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异源八倍体小冰麦体细胞无性系的建立及其染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从5个异源八倍体小冰麦(Triticum -Agropyron)的叶片、幼穗及成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,建立体细胞无性系,获得大量再生植株。附加一个冰草染色体组的异源八倍体小冰麦杂种无性系中37.5% 表现变异,其中非整倍体植株变异较多,很多变异的再生植株形态与小麦近似,同时出现一定数量染色体重排、交换、易位、断裂、融合等变异。结果表明,通过杂种无性系变异进行染色体基因转化及遗传修饰是一条可行的途径。实验还观察了小冰麦愈伤组织分化过程中绿点的形成过程,首次提出两种类型绿点,即芽绿点和根绿点,并描述了两者的差异  相似文献   
Abstract Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been produced by immunizing BALB/C mice with whole M+ bacteria in incomplete Freund adjuvant and the resulting mAbs for M3 protein have been selected by an indirect immuno-fluorescent technique using formaldehyde-fixed M+ and M bacteria. Four mAbs reacted with a 65 kDa protein in an extract obtained from the cell wall of M+ bacteria after treatment with N -acetyl muramidase and lysozyme. The purified 65 kDa protein neutralized the phagocytic activity of rabbit anti-M3 antibody. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 65 kDa protein was identical with that of protein generated by the M3 gene which has been previously cloned and sequenced. The evidence indicates that the 65 kDa protein is M3 protein. The M3 protein bound not only human fibrinogen but also human serum albumin (HSA). When the M3 protein was purified by gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography in the absence of phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), four fragments (35 kDa, 32 kDa, 30 kDa, and 25 kDa) in addition to the intact molecule appeared. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis showed that 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments were ANAAD and DARSV, respectively, being identical at positions 1–5 and 198–202 to the M3 gene derived protein. Therefore, the 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments, which were presumed to be cleavage products, may be derived from the C-terminal part and N-terminal part of the intact molecule, respectively. When the effect of purified M3 protein in the bactericidal activity of normal human blood in the presence of M bacteria was investigated, the M3 protein was responsible for the organism's resistance to attack by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
The stability properties of oxidized wild-type (wt) and site-directed mutants in surface residues of vegetative (Vfd) and heterocyst (Hfd) ferredoxins from Anabaena 7120 have been characterized by guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl) denaturation. For Vfd it was found that mutants E95K, E94Q, F65Y, F65W, and T48A are quite similar to wt in stability. E94K is somewhat less stable, whereas E94D, F65A, F65I, R42A, and R42H are substantially less stable than wt. R42H is a substitution found in all Hfds, and NMR comparison of the Anabaena 7120 Vfd and Hfd showed the latter to be much less stable on the basis of hydrogen exchange rates (Chae YK, Abildgaard F, Mooberry ES, Markley JL, 1994, Biochemistry 33:3287-3295); we also find this to be true with respect to Gdn-HCl denaturation. Strikingly, the Hfd mutant H42R is more stable than the wt Hfd by precisely the amount of stability lost in Vfd upon mutating R42 to H (2.0 kcal/mol). On the basis of comparison of the X-ray crystal structures of wt Anabaena Vfd and Hfd, the decreased stabilities of F65A and F65I can be ascribed to increased solvent exposure of interior hydrophobic groups. In the case of Vfd mutants E94K and E94D, the decreased stabilities may result from disruption of a hydrogen bond between the E94 and S47 side chains. The instability of the R42 mutants is also most probably due to decreased hydrogen bonding capabilities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The responses of three different soil microbial communities to the experimental application of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) were evaluated with a variety of molecular genetic techniques. Two of the three soil communities had histories of prior direct exposure to 2, 4-D, and one had no prior direct application of any herbicide. Dominant 2, 4-D degrading strains isolated from these soils the previous year were screened for hybridization with three catabolic genes (tfdA, tfdAII, and tfdB) cloned from the well-studied 2, 4-D degradative plasmid, pJP4, revealing varying degrees of similarity with the three genes. Hybridization of total community DNA from the three soils with the tfd gene probes also indicated that pJP4-like tfd genes were not harboured by a significant percentage of the community. Community level response was evaluated by the comparison of different treatments by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints and by community DNA cross-hybridization. No differences between treatments within the same soil were detected in any of the RAPD fingerprints generated with 17 primers. Community DNA cross-hybridization also indicated that the application of 2, 4-D at the applied rates did not quantitatively affect the structure of the soil microbial communities present in the three soils during the time-frame studied.  相似文献   
新疆10种沙生植物旱生结构的解剖学研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
新疆10种沙生植物的形态解剖研究表明,它们为适应沙生环境形态结构发生变化。叶器官的形态呈三种类型:叶片退化成膜质或鳞片状,而由同化枝执行光合功能;叶片上下都具栅栏组织,表皮角质膜厚,表皮毛发达,气孔下陷,输导组织和机械组织都发达;叶片肉质化,叶肉组织不分化,贮水组织发达而输导组织不发达。轴器官中厚壁组织发达,围绕维管组织,维管组织内部也有发达的厚壁组织。根中普遍具有周皮,一些植物存在异常的维管组织,部分植物还具有粘液细胞或结晶。沙生植物形成各种旱生结构,以不同的方式适应沙生环境。  相似文献   
大鼠背部20%体表面积接触沸水20s,形成Ⅲ度烫伤后,延髓孤束核推挽灌流液中β-内啡肽免疫活性物质的含量显著升高,在烫后1、4h两次达到峰值。烫后立即向弧束核微量注射0.4μlβ-内啡肽抗血清(滴度1:30000),可在一定程度上改善心功能指标,延缓血压和心率的下降,但未能延长动物的存活时间。提示孤束核的β-内啡肽在烫伤休克的病理过程中起作用,其含量的过量升高有抑制心血管功能的作用,从而不利于烫伤休克的恢复。  相似文献   
A monocarboxylic acid derivative (K-76 COOH) of K-76, purified from the culture filtrate of Stachybotrys complement I nov. sp. K-76, inhibits complement (C) activity. Its inhibitory action is mainly on C5 step. It strongly inhibits the generation of EAC1,4b,2a,3b,5b from C5 and EAC1,4b,2a,3b, and accelerates the decay of EAC1,4b,2a,3b,5b. It also causes some inhibition of the reactions of the reactions of C2,C3,C6,C7 and C9 with their respective preceding intermediate cells. It has no effect on the generation of EAC1,4b from C4 and EAC1, or of EAC-8 from C8 and EAC-7, and apparently increases the generation of EAC1,4b from C1 and EAC4b probably by inhibiting transfer or turnover of C1. It does not affect the rate of decay of EAC1,4b,2a or the T max of generation of EAC1,4b,2a, and it inhibits immune adherence only at high concentration. K-76 COOH also strongly inhibits hemolysis through the alternative pathway of C activation by cobra venom factor, but it does not seem to inhibit the early steps of the alternative pathway, because it has little affect on the consumption of C3 or the conversion of beta 1C to beta 1A on treatment of C serum with zymosan. K-76 COOH probably combines with C5 molecules, forming the inactive complexes, or it causes the structural alteration of C5.  相似文献   
唐凤鸾  赵健  赵志国  夏科  仇硕 《植物学报》1983,54(3):378-384
以走马胎(Ardisia gigantifolia)幼嫩茎段为外植体, 通过腋芽增殖的方式进行组织培养和快速繁殖研究。结果表明, 培养基MS+1.0 mg·L -1 6-BA+0.2 mg·L -1NAA和MS+0.5 mg·L -1 ZT均可用于腋芽的诱导和前期继代培养, 诱导率分别为89.3%和85.7%; 芽增殖最佳培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L -16-BA+0.1 mg·L -1ZT+0.1 mg·L -1NAA, 增殖系数为4.3倍; 根诱导最佳培养基为1/2MS+1.5 mg·L -1 IAA+1.0 mg·L -1 NAA, 生根率达92.3%, 且根系发达, 植株健壮; 生根苗在混合基质园土:泥炭:珍珠岩=3:1:1 (v/v/v )中移栽成活率为82%。该研究建立了走马胎种苗的组织培养快速繁殖技术体系, 且可应用于规模化生产。  相似文献   
Characterization of human glucocerebrosidase from different mutant alleles.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Human cDNA was mutagenized to duplicate six naturally occurring mutations in the gene for glucocere-brosidase. The mutant genes were expressed in NIH 3T3 cells. The abnormal human enzymes were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and characterized. The Asn370----Ser mutant protein differed from normal enzyme in its inhibition by both conduritol B epoxide and glucosphingosine demonstrating that the 370 mutant enzyme has an abnormal catalytic site. In addition, the 370 mutant enzyme is less activated by saposin C, but more stimulated by phosphatidylserine than the wild type enzyme. The Arg463----Cys mutant protein was normal with respect to conduritol B epoxide and glucosphingosine inhibition, but was less activated by both saposin C and phosphatidylserine. The Arg120----Gln mutant protein was catalytically inactive. The Leu444----Pro, the pseudopattern, and the Pro415----Arg mutants appear to have reduced amounts of enzyme protein in cells. The studies demonstrated that mutations in the gene for glucocerebrosidase have different effects on the catalytic activity and stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   
An alternative to estimation of cell growth kinetics via continuous culture experiments is proposed in this article. The method employed is based on batch culture experiments with very small inocula (initial cell concentrations being typically less than 5000 cells/mL). Such low initial cell concentrations result in extended exponential cell growth phase during which culture conditions remain unchanged, thereby permitting precise estimation of specific cell growth rates from batch experiments especially for fast-growing microorganisms such as Bacillus species. The effectiveness and utility of this approach are demonstrated via several experiments conducted with a wild-type strain (Bacillus subtilis TN106) and a recombinant strain (B. subtilis TN106[pAT5]). True establishment of exponential growth phase requires insignificant variance of most of the culture conditions during the initial growth phase. Satisfaction of this requirement is demonstrated for microbial systems investigated here. This approach is especially well suited for recombinant microorganisms containing segregationally unstable plasmids, since estimation of growth kinetics of these from continuous cultures is very difficult and highly unreliable due to continual reversion of recombinant ceils to plasmid-free host cells unless some selection pressure is applied at levels sufficient to keep the presence of plasmid-free cells minimal.  相似文献   
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