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Inorganic fertilizer is one of the most important anthropogenic inputs which influences soil nutrient turnover in agricultural ecosystems. However, as the key process involved in the maintenance, transformation and stability of soil nitrogen (N), the incorporation and allocation of fertilizer N between different soil organic N (SON) fractions in a growing season remains largely unknown.


In this study, a field experiment was conducted in triplicate of micro-plots and a total of 200 kg N ha?1 (15?N-labeled (NH4)2SO4, 98 atom %) was applied as a basal dressing and two top dressings, at jointing and filling stages, respectively, to a maize crop during one growing season. The distribution and seasonal dynamics of fertilizer N in different SON fractions (i.e., amino acids, amino sugars, hydrolyzable ammonium N and acid insoluble-N) were measured by liquid/gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC/GC-MS) and element analysis-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-C-IRMS) techniques. Path analysis was used to evaluate the transformation processes between organic N fractions derived from fertilizer and N supply strategy in soil-plant system.


The accumulation of fertilizer-derived N in different organic fractions was season-specific. At jointing stage, preferential enrichment of 15?N was found in soil amino acids plus amino sugars, indicating the active biological immobilization of basal dressing fertilizer N. Nevertheless, there is still a small proportion of fertilizer N stabilized in the acid insoluble fraction. The accumulation of the residual fertilizer N in hydrolyzable ammonium N reached a maximum at filling stage and then declined significantly, implying the rapid release of the fertilizer N remained in mineral forms. The contents of amino acids changed slightly, but they played a very important role in mediating SON transformation.


The hydrolyzable ammonium N was a temporary pool for rapid fertilizer N retention and simultaneously was apt to release N for crop uptake in the current season. In contrast, the amino acids could serve as a transitional pool of available N in the soil-crop system, while the acid insoluble fraction was as a stable pool of fertilizer N. Importantly, there is an interim shift among different pools to maintain soil N turnover; hence N in the amino acid fraction mediates N supply and the depolymerization of SON constituents controls the proceeding of fertilizer N cycling in the soil-plant system.  相似文献   
人X盒结合蛋白1(XBP-1)是CREB/ATF(cAMP应答元件结合蛋白/激活转录因子)转录因子家族中的一员,在很多癌细胞中高水平表达。将XBP-1两种剪切形式的编码序列分别克隆在pRC-lac真核载体上,构建成pRC-lac-XBP-1S和pRC-lac-XBP-1U重组质粒。Westem印迹分析表明,这两种XBP-1形式在哺乳动物细胞中都得到了表达。瞬时转染人胚胎肾细胞293T,用荧光素酶报告基因检测这两种剪切形式的转录活性。结果显示,pRC-lac-XBP-1S和pRC-lac-XBP-1U在293T细胞中均有活性,pRC-lac-XBP-1U的活性约是空载体的65倍,pRC-lac-XBP-IS的活性约是空载体的3倍。成功构建了xBP-1的转录激活系统,为进一步了解XBp-1在各种疾病中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Xia CM  Chen J  Wang J  Fan MX  Xiao F  Cao YX  Li L  Shen LL  Zhu DN 《生理学报》2008,60(4):453-461
许多研究表明,延髓头端腹外侧区(rostral ventrolateml medulla,RVLM)的NO/NOS系统参与心血管活动的中枢调节.本实验以结扎Wistar大鼠左冠状动脉前降支法建立急性心肌缺血(acute myocardial ischemia,AMI)动物模型,观察针刺"内关"穴改善AMI大鼠的心功能作用,同时检测大鼠RVLM区神经元型一氧化氮合酶(neuronal nitric oxide synthase,nNOS)和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS)表达的变化,进而探讨针刺治疗AMI的中枢机制.实验观察显示,AMI大鼠心功能各项指标减弱,伴随外周血去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine,NE)和脑钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平显著升高,同时RVLM区nNOS阳性神经元数和nNOS mRNA表达升高,而iNOS水平则降低.针刺"内关"穴(Pe 6)(每天30 min,连续5天)改善心功能,降低AMI大鼠血清中NE和BNP的水平,同时升高iNOS并降低nNOS在RVLM的表达.以上结果提示,针刺治疗心肌缺血的同时可以调节iNOS/NO和nNOS/NO在RVLM的变化,这可能与针刺通过调节RVLM区的NO含量进而降低交感传出,从而改善AMI大鼠的心功能有关.  相似文献   
目前,我国历史遗留铬渣堆场多数采用湿法解毒工艺进行处理,但大量化学药剂的添加不仅增加了成本,引入了污染物,而且随时间的延长铬渣中的Cr(Ⅵ) 源源不断的返溶,场地出现返黄现象,形成二次污染。为了持久稳定的修复铬渣,研究人员提出用微生物修复技术处理湿法解毒后铬渣中Cr(Ⅵ) 的返溶。文中综述了国内外微生物修复铬渣污染场地的研究进展,首先简述了铬渣的危害、处理现状及传统的铬污染修复技术,并以湿法解毒铬污染为例,重点揭示了处理后铬渣中Cr(Ⅵ) 的返溶机理,由此可知湿法解毒后的二次污染不可避免。随后详述了微生物修复Cr(Ⅵ) 过程中生物还原、生物吸附和生物矿化三大作用机理,并阐述了铬污染场地修复过程中微生物物种的响应及群落结构的演替,最后,总结了微生物修复铬渣的研究进展并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
小鼠胚胎干细胞分化形成拟胚体过程中的细胞程序性死亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了检测小鼠胚胎干细胞 (embryonicstemcell ,ES细胞 )体外分化的拟胚体 (embryoidbodies ,EBs)形成过程中细胞程序性死亡 (programmedcelldeath ,PCD)的发生 ,通过悬滴、悬浮培养技术定向诱导未分化的ES细胞分化为拟胚体 ,并用RT PCR检测原始内胚层、原始外胚层、中胚层、内脏内胚层 4种分子标记物在EBs中的表达 .通过TUNEL染色、电镜、激光共聚焦显微镜及Western印迹以确定凋亡发生 .结果表明 :ES细胞体外分化为拟胚体并且表达各胚层相应的分子标记物 ;在拟胚体的发育过程中出现明显的空腔化过程 ,TUNEL染色及电镜观察到凋亡生成 ,同时线粒体膜电位 (ΔΨm)在拟胚体发育过程中降低 ,通过Western印迹检测到caspase3、caspase8的激活 .表明小鼠ES细胞所分化的拟胚体可以作为研究早期胚胎发育的实验模型 ,线粒体在拟胚体的细胞程序性死亡过程中发挥重要的作用 .为进一步利用拟胚体研究细胞程序性死亡及相关信号分子在小鼠胚胎发育早期的作用奠定了基础  相似文献   
Torque teno virus(TTV)is a nonenveloped virus containing a single-stranded,circular DNA genome of approximately 3.8kb.We completely synthesized the 3808 nucleotides of the TTV(SANBAN isolate)genome,which contains a hairpin structure and a GC-rich region.More than 100 overlapping oligonucleotides were chemically synthesized and assembled by polymerise chain assembly reaction(PCA),and the synthesis was completed with splicing by overlap extension(SOEing).This study establishes the methodological basis of the chemical synthesis of a viral genome for use as a live attenuated vaccine or gene therapy vector.  相似文献   
荫风轮的化学成分研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从荫风轮的地上部分分离到4个成分(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ)。经UV,IR,~1HNMR,~(13)CNMR,MS及化学方法鉴定了它们的结构,分别是香蜂草甙,柚皮素,洋芹素及香豆酸,均为首次从该种植物中获得。  相似文献   
利用大肠杆菌研究番茄红素的合成,不仅可以获得副产物少的高产菌株,而且可以探讨基因或基因簇的功能。文中将番茄LeGGPS2和LePSY1的cDNA序列,及欧文氏菌crtI的编码序列分别添加上核糖体结合位点后,以单独或组合的方式受控于T7启动子和终止子,在大肠杆菌菌株BL21(DE3)中进行表达和诱导番茄红素合成。结果显示,仅T7::crtI-LeGGPS2-LePSY1三价基因共表达时才能合成番茄红素,且将种子液以1∶50接种于含3%蔗糖的LB培养基(pH 6.8)中,于37℃摇8 h左右的对数生长后期加IPTG至80μmol/L,30℃诱导表达5 h的发酵条件下,获得2.124 mg/g DCW的番茄红素。该结果既验证了原核化的番茄LeGGPS2和LePSY1基因及与crtI基因协同作用的功能,又为在番茄质体中建立独立的番茄红素合成途径奠定了基础。  相似文献   
瓜子金化学成分的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自瓜子金(Palygala japonica)中分离出16个化合物,本文报道其中4个化台物的分离和结构鉴定。经化学和光谱解析,鉴定为β-谷甾醇(1)、β-胡萝卜甙(Ⅱ)、槲皮素(Ⅲ)和鼠李亭-3-O-葡萄吡喃糖甙(Ⅳ),均为首次从该植物中获得。  相似文献   
窝雏数处理对两种雀形目幼鸟生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于 1 997~ 1 999年野外实验 ,对高寒草甸小云雀和黄嘴朱顶雀两种雀形目鸟的窝雏数进行增减处理。结果表明 ,对照组的幼鸟生长率和离巢体重都大于增加组 ,说明窝雏数增加后 ,幼鸟质量下降。随着窝雏数增加 ,这两种幼鸟生长率显著下降 (小云雀 :r =-0 965 ,P =0 0 3 5 <0 0 5 ;朱顶雀 :r =-0 82 8,P =0 0 2 2 <0 0 5 )。窝雏数改变对小云雀幼鸟出飞重影响不显著 (r =-0 41 8,P =0 5 2 8>0 0 5 ) ,而对黄嘴朱顶雀有显著的影响 (r=-0 90 1 ,P =0 0 1 4<0 0 5 )。  相似文献   
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