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Triterpenoid saponins from Clinopodium polycephalum.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S R Xue  J Q Liu  G Wang 《Phytochemistry》1992,31(3):1049-1050
A new triterpenoid saponin, clinopodiside A, has been isolated from Clinopodium polycephalum. Its structure was established by spectroscopic methods and X-ray diffraction analysis as 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl(1----6)-[ beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1----4)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-olean-11,13(18)-diene-3 beta,16 beta, 23,28-tetrol.  相似文献   
The a-factor mating pheromone, produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae a haploid cells, is post-translationally modified in a manner analogous to that of the ras proto-oncogene product. A consensus C-terminal amino acid sequence, -CAAX (C is cysteine, A is aliphatic amino acid, and X is any amino acid), is the target of these modifications, which include isoprenylation (essential for Ras function), proteolysis of the -AAX sequence, and carboxy methyl esterification. Recently, the RAM/DPR1 gene product was shown to be a component of the activity responsible for isoprenylation of both Ras and a-factor. In this report, we present an in vitro assay which not only detects a-factor isoprenylation, but also proteolysis and carboxy methyl esterification, and directly demonstrates, biochemically, the order of these processing events. This a-factor maturation assay may prove useful for screening agents which block any of the steps involved in the post-translational modification of the a-factor and Ras -CAAX sequences. Such agents would be potential anti-Ras-related cancer therapeutic drugs.  相似文献   
db—cAMP对转化细胞钙调素基因表达与细胞骨架的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have demonstrated that the distribution of microtubules (MT), microfilaments (MF) and fibronectin (FN) were diminished, while the gene expression of the calmodulin and c-fos enhanced in the transformed C3 H10 T1/2 cells. After treatment with 1 mM db-cAMP for 1 hr. and 2 hrs., there was an early and rapidly reduced in gene expression of calmodulin and c-fos respectively. After db-cAMP treatment for 4-5 days, the number of Capping cells of ConA binding decreased significantly and the cell surface microvilli decreased also. The growth of treated cells was inhibited markedly. By using 4F1 cDNA probe, which is preferentially expressed in G1 phase, we have found that the db-cAMP treated cells were accumulated at G1 phase. Of particular interest is the fact that the distribution of microtubules, microfilaments and fibronectin were recovered after treatment with 1 mM db-cAMP for 6 days. It is suggested that the inhibition of proliferation, alteration of phenotype and recovery of cytoskeleton in transformed cells after treatment with db-cAMP are related to the inhibition of gene expression of calmodulin.  相似文献   
【背景】青海省特殊生境孕育了特殊微生物资源。【目的】探究适合生活于高原生境的芽胞杆菌菌源。【方法】采用平板对峙法、显色法对萎缩芽胞杆菌(Bacillus atrophaeus) CKL1的拮抗、产吲哚乙酸活性进行测定,并检测耐低温、耐盐性及菌株对盐胁迫下燕麦品种(Avena sativa)“青燕1号”种子萌发、幼苗生长效应及叶绿素、脯氨酸、丙二醛的含量变化,利用二代测序技术对菌株进行基因组测序并分析相关功能基因。【结果】菌株CKL1对禾谷镰孢菌(Fusarium graminearum)、锐顶镰孢菌(Fusarium acuminatum)表现出显著的拮抗活性(抑菌圈直径>15 mm);与Salkowski比色液反应变红,能在NaCl浓度为13%的LB培养基及4℃低温下生长,表现出一定的产吲哚乙酸、耐盐及耐低温活性;盐胁迫下,菌株CKL1对“青燕1号”种子萌发及幼苗生长具有显著促进作用,叶绿素及脯氨酸含量显著增加,丙二醛含量下降,增强了燕麦的抗盐性。菌株CKL1基因组全长为14 281 280 bp,与GO功能数据库比对注释到3 303个功能基因;基因组编码与脂肽类化合物itur...  相似文献   
一百余年前,人类就开始了相对系统的野生动物调查。目前已经建立了成熟的方法体系,并制定了相应的调查规范。最近几十年来,我国科研人员进行了大量的野生动物调查。但是,当前我国的野外调查规范还不够细致,调查者在调查时缺乏必要的约束,导致调查数据不规范、不可靠,很多重要信息缺失。突出问题有:样线信息不全,只有起点和终点的经纬度,没有自动记录的详细样线信息(如每秒记录一次的连续点位信息,含经纬度和时间);动物位点信息缺乏可信度指标(如距观测者的距离);调查时间不合理;调查地点的空间取样不均衡;记录的标准化不够(如每个观测点的观测时长不确定)等等。对此,我们参考国际通用的调查规范,提出了一些简单易行的调查要点,以便提高野外调查数据的质量。另外,我们提倡野外记录的无纸化,充分利用现有的手机应用软件(APP)和模型工具提高野外记录以及后期数据处理的效率。最后,我们提议建立固定的中国生物多样性监测样线体系,以便消除每年调查时空间取样的不确定性,更好地量化野生动物的时间动态,为野生动物的保护和管理提供依据。  相似文献   
2015年以来,南美暴发大规模寨卡疫情,因其与新生儿小头症等严重神经发育疾病密切相关,被世界卫生组织列为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。与其他虫媒黄病毒类似,寨卡病毒为单股正链RNA病毒,其基因组编码的3种结构蛋白构成病毒颗粒,7种非结构蛋白参与病毒复制生活周期的调控。在全球科学家的共同努力下,寨卡病毒蛋白结构与功能的研究取得了突破性进展,极大地促进研究者对病毒复制与致病机制的认识,也为疫苗和药物研发提供了重要科学依据和潜在靶标。本文将对寨卡病毒蛋白的结构与功能的最新研究进展作一综述,并讨论当前面临的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   
棉蚜种下变型的数值分类研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 分别对在四种夏寄主及棉花两个生育期和三个温度下的棉蚜的14个形态特征进行了种下数值 分类研究。通过聚类分析和高氏距离分析,结果表明:夏寄主四季豆、西葫芦、棉花苗期 的绿色蚜和黄色蚜间及蕾期的触角6节蚜型和5节蚜型间都无明显差异。但马铃薯蚜与棉花苗 蚜、棉花苗蚜与伏蚜间的形态特征存在相当明显的分离,室内温度达30℃时棉蚜的形态特征 与伏蚜相似。并分析出可用7个主要形态特征区分这些种下变型。  相似文献   
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