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Cholesterol represents one of the key constituents of small, dynamic, sterol- and sphingolipid-enriched domains on the plasma membrane. It has been reported that many viruses depend on plasma membrane cholesterol for efficient infection. In this study, the role of the plasma membrane cholesterol in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection of MARC-145 cells was investigated. Pretreatment of MARC-145 cells with methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD), a drug used to deplete cholesterol from cellular membrane, significantly reduced PRRSV infection in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibition was partially reversed by supplementing exogenous cholesterol following MβCD treatment, suggesting that the inhibition of PRRSV infection was specifically mediated by removal of cellular cholesterol. Further detailed studies showed that depletion of cellular membrane cholesterol significantly inhibited virus entry, especially virus attachment and release. These results indicate that the presence of cholesterol in the cellular membrane is a key component of PRRSV infection.  相似文献   
A series of 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives containing 1,4-benzodioxan moiety (7a7q) have been designed, synthesized and evaluated for their antitumor activity. Most of the synthesized compounds were proved to have potent antitumor activity and low toxicity. Among them, compound 7a showed the most potent biological activity against Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial cells, which was comparable to the positive control. The results of apoptosis and flow cytometry (FCM) demonstrated that compound 7a induce cell apoptosis by the inhibition of MetAP2 pathway. Molecular docking was performed to position compound 7a into MetAP2 binding site in order to explore the potential target.  相似文献   
婴儿血管瘤是一种血管瘤,表现出独特的快速生长的特征,然后随着时间而消退.血管瘤来自CD133+干细胞,当植入免疫缺陷小鼠时,它们分化成内皮细胞.同样克隆扩增的干细胞也产生脂肪细胞,从而重现血管瘤的消退期.本研究主要阐明了使用血管瘤来源的干细胞(hemSC)增殖和分化的内在机制.本研究发现血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)在...  相似文献   
During studies of APOBEC3 (A3) anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (anti-HIV-1) mechanisms, we identified a single cysteine at position 320 (C320) that disrupts A3DE activity. This residue is located in the recently identified DNA binding domain in A3G. Replacing C320 with a corresponding tyrosine from A3F (Y307) increased A3DE antiviral activity more than 20-fold. Conversely, replacing A3F Y307 with a cysteine or inserting a similar cysteine into A3B or A3G disrupted the anti-HIV activity of A3. Further investigation uncovered that C320 significantly reduces A3DE catalytic activity.  相似文献   
Microsporidia, an unusual group of unicellular parasites related to fungi, possess a highly reduced mitochondrion known as the mitosome. Since mitosomes lack an organellar genome, their proteins must be translated in the cytosol before being imported into the mitosome via translocases. We have identified a Tom40 gene (NbTom40), the main component of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane, in the genome of the microsporidian Nosema bombycis. NbTom40 is reduced in size, but it is predicted to form a β-barrel structure composed of 19 β-strands. Phylogenetic analysis confirms that NbTom40 forms a clade with Tom40 sequences from other species, distinct from a related clade of voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs). The NbTom40 contains a β-signal motif that the polar residue is substituted by glycine. Furthermore, we show that expression of NbTom40, as a GFP fusion protein within yeast cells, directs GFP to mitochondria of yeast. These findings suggest that NbTom40 may serve as an import channel of the microsporidian mitosome and facilitate protein translocation into this organelle.  相似文献   
High concentrations of arsenic, which can be occasionally found in drinking water, have been recognized as a global health problem. Exposure to arsenic can disrupt spatial memory; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we tested whether exercise could interfere with the effect of arsenic exposure on the long-term memory (LTM) of object recognition in mice. Arsenic (0, 1, 3, and 10 mg/ kg, i.g.) was administered daily for 12 weeks. We found that arsenic at dosages of 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg decreased body weight and increased the arsenic content in the brain. The object recognition LTM (tested 24 h after training) was disrupted by 3 mg/ kg and 10 mg/ kg, but not 1 mg/ kg arsenic exposure. Swimming exercise also prevented LTM impairment induced by 3 mg/ kg, but not with 10 mg/ kg, of arsenic exposure. The expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and phosphorylated cAMP-response element binding protein (pCREB) in the CA1 and dentate gyrus areas (DG) of the dorsal hippocampus were decreased by 3 mg/ kg and 10 mg/ kg, but not by 1 mg/ kg, of arsenic exposure. The decrease in BDNF and pCREB in the CA1 and DG induced by 3 mg/ kg, but not 10 mg/ kg, of arsenic exposure were prevented by swimming exercise. Arsenic exposure did not affect the total CREB expression in the CA1 or DG. Taken together, these results indicated that swimming exercise prevented the impairment of object recognition LTM induced by arsenic exposure, which may be mediated by BDNF and CREB in the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   
A new rhodamine–ethylenediamine–nitrothiourea conjugate (RT) was synthesized and its sensing property as a fluorescent chemodosimeter toward metal ions was explored in water media. Analytical results from absorption and fluorescence spectra revealed that the addition of Hg2+ ions to the aqueous solution of the chemodosimeter RT caused a distinct fluorescence OFF–ON response with a remarkable visual color change from colorless to pink; however, no clear spectral and color changes were observed from other metal ions including: Zn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Ag+, Fe2+, Cr3+, Co3+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+. The sensing results and the molecular structure suggested that a Hg2+‐induced a desulfurization reaction and cyclic guanylation of the thiourea moiety followed by ring‐opening of the rhodamine spirolactam in RT are responsible for a distinct fluorescence turn‐on signal, indicating that RT is a remarkably sensitive and selective chemodosimeter for Hg2+ ions in aqueous solution. Hg2+ within a concentration range from 0.1 to 25 μM can be determined using RT as a chemodosimeter and a detection limit of 0.04 μM is achieved. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although aging and senescence have been extensively studied in the past few decades, however, there is lack of clinical treatment available for anti‐aging. This study presents the effects of berberine (BBR) on the aging process resulting in a promising extension of lifespan in model organisms. BBR extended the replicative lifespan, improved the morphology, and boosted rejuvenation markers of replicative senescence in human fetal lung diploid fibroblasts (2BS and WI38). BBR also rescued senescent cells with late population doubling (PD). Furthermore, the senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase (SA‐β‐gal)‐positive cell rates of late PD cells grown in the BBR‐containing medium were ~72% lower than those of control cells, and its morphology resembled that of young cells. Mechanistically, BBR improved cell growth and proliferation by promoting entry of cell cycles from the G0 or G1 phase to S/G2‐M phase. Most importantly, BBR extended the lifespan of chemotherapy‐treated mice and naturally aged mice by ~52% and ~16.49%, respectively. The residual lifespan of the naturally aged mice was extended by 80%, from 85.5 days to 154 days. The oral administration of BBR in mice resulted in significantly improved health span, fur density, and behavioral activity. Therefore, BBR may be an ideal candidate for the development of an anti‐aging medicine.  相似文献   
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