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本文对自然贮存六个月的秦冠、红富士及新红星苹果果实在生化成分及显微、超微结构上进行了对比研究,发现红富士果实中果胶质、总糖及粗蛋白含量均高于其它品种;三种果实表面均有不同形态的蜡质分布;果皮角化层以红富士较厚,新红星次之;不同品种果肉细胞的形态有明显差异。本文对此结果进行了初步的探讨,以期为苹果贮存研究积累资料。  相似文献   
沈阳西部污灌水中有机污染物的分析刘海玲,张丽珊,姚家彪,于殿臣,朱岩,可夫,姜萍(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)AnalysisofOrganicPollutantsinIrrigatedsewageInWesternShenyang....  相似文献   
Root, hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of Sesbania bispinosa, Sesbania cannabina, Sesbania formosa, and Sesbania sesban were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium with benzyladenine (BA; 2.22, 4.44, 8.88 M) in combination with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d; 2.26, 4.52, 9.05 M), indolebutyric acid (IBA; 0.25, 0.49, 4.92 M) or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 2.69, 5.37, 10.74 M). Although all explant types developed some callus, callus occurred earliest and continued to grow fastest with hypocotyls. Media including 2.4-d or NAA gave the fastest growing callus. Callus was subcultured up to 10 times at 20-day intervals and retained a rapid growth rate. Shoots regenerated readily from both hypocotyls or cotyledons but not from roots. Shoot organogenesis was most frequent with IBA (0.25–4.92 M) in combination with BA (4.44–8.88 M) and did not occur with 2,4-d. With each species at least one medium induced shoot differentiation from more than 50 percent of the callus pieces. With one exception, media containing IBA that induced shoot organogenesis on explants also did so in callus, but media containing NAA, even when effective with explants, did not cause differentiation of callus. Shoots that differentiated were excised and cultured on MS medium without growth regulators or with IBA (2.46, 4.92, 9.84 M). Roots developed after 3–8 days on an appropriate rooting medium, often without IBA. Rooted plantlets were transplanted to pots in a greenhouse and developed into normal plants. Suitable media and protocols for initiating and subculturing callus and regenerating whole plants in vitro from callus and explants have thus been established for four species of Sesbania.  相似文献   
RGDS肽对大鼠主动脉球囊内膜剥脱后血管壁增殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大鼠主动脉球囊内膜剥脱术后血管壁细胞过度增殖模型上,用合成的血小板膜纤维蛋白原受体(glycoproteinⅡb/Ⅲacomplex,GPⅡb/Ⅲa)拮抗剂RGDS(Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser,50μmol·kg-1·d-1)治疗可有效地抑制损伤血管壁的细胞计数增加和内膜增厚以及血管平滑肌细胞增殖,显著降低其血管组织3H-TdR和3H-Leu的参入增加程度。实验结果提示RGDS肽作为血管成型术的辅佐剂,对于防治血管再狭窄可能具有潜在的临床应用前景。  相似文献   
南极长城站微生物区系调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1992~1993年的夏季,对南极中国长城站的陆地进行了微生物区系的现场调查。先后采集各种类型上样多个。其中对有生态意义的25个样进行了不同类型微生物的分离和计数;中温培养下每克湿土壤菌量为102~106,用马丁培养基对真菌进行分离培养和计数,每克湿土含菌量为102~104;0℃下分离计数,发现低温下微生物的数量较中温的多,每克湿土壤含菌为103~106。对该地区烃氧化菌进行了特别调查,以长城站为中心东西宽0.4Km,南北长1Km的范围内烃氧化菌发育最为活跃,但距长城站距离越远,烃氧化菌数量越少。  相似文献   
地高辛标记反意RNA探针检测脑组织切片生长抑素mRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用含大鼠生长抑素基因的pSP65cDNA质位通过转化至噬菌体内大量扩增,经提取,纯化后,用限制性内切酶进行酶切使质枝线性化,并将其作为模板,用地高辛(DigoxigeninDig)作为标记物,体外转录合成生长抑素反意RNA(cRNA)探针。实验动物选用wistar新生大鼠。冰冻切片,端、间脑切片经杂交前用Dig-UTP标记的cRNA探针杂交,杂交后用抗Dig-碱性磷酸酶复合物进行酶联免疫反应。X-磷酸盐-NBT显色。结果显示新生大鼠脑内生长抑素mRNA神经元着紫蓝色。杂交反应物集中于核周的胞浆及短小的突起内。胞核不着色。胞体轮廓清晰,周围背底浅淡。结果表明Dig标记cRNA探针不仅具备非同位素标记探针的优点而且能快速和准确检测组织细胞内mRNA的表达。  相似文献   
Summary A strain of cerebral endothelial cells was established from isolated cortical microvessels of caprine brain. These cells, which are referred to as ECl cells, can be routinely subcultured to 32 passages without the loss of differentiated morphologic and immunologic traits. The ability to routinely subculture ECl cells is an important asset, given that isolated cerebral endothelial cells in mammals generally lose their differentiated traits after only 2 to 3 passages. ECl cells were shown to contain Factor VIII-related antigen, which is a specific marker for cells of endothelial origin. ECl cells morphologically demonstrated a scarcity of pinocytotic vesicles on their apical surfaces, a lack of trans-cytoplasmic vesicles, and the ability to form in culture confluent monolayers with tight junctional complexes. Therefore, ECl cells possess specific antigenic and ultrastructural features which classify them as being small vessel endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier type. Cytogenetic evaluation of ECl cells demonstrated a normal female goat 60,XX karyotype and confirmed the apparent non-transformed nature of ECl cells due to the lack of chromosome abnormalities or rearrangements. Using scanning electron microscopy, ECl cells were also shown to form confluent monolayers on mixed nitrocellulose filters, a feature that will enable the development of an in vitro system to study trans-endothelial transport. Given that ECl cells are readily subcultured and grow well on nitrocellulose filters, and that they resemble cerebral endothelium in vivo, it seems evident that ECl cells can be used as a versatile model for the study of blood-brain barrier function, regulation, and pathology.  相似文献   
S Matuoka  H Yao  S Kato    I Hatta 《Biophysical journal》1993,64(5):1456-1460
In the ripple phase of fully hydrated multilamellar vesicles of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), two kinds of small-angle x-ray diffraction profiles are observed on cooling through the main transition. One is a seemingly normal profile similar to that observed on heating and the other is the superposition of the diffraction profiles for the primary (normal) and the secondary ripple structures. We found that the profile obtained depended on the cooling rate. Increasing the cooling rate from 0.1 degrees C/min to 1 degrees C/min caused the peaks originating from the secondary ripple structure to diminish. After a cooling scan at 43 degrees C/min, the profile became similar to that of the normal ripple structure, although a trace of the secondary ripple structure remains. The results are interpreted in terms of the rise and fall of three-dimensional correlated domains composed of both primary and secondary ripple structures. At slow cooling rates, correlated domains of both kinds of ripple structures develop. As the cooling rate is increased, the domain of the primary ripple structure remains correlated, while that of the secondary ripple structure becomes less correlated. In addition, the multipeak profile appears even at rapid cooling rates, if the final low temperature lies just below the Tm for the main transition. This results suggests that formation of the correlated domains of the secondary ripple structure requires a certain time interval during which the DPPC vesicles experience the temperature just below the main transition. The secondary ripple structure takes place in phosphatidylcholines having more than 15 carbons in each hydrocarbon chain upon cooling through the main transition.  相似文献   
本文研究探讨了进化地位不同的三种动物的短时空间记忆功能及其与前额叶背侧部进化水平的相关性。结果表明,在延缓反应作业中,经1000次训练后,7只恒河猴对空间位置的记忆时间平均为7.7±3.2min,懒猴为3.8±0.44min,而树鼩即使在延缓时间几乎为零秒的延缓反应中,其正确反应率也未达到90%标准。一种延缓时间仅测试一个单元,即不经训练的实验表明,恒河猴在延缓期为“0”—5min的各测试单元中,正确反应率稳定在80%以上;懒猴在延缓时间为“0”—4min的各测试单元中,平均正确反应率与恒河猴无明显差异,而当延缓时间增加到5min时,在延缓反应作业中取得的成绩显著下降;树鼩在延缓时间为1—5min的作业中取得的正确反应率在70%以下。3种动物在视觉辨别学习作业中却无明显差异。形态学研究表明,灵长类大脑前额叶的面积和结构的复杂性在进化过程中逐渐增大,如恒河猴大脑前额叶的表面积占大脑半球表面积的11.5%(Brodmann,1929),其内颗粒层发达,背侧部明显凸起,主沟区发达;懒猴的前额叶表面积占其大脑半球表面积的8.3%,背侧部凸起不显著,主沟未形成,额极内颗粒层分化明显,背侧部的内颗粒层较内侧部的发达程度差(Sanides,1967);树鼩的前额叶表面积占7.5%,额极的内颗粒层分化不明显,为非颗粒化区,此区之后为颗粒区  相似文献   
By monitoring the mitotic transmission of a marked chromosome bearing a defective centromere, we have identified conditional alleles of two genes involved in chromosome segregation (cse). Mutations in CSE1 and CSE2 have a greater effect on the segregation of chromosomes carrying mutant centromeres than on the segregation of chromosomes with wild-type centromeres. In addition, the cse mutations cause predominantly nondisjunction rather than loss events but do not cause a detectable increase in mitotic recombination. At the restrictive temperature, cse1 and cse2 mutants accumulate large-budded cells, with a significant fraction exhibiting aberrant binucleate morphologies. We cloned the CSE1 and CSE2 genes by complementation of the cold-sensitive phenotypes. Physical and genetic mapping data indicate that CSE1 is linked to HAP2 on the left arm of chromosome VII and CSE2 is adjacent to PRP2 on chromosome XIV. CSE1 is essential and encodes a novel 109-kDa protein. CSE2 encodes a 17-kDa protein with a putative basic-region leucine zipper motif. Disruption of CSE2 causes chromosome missegregation, conditional lethality, and slow growth at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   
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