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The genetic diversity of 289 spotted scat (Scatophagus argus) from seven populations along the northern coast of the South China Sea was studied by analyzing the full-length sequences of the mitochondrial control region (D-LOOP). The S. argus D-LOOP sequence was 1,004–1,010 bp long and contained 156 variant sites. The seven studied S. argus populations had a high degree of genetic diversity (haplotype diversity [Hd] = 0.99135; nucleotide diversity (π) = 0.01313). There was no obvious genetic differentiation among the seven geographical populations and gene exchange was frequent (Fst = −0.01867–0.01117, p > .05). Four distinct mitochondrial lineages were identified in the phylogenetic tree and the haplotype network. The between-lineage Fst was 0.71690–0.84940 (p < .001), but these lineages showed no obvious phylogeographic pattern. Based on D-LOOP mutation rates, we estimated that the four lineages diverged approximately 513,800–93,600 years ago, during the Eocene ice age, at which time falling sea levels may have led to population segregation. We estimated that S. argus population expansion occurred approximately 2.29–0.68 million years ago, during the late Pleistocene. During this period, sea levels rose again, allowing previously separated lineages to come into sympatry, which eventually gave rise to a highly genetically diverse population without pyhlogeographic structure. Here, we characterized the genetic structure and differentiation of seven S. argus populations from the northern coast of the South China Sea. Our results suggested that the seven S. argus populations from the northern coast of the South China Sea have a relatively low level of genetic variation and can be considered a single unit for the purposes of fishery development, utilization, and management.  相似文献   
Thermostable amylopullulanases can catalyse the hydrolysis of both α-1,4 and α-1,6 glucosidic bonds and are of considerable interest in the starch saccharification industry. In this study, the gene Apu-Tk encoding an extracellular amylopullulanase was cloned from an extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1. Apu-Tk encodes an 1100-amino acid protein with a 27-residue signal peptide, which has a predicted mass of 125 kDa after signal peptide cleavage. Sequence alignments showed that Apu-Tk contains the five regions conserved in all GH57 family proteins. Full-length Apu-Tk was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The purified enzyme displayed both pullulanase and amylase activity. The optimal temperature for Apu-Tk to hydrolyse pullulan and soluble starch was >100 °C. Apu-Tk was also active at a broad range of pH (4–7), with an optimum pH of ~5.0–5.5. Apu-Tk also retained >30% of its original activity and partially folded globular structure in the presence of 8% SDS or 10% β-mercaptoethanol. The high yield, broad pH range, and stability of Apu-Tk implicate it as a potential enzyme for industrial applications.  相似文献   
王卓  申笑涵  施奇惠 《遗传》2021,(2):108-117
随着单细胞基因组测序技术的建立与发展,对细胞基因组特征的分析进入了单细胞水平。单细胞的基因组分辨率不但使研究人员能够在单细胞尺度上分析肿瘤细胞的异质性,也使得传统上难以检测的稀有细胞的基因组研究成为可能。这些稀有细胞往往具有重要的生物学意义或临床价值,如癌症患者血液中循环肿瘤细胞(circulatingtumorcell,CTC)的基因组检测或三代试管婴儿植入前胚胎细胞的遗传缺陷诊断与筛查(preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening, PGD/PGS)。本文总结了近年来发展的各种单细胞基因组扩增技术及其优缺点,并介绍了单细胞基因组测序技术在肿瘤生物学和临床检测中的应用,以期为单细胞基因组测序技术在临床检测中应用开发提供参考。  相似文献   
转运蛋白是一类膜蛋白,可介导生物膜内外化学物质的跨膜转运及信号交换。有机酸转运蛋白在微生物有机酸代谢的跨膜转运过程中发挥重要作用,根据转运蛋白有机酸转运的方向不同可以分为摄取转运蛋白和外排转运蛋白。在微生物代谢中,有些有机酸可以作为能源直接参与体内代谢,有些是能量转换过程中的重要中间产物;摄取转运蛋白的过表达,可以促进微生物细胞获取能源物质,高效的生产目标产物;有机酸摄取转运蛋白敲除或外排转运蛋白表达,有利于底盘细胞外排更多目标产物,进而促进有机酸的生物合成。研究有机酸转运蛋白的结构和功能,有助于解析微生物细胞有机酸生物合成及利用的机制,对于提高工业微生物对有机酸的利用及生物合成具有重要作用。本文综述了微生物有机酸转运蛋白分类和结构、转运方式和转运功能等方面,重点综述了转运蛋白在有机酸生产中的应用,为工业微生物有机酸的高效生物合成及未来发展提供参考。  相似文献   
The diffuse attenuation coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400–700 nm) (K d(PAR)) is one of the most important optical properties of water. Our purpose was to create K d(PAR) prediction models from the Secchi disk depth (SDD) and beam attenuation coefficient of particulate and dissolved organic matter (C t−w(PAR), excluding pure water) in the PAR range. We compare their performance and prediction precision by using the determination coefficient (r 2), relative root mean square error (RRMSE), and mean relative error (MRE). Our dataset comprised 1,067 measurements, including K d(PAR), SDD, and C t−w(PAR) taken in shallow, eutrophic, Lake Taihu, China, from 2005 to 2010. The prediction models of K d(PAR) were based on the linear model with an intercept of zero, using the inverse SDD, and the nonlinear model using SDD. The linear model generated a slope of 1.369, which was not significantly different from 1.7, the index used worldwide, but significantly lower than the value of 2.26. The nonlinear model gave a slightly more reliable prediction of K d(PAR) with a r 2 of 0.804. Compared to the SDD, C t−w(PAR) was more significantly correlated to K d(PAR) based on the linear model, with a significantly higher r 2 and lower RMSE and RE. Considering the measurement simplicity of C t−w(PAR) and data acquisition feasibility from high-frequency autonomous buoys and satellites, our results demonstrated that this prediction model reliably estimates K d(PAR), and could be used to significantly expand optical observations in an environment where the conditions for underwater PAR measurement are limited.  相似文献   
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) has evolved various immune evasion mechanisms that target host antiviral immune responses. However, it is unclear whether and how PRV encoded proteins modulate the cGAS-STING axis for immune evasion. Here, we show that PRV tegument protein UL13 inhibits STING-mediated antiviral signaling via regulation of STING stability. Mechanistically, UL13 interacts with the CDN domain of STING and recruits the E3 ligase RING-finger protein 5 (RNF5) to promote K27-/K29-linked ubiquitination and degradation of STING. Consequently, deficiency of RNF5 enhances host antiviral immune responses triggered by PRV infection. In addition, mutant PRV lacking UL13 impaired in antagonism of STING-mediated production of type I IFNs and shows attenuated pathogenicity in mice. Our findings suggest that PRV UL13 functions as an antagonist of IFN signaling via a novel mechanism by targeting STING to persistently evade host antiviral responses.  相似文献   
Hierarchical organization of intestine relies on the self-renewal and tightly regulated differentiation of intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Although signals like Wnt are known to sustain the continued intestinal renewal by maintaining ISCs activity and lineage commitment, molecular mechanisms underlying ISCs ‘stemness’ and supportive niche have not been well understood. Here, we found that CUL4B-RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL4B) regulates intestinal homeostasis by targeting immunity-related GTPase family M member 1 (IRGM1) for proteasomal degradation. CUL4B was mainly expressed at ISCs zone. Deletion of Cul4b led to reduced self-renewal of ISCs and a decreased lineage differentiation towards secretory progenitors through downregulated Wnt signals. Besides, Cul4b-null mice exhibited impaired Paneth cells number and structure. Mechanistically, CRL4B complex were associated with WD40 proteins and targeted IRGM1 at K270 for ubiquitination and proteosomal degradation. Impaired intestinal function caused by CUL4B deletion was rescued by down-regulation of its substrate IRGM1. Our results identified CUL4B as a novel regulator of ISCs and revealed a new 26 S proteasome degradation mechanism in intestine self-renewal and lineage commitment. Subject terms: Development, Ubiquitin ligases  相似文献   
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