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The present study aimed to infer evolutionary scenarios for Vipera latastei and Vipera monticola in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb through the identification of spatial patterns in morphological character variation and biogeographic patterns in morphological variability distribution. Ten morphological traits from 630 vipers were analysed with geostatistic and ecological niche modelling in a geographical information system. Interpolation by Kriging was used to generate surfaces of morphological variation, which were combined with spatial principal components analysis (SPCA). Putative morphological differentiated groups generated by SPCA maps were tested with discriminant function analysis (DFA). Maximum entropy modelling and nine environmental variables were used to identify factors limiting the distribution of groups and areas for their potential occurrence. Groups supported by DFA were: Western Iberia, Eastern Iberia, Rif plus Middle Atlas, Algeria, and High Atlas. Their distribution is influenced by common environmental factors such as precipitation. Areas of probable sympatry between Iberian groups matched the morphological clines observed by geostatistics tools. Geographic variation patterns in V. latastei‐monticola are probably due to vicariant separation of Iberian and African populations during the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar, and population refugia during the Quaternary glaciations with secondary contact. The taxonomic status of northern Morocco and Algerian groups should be further investigated. We conclude that geostatistics and niche‐modelling tools are adequate to infer morphological variability across wide geographic ranges of species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 790–806.  相似文献   
Lobularia maritima is a Mediterranean short-lived herb with a flowering and fruiting season that lasts for ten months. Previous studies have shown that recruitment in periods other than autumn of the flowering season has few demographic implications; that is contributes little to the population growth rate. Since environmental conditions in periods other than autumn would allow recruitment, we examined to what extent the seed ecology of L. maritima accounts for recruitment shortage for the greater part of the year. To this end, we studied the effects of selfing and outcrossing on seed production and germination, within- and between-year variation in seed mass and germination, seed characteristics in the soil seed bank throughout the year, and the effect of temperature as a factor controlling seed germination. Results indicate that selfing does not decrease recruitment, and thus the observed changes in visitation rate and pollinator composition throughout the year cannot account for differences in recruitment. Germinability decreases throughout the year, suggesting a possible cost in reproduction associated with extended flowering. L. maritima has a transient seed bank whose seeds also experience a decrease in their germination throughout the year. Finally, temperature affects seed germination patterns, indicating the existence of quiescence mechanisms that prevent germination in the months prior to the summer drought. Overall, the results obtained support and, at least partly, explain the recruitment patterns of L. maritima observed in the field.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 273–280.  相似文献   
In the present study, we investigated the evolution of life‐history traits in the main species of a community, after the arrival of a new competitor. Two parasitoid species, Leptopilina heterotoma and Asobara tabida, are present throughout the Rhône and Saône valleys, whereas a third species, Leptopilina boulardi, is slowly extending its distribution northwards. In the presence of L. boulardi, competing parasitoids experience a higher mortality and lower host availability. Resources should thus be re‐allocated between traits according to these new factors. We compared life‐history traits of populations of L. heterotoma and A. tabida in areas with and without L. boulardi. As predicted by both Price's balanced mortality hypothesis and the theory of life‐history traits, we found that investment in reproduction is higher in southern populations for both native species, coupled with higher travelling abilities. However, only A. tabida paid their higher fecundity by a lower longevity. The absence of a clear trade‐off between these traits in L. heterotoma may be explained by a lower metabolic rate in southern populations. These results highlight the importance of the community change over climate in the evolution of life‐history traits in this parasitoid community. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
The early Middle Cambrian Monastery Creek Phosphorite (Beetle Creek Formation, Queensland, Australia) contains an assemblage of disarticulated echinoderm ossicles that are exquisitely preserved. Amongst this material we recognize pelmatozoan brachials, radials, basals and holomeric columnals. Although we cannot reconstruct the complete animal with precision, these elements represent the oldest known pelmatozoan with crinoid-like appendages. Key elements include isotomously to heterotomously branched uniserial appendage plates with a tripartite adoral food groove, a longitudinal central canal interpreted as housing entoneural nerve, and differentiated articulation facets. There are also epispire-bearing radials bearing one to four arm insertion-facets, each one pierced by a central neural canal. These canals run internal towards the oral area beneath the external food groove. Co-occuring material includes single truncated cone-shaped basals and holomeric columnals, both with a similar articulation pattern, and irregular, epispire-bearing thecal plates. This mosaic of crinozoan (uniserial isotomous to heterotomous arms with neural canal), blastozoan (epispire-bearing thecal plates, appendage leading to oral thecal food groove without direct connection with body cavity) and apomorphic characters (circumoral instead of basal entoneural plexus) is unexpected and demonstrates that crinoid-like pelmatozoans with uniserial, branched arms appeared significantly earlier than the Tremadocian, when the first articulated crinoid skeletons are found. It also raises questions about the polyphyletic appearance of feeding appendages among pelmatozoan echinoderms.  相似文献   
To be effective, management programmes geared towards halting or reversing the spread of invasive species must focus on defined and defensible areas. This requires knowledge of the dispersal of non-native species targeted for control to better understand invasion and recolonisation scenarios. We investigated the genetic structure of invasive American mink ( Neovison vison ) in Scotland, and incorporated landscape genetic approaches to examine resultant patterns in relation to geographical features that may influence dispersal. Populations of mink sampled from 10 sites in two regions (Argyll and Northeast Scotland) show a distinct genetic structure. First, the majority of pairwise population comparisons yielded F ST values that were significantly greater than zero. Second, amova revealed that most of the genetic variance was attributable to differences among regions. Assignment tests placed 89 or more of individuals into their sampled region. Bayesian clustering methods grouped samples into two clusters according to their region of origin. Wombling approach identified the Cairngorms Mountains as a major impediment to gene flow between the regions. Mantel pairwise correlations between genetic and geographical distances estimated as least-cost distance assuming a linear increase in the cost of movement with increasing elevation were higher than Euclidean distances or distance along waterways. Spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed stronger spatial structuring for females than for males. These results suggest that gene flow by American mink is restricted by landscape features (mountain ranges) and that eradication attempt should in the first instance break down the connectivity between management units separated by mountains.  相似文献   
1. We examined whether egg fatty acid (FA) profiles and stable isotopes (SIA) could be used in a comparative way to infer the diet of two aquatic bird species with contrasting feeding habits: a surface forager, the pheasant-tailed jacana ( Hydrophasianus chirurgus ), and a pursuit-diving forager, the little cormorant ( Phalacrocorax niger ), at Haleji Lake (Pakistan).
2. The species differed markedly in the overall percentage of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, among jacanas, two groups of birds had relatively high or low concentrations of long-chain essential PUFAs (such as 18:2 n-6 and 20:4 n-6), suggesting differing contributions from animal prey and plant material.
3. These trophic differences were corroborated by δ15N values which indicated both a higher trophic position in cormorants relative to jacanas, and differences in trophic position for the two groups of jacanas. In this latter species δ13C values in both groups also pointed to differing diets, involving mainly grazing plants or a contribution from animal resources (aquatic invertebrates or insects).
4. Both lower values of δ13C and higher percentages of 18:1 n-7 detected in little cormorants may indicate the influence of the anoxic water, typical of a freshwater system densely covered by macrophytes.
5. These results indicate how both biomarkers offer complementary information in studies of feeding ecology, refining interpretations of trophic pathways which are usually based on FA or SIA alone. Comparisons of FA profiles and SIA among species also proved to be a reliable approach for inferring the diet of species for which information is scarce or contradictory, as is the case for the pheasant-tailed jacana.  相似文献   
Data on the insect species associated with corpse decomposition are particularly important for estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI) in forensic science because the PMI is based on the lifecycle and behaviour of necrophagous insects, among other measures. To determine the dipteran succession on pig carrion, four experiments, one in each season, were carried out during 2004 in a rural area of Córdoba, central Argentina. Two pigs ( Sus scrofa L.) were used in each of the four experiments. At each time-point one pig was placed in the shade and the other under direct sunlight. Insects were collected daily during the first 4 weeks and thereafter every 2 or 3 days. Five stages of decomposition were observed and a total of 24 710 adult specimens were collected, belonging to the following eight families of Diptera: Calliphoridae; Muscidae; Sarcophagidae; Phoridae; Piophilidae; Fanniidae; Sphaeroceridae, and Anthomyiidae. All Calliphoridae collected in this study were considered to be of potential forensic importance because of their necrophagous behaviour and because their immature stages use carrion as a food source. Other species, such as Musca domestica L. and Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann), were also considered to represent potential forensic indicators.  相似文献   
We used radiotelemetric data and behavioural observations to characterize seasonal (mating versus post‐mating seasons) and sexual variation in movement patterns, as well as to examine some of the ecological factors contributing to the evolution of the mating system in a venomous predator from the Mojave Desert of North America, the speckled rattlesnake, Crotalus mitchellii. Mating occurs in spring from late April to early June, shortly after emergence from hibernation, when snakes are predictably aggregated around the dens. Males and females travelled further per unit time in the mating season compared to the post‐mating season. Males also travelled longer distances per unit time than females in the mating and post‐mating seasons, and males with larger home ranges during the mating season had more potential mating partners. The results obtained suggest that males actively locate females during the mating season, and that the drastic increase in distance travelled by males during the mating season may be caused by strong male–male competition for access to females, probably because of the limited availability of sexually receptive females. Furthermore, males fight for access to females, and males of larger size are more likely to acquire females. Therefore, sexual selection apparently acts on two different male phenotypic traits: investment in mate‐searching activities and male body size. The present study demonstrates that combining quantitative spatial analyses and behavioural observations in an explicit temporal context can significantly advance our understanding of the ecology and evolution of organismal mating systems. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 681–695.  相似文献   
Abstract. Ovariectomy has been used to study the role of the ovary in endocrine homeostasis. Our studies on young virgin adults of the cockroach Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera, Blattellidae) show that the cytological development of the corpora allata (CA) in ovariectomized females proceeds as in intact specimens, whereas the rates of Juvenile Hormone (JH) synthesis are lower. Stimulation of the CA from ovariectomized females in vitro by mevalonolactone suggests that enzymatic mechanisms which follow mevalonate formation in the biosynthetic pathway are functional. The synthetic capabilities of these CA are also illustrated by the kinetics of JH production in vitro , because hormonal release increases with time to reach 'normal' levels after 8h of incubation. Our data suggest that the absence of ovaries leads to effective inhibition of JH biosynthesis rather than to an impairment of the developmental process in the CA cells.  相似文献   
Abstract. To determine the species of Diptera and Coleoptera that visit and breed in carrion, four experiments, one for each season, were conducted from November 1992 to October 1993 in the vicinity of Campinas city, Southeastern Brazil. For each experiment two pigs weighing c. 10 kg were killed with a blow to the head with a blunt metallic object and immediately exposed, one in the shade and the other under sunlight. Adult insects and larvae leaving the carcass to pupate were collected daily. In addition, female blowflies were dissected in order to determine the stage of ovarian development. Five species of Calliphoridae: Chrysomya albiceps, C.megacephala, C.putoria, Phaenicia eximia and Hemilucilia segmentaria; three of Sarcophagidae: Pattonella intermutans, Liopygia ruficornis and Adiscochaeta ingens , and three of beetles: Dermestes maculatus, D. peruvianus (Dermestidae) and Necrobia rufipes (Cleridae), were considered of potential forensic importance, for they were able to breed in carrion exposed to natural environmental conditions. In addition, several fly species showed a definite seasonal pattern, with the Calliphoridae breeding more frequently during the warmer months of the year, and the Sarcophagidae preferring the cooler periods.  相似文献   
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