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Senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) strains are useful models to understand the mechanisms of age-dependent degeneration. In this study, measurements of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) of platelets and the Adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) content of hippocampi and platelets were made, and platelet mitochondria were observed in SAMP8 (faster aging mice) and SAMR1 (aging resistant control mice) at 2, 6 and 9 months of age. In addition, an Aβ-induced (Amyloid beta-protein) damage model of platelets was established. After the addition of Aβ, the Δψm of platelets of SAMP8 at 1and 6 months of age were measured. We found that platelet Δψm, and hippocampal and platelet ATP content of SAMP8 mice decreased at a relatively early age compared with SAMR1. The platelets of 6 month-old SAMP8 showed a tolerance to Aβ-induced damages. These results suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction might be one of the mechanisms leading to age-associated degeneration in SAMP mice at an early age and the platelets could serve as a biomarker for detection of mitochondrial function and age related disease.  相似文献   
李俊宁  许琪  沈岩  季梁 《遗传》2006,28(4):403-406
精神分裂症是由多基因相互作用导致的复杂疾病。对其易感基因,儿茶酚氧位甲基转移酶基因(COMT)的众多报道充满了矛盾。在对偏执型精神分裂症研究中,我们用多基因座关联分析法研究了4个涉及神经递质多巴胺代谢的基因之间的相互作用。分析结果支持如下假说:COMT-136-BclIVal108/158Met有调控作用。当前者的基因型是CC时,后者的易感等位基因型是MetA);而当前者的基因型是GG时,后者的易感等位基因型是ValG)。这一新的假说可以解释此前单基因座分析对Val108/158Met(COMT)的截然相反的报道,同时也显示了多基因座分析对复杂疾病研究的必要性。   相似文献   
观察神经梅毒的临床特点,以提高对神经梅毒的诊断与治疗水平。回顾性分析哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院2005年1月至2010年12月收治的23例神经梅毒患者的临床资料。神经梅毒患者男17例(73.9%),女6例(26.1%),男女比约为2.8∶1;年龄27~71岁,平均年龄43.1岁。本组首发症状:麻痹性痴呆(7例)、精神异常(3例)、急性脑梗死(3例)、癫痫(2例)、脊髓病变(2例)、颅高压(2例)、周围神经损害(2例)、脑神经损害(1例)、无症状性神经梅毒(1例)。23例患者血清及脑脊液快速血浆反应素实验及梅毒螺旋体血凝试验均呈阳性反应。颅脑电子计算机断层扫描(CT)和/或磁共振成像(MRI)检查多表现为额叶、顶叶、颞叶、基底节等多发病变。本组患者经大剂量青霉素治疗后病情有显著改善20例,死亡1例,自动出院2例。神经梅毒的临床表现复杂多样,神经系统各部位均可受累,诊断依靠病史及临床表现、实验室血清及脑脊液梅毒抗体检测,误诊率高,应早期诊断,诊断后应进行规范治疗,早期治疗效果较好。  相似文献   
达乌尔黄鼠实验室饲养、繁殖及其冬眠阵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索实验室条件下达乌尔黄鼠饲养与繁殖的方法及冬眠阵的发生规律,参照野生黄鼠冬眠洞穴的主要生态环境参数,建立人工冬眠屋,采用传统锯末技术记录冬眠阵。结果显示: (1) 处于春季繁殖期的黄鼠应以大鼠饲料为主,辅以少量黄瓜等,夏季活跃期交叉饲喂大鼠饲料与兔饲料,辅以多水的瓜果蔬菜,秋季育肥期以大鼠饲料为主,辅以高脂肪高蛋白的花生、豆类等。(2)雌鼠怀孕期为28 d 左右,哺乳期约一个月,雌鼠每窝产仔4 ~ 8 只,平均5.52 只;初生幼鼠两周内忌换垫料,并避免将异味带入鼠房。(3)黄鼠冬眠期从当年11月下旬至次年3 月上旬,平均93.95 d;冬眠阵睡眠时长平均7. 44 d,阵间激醒时长平均1.36 d,睡眠天数占整个冬眠期的89.9% ;整个冬眠期,黄鼠冬眠阵平均7. 55 个。(4)2009 年秋至2011 年春季,自野外共捕回黄鼠185 只, 存活146 只,存活率78. 9% 。在2006、2009 和2011 年的黄鼠繁殖期,共配对25 对,产仔138 只,成活92 只,成活率为66.7% 。结果表明,野生达乌尔黄鼠可在人工饲养条件下实现繁殖,并可在人工冬眠屋成功冬眠。  相似文献   
目的:优化聚唾液酸发酵过程的搅拌转速.方法:比较不同搅拌转速对大肠杆菌Escherichia coli K235分批发酵生产聚唾液酸过程的影响.结果:根据发酵前、后期菌体细胞比生长速率和聚唾液酸比合成速率达到最大值所需搅拌转速的不同,提出了两阶段搅拌转速控制策略:发酵前期(0~15h)控制搅拌转速500r/min,发酵中后期控制搅拌转速700r/min.结论:两阶段搅拌转速控制策略使聚唾液酸产量达到3 966mg/L,比恒定搅拌转速500r/min和700r/min分别提高了31.8%和49.3%.将两阶段搅拌转速控制策略与分批补料发酵技术结合,聚唾液酸产量提高到5 108mg/L,山梨醇的转化率达到0.12g/g.  相似文献   
Currently, three predominant subtypes of influenza virus are prevalent in pig populations worldwide: H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2. European avian-like H1N1 viruses, which were initially detected in European pig populations in 1979, have been circulating in pigs in eastern China since 2007. In this study, six influenza A viruses were isolated from 60 swine lung samples collected from January to April 2011 in eastern China. Based on whole genome sequencing, molecular characteristics of two isolates were determined. Phylogenetic analysis showed the eight genes of the two isolates were closely related to those of the avian-like H1N1 viruses circulating in pig populations, especially similar to those found in China. Four potential glycosylation sites were observed at positions 13, 26, 198, 277 in the HA1 proteins of the two isolates. Due to the presence of a stop codon at codon 12, the isolates contained truncated PB1-F2 proteins. In this study, the isolates contained 591Q, 627E and 701N in the polymerase subunit PB2, which had been shown to be determinants of virulence and host adaptation. The isolates also had a D rather than E at position 92 of the NS1, a marker of mammalian adaptation. Both isolates contained the GPKV motif at the PDZ ligand domain of the 3′ end of the NS1, a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1999, which is distinct from those of avian, human and classical swine viruses. The M2 proteins of the isolates have the mutation (S31N), a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1987, which may confer resistance to amantadine and rimantadine antivirals. Our findings further emphasize the importance of surveillance on the genetic diversity of influenza A viruses in pigs, and raise more concerns about the occurrence of cross-species transmission events.  相似文献   
Striatal‐enriched tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) is an important regulator of neuronal synaptic plasticity, and its abnormal level or activity contributes to cognitive disorders. One crucial downstream effector and direct substrate of STEP is extracellular signal‐regulated protein kinase (ERK), which has important functions in spine stabilisation and action potential transmission. The inhibition of STEP activity toward phospho‐ERK has the potential to treat neuronal diseases, but the detailed mechanism underlying the dephosphorylation of phospho‐ERK by STEP is not known. Therefore, we examined STEP activity toward para‐nitrophenyl phosphate, phospho‐tyrosine‐containing peptides, and the full‐length phospho‐ERK protein using STEP mutants with different structural features. STEP was found to be a highly efficient ERK tyrosine phosphatase that required both its N‐terminal regulatory region and key residues in its active site. Specifically, both kinase interaction motif (KIM) and kinase‐specific sequence of STEP were required for ERK interaction. In addition to the N‐terminal kinase‐specific sequence region, S245, hydrophobic residues L249/L251, and basic residues R242/R243 located in the KIM region were important in controlling STEP activity toward phospho‐ERK. Further kinetic experiments revealed subtle structural differences between STEP and HePTP that affected the interactions of their KIMs with ERK. Moreover, STEP recognised specific positions of a phospho‐ERK peptide sequence through its active site, and the contact of STEP F311 with phospho‐ERK V205 and T207 were crucial interactions. Taken together, our results not only provide the information for interactions between ERK and STEP, but will also help in the development of specific strategies to target STEP‐ERK recognition, which could serve as a potential therapy for neurological disorders.


祁静  刘涛  李珍  贡成良  吴海苹  张春 《生物工程学报》2014,30(10):1594-1601
鲎C因子是鲎血细胞中一种对内毒素具有高亲和力的丝氨酸蛋白酶,被内毒素激活后可水解人工合成的三肽底物,因而能替代传统的鲎试剂用于内毒素检测。通过RT-PCR从东方鲎血细胞中扩增出鲎C因子基因(factor C)序列,利用Bac-to-Bac/BmNPV杆状病毒表达系统在家蚕幼虫中表达该蛋白,并对其进行活性测定。结果显示:被感染的家蚕血清稀释后能检测到Factor C活性,稀释500倍的血清可以用于内毒素检测,且其灵敏度能达到0.2 EU/mL,有望开发新型的、低成本的内毒素检测试剂。  相似文献   
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