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Experiments were designed to test the hypotheses that ovarian follicular response to superstimulatory treatment initiated during Wave 1 is equivalent to that of Wave 2, and recovery rate and quality of ova embryos derived from follicles of Wave 1 are equivalent to those derived from follicles of Wave 2. In a preliminary experiment (Experiment 1), heifers were given Folltropin-V (20 mg NIH-FSH-P1, im, bid for 5 d) beginning the day after emergence of the first (n=10) or second (n=10) follicular wave of the estrous cycle, equivalent to approximately Day 1 and Day 10, respectively (Day 0=ovulation). Luteolysis was induced with cloprostenol (500 mug im, bid) on the fourth day of treatment. Fewer (P<0.05) ovulations per heifer were induced in the Wave 1 group than in the Wave 2 group (4.6+/-1.0 vs 9.1+/-1.3). However, the interval from wave emergence to initiation of treatment was found, in retrospect, to have been longer (P<0.05) in the Wave 1 group, i.e., treatment was initiated relatively later with respect to wave emergence. Experiment 2 was designed to correct this disparity and to initiate the same treatment protocol on the day of wave emergence rather than the day after (n=21 per Wave group). There was no difference between Wave 1 and Wave 2 groups in the interval from wave emergence to initiation of treatment (0.4+/-0.1 d), the number of ovulations detected by ultrasonography (6.6+/-1.0 vs 8.2+/-1.7), the number of CL detected at slaughter (6.5+/-0.9 vs 8.1+/-1.8), the total number of ova embryos recovered (5.2+/-0.7 vs 5.1+/-0.8), or the number of fertilized embryos collected (2.8+/-0.6 vs 3.0+/-0.6). In addition, there was no difference between groups in the proportion of heifers that ovulated in either experiment; collectively, luteolysis and ovulation was induced in 58 of 60 heifers. The results supported the general hypothesis that follicles and oocytes of the first and second follicular waves are equivalent in the response to superstimulatory treatment. Regardless of which follicular wave, initiation of treatment near the time of wave emergence appears critical for maximal superovulatory response. Because of the consistency in the time of emergence of Wave 1 (day of ovulation) and equivalence in superovulatory response, use of Wave 1 rather than subsequent follicular waves may be more convenient and time-sparing in superovulation programs; the day of estrus (day before ovulation) may be used as a consistent point of reference for the start of treatment.  相似文献   
A series of 4 experiments were designed to evaluate the feasibility of superstimulation in beef cattle with a single sc injection of the porcine pituitary extract, Folltropin-V. In the preliminary study (Experiment 1), superovulatory response of cows (n=7) treated with a single sc injection of 400 mg NIH-FSH-P1 Folltropin-V was not different than that of cows (n=8) superstimulated with twice daily im injections over 4 d, or a single sc injection plus an injection of eCG (n=12). Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to determine the optimal site of a single sc injection. In Experiment 2, cows (n=25) with body condition scores (BCS) of 1 to 2 were used. The mean number of CL counted and ova/embryos collected was lower (P<0.05) in cows treated with the single sc injection in the neck region than in cows treated with a single sc injection behind the shoulder, or with the twice daily im injection treatment. In Experiment 3, cows (n=49) with BCS of 3 to 5 were used. There were no differences in the number of CL, total ova/embrvos collected, fertilized ova and transferable embryos whether treatments were given in the neck region or behind the shoulder, or whether the cows were implanted or not implanted with Syncro-Mate-B. Experiment 4 was designed to determine the optimal superstimulatory dosage of Folltropin-V administered by a single sc injection. Superovulatory response of cows treated with the higher doses (400 mg, 600 mg or 800 mg NIH-FSH-P1) was higher (P<0.05) than those treated with 200 mg NIH-FSH-P1. The number of unovulated (>/=10 mm) follicles at the time of ova/embryo collection was higher (P<0.05) in the 600 and 800 mg groups, and progesterone concentration at estrus was higher (P<0.05) in cows treated with 800 mg than with 400 or 200 mg. It was concluded that a single, bolus sc injection of 400 mg NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V is as efficacious as the 4-d, twice daily im treatment protocol for inducing superovulation in beef cows. The amount of subcutaneous fat and site of injection appeared to affect the efficacy of a single sc injection; a single bolus sc injection of Folltropin-V behind the shoulder resulted in the most predictable superovulatory response.  相似文献   
Rhizopus arrhizus lipase immobilized on celite was used to prepare isomerically pure 2-monoglycerides by alcoholysis of triglycerides in organic media. Reaction parameters such as choice of solvent, choice of alcohol, and alcohol concentration were studied. When 12.5 mM tripalmitin was used as substrate, methyl-tert-butyl ether was the best solvent for alcoholysis at water activity 0.11. Ethanol gave the highest yield (97%) at an optimal ethanol concentration of 200–300 mM. At higher alcohol concentrations, the enzyme activity was substantially lowered. The enzyme preparation showed high stability in repeated-batch reactions.  相似文献   
华中地区小家鼠生物学特性观察   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
郭聪  陈安国 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):51-56
华中地区农村小家鼠的个体较小,主要栖息于农舍,终年繁殖,繁殖高峰期为7月和8月,1-3月为繁殖低谷期;种群数量高峰在9月,低谷期在7-8月,冬季的种群数量水平较高,呈后峰型。在较高的密度条件下,雌鼠的怀孕率降低,性成熟延缓。  相似文献   
白细胞介素对大鼠海马培养神经元膜电特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用细胞内微电极记录方法研究了重组人白细胞介素-1β(rhIL-1β)和重组人白细胞介素-2(rhiL-2)对分散培养的新生大鼠海马神经元膜电性质的影响。采用压力脉冲微量给药技术将白介素施加于所记录的细胞表面。结果发现:100U/ml浓度的rhIL-1β使受作用的海马神经元超极化4.20±1.86mV;100U/ml浓度的rhIL-2使50%受作用的海马神经元去极化11.12±3.71mV,并伴有强烈的自发放电反应,而1000U/ml浓度的rhIL-2使100%受作用的神经元超极化3.25±0.63mV,这些神经元的膜阻抗均无明显变化。本实验结果提示rhIL-1β和rhIL-2可显著影响体外培养海马神经元的膜兴奋性。  相似文献   
体内体外培养下飞蝗雄性生殖细胞的分化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在单一TCl99或GRACE培养液中培养的四龄三天东亚飞蝗(Locusta mtgratoria mani lensis精小管,其精子发生只发育至初级精母细胞期,培养液中添加10%小牛血清或飞蝗精巢匀浆液可促使其发育至次级精母细胞期,添加10%分别取自东亚飞蝗蝗蝻、柞蚕蛹及蓖麻蚕蛹的血淋巴可促进其产生约20%的精子。 蜕皮激素及保幼激素对精子的产生无显著影响。移植培养的精小管在受体飞蝗体内不能发育产生精子,注射20μg/虫蜕皮激素可促使其产生大量精子。完整精巢无需注射蜕皮激素即可在受体飞蝗体内发育产生精子。结果表明,昆虫血淋巴内可能含有促细胞分化类因子,此(类)因子可能无种属特异性,外源蜕皮激素可能对精子发生无直接作用,但精子发生同时需要蜕皮激素和血淋巴因子,精巢本身可能有自己的蜕皮激素来源。  相似文献   
黑龙江依兰早第三纪植物群的古气候分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黑龙江依兰煤矿煤层间的大量植物叶痕化石研究表明:依兰植物群有蕨类植物2 种,裸子植物10 种,被子植物58 种,分属34 科46属。植物群可分为两个植物组合:一个是下煤层上顶板的矿页岩层化石的组合,称A 段组合,时代为早始新世。植物种类丰富,含有较多常绿阔叶成分,属北亚热带的常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶、针阔叶混生林。通过植物叶相特征分析,其全缘叶比例为38% 。用气候诺模图得出其古气候为年均温13.2℃,年温差20℃;另一个植物组合是煤系地层之上,即上煤层顶部的油页岩层中的B段化石组合,时代为早渐新世。植物以落叶成分为主,属暖温带落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混生林。全缘叶比例为30% 。古气候年均温为11℃,年温差25℃。表明植物区系组成完全不同,显示出气候随时代发生了演变,而使区系逐渐发展到今日的寒温带气候和植被  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the Kd for hormone binding to estrogen receptors in extracts ranges between 0.1–1 nM and that binding displays positive cooperativity due to formation of homodimers. After carefully optimizing assay procedures, to diminish ligand depletion phenomena and to fully control recoveries, we find a single class of non-interacting high affinity hormone binding sites with a Kd of approx. 10 pM. Ligand depletion was avoided by decreasing receptor concentrations to 5–8 pM. We were therefore obliged to employ radioiodinated estradiol as a probe as the specific radioactivity of tritiated estradiol was too low to maintain the accuracy of the binding assay. Human estrogen receptor extracted from the MCF7 cell line and recombinantly produced (in yeast) wild-type human receptor have identical equilibrium hormone binding characteristics.  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to evaluate the responsiveness of beef heifers to superstimulatory treatments administered during the first follicular wave. Heifers were examined daily (Experiment 1) or twice daily (Experiment 2) by ultrasonography to determine the status of follicular wave development and the day of initiation of superstimulatory treatment. Heifers in both experiments were superstimulated with a total dose of 10 ml Folltropin (equivalent to 200 mg of NIH-FSH-P1), divided into 10 equal intramuscular injections over 5 days. On the last day of treatment, heifers received 500 mug of cloprostenol after each injection of Folltropin to induce luteolysis. In the respective groups, superstimulatory treatments were initiated on Day -1, Day 0 (day of ovulation) or Day +1 for Experiment 1, and on Day -1, Day 0, Day +1 or Day +2 for Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the number of ovulations in each ovary was assessed by ultrasonography and by counting the number of corpora lutea (CL) in each ovary at slaughter. The correlation between both techniques for assessing ovulatory response was high (r= 0.98; P< 0.0001), and there was no significant difference in the mean number of ovulations detected by ultrasound (5.7+/-1.1) versus the mean number of CL counted at slaughter (6.2+/-1.2). In Experiment 1, the mean (+/- SEM) number of CL counted at slaughter in heifers treated on Day -1 (9.4+/-3.8) and Day 0 (7.3+/-1.6) was higher (P< 0.05) than that of heifers treated on Day +1 (0.7+/-0.3). The mean number of follicles >/=7 mm in diameter on the last day of treatment was also higher (P<0.05) in the Day -1 group compared with the Day +1 group; the Day 0 group was intermediate. In Experiment 2, the mean number of ovulations was higher (P< 0.05) in the Day 0 group (18.4+/-3.4) than the Day -1 (9.5+/-2.3), Day +1 (6.7+/-2.2) or Day +2 (6.5+/-2.3) groups. Heifers in the Day -1, and Day 0 groups had more (P< 0.05) follicles >/=7 mm at the end of treatment compared with heifers in the Day +1 or the Day +2 group. The stated hypothesis was supported: exogenous FSH treatment initiated at the time of wave emergence, near the expected time of the endogenous wave-eliciting FSH surge, has a positive effect on the superstimulatory response. A higher superstimulatory response was elicited when treatments were initiated on the day of, or the day before, wave emergence compared with that of later treatments.  相似文献   
A study was performed to investigate possible interactions by magnetic fields (MF) with the processes of initiation and promotion of chemically induced preneoplastic lesions in rat liver. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to a 70% partial hepatectomy followed after 24 h by i.p. injection of diethylnitrosamine (DENA) as a tumour initiator. Starting one week after the DENA-treatment phenobarbital (PB) was given to promote growth of enzymatically altered foci of liver cells. MF was applied immediately after the partial hepatectomy and continued until sacrifice after 12 weeks of PB exposure. Homogenous horizontal AC magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz and flux densities of 0.5 μT or 0.5 mT were used. The rats coexposed with MF and DENA plus PB did not gain weight as much as the rats exposed to the chemical agents only. The MF-exposure also resulted in a slight reduction in size and numbers of the focal lesions. The results suggest an interaction of MF with the processes of chemical carcinogenesis either as a result of stress or depending on effects on the proliferation of preneoplastic cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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