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Five patients with chronic lead intoxication were treated with S-adenosyl-L-methionine (12 mg/kg body weight, daily), given intravenously, over a period of 22 days. A significant recovery of erythrocytic ALA-D was observed in all cases, after therapy. Blood lead content significantly pathologic at the beginning of SAM administration, rapidly decreased within 24-48 h of initiating treatment, reaching nearly control values at the end of the trial. A good correlation between recovery of ALA-D activity and decreased concentration of lead in RBC was found. GSH content in blood was diminished in lead poisoned patients, increasing to normal levels after SAM administration. Other biochemical parameters such as Deaminase activity in RBC, ALA, PBG, porphyrins and lead in urine and serum gamma-GT were measured, showing no important deviations from control values before, during or after treatment. Both biochemical and clinical improvement was observed, indicating that SAM therapy is beneficial in the treatment of lead intoxication. No untoward signs were observed. The mechanism of action of SAM is not yet clear; however, a chelating effect could be excluded, and very likely its action can be attributed to glutathione availability.  相似文献   
HERSIM is a program written in BASIC designed to aid the investigatorinterested in determining the substrate conversion in a realhomogeneous isothermal enzymic reactor, for various kineticequations. The program runs after tracer data relative to aDirac impulse to the reactor have been entered, and computesthe two limits of real conversion: total segregation and maximummixedness. The kinetic constants of the reacting system areinput as data, and the variation of conversion with reactortemperature between given limits is computed as accurately asrequested. Received on November 6, 1986; accepted on March 4, 1987  相似文献   
Purification and properties of coproporphyrinogenase   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
1. Coproporphyrinogenase has been prepared from rat-liver mitochondria and its properties have been studied. The isoelectric point was found to be around pH5.0 and the molecular weight to be 80000+/-8000. The pH optimum of the enzymic reaction was 7.4 and the apparent K(m) was of the order 0.03mm. The enzyme was destroyed by boiling and irreversible inactivation occurred below pH3.5. It could be stored at -10 degrees without loss of activity. The enzyme acts specifically on coproporphyrinogen III and does not form protoporphyrinogen from trans-2,4-diacrylicdeuteroporphyrin or its porphyrinogen. It was unaffected by prolonged dialysis and no cofactor requirement could be demonstrated. 2. Column chromatography of a partially purified enzyme preparation on Sephadex G-200 was found to be an improved method of purification, which gave a coproporphyrinogenase 58-fold purified. The purified enzyme was studied electrophoretically but no evidence was obtained to suggest that more than one enzyme was involved in the reaction. 3. The action was studied of various compounds added to the system. The presence of monothiol groups in the enzyme system was indicated, whereas vicinal dithiol groups were not involved in the reaction. Metal-chelating agents did not inhibit the reaction and no requirement for the presence of any essential metal has been found. All attempts to demonstrate the presence of a prosthetic group, in particular flavines, failed. Neither pyridoxal phosphate nor ATP was involved in the reaction, nor was a mitochondrial electron-transport chain required for the activity of the enzyme. Some circumstantial evidence was obtained to suggest that cis-2,4-diacrylicdeuteroporphyrin is an intermediate in the reaction.  相似文献   
The hydrogenase (EC of Desulfovibrio gigas is a complex enzyme containing one nickel center, one [3Fe-4S] and two [4Fe-4S] clusters. Redox intermediates of this enzyme were generated under hydrogen (the natural substrate) using a redox-titration technique and were studied by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. In the oxidized states, the two [4Fe-4S]2+ clusters exhibit a broad quadrupole doublet with parameters (apparent delta EQ = 1.10 mm/s and delta = 0.35 mm/s) typical for this type of cluster. Upon reduction, the two [4Fe-4S]1+ clusters are spectroscopically distinguishable, allowing the determination of their midpoint redox potentials. The cluster with higher midpoint potential (-290 +/- 20 mV) was labeled Fe-S center I and the other with lower potential (-340 +/- 20 mV), Fe-S center II. Both reduced clusters show atypical magnetic hyperfine coupling constants, suggesting structural differences from the clusters of bacterial ferredoxins. Also, an unusually broad EPR signal, labeled Fe-S signal B', extending from approximately 150 to approximately 450 mT was observed concomitantly with the reduction of the [4Fe-4S] clusters. The following two EPR signals observed at the weak-field region were tentatively attributed to the reduced [3Fe-4S] cluster: (i) a signal with crossover point at g approximately 12, labeled the g = 12 signal, and (ii) a broad signal at the very weak-field region (approximately 3 mT), labeled the Fe-S signal B. The midpoint redox potential associated with the appearance of the g = 12 signal was determined to be -70 +/- 10 mV. At potentials below -250 mV, the g = 12 signal began to decrease in intensity, and simultaneously, the Fe-S signal B appeared. The transformation of the g = 12 signal into the Fe-S signal B was found to parallel the reduction of the two [4Fe-4S] clusters indicating that the [3Fe-4S]o cluster is sensitive to the redox state of the [4Fe-4S] clusters. Detailed redox profiles for the previously reported Ni-signal C and the g = 2.21 signal were obtained in this study, and evidence was found to indicate that these two signals represent two different oxidation states of the enzyme. Finally, the mechanistic implications of our results are discussed.  相似文献   
The action of porphyrins, uroporphyrin I and III (URO I and URO III), pentacarboxylic porphyrin I (PENTA I), coproporphyrin I and III (COPRO I and COPRO III), protoporphyrin IX (PROTO IX) and mesoporphyrin (MESO), on the activity of human erythrocytes delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, porphobilinogenase, deaminase and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase in the dark and under UV light was investigated. Both photoinactivation and light-independent inactivation was found in all four enzymes using URO I as sensitizer. URO III had a similar action as URO I on porphobilinogenase and deaminase and PROTO IX exerted equal effect as URO I on delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. Photodynamic efficiency of the porphyrins was dependent on their molecular structure. Selective photodecomposition of enzymes by URO I, greater specificity of tumor uptake by URO I and enhanced porphyrin synthesis by tumors from delta-aminolevulic acid, with predominant formation of URO I, underline the possibility of using URO I in detection of malignant cells and photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   
In unispecific plant stands, the logarithm of mean individual weight (w) depends on the logarithm of density (d) by the -3/4 power law (a slope of -1.5 and an intercept ranging from 2.3 to 5.0). The analysis of the w and d relationships in whole cohorts of two seaweed species from the Strait of Gibraltar shows deviations from the canonical equation. The kelp Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry et South (Phaeophyta) growing at a 30-m depth has the lowest intercept value (0.6) recorded for any plant species and a slope not significantly different from -1.5. The slope value is in accordance with those found in species whose growth is not stopped by reproduction. Irradiance under a single layer of blades was lower than the photosynthetic light compensation point, and this could be due to overdispersion of the shoots and, in consequence, to the low intercept value of the self-thinning equation. The w to d relationships in Asparagopsis armata Harvey (Rhodophyta) show two different components: no dependence between these two variables (slope not significantly different from 0) at densities < 500 shoots·m?2, and a slope more negative (-2.1) than proposed by the -3/2 power law at densities > 500 shoots·m?2. The pattern at high densities could be due to intraspecific competition for light, whereas the slope ~0 at low densities could be related to inhibition of growth by reproduction (cystocarp and carpospore production). Therefore, rather than being considered exceptional, we suggest that a gradient of variability could be expected in the dependence of w on d when specific growth patterns and reproduction are considered.  相似文献   
The small-scale associations in a rocky subtidal community in the northwestern Mediterranean were studied by a development of the continuous line transect method. This method allowed the overall measurement of non-randomness in interspecific contacts and the assignment of an association index to each species-pair, whose, significance was tested by Monte Carlo procedures. At the same time, the continuous recording allowed the study of the weakening of the interactions with increasing distances. Our purpose was to uncover evidence for allelochemical mechanisms of space occupation and maintenance. A strong non-randomness was found in the interspecific associations. This was mostly due to the interactions of the poecilosclerid sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt) with its neighbours, especially its negative associations with other sponge species. The strength of the relationships fell drastically over the first few centimeters from the contact borders of the different species. The results pointed strongly to an allelochemical mechanism. The extracts of this sponge featured high bioactivity in laboratory assays, and field experiments demonstrated that the sponge can inhibit the growth of species in the community studied. Standard sampling techniques would have overlooked the spatial structure present in the data. The study emphasizes the need for both contact data and distance data in order to identify the underlying processes reliably. The line transect method provides both types of information easily and allows testing of models and identification of organisms likely to use chemical defenses in space competition. Its use as a preliminary step in studies of chemical ecology might help to detect presumptive allelochemical processes prior to experimental work on the potentially active species.  相似文献   
The mortars covering some walls of the Roman city of Baelo Claudia (Cadiz, Spain) support an abundant colonization of cyanobacteria, algae and lichens. The distribution of these organisms is closely related to microclimatic parameters. Furthermore, the development, specific composition and biomass of algal cryptoendolithic communities are related to the wall orientation. The effect of these communities on mortar deterioration is discussed.  相似文献   
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