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Studies on the preparation and on the properties of sea snail enzymes   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Liu  Wan Shun  Tang  Yan Lin  Liu  Xue Wu  Fang  Tsung Ci 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):319-320
Spectrin in isolated erythrocyte membranes is known to undergo tetramer to dimer transformation upon hypotonic incubation at 37 degrees C. In the present study, we detect no such transformation in intact erythrocytes in which hypotonicity is achieved by valinomycin treatment followed by hypotonic swelling. The inhibition of spectrin tetramer to dimer transformation is attributable to intracellular hemoglobin, since the addition of hemoglobin to isolated membranes or spectrin extracts blocks a similar spectrin transformation. However, the inhibitory effect is not limited to hemoglobin; other proteins including heme-containing proteins and basic proteins such as cytochrome c, ribonuclease, and albumin are also effective. The magnitude of their effect is proportional to the increased pI value of these proteins. We conclude that the stabilizing effect of these proteins on spectrin tetramers under hypotonic conditions is partly due to their non-ideality, which excludes water from spectrin and thus increases the effective concentration of spectrin, and to their electrostatic interactions with spectrin. In addition, promotion of spectrin self-association by hemoglobin under hypotonic conditions increases the stability of membrane skeletons against mechanical shearing. More importantly, the hemoglobin effect on spectrin self-association is demonstrable at physiological hemoglobin concentration, pH, and osmolarity, suggesting that in intact red cells the spectrin dimer-dimer association, as well as the membrane skeletal structure, is strengthened by intracellular hemoglobin.  相似文献   
杂交水稻及三系在发育过程中的酯酶同工酶比较研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文报道了利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,测定杂交水稻及三系亲本共50个组合的萌动胚、芽,不同发育时期的叶片、根、雄蕊等12个组织或器官的酯酶同工酶的结果。根据所测结果,可把杂交水稻的酯酶同工酶酶谱分为5种类型:互补型、偏父型、偏母型、同型和“杂种”酶谱。强优势组合以互补型酶谱居多,弱优势组合都是同型酶谱,“杂种”酶谱仅见于V优64的幼穗分化期叶片和V优63、汕优63的三叶期叶片中。不同器官的互补酶谱都可作为预测杂种比势,鉴定杂交稻种子的纯度和真实性以及选配新杂交组合的一个手段或依据,但以对萌动胚或幼芽的测定更有实践意义。  相似文献   
广谱肾综合征出血热病毒单克隆抗体的A35的生物学性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有中和及血凝抑制活性的、能和世界各地分离到的肾综合征出血热病毒(HFRSV)发生反应的、广谱的单克隆抗体(McAb),对HFRSV的诊断和分子生物学研究都有重要意义。 本文着重比较了HFRSV McAbA5、A19、A25-1、A25-7和A35的生物学性状,并观察了对感染动物的实验治疗效果。  相似文献   
蚕豆根、茎和叶含有0.31~0.70 μmol酰脲·g~(-1)FW,并受结瘤和生长发育的影响。摘除正在生长的器官可观察到同腋位叶片酞脲含量暂时升高现象。 叶片中酰脲主要是尿囊酸。尿囊素酶和脲酶活性分别为0.30 μmol尿囊酸·g~(-1)FW·h~(-1)和0.19 μmol NH_3·g~(-1)FW·h~(-1)。尿囊酸含量和尿囊素酶活性日变化相似,只是后者峰值比前者出现早。  相似文献   
从大鼠自然诱发的肉瘤细胞中,我们建立了一个四倍体细胞系(4n=84),命名为RC(ratcell)。它具有典型的成纤维细胞外形,能在玻璃表面贴壁生长,但不能生长在琼脂半固体培养基中。该细胞在含15%小牛血清的RPMI 1640培养基中生长良好,至今已连续繁殖112世代,细胞群体倍增时间约为15小时。染色体G-带分析表明,RC为整四倍体细胞,它的1条X染色体在第32至34区为均染区。RC细胞核仁组织者(NORs)活性显然比大鼠二倍体细胞NORs活性的加倍还高(P<0.001)。这个具有非常高NORs活性的RC细胞系对于研究细胞18S+28S rRNA基因转录活性的调控、基因表达与基因剂量关系有一定的意义。RC细胞还有异常高的磷酸酯酶活性,而且它的同工酶谱也与大鼠肌肉细胞明显不同。体内接种实验和扫描电镜的观察表明,RC是非致瘤细胞。RC细胞各号染色体的C-带图样与大鼠二倍体细胞无明显的差异。  相似文献   
类脂过氧化对竹红菌甲素引起膜蛋白光敏交联的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了丙二醛与红细胞膜温育后所形成的交联。当丙二醛浓度在5×10~-4mol/L以上时,膜蛋白发生交联,并且在460nm处有荧光特征峰出现。而甲素光敏所致膜蛋白的交联,在460nm处没有荧光峰,光敏所产生的内源丙二醛量很少,不足以引起红细胞膜反应形成交联。我们还研究了BHT和Vit E两种抗氧化剂对甲素光敏作用的影响。BHT能抑制类脂过氧化,不能抑制膜蛋白巯基的变化和膜蛋白的交联。而Vit E仅不能抑制膜蛋白的交联。以上结果均说明甲素光敏所致膜类脂过氧化是不参与膜蛋白交联的。  相似文献   
我们应用微量(1—3微克蛋白)等电点聚焦和SDS双向电泳对鸡胚视网膜发育的第4天(E_4)到第16天(E_(16))总蛋白图谱进行分析,并结合印迹的PNA免疫酶标反应,分析了总蛋白中与PNA结合的糖蛋白图谱的变化。E_4时没有看到PNA结合糖蛋白的任何阳性反应的斑点,E_6时这种糖蛋白的种数突然增加,约占总蛋白数的20%。新的糖蛋白增加的速率在E_6时最快,存其后的发育阶段(E_8—E_(16))慢于总蛋白增加的速率。这种糖蛋白大都是等电点在中性pH范围内,中等大小分子量的糖肽。视神经的总蛋白中含PNA结合糖蛋白数的比例高于同一发育年龄视网膜中的比例,这说明糖蛋白可能主要存在于质膜上。视网膜的总蛋白图谱相似于前脑的,但与视顶盖的更相近。本文对这种能与PNA结合,即含有D-半乳糖残基的糖蛋白在视网膜发育中的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree of six adult dogs was measured by a high-speed, volume-scanning, X-ray tomographic technique. After the dogs were anesthetized a catheter was advanced to the right ventricular outflow tract and 2 mL/kg Renovist contrast agent injected rapidly. During the subsequent pulmonary arterial phase of the angiogram the dogs were scanned. Three-dimensional geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree was measured in terms of vessel segment cross-sectional area, branching angles and interbranch segment lengths along axial pathways. The effect of lung inflation and phase of the cardiac cycle on geometry was shown to be most marked on vessel cross-sectional area. The geometric branching patterns in all dogs were similar. The observed, in-vivo branching pattern behaved somewhat like the branching pattern predicted from optimized models proposed by Murray, Zamir, and Uylings.  相似文献   
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