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Lipid peroxide (LPO) in lymphocytes from mice was evaluated by measuring substances reactive to thiobarbituric acid (TBA). The product resulting from the reaction of TBA with lymphocytes was extracted with n-butyl and fluorescence intensity was determined. The degree of lipid peroxidation, expressed as fluorescence intensity f547, was assessed for stimulation of lymphocytes with concanavalin A (Con A), and was related to lymphocyte proliferation in response to Con A if Se was administered. The lymphocyte proliferation was determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation, expressed as cpm. The effect of superoxide dismutase (SOD), added to cell culture on lymphocyte proliferation was also evaluated. It was found that LPO in lymphocytes before Con A stimulation was significantly less than that after stimulation (p<0.001), and that SOD promoted lymphocyte proliferation dose dependently. The addition of Na2SeO3 to lymphocyte culture or supplementation in drinking water to mice decreased the produced LPO in lymphocyte in response to Con A. In the presence of Se, there is an inverse correlation between the levels of LPO in lymphocyte and the stimulated proliferation (r=−0.8902,r=−0.9439). In conclusion, active oxygen species scavenging was proposed as one of the mechanisms for Se to promote immunity.  相似文献   
通过太湖两个钻孔岩芯有机碳同位素(13C/12C)的分析,发现δ13C的垂直分布与太湖地区16000aB.P.以来古气候波动相关。根据δ13C垂直分布曲线可推测,大约在11000—6000aB.P,太湖地区处于温暖湿润期,气温高于现在平均温度。另一方面,根据太湖两岩芯沉积物的δ13C值的对比发现,大约在11000—6000aB.P,西太湖(W1B)岩芯沉积物的δ13C平均值明显高于东太湖(E2B)。据此可认为,在这一期间西太湖很可能有过海水侵入。  相似文献   
The current work provides a design and fabrication technique for a micro channel system that can provide a uniform heat flux boundary condition on the channel wall and a well insulation on the wall to prevent heat loss from the channel to the outside ambient. Therefore, detailed micro-scale flow and heat transfer process and information along the channel can be studied. Semiconductor sensor material was selected to fabricate both the heaters and the arrays of temperature sensors on a silicon substrate. These heaters and sensors were then moved to a low thermal conductivity epoxy-glass substrate for fabrication of the channel. Design consideration and fabrication techniques involved in this processes will be discussed. A final measurement for the validation of the heaters and the sensors fabricated and a study of the flow friction behavior and the heat transfer coefficient distributions inside the micro channel will be presented. The local Nusselt number distrubution inside the micro channel is reported the first time in the open literature.  相似文献   
通过热水提取、离子交换层析和凝胶层析,从菊花(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)中分离得到一个新的多糖.根据糖组成分析、甲基化分析、高碘酸氧化、部分酸水解和NMR谱图分析,确定其结构如下:[→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Galp-(1→6)-Galp-(1]→F3L2Araf-(1→5)-Araf-(1→4)-Glcp-(1→4)-Glcp1→6 F3[→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Galp-(1→4)-Ga6p-(1→6)-Galp-(1]→n  相似文献   
为了研究禽流感H5N1病毒在各个器官的增殖和病理变化,在生物安全实验室,我们将禽流感H5N1病毒通过尾静脉接种BALB/C小鼠。结果小鼠在不经过适应的情况下,直接感染发病,甚至死亡。在观察的7天内,感染小鼠临床症状主要表现呼吸急促,体温、体重下降。尸检表现肺出血,心外膜坏死以及肝脏的坏死。组织病理检查表现心、肝、肺等多器官的病变。肺的病变伴有纤维化的弥漫性肺泡损伤;心肌外膜大量淋巴细胞浸润、坏死;肝细胞大量坏死,淋巴细胞浸润。心、肝的坏死病变在H5N1禽流感病毒相关的研究中未见报道。经过对各个组织器官的病毒载量的检测,未发现病毒在各个病变组织中的复制。免疫组化的检测,各个组织中也未检出阳性的细胞反应。因此,我们认为H5N1禽流感病毒感染小鼠引起多个器官组织的损伤,甚至死亡,不是病毒在器官的复制,而可能是病毒感染小鼠,产生炎症细胞因子的高度表达,损伤多个器官组织所致。  相似文献   
运用双向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(2DPAGE)分析未交配小鼠子宫内膜和妊娠第五天(D5)小鼠子宫内膜胚泡黏附时植入位点及其旁组织蛋白质组。差异蛋白质组学显示,等电点(isoelectric point,pI)约7.1、分子量(molecular weight,Mw)约18kDa的蛋白质点在D5小鼠子宫内膜特别是植入位点表达上调。对此蛋白质点用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flying mass spectrometry,MALDI—TOF—MS)测定其胶内酶解后的肽质量指纹谱(Peptide Mass Fingerprint,PMF),经Mascot:Peptide Mass Fingerprint中SWISS-PROT数据库查询后,鉴定该蛋白质为鼠源性nm23-M2/NDPKB。RT—PCR和免疫组织化学结果也显示D5小鼠子宫内膜nm23-M2/NDPK B mRNA和蛋白表达明显增加。提示nm23-M2/NDPKB参与胚泡着床这一重要生命活动过程。  相似文献   
草鱼种无机盐需要量之研究   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
应用正交法设计进行了三批草鱼种对钙、磷、镁、铁等无机盐元素需要量饲养试验.在此基础上又设计进行了两批以三池平行为一组的鉴别试验.经数理统计分析,获得了草鱼种饲料适宜混合无机盐含量,草鱼种对钙、磷等13种无机盐元素的适宜需要量,以及适宜比例.取得了比哈尔佛Halver氏鱼类营养盐(美国药典U.S.P.Ⅻ.No.2营养盐加哈尔佛微量元素)更适于草鱼种生长需要的新型混合无机盐.试验表明,对草鱼种生长影响比较大的无机盐元素是钙、磷、铁、硫、镁和钴.适宜的混合无机盐对草鱼种生长具有显著的促进作用,不适宜的混合无机盐或缺乏无机盐则草鱼种食欲差,生长缓慢,蛋白质效率低,出现营养缺乏症状.草鱼种对无机盐的需要表明,它不同于已有报道的大鳞大马哈鱼、斑点叉尾鮰、虹鳟、鲤、红海鲷、日本鳗、溪红点鲑,以及非鲫等.所作鱼体背肌、脊柱和血液的生化成分分析表明,第四、五批试验所养草鱼种与常规用草饲养的草鱼种基本一致.    相似文献   
几种昆虫病毒交叉感染玉米螟的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银纹夜蛾NPV(P_aNPV)、柞蚕NPV(ApNPV)和赤松毛虫CPV(D_aCPV)可感染玉米螟。D_aCPV对玉米螟1龄幼虫的ID_(50)为5.9×10~5PIB/ml饲料,对幼虫的生长发育、蛹重、羽化率和成虫寿命有显著影响。D_aCPV主要侵染幼虫中肠柱状细胞,在细胞质中增殖;P_aNPV和A_pNPV主要侵染幼虫的体壁细胞和气管壁细胞。D_aCPV在玉米螟幼虫体内增殖后,多角体形态由正六角形变为锥形或四方形;成虫羽化时排出的蛹便可观察到多角体,病毒可传递给子代。利用其他昆虫病毒有防治玉米螟的可能性。  相似文献   
A novel δ-endotoxin gene was cloned from a Bacillus thuringiensis strain with activity against Locusta migratoria manilensis by PCR-based genome walking. The sequence of the cry gene was 3,432 bp long, and it encoded a Cry protein of 1,144 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 129,196.5 kDa, which exhibited 62% homology with Cry7Ba1 in the amino acid sequence. The δ-endotoxin with five conserved sequence blocks in the amino-terminal region was designated Cry7Ca1 (GenBank accession no. EF486523). Protein structure analysis suggested that the activated toxin of Cry7Ca1 has three domains: 227 residues forming 7 α-helices (domain I); 213 residues forming three antiparallel β-sheets (domain II); and 134 residues forming a β-sandwich (domain III). The three domains, respectively, exhibited 47, 44, and 34% sequence identity with corresponding domains of known Cry toxins. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis showed that Cry7Ca1, encoded by the full-length open reading frame of the cry gene, the activated toxin 1, which included three domains but without the N-terminal 54 amino acid residues and the C terminus, and the activated toxin 2, which included three domains and N-terminal 54 amino acid residues but without the C terminus, could be expressed in Escherichia coli. Bioassay results indicated that the expressed proteins of Cry7Ca1 and the activated toxins (toxins 1 and 2) showed significant activity against 2nd instar locusts, and after 7 days of infection, the estimated 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) were 8.98 μg/ml for the expressed Cry7Ca1, 0.87 μg/ml for the activated toxin 1, and 4.43 μg/ml for the activated toxin 2. The δ-endotoxin also induced histopathological changes in midgut epithelial cells of adult L. migratoria manilensis.  相似文献   
According to the method used in our laboratory, our group synthesized (DIPP-Trp)2-Lys-OCH3. It inhibited the proliferation of K562 and HeLa cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner with an IC50 of 15.12 and 42.23 µM, respectively. (DIPP-Trp)2-Lys-OCH3 induced a dose-dependent increase of the G2/M cell population in K562 cells, and S cell population in HeLa cells; the sub-G0 population increased dramatically in both cell lines as seen by PI staining experiments using a FACS Calibur Flow cytometer (BeckmanCoulter, USA). Phosphatidylserine could significantly translocate to the surface of the membrane in (DIPP-Trp)2-Lys-OCH3-treated K562 and HeLa cells. The increase of an early apoptotic population was observed in a dose-dependent manner by both annexin-FITC and PI staining. It was concluded that (DIPP-Trp)2-Lys-OCH3 not only induced cells to enter into apoptosis, but also affected the progress of the cell cycle. It may have arrested the K562 and HeLa cells in the G2/M, S phases, respectively. The apoptotic pathway was pulsed at this point, resulting in the treated cells entering into programmed cell death. (DIPP-Trp)2-Lys-OCH3 is a potential anticancer drug that intervenes in the signalling pathway.  相似文献   
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