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老芒麦遗传多样性及育种研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)的研究对我国北方草原及青藏高原高寒草甸的退化草地改良、发展草地畜牧业具有重要意义。本文综述了老芒麦在形态学、细胞学、蛋白质和DNA分子水平上的遗传多样性研究概况,并总结了国内老芒麦的育种研究进展。目前国内外专门针对不同老芒麦种质材料(accession)或居群(populations)遗传多样性的研究鲜见报道,相关研究主要集中在与披碱草属(Elymus)及其近缘小麦族物种的系统进化研究方面;其次,我国仅有6个老芒麦国家审定品种,且育种手段较单一、落后,育成品种优势集中在产量和适应性上,缺乏对抗逆性种质的筛选培育。  相似文献   
以非转基因银河杨(Populus alba×Populus hopeiensis)为对照,对抗虫转基因银河杨抗虫基因Cry3A的稳定性,转基因银河杨的物候期、生长状况和抗虫性进行研究。结果发现,Cry3A基因整合稳定,在根、茎、叶中RNA和蛋白水平均有表达,不同组织中Bt蛋白水平差异显著,茎中Bt蛋白水平最高。抗虫转基因银河杨的物候期、生长状况未发生显著变化,但表现出显著的抗虫性。  相似文献   
目的 寻找对结核性胸水高敏感、高特异性而又简单的检查方法。方法 采用比色法和ELISA法对50例结核性胸水腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)和结核抗体水平进行了检测,并以45例恶性胸水和30例右心功能不全引起的胸水作对照。结果 结核性胸水ADA和结核抗体水平显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。以ADA>45U/L作为阳性标准,其对结核性胸水的敏感性为100%,特异性为98.6%,准确性为99.2%;结核抗体对结核性胸水的敏感性为90%,特异性为93.3%,准确性为92%。 结论 ADA 和结核抗体对诊断结核性胸水均有重要价值。在使用抗结核药特别是在并用激素治疗后,胸水ADA及结核抗体水平会随之下降,故应在停药1周后检测并动态观察二者的变化  相似文献   
XPC is an important DNA damage recognition protein involved in DNA nucleotide excision repair. We have studied the role of the XPC protein in cisplatin treatment-mediated cell cycle regulation. Through the comparison of microarray data obtained from human normal fibroblasts and two individual XPC-defective cell lines, 486 genes were identified as XPC-responsive genes in the cisplatin treatment (with a minimal 1.5-fold change) and 297 of these genes were further mapped to biological pathways and gene ontologies. The cell cycle and cell proliferation-related genes were the most affected genes by the XPC defect in the cisplatin treatment. Many other cellular function genes were also affected by the XPC defect in the treatment. Western blot hybridization results revealed that the XPC defect reduced the p53 responses to the cisplatin treatment. The ability to activate caspase-3 was also attenuated in the XPC cells with the treatment. These results suggest that the XPC protein plays a critical role in initiating the cisplatin DNA damaging treatment-mediated signal transduction process, resulting in activation of the p53 pathway and cell cycle arrest that allow DNA repair and apoptosis to take place. These results reveal an important role of the XPC protein in the cancer prevention.  相似文献   
采用层次分析法(AHP),以生长适应性、生态防护能力、景观价值和经济价值为Ⅰ级指标,以耐水湿性、抗污染性、生长速率、树冠特征、枝条特征和根系特征以及叶、花、果、树干和树形的观赏价值及材用、药用、食用和工业价值为Ⅱ级指标,确定各评价指标的权重值和赋值,建立了江苏沿江生态防护林树种综合评价体系.将江苏沿江生态防护林划分为水源涵养和水土保持林、景观防护林、污染隔离林和农林复合防护林4种类型,以耐水湿性、抗污染性、抗风性、水土保持能力、景观价值、经济价值和生长速率为评价指标,并设置各指标的权重值,建立了江苏沿江生态防护林树种分类评价体系.利用综合评价体系对223个树种进行评价,分别筛选出适用于江苏沿江生态防护林建设的综合得分前20位的落叶乔木、常绿乔木和灌木种类,其中,落叶乔木包括中山杉(Taxodium distichum 'Zhongshansha' )、池杉(T. ascendens Brongn. )、落羽杉[T. distichum (L. ) Rich. ]、墨西哥落羽杉(T. mucronatum Tenore)和水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng)等,常绿乔木包括樟树[Cinnamomum camphora (L. ) Presl]、北美红杉[Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ) Lindl. ]、浙江樟(C. chekiangensis Nakai)和青冈[Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb. ) Oerst. ]等,灌木种类包括杞柳(Salix suchowensis Cheng)、木芙蓉(Hibiscus mutabilis L. )、夹竹桃(Nerium oleander L. )和栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)等.分类评价结果显示,在223个树种中有许多树种都可在4种类型的防护林中通用,这些通用树种包括中山杉、水杉、落羽杉、池杉、墨西哥落羽杉、樟树、杞柳、木芙蓉和栀子等;另外,从生活型角度,针对不同的防护林类型筛选出了一些适宜的树种.研究结果显示,该评价体系在江苏沿江生态防护林建设中具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   
不同型别的基因工程干扰素抗病毒活性的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对大肠杆菌生产的不同型别的基因工程干扰素rIFN-α1(α1)、rIFN-αA(αA)、rIFN-β17ser(β17ser)和rIFN-γ(γ),以及自然人白细胞干扰素nIFN-αco,在不同细胞上对不同病毒的抗病毒活性做了比较研究。证明:①α1抗病毒作用的细胞谱较广,尤其在牛肾MDBK细胞和猪肾PK细胞上有很高的活性,分别为在人细胞上的29倍和7倍。β17ser和γ在异种细胞上活性极低,在鼠、猪和牛肾细胞上的活性为人细胞上的1~2%以下。②5种干扰素对麻疹、CoxB1、Sindbis、腺病毒7型和Ⅰ、Ⅱ型单纯疱疹病毒的抗病毒活性无明显差异。但不同病毒对干扰素的敏感性有明显差别,以Sindbis病毒为最敏感,7型腺病毒最不敏感。③5种干扰素对流行性出血热病毒均有明显的抗病毒作用,尤以人α1型和β干扰素作用最强,α1对出血热病毒的抗病毒活性是对滤泡性口膜炎病毒(VSV)的1/2.85,人β干扰素是对VSV的1/4.1。上述结果为人基因工程干扰素的临床应用提供了实验依据。  相似文献   
茶叶上拟除虫菊酯类农药降解菌的分离及其特性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生物修复对降解污染基质中的农药是一种对环境有益的方法。目标是要寻找能够降解在茶叶生产中使用的拟除虫菊酯类农药的降解菌。最终在福州某茶园经农药处理过的茶叶中分离降解菌。首先在富集培养基中筛选,接着在以农药为唯一碳源的基础培养基中连续筛选。结果发现,其中一株标号为c1f6的菌株生长的特别良好,经AMS-VITEK120全自动微生物分析系统鉴定,为假单胞菌属的一个未知种。采用HP6890气相色谱仪测定菌株对拟除虫菊酯类农药联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯的降解率。在pH7.0的基础培养基发酵液中,以各加100mg·L-1这3种农药为唯一碳源,30℃振荡培养,接种c1f6后3d,这3种农药的降解率分别为55.64%、44.56%和52.19%。采用光密度测定的菌株生长值和农药降解率的关系曲线表明,在基础培养基中,农药降解和菌株生长成正相关,说明菌株能以拟除虫菊酯类农药为唯一碳源和能源进行生长。采用同样的方法测定表明,菌株c1f6对有机磷农药也有一定的降解力,3d对甲胺磷和毒死蜱的降解率分别为27.67%和12.35%。因此,假单胞菌c1f6是一株较广谱的农药降解菌,有望用于生物修复过程,以减少茶叶栽培过程中的产品和环境污染。  相似文献   
A successful nerve regeneration process was achieved with nerve repair tubes made up of 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) cross-linked carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-chitosan) with improved biodegradability. Chitosan has a very slow degradation rate, while the EDC cross-linked CM-chitosan tubes degraded to 30% of original weight during 8 weeks of incubation in lysozyme solution. In vitro cell culture indicated that the CM-chitosan films presented no cytotoxicity to Schwann cells. From in vivo studies using a 10 mm rat sciatic nerve defect model investigated by histomorphometry analysis, the average diameter of the fibers and the average thickness of myelin sheath in the CM-chitosan tubes were 3.7 ± 0.33 and 0.33 ± 0.04 μm, respectively, which demonstrated equivalence to nerve autografts (the current “gold” standard); furthermore, the average fiber density in the CM-chitosan tubes was 20.5 × 103/mm2, which was similar to that of autografts (21 × 103/mm2) and significantly higher than that of common chitosan tubes (15.3 × 103/mm2).  相似文献   
Psoriasis is a chronic hyperproliferative skin disease characterised by excessive growth of keratinocytes. Indeed, inducing keratinocyte apoptosis is a key mechanism responsible for psoriatic plaques clearance following some important existing therapies, which display pro-oxidant activity. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP), acting as a tuneable source of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), can controllably transfer RONS to the cellular environment, deliver antiproliferative RONS concentrations and exert antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects. This study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic potential of CAP in psoriasis. We used cell models of psoriasis-like inflammation by adding lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) to HaCaT keratinocytes. Indirect plasma, plasma-activated medium (PAM), was administered to HaCaT cells. Atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) was applied directly to imiquimod (IMQ)-induced psoriasiform dermatitis in mice. The results showed that PAM induced an increase in intracellular ROS and caused keratinocyte apoptosis. Moreover, cells under inflammation showed lesser viability and larger apoptosis rate. With repeated administration of APPJ, psoriasiform lesions showed ameliorated morphological manifestation and reduced epidermal proliferation. Overall, this study supports that CAP holds good potential in psoriasis treatment.  相似文献   
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