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Incorporating male sterility into hybrid seed production reduces its cost and ensures high varietal purity. Despite these advantages, male‐sterile lines have not been widely used to produce tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) hybrid seeds. We describe the development of a biotechnology‐based breeding platform that utilized genic male sterility to produce hybrid seeds. In this platform, we generated a novel male‐sterile tomato line by clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (Cas9)‐mediated mutagenesis of a stamen‐specific gene SlSTR1 and devised a transgenic maintainer by transforming male‐sterile plants with a fertility‐restoration gene linked to a seedling‐colour gene. Offspring of crosses between a hemizygous maintainer and the homozygous male‐sterile plant segregated into 50% non‐transgenic male‐sterile plants and 50% male‐fertile maintainer plants, which could be easily distinguished by seedling colour. This system has great practical potential for hybrid seed breeding and production as it overcomes the problems intrinsic to other male‐sterility systems and can be easily adapted for a range of tomato cultivars and diverse vegetable crops.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient in living organisms, having a narrow margin between essential and potentially toxic intake/exposure. Thus, the biochemistry of Se in living organisms must be studied in-depth to determine the underlying mechanism of Se cytotoxicity. In this study, we report the emergence of selenium nanovirus (SeNVs) in selenite-exposed fish (freshwater and saltwater) and plants (dryland) and its toxicity in them. SeNVs were found in both the abdomen and tail of Oryzias melastigma and saltwater Rhodeus ocellatus, which led to their death. The occurrence of the intracellular assembly of SeNVs was observed in the roots and leaves of corn Zea mays, but not in those of Limnobium laevigatum. SeNVs led to the death of Z. mays but caused chronic toxicity in L. laevigatum. SeNVs should be a system or structure that dissipates the intracellular redox gradients of the host cells, with simple information consisting Se–O, Se–N, or Se–S bond, that would ensure elemental Se ligand binding with nearly specific biomolecules in host cells, thereby maintaining their composition and stabilizing their structure. The multiple toxic effects of Se, therefore, could be the consequence of increase of entropy in the host cells caused by the intracellular assembly of SeNVs. This study may provide an insight into the underlying mechanism of Se in environmental toxicology and its applications in human health.  相似文献   
Liu  Junwei  Bao  Yixuan  Zhang  Xuan  Zhang  Kaiyun  Chen  Shuaimin  Wu  Haiyan  He  Jian 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2021,114(10):1541-1549
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - An obligate anaerobic bacterial BAD-10 T was isolated from anaerobic acetochlor-degrading sludge. The strain was Gram-stain negative, curved rod-shaped,...  相似文献   
Grain size is determined by the size and number of cells in the grain. The regulation of grain size is crucial for improving crop yield; however, the genes and molecular mechanisms that control grain size remain elusive. Here, we report that a member of the detoxification efflux carrier /Multidrug and Toxic Compound Extrusion (DTX/MATE) family transporters, BIG RICE GRAIN 1 (BIRG1), negatively influences grain size in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BIRG1 is highly expressed in reproductive organs and roots. In birg1 grain, the outer parenchyma layer cells of spikelet hulls are larger than in wild-type (WT) grains, but the cell number is unaltered. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, BIRG1 exhibits chloride efflux activity. Consistent with this role of BIRG1, the birg1 mutant shows reduced tolerance to salt stress at a toxic chloride level. Moreover, grains from birg1 plants contain a higher level of chloride than those of WT plants when grown under normal paddy field conditions, and the roots of birg1 accumulate more chloride than those of WT under saline conditions. Collectively, the data suggest that BIRG1 in rice functions as a chloride efflux transporter that is involved in mediating grain size and salt tolerance by controlling chloride homeostasis.  相似文献   
种子库和植被物种之间的差异有助于保持新热带稀树草原的功能多样性 本研究的目的是量化种子库和建立的植被对物种组成、功能组成和多样性的贡献,并讨论这些差异对冲积平原植物群落更新和稳定性的影响。我们在巴西潘塔纳尔湿地的一个周期性洪水泛滥的稀树大草原上,在旱季和雨季对分布在5个地点的25个地块(10 m × 1 m)的1.5 m高度的地面覆盖植被和种子库进行了采样。采用出苗法对土壤种子库进行了评价。研究结果表明,种子库物种具有赋予群落更新的特征,而植被则具有稳定性特征。种子库的功能丰富度高于植被,而功能均匀度则低于植被。由于种子库和植被的植物特征不同,使得具有不同功能稳定性和更新特性的物种得以共存,这将有助于维持植物的功能多样性。这可能会让植物种群在应对干旱、火灾和洪水等不同的环境选择时更具有弹性。  相似文献   
Shan  Mingqiu  Jiang  Yulan  Fu  Yuanyuan  Zhou  Yongyi  Lu  Zhihui  Yu  Sheng  Yan  Hui  Liu  Chanchan  Chen  Peidong  Bao  Beihua  Zhang  Li  Wu  Qinan 《Phytochemistry Reviews》2021,20(5):991-1012
Phytochemistry Reviews - Nepeta tenuifolia (N. tenuifolia) is a common aromatic herb that is widespread in East Asia. The aerial parts and spikes can be used as the traditional phytomedicines for...  相似文献   
[目的]中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana(简称中蜂),其胞内胆固醇转运体AcNPC2a能够识别并结合几种微生物的细胞壁,AcNPC2存在于该蜂触角,参与嗅觉通讯,关于AcNPC2b的功能尚未见报道.[方法]通过对中华蜜蜂AcNPC2b基因进行原核表达,以纯化的重组蛋白免疫小鼠,制备多克隆抗血清;利用荧光定量PCR和免疫印迹检测AcNPC2b的转录活性及蛋白水平,通过微生物结合测定对AcNPC2b的功能进行探索.[结果]中蜂AcNPC2b含有信号肽和ML结构域,具有3个二硫键,与果蝇Drosophila melanogaster DmNPC2b聚为一个亚枝.荧光定量qRT-PCR检测发现,感染中蜂囊状幼虫病毒(Chinses sacbrood virus,简称CSBV)的幼虫体内AcNPC2b基因的表达呈现出先微弱下调再持续上调的趋势.获得了约16ku的重组蛋白AcNPC2b并制备了多克隆抗体,免疫印迹结果表明,中蜂AcNPC2b蛋白在工蜂头、胸与中肠中的表达量最高,触角、马氏管与脂肪体中次之.AcNPC2b蛋白在正常与感染CSBV病毒的中蜂幼虫中均有表达,且在感染CSBV的中蜂幼虫中有微弱上调.重组蛋白AcNPC2b微生物结合测定实验结果显示中蜂AcNPC2b重组蛋白均能与活的大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、芽孢杆菌以及白僵菌结合.[结论]正常与感染CSBV病毒的中蜂幼虫体内AcNPC2b基因转录水平和AcNPC2b蛋白的表达含量存在差异,重组蛋白AcNPC2b具有识别并结合病原菌的能力,为后续深入研究AcNPC2b蛋白的分子功能奠定了一定理论基础.  相似文献   
The most remarkable developmental event during metamorphosis in flatfish (Pleuronectiformes) is the migration of their eyes; one eye migrates upwards, then passes through the dorsal midline, and finally stops on the other side. In this study, we determined that the ratio of the movable eye diameter on the transverse axis (DTA) to that on the vertical axis (DVA) increased during the metamorphosis of Paralichthys olivaceus and Solea senegalensis. Based on the recently proposed hypothesis that eye migration of flatfishes is caused by the push force from the proliferated tissue of the suborbital region, we postulated that the eye shape change is a result of the same force. Measurements of eye proportions in 20 species of adult flatfishes revealed that the DTA is constantly larger than the DVA, suggesting that the mechanisms of eye shape change and eye migration driven by proliferating cells in the suborbital tissue are universal among flatfishes.  相似文献   
Recent achievements in the biology and the function of adipose tissue have regarded white adipose tissue (WAT) as an important endocrine and secretory organ. Releasing a series of multiple-function mediators, WAT is involved in a wide spectrum of diseases, including not only cardiovascular and metabolic complications, such as atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes, but also inflammatory- and immune-related disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). A large number of these mediators, called adipokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), leptin, adiponectin, resistin, chemerin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), visfatin, and so on have been identified and studied widely. Important advances related to these proteins shed new insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of many complicated diseases, although details of which remain unclear. Adiponectin, one of the most widely investigated adipokine, has been shown to possess both anti- and pro-inflammatory effects. RA is a chronic systemic inflammatory-related autoimmune disease. Accumulated evidence has demonstrated that cytokines and adipokines play an important role in the pathogenesis of RA. In this review, we have summarized the most recent advances in adiponectin research in the context of RA, focusing primarily on its effect on RA-related cells, its regulation on pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well as its validation as a biomarker for RA.  相似文献   
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