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A NMR and magnetic susceptibility study of the oxidized and reduced states of three different oligomers (forms) of a [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin protein from Desulphovibrio gigas, FdI, FdI′, and FdII was carried out. FdI and FdI′ are different trimers and FdII a tetramer of the same basic subunit. A probable assignment of the contact shifted resonances is indicated. Since the temperature dependences of the contact shifted resonances associated with each [4Fe-4S] are not all similar a delocalized model for the spin densities on the 4Fe does not apply. The exchange rate between oxidized and reduced states is slow on the NMR time scale. The three oligomers are not magnetically equivalent. Using the “three state hypothesis” terminology it is shown that FdIox is predominantly in the C2? state and changes upon reduction into the C3? state, while FdIIox is in the C? state and changes into the C2? state. FdI′ does not easily fit into this classification. This study shows a similarity of magnetic behaviour between FdI and bacterial ferredoxins (e.g. Bacillus polymyxa) and between FdII and HiPIP from Chromatium sp.. The influence of the quaternary structure on the stabilization of the different oxidation states of ferredoxins as well as on their redox potentials is discussed.  相似文献   
Bledius (Elbidus) bicornis (Germ.) and B. (Eucerotobledius) furcatus (Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) are the most important burrowing species in the emergent areas and shores in the athalassic lake of Fuente de Piedra (Málaga, S. of Spain). A first estimate of the importance of these organisms in this system is presented. These insects kick out sediment during their burrowing activity, which accumulates on the surface near the burrows as tumuli which can be easily eroded. The lake perimeter (17 km) is densely colonized (usual densities from 1700 to 2500 ind m−2). The amount of granulated material that can be potentially kicked out was 46.22 g dry wt m−2 day−1. At the same time, the material that constitutes the tumuli shows different characteristics from the compact ground below the surface. Thus, it is relatively enriched with organic matter (6.15 g per square meter), soluble phosphate (406.5 μg m−2) and ammonium (4856 μg m−2), whereas it lacks nitrate. Results of a transect from uninhabited areas to zones of maximum population density also show a similarity between the higher ground level of ammonium and phosphate concentrations and population density.  相似文献   
Excision and dark incubation of oat (Avena sativa L., var. Victory) leaves cause a sharp increase in protease activity, which precedes Chl loss. Both these senescence processes are inhibited by exogenously applied 1,3-diaminopropane (Dap), which occurs naturally in leaf segments. The inhibition of protease activity is much greater in vivo than in vitro, suggesting inhibition of protease synthesis as well as protease action by Dap. Chl breakdown in leaves of radish and broccoli, which also senesce rapidly in the dark, is only slightly inhibited by DaP. These differences between cereal and dicotyledonous plants are correlated with the natural occurrence of Dap in cereals. In the light, Dap promotes, rather than retards, the loss of Chl in oat leaves. This resembles previously described effects of other polyamines. Addition of Mg2+ to the medium does not antagonize this effect. In the dark, the accumulated Dap also inhibits ethylene production and decreases titer of other polyamines. Addition of Ca2+ to the incubation medium containing Dap competitively reduces the effects of Dap. Thus, Dap, like other polyamines, seems to require an initial attachment to a membrane site shared with Ca2+ before exerting its antisenescence action.  相似文献   
The treatment of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with mouse interferon increases the level of the latent enzyme (2'-5')(A)n synthetase. If activated by double-stranded RNA, this catalyzes the synthesis from ATP of a series of 2'-5'-oligoadenylates: (2'-5')(A)n where n extends from 2 to about 15. We isolated (2'-5')(A)n synthetase in a homogeneous state. In the presence of double-stranded RNA, the purified enzyme can convert the large majority (about 97%) of the ATP into (2'-5')(A)n and pyrophosphate, although it does not cleave the pyrophosphate. The stoichiometry of the reaction can be formulated as: (n + I) ATP leads to (2'-5') pppA(pA)n + n pyrophosphate. Added pyrophosphate does not inhibit the synthesis of (2'-5')(A)n. The extent of the reverse reaction, i.e. the pyrophosphorolysis of (2'-5')(A)n, was below the level of detection under our conditions. The affinity of the enzyme for ATP is low: the rate of the reaction increases by about 10% when the concentration of ATP is increased from 5 mM to 10 mM. The optimal concentration of double-stranded RNA increases with the concentration of the enzyme. As tested at 0.4, 2, and 10 micrograms/ml of enzyme concentrations, close to maximal (2'-5')(A)n synthesis can be obtained if reovirus double-stranded RNA or poly(I) . poly(C) are used at about half the concentration (in w/v) of the enzyme. The plot of the reaction rate versus enzyme concentration is sigmoidal. It remains to be seen if this reflects on a cooperative behavior of the enzyme.  相似文献   
NAD-linked lactate, malate, glycerophosphate, alcohol and nonspecific dehydrogenases, aspartate aminotransferases, and soluble esterases from extracts of tissues of individuals from a wild population of Calomys musculinus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) have been analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity have been determined. Mendelian inheritance of some of the variants detected was confirmed by breeding experiments. Ten out of fifteen (66.6%) of the genetic loci investigated presented polymorphism. Mean heterozygosity per locus was very high (H=0.2014, se 0.046).This work has been supported, in part, by grants from the Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (National Program for Endemic Diseases) and from the Fundación Emilio Ocampo. C. N. G. is a Fellow and A. B. a Career Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   
All neotropical genera previously included in the tribe Isertieae A. Rich. ex DC. are considered. The tribe Isertieae is here delimited by the following characters: absence of rhaphides, valvate aestivation of the corolla, cordiform or discoid placenta, fleshy indehiscent fruit, and seed coat cells with pitted walls. As so delimited, the tribe definitely includes the neotropical generaIsertia Schreb.,Gonzalagunia Ruiz & Pav.,Amphidasya Standl.,Raritebe Wernh.,Sabicea Aubl., andMussaenda L. as well as some paleotropical genera not here considered. The following neotropical genera are excluded from tribe Isertieae:Hippotis Ruiz & Pav.,Pentagonia Benth.,Sommera Schlecht.,Tammsia Karst.,Coccocypselum P. Browne,Schradera Vahl,Didymochlamys Hook, f., andXerococcus Oerst. The position of four genera,Striolaria Ducke,Patima Aubl.,Habroneuron Standl., andNeosabicea Wernh., remains uncertain due to a lack of material.  相似文献   
Three populations of the grasshopper Trimerotropis pallidipennis from southern Argentina have been studied cytologically. A very characteristic B-chromosome was found in all three. They also showed geographical variability in respect of the presence of pericentric inversions, and the inversion system was found to influence chiasma frequency. The Laguna Blanca population, which is on the hypothetical pathway the species is believed to have followed during its migration from northern to southern latitudes, has the same karyotype composition as the N. American form, with fixed inversions in the 3 largest autosomes and the X-chromosome. Its members have a high total chiasma frequency and a great number of interstitial chiasmata. The Sierra de la Ventana population, situated at the absolute eastern border of the species distribution is highly polymorphic with respect to the presence of inversions in the medium chromosomes. Its members have the lowest total chiasma frequency and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata. Situated geographically between the other two, the Choele-Choel population has the highest frequency of inversions and many of them are homozygous. Its members have a higher total chiasma frequency than that observed in specimens from Sierra de la Ventana, and a greatly reduced number of interstitial chiasmata, similar to that observed in individuals from the latter population.  相似文献   
Three forms of ferredoxin FdI, FdI′, and FdII have been isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas, a sulfate reducer. They are separated by a combination of DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration chromatographic procedures. FdI and FdI′ present a slight difference in isoelectric point which enables the separation of the two forms over DEAE-cellulose, while FdII is easily separated from the two other forms by gel filtration. The three forms have the same amino acid composition and are isolated in different aggregation states. Molecular weight determinations by gel filtration gave values of 18 000 for FdI and FdI′ and 24 000 for FdII, whereas a value of 6000 is determined when dissociation is accomplished with sodium dodecyl sulfate. The electronic spectra are different and their ultraviolet-visible absorbance rations are 0.77, 0.87 and 0.68 respectively for FdI, FdI′ and FdII. Despite these differences, the physiological activities of the three forms are similar as far as the reduction of sulfite by molecular hydrogen is concerned.  相似文献   
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