物产品。通过小型田间试验,采用根兜分株移栽和直接扦插方式种植皇竹草,比较土壤、新鲜污泥、土壤+新鲜污泥等体积混合、植物处理后的污泥4种介质的适应性,测定了皇竹草的成活率和生长状况,以及污泥自身性质的变化;通过盆栽试验及田间试验进一步探讨育苗后移栽在新鲜污泥上的可行性。结果表明,新鲜污泥上直接扦插的皇竹草无一存活,即使是根兜分株移栽其成活率也仅为16.67%,生长较差。而对于土壤+污泥混合物或植物处理后的污泥,采用直接扦插方式,皇竹草的成活率也分别达58.33%、75.00%,两个月干草产量达22.20、19.80 t/hm2,为土壤上的5.11、4.55倍。皇竹草吸收K较明显,3个有污泥的处理皇竹草K含量接近40 g/kg干重,N、P2O5、K2O的总含量大于70 g/kg,可作为有机K肥原料;皇竹草重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd含量均符合国家饲料卫生标准(GB 13078—2001),作为饲料是安全的。盆栽试验及田间试验表明,采用育苗后移栽的方式,皇竹草在新鲜污泥上的成活率达66.67%以上。因此,城市污泥直接种植皇竹草可以实现资源化利用。  相似文献   
不同放牧制度下呼伦湖流域草原植被冠层截留   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冠层截留是降雨过程中的水量分配和流域水平衡的一个重要组成部分,通过水浸泡法和降雨模拟实验研究呼伦湖流域草原3种放牧制度下(休牧、轮牧、自由放牧(超载放牧))植被冠层截留量的变化规律,并利用遥感解译植被归一化指数(NDVI),确定3种放牧制度下草原面积,估算呼伦湖流域草原降雨截留量。研究表明:在休牧、轮牧、自由放牧3种制度下,水浸泡法测定的截留量分别是0.468、0.320、0.271 mm。降雨模拟实验法测得的结果分别是0.957、0.613、0.431 mm。休牧、轮牧、自由放牧草场叶面积指数、盖度、容重、生物量等指标差异显著(P0.05),且单株植被高度、鲜重对截留量影响显著呈线性正相关关系。呼伦湖流域草原一次降雨量为大于等于30 mm全流域降雨,其植被截留量为6.462×106m3。  相似文献   
基于中国气象局国家气象信息中心提供的澜沧江区域1961—2011年50年气象资料,采用EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)分解、均生函数逐步回归模型、相关分析等方法,探讨了澜沧江流域极端天气灾害的变化特征,及其区域极端灾害变化和全球海温异常ENSO(El Nio/La Nia-Southern Oscillation)之间的联系。结果表明:(1)该区域降水和暴雨频次存在多尺度特征,降水量存在2a、7a、15a的变化周期,且主周期为准2 a。(2)降水量和暴雨频度序列的IMF1和IMF2周期在2—7 a之间,与ENSO在年际变化上的信号相吻合,NINO(El Nio)指数无论春夏秋冬或年际都与暴雨和干旱灾害频次呈现负相关,而SOI(Southern Oscillation Index)指数则呈现正相关,其中,NINO指数与干旱相关性指数在秋冬和年际接近-0.3。(3)澜沧江流域暴雨和干旱灾害与ENSO有重要联系,且随着气温升高干旱灾害频次明显增加。研究结果显示区域极端气温灾害的变化与全球气候变暖有某种关联,是全球气候变化的区域响应表现形式之一。  相似文献   
对九龙江森林公园次生常绿阔叶林粗木质残体(CWD)进行量化研究,了解亚热带典型次生林CWD的本底数据。以九龙江森林公园典型天然次生林中的6个20m×20m的标准样地为对象,调查并分析样地内不同分解等级CWD的生物量、碳储量和养分特征变化。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在2.8—30.4t/hm~2之间,碳储量在6.10—6.75t/hm~2之间,大量营养元素(N、P、K、 Ca、 Mg)含量相对稳定,化学计量变化不显著,微量营养元素中Pb与Cd元素含量随着分解等级的增加而增加。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在亚热带常绿阔叶林中处于中等水平,CWD主要以分解中后期的倒木为主,反映出该次生林处于中幼龄林阶段,具有较高的碳储量,养分含量相对稳定,并表现出Pb与Cd在CWD中积累的现象,在中度分解和重度分解的CWD中Pb含量分别增加了62.65%和69.88%,Cd含量则分别增加了33.33%和100%,其内在机理有待进一步深入研究。研究结果有助于进一步了解CWD如何参与森林生态系统养分循环、重金属积累等生态过程,比较不同林分干扰历史下CWD储量、分布及养分特征的异质性...  相似文献   
Dear Editor, Clostridium novyi(C.novyi)is a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium and opportunistic pathogen causing severe infectious diseases in humans and animal...  相似文献   
尹凡铭  朱晨思  李涛  王慧 《微生物学报》2024,64(7):2172-2193
肉毒毒素(botulinum neurotoxin, BoNT)是人类已知毒性最强的蛋白质之一,可以引起肌肉松弛麻痹,严重时可导致死亡。肉毒毒素共分为7种血清型(BoNT/A-BoNT/G),根据氨基酸序列差异可进一步分为40多种亚型。肉毒毒素分子结构由3个基本结构域组成:重链羧基端细胞受体结合域、氨基端的易位域和轻链催化域。在运动神经元表面,受体结合域首先与聚唾液酸神经节苷脂结合,随后与突触囊泡蛋白2或突触囊泡结合蛋白结合形成双受体复合物。每种血清型的受体结合域都必须与其相应受体结合才能发挥作用。肉毒毒素的结构功能及其对宿主的作用一直都是研究热点。近年来,因受体结合域可以促进肉毒毒素与运动神经元膜特异性结合,而成为新的研究方向。本综述将概述不同血清型肉毒毒素与受体结合过程中受体结合域结构变化和结合位点差异。通过分析不同血清型及亚型的序列以及受体结合域结构特征,可以更好地了解细胞受体结合域的序列差异和功能,并为肉毒毒素的治疗策略提供新思路。  相似文献   
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