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Four marine bacterial strains P1, P5, N5 and N21 were isolated from the surface water and sediment of Mirs Bay in southern Chinese coast using the liquid infection method with 48-well plates. These bacteria were all shown to have algicidal activities against Skeletonema costatum. Based on morphological observations, biochemical tests and homology comparisons by 16S rDNA sequences, the isolated strains P1, P5, N5 and N21 were identified as Halobacillus sp., Muricauda sp., Kangiella sp. and Roseivirga sp., respectively. Our results showed that bacterial strain P1 killed S. costatum by release of heat labile algicide, while strains P5, N5 and N21 killed them directly. The algicidal processes of four bacterial strains were different. Strains P1, N5 and N21 disrupted the chain structure and S. costatum appeared as single cells, in which the cellular components were aggregated and the individual cells were inflated and finally lysed, while strain P5 decomposed the algal chains directly. We also showed that the algicidal activities of the bacterial strains were concentration-dependent. More specifically, 10?% (v/v) of bacteria in algae showed the strongest algicidal activities, as all S. costatum cells were killed by strains N5 and N21 within 72?h and by strains P1 and P5 within 96?h. 5?% of bacteria in algae also showed significant algicidal activities, as all S. costatum were killed by strains N5, P5 and N21 within 72, 96 and 120?h, respectively, whereas at this concentration, only 73.4?% of S. costatum cells exposed to strain P1 were killed within 120?h. At the concentration of 1?% bacteria in algae, the number of S. costatum cells continued to increase and the growth rate of algae upon exposure to strain N5 was significantly inhibited.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the morphology, ontogenesis and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene-based phylogeny of a new urostylid ciliate, Bakuella subtropica sp. n., discovered from the estuary of the Pearl River in Guangzhou, southern China. The new species is diagnosed by its elongate body, one buccal and one parabuccal cirrus, midventral complex comprised of 9–23 midventral pairs and one or two midventral rows extending to four fifths of body length, yellow-brown to yellow-greenish cortical granules and an estuary habitat. Its main ontogenetic features are: (1) in the proter, the parental adoral zone of membranelles is completely renewed by new structures and old midventral pairs join the formation of frontal-midventral-transverse cirral anlagen (FVT-anlagen); (2) in the opisthe, the oral primordium originates apokinetally, FVT-anlagen are formed besides and some old midventral cirri join the formation; (3) the anlagen for marginal rows and dorsal kineties develop intrakinetally; and (4) the numerous macronuclear nodules fuse into a single mass before dividing. Based on the SSU rDNA sequences, phylogenetic analyses show a close relationship between Bakuella subtropica sp. n., Apobakuella and Neobakuella, forming a clade separated from the other genera in the family Bakuellidae. Available morphological and ontogenetic data challenge the monophyly of Bakuellidae.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal nuclease (here termed as Nuc1) is considered an important virulence factor and a unique marker widely used in the detection of Staphylococcus aureus. A second functional thermostable nuclease (here termed as Nuc2) in S. aureus was characterized after recombinant expression in Escherichia coli. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed that Nuc2 was a more conserved protein in the staphylococci group compared with Nuc1. Recombinant Nuc2 showed nuclease activity in the zymogram test and was able to degrade various types of nucleic acids. The optimal reaction temperature and pH for Nuc2 were 50 °C and pH 10, respectively. The enzymatic activity of Nuc2 was stimulated in the presence of Ca2+ (0.05 mM), Mg2+ (0.5 mM), dithiothreitol, β-mecaptoethanol, TritonX-100, Tween-20, and urea; however, activity decreased sharply when exposed to heavy metals such as Zn2+ and Mn2+, and in the presence of EDTA or SDS. Nuc2 showed weaker activity, lower thermostability and different sensitivity to these chemical agents compared with Nuc1, which was consistent with differences in the sequence pattern and structure predicted. Furthermore, a nuc1 and nuc2 double deletion mutant of S. aureus and respective complementation experiments suggest a major role for nuc1 in terms of thermonuclease activity in S. aureus.  相似文献   
The monoclonal antibody S9.6 binds DNA–RNA hybrids with high affinity, making it useful in research and diagnostic applications, such as in microarrays and in the detection of R‐loops. A single‐chain variable fragment (scFv) of S9.6 was produced, and its affinities for various synthetic nucleic acid hybrids were measured by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). S9.6 exhibits dissociation constants of approximately 0.6 nM for DNA–RNA and, surprisingly, 2.7 nM for RNA–RNA hybrids that are AU‐rich. The affinity of the S9.6 scFv did not appear to be strongly influenced by various buffer conditions or by ionic strength below 500 mM NaCl. The smallest epitope that was strongly bound by the S9.6 scFv contained six base pairs of DNA–RNA hybrid. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
Iron (Fe) can promote hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical generation in the colonic surface and promote growth of Fe-dependent bacteria. Some Lactobacillus strains are resistant to oxygen free-radicals, allowing them to survive in a Fe-modulated mucosal environment and influence colon microbial ecology and redox state. Here, we investigated the capacity of lactobacilli with different antioxidant abilities to modify the bacterial profile and prevent oxidative stress in the colon of Fe-overloaded mice. Survival time of Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG (LGG) in the presence of H2O2 and hydroxyl radical was significantly longer compared with the mid- and non-antioxidative strains, Lactobacillus paracasei Fn032 and Lactobacillus plantarum Fn001, respectively. Different Lactobacillus strains are specific in free-radical scavenging activities of their cell-free extracts, which increased to varying extent depending on strains when bacteria were exposed to simulated gastric and pancreatic juice. Fe-overloaded mice showed increased colonic luminal ferrous Fe content, Enterococcus and Escherichia coli concentrations, mucosal malondialdehyde and free-radicals, and decreased mucosal total antioxidative capacity and oxidative enzymatic activity. Translocation of endotoxin to the liver was also significantly increased (P < 0.05). Lactobacilli inhibited ferrous Fe accumulation, especially in LGG and Fn032. LGG significantly inhibited the increase of colonic mucosal free-radicals and malondialdehyde content (P < 0.05). Fn032 only inhibited malondialdehyde (P < 0.05). LGG and Fn032 significantly inhibited increases in colonic Enterococcus (P < 0.05). Fn001 showed no significant antioxidative ability in vivo. The difference of these effects in vivo were well agreed with scavenging activities against reactive oxygen species (ROS) of simulated gastrointestinals fluid pretreated cells in vitro. In conclusion, ROS scavenging activities was essential for Lactobacillus to prevent oxidative stress in vivo and inhibition of ROS-producing bacterial growth and mucosal barrier injury.  相似文献   
Livestock wastewater that is discharged into rivers and ponds results in eutrophication, which would then cause an increase in microorganisms, microalgae, and macrophytes. The derivatives of which critically damage aquatic life and agricultural irrigation. This study designed a swine farm wastewater bioremediation system, by using tubular chained cyanobacteria-immobilized agar–alginate blocks and cyanobacteria biological absorption to reduce wastewater pollution. Swine farm wastewater was filtered through a long tube stuffed with cyanobacteria (Dermocarpella sp.)-immobilized agar–alginate blocks. The removal efficiencies of biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, phosphorous, ammonia, and suspension solids were evaluated.  相似文献   
Glucose uptake from the bloodstream is the rate-limiting step in whole body glucose utilization, and is regulated by a family of membrane proteins called glucose transporters (GLUTs). Although GLUT4 is the predominant isoform in insulin-sensitive tissues, there is recent evidence that GLUT12 could be a novel second insulin-sensitive GLUT. However, its physiological role in the heart is not elucidated and the regulation of insulin-stimulated myocardial GLUT12 translocation is unknown. In addition, the role of GLUT12 has not been investigated in the diabetic myocardium. Thus, we hypothesized that, as for GLUT4, insulin regulates GLUT12 translocation to the myocardial cell surface, which is impaired during diabetes. Active cell surface GLUT (-4 and -12) content was quantified (before and after insulin stimulation) by a biotinylated photolabeled assay in both intact perfused myocardium and isolated cardiac myocytes of healthy and type 1 diabetic rodents. GLUT localization was confirmed by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy, and total GLUT protein expression was measured by Western blotting. Insulin stimulation increased translocation of GLUT-4, but not -12, in the healthy myocardium. Total GLUT4 content of the heart was decreased during diabetes, while there was no difference in total GLUT12. Active cell surface GLUT12 content was increased in the diabetic myocardium, potentially as a compensatory mechanism for the observed downregulation of GLUT4. Collectively, our data suggest that, in contrast to GLUT4, insulin does not mediate GLUT12 translocation, which may function as a basal GLUT located primarily at the cell surface in the myocardium.  相似文献   
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