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A new genus and species of a short limbed and slightly elongate gymnophthalmid lizard is described from the Atlantic rain forests of north-eastern Brazil. The new genus is also characterized by short and stout pentadactyl limbs, presence of prefrontals, absence of frontoparietals, distinctive ear opening and eyelid, two pairs of genials, a distinct collar, smooth, quadrangular, dorsal scales, quadrangular ventrals, fused postfrontal and postorbital bones, and two pairs of sternal ribs. The geographical distribution of the new taxon extends from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to the northern bank of the Rio São Francisco in the state of Alagoas. All specimens were obtained in leaf litter, an observation which agrees with the fossorial habits suggested by the body shape and massive aspect of the head of this species. A phylogenetic analysis based on external morphology, osteology, and molecular data recovered the new lizard as the sister genus to Anotosaura , and Colobosauroides as the sister group to these two.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 543−557.  相似文献   
The genetic structure of nine colonies of the water vole, Arvicola terrestris , in one area of NE Scotland was studied. Non-destructive samples from 478 individuals (mostly immature animals) were typed for 12 microsatellites. Cases of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium were frequent within all colonies. The five colonies in the inland part of the study area also showed frequent cases of linkage disequilibrium. All colonies showed high levels of genetic diversity (unbiased H = 0.52-0.74). All five colonies sampled in successive years showed significant annual changes in genetic composition. All colonies showed genetic differentiation from each other, whether measured by average 6, pairwise 9 or pairwise Nei's genetic distance. The spatial pattern of genetic differentiation was consistent with either a stepping-stone model over the whole study area or an island model within the coastal and inland parts and an intervening barrier to gene flow. The study suggested that the genetic structure of colonies of A. terrestris often departs from the equilibrium states assumed by traditional mefhods for the study of gene flow, and that a parentage-based approach would be fruitful.  相似文献   
A significant decrease in the body size of Audouin's Gulls Larus audouinii breeding at the Chafarinas Islands is reported. The decrease in linear measurements in the current breeding population ranged from 2.5% to 5.6% in males and from 0.61% to 4.4% in females. This was detected when assessing the reliability of a sex-discriminating function derived for the same colony 13 years earlier. When applied to the current population, this function failed to predict the sex of a large proportion of males (44%). The relative decrease in mean size was significantly greater in males than in females for culmen, nalospi and tarsus lengths, while for bill depth at culmen, wing length and body mass the relative decrease was similar in both sexes. Since the extent of differences depended on sex, these differences cannot be attributed to a systematic between-observer bias. Mean body size reduction might be either the result of a greater proportion of small breeding birds in the current population, because of increased availability of nesting sites (competition relaxation hypothesis), or an outcome of environmental factors affecting growth parameters (environmental constraint hypothesis). According to the first hypothesis, the changes observed would be associated with higher variability values. Conversely, if the second is true, the degree of variability should be similar. Since there are no significant differences in the degree of variability shown in the two data sets, our results support the second hypothesis. The environmental constraint acting via growth parameters is probably related to the increase in the number of Audouin's Gull breeding pairs while food availability was depleted. Our data suggest that changes in the duration of the growth period, rather than in the growth rates themselves, are involved in the body size differences found.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Currently the beetle family Coptoclavidae consists of four subfamilies known from the Upper Triassic–Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). We describe two new subfamilies, three new genera and five new species from the Las Hoyas (Cuenca Province) and El Montsec (Lleida Province) localities of Barremian (Early Cretaceous) age from Spain: the first new subfamily, Hispanoclavinae, is from Las Hoyas and comprises one new genus, Hispanoclavina , and two new species, H. diazromerali and H. gratshevi ; the second, Coptoclaviscinae, is represented at El Montsec by one new species of Coptoclavella ( C. inexpecta ). In addition, at Las Hoyas the subfamilies Necronectinae and Coptoclavinae are each represented by one new genus and species: Ovonectes pilosum and Hoyaclava buscalionae , respectively. All beetles previously assigned to the family Coptoclavidae have been interpreted as active hunters. However, we consider Hispanoclavina and Hoyaclava to be filter-feeding, with forelegs adapted for filtering plankton (probably zooplankton because other members of the family are carnivorous) on and beneath the water surface. This represents a new feeding strategy in beetles (extant and extinct). The five new species extend the known geographical distribution of the Coptoclavidae into the western part of European Barremian deposits. The Las Hoyas locality now has the highest known diversity of coptoclavid species.  相似文献   
The sequence of the tyrosinase (Tyr) gene coding tracts has been obtained for the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). The five exons of the gene were sequenced in three gorillas and in a normally pigmented human. The tyrosinase gene has been found to be a very conserved locus with a very low substitution rate. Some nucleotide and amino acid differences were found between the gorilla and human tyrosinase coding sequences. One of the gorillas included in the study is the only known case of albinism in a gorilla (‘Snowflake’). Mutations of the TYR gene lead to Oculocutaneous Albinism type 1 (OCA1), the most common type of albinism in humans (OMIM accession number 203100). The TYR gene encodes the tyrosinase enzyme (E.C., whose activity was found to be completely lacking in ‘Snowflake’, indicating that a mutation in the Tyr gene is the likely cause of his albinism. Nonetheless, no nucleotide changes were detected that could account for the lack of Tyr product or tyrosinase activity in Snowflake, and explanations of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Leaf phenology in 22 North American tree species during the 21st century   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent shifts in phenology are the best documented biological response to current anthropogenic climate change, yet remain poorly understood from a functional point of view. Prevailing analyses are phenomenological and approximate, only correlating temperature records to imprecise records of phenological events. To advance our understanding of phenological responses to climate change, we developed, calibrated, and validated process-based models of leaf unfolding for 22 North American tree species. Using daily meteorological data predicted by two scenarios (A2: +3.2 °C and B2: +1 °C) from the HadCM3 GCM, we predicted and compared range-wide shifts of leaf unfolding in the 20th and 21st centuries for each species. Model predictions suggest that climate change will affect leaf phenology in almost all species studied, with an average advancement during the 21st century of 5.0 days in the A2 scenario and 9.2 days in the B2 scenario. Our model also suggests that lack of sufficient chilling temperatures to break bud dormancy will decrease the rate of advancement in leaf unfolding date during the 21st century for many species. Some temperate species may even have years with abnormal budburst due to insufficient chilling. Species fell into two groups based on their sensitivity to climate change: (1) species that consistently had a greater advance in their leaf unfolding date with increasing latitude and (2) species in which the advance in leaf unfolding differed from the center to the northern vs. southern margins of their range. At the interspecific level, we predicted that early-leafing species tended to show a greater advance in leaf unfolding date than late-leafing species; and that species with larger ranges tend to show stronger phenological changes. These predicted changes in phenology have significant implications for the frost susceptibility of species, their interspecific relationships, and their distributional shifts.  相似文献   
Several morphotypes that so far have been attributed to the allegedly cosmopolitan ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei occur in the Mediterranean Sea. Colour variation is the difference most frequently reported. In this study, we addressed the genetic structure of this ascidian in relation to geographical location and colour morph. Partial sequences of the gene cytochrome  c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) were obtained from seven populations of the western Mediterranean, encompassing eight colour varieties. All population genetic analyses (exact test, pairwise F ST, hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, multidimensional scaling, nested clade analysis) indicated clearly that differences between colour morphs are large enough to obscure any geographical differentiation when colours are combined within localities. When variance due to colour divergence was removed, however, a significant geographical variability between localities remained. The genetic divergence between the colour morphs analysed was significant in comparisons of the brown and purple forms with the others, but not among the green, blue, and white morphs. Phylogeographic analyses suggest that population fragmentation and range expansions have shaped the present-day distribution of the haplotypes. Taken together with existing chemotype information, our results indicate that several species are present in the area, and that a thorough revision of the genus is necessary.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 203–214.  相似文献   
Abstract Vertebrates living in dry or salty habitats spend significant amounts of time and energy maintaining their hydro‐mineral balance; any opportunity to drink fresh water should reduce such expenses. However, to find fresh water, individuals are generally forced to leave the safe and buffered conditions that prevail in their refuges. Therefore, they must face harsh environmental conditions and increased predation risks. We examined this trade‐off in the field, using a very large dataset gathered on amphibious sea snakes that confront periodic droughts. The study was carried out on different islets in the lagoon of New Caledonia. As expected, sea kraits remain concealed most of the time under rocks or within burrows during dry weather. They select precise time windows to move rapidly between the sea and the land, thereby minimizing the time spent in the open. Rainfall triggered massive disruptions of this rhythm: many snakes quickly forsook their shelter to drink in the open, and remained almost motionless until satiety. Interestingly, they adopted specific and unusual postures to drink. They perched on the top of rocks that were benefiting from running and less salty water during downpours. They also drank the droplets attached to vegetation during drizzle.  相似文献   
Seabird moult is poorly understood because most species undergo moult at sea during the non-breeding season. We scored moult of wings, tail and body feathers on 102 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea diomedea accidentally caught by longliners throughout the year. Primary renewal was found to be simple and descendant from the most proximal (P1) to the most distal (P10) feather. Secondaries showed a more complex moulting pattern, with three different asynchronous foci: the first starting on the innermost secondaries (S21), the second on the middle secondaries (S5) and the latest on the outermost secondaries (S1). Rectrix moult started at a later stage and was simple and descendant from the most proximal feather (R1) expanding distally. Although a few body feathers can be moulted from prelaying to hatching, moult of ventral and dorsal feathers clearly intensified during chick rearing. Different moulting sequences and uncoupled phenology between primary and secondary renewal suggest that flight efficiency is a strong constraint factor in the evolution of moulting strategies. Moreover, moult of Cory's Shearwaters was synchronous between wings and largely asynchronous between tail halves, with no more than one rectrix moulted at once. This result is probably related to the differential sensitivity of wings and the tail on flight performance, ultimately derived from different aerodynamic functions. Finally, Cory's Shearwater females renewed feathers earlier and faster than males, which may be related to the lower chick attendance of females.  相似文献   
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