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In this study, we examined the effects of two chronic stress regimens upon anxiety-like behavior, Na+, K+-ATPase activity and immunocontent, and oxidative stress parameters (antioxidant enzymes and reactive oxygen species production) in the amygdala. Male rats were subjected to chronic unpredictable and to chronic restraint stress for 40 days. Subsequently, anxiety-like behavior was examined. Both stressed groups presented increased anxiety-like behavior. Reduced amygdalal Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the synaptic plasma membranes was also observed, without alterations in the amygdala immunocontent. In addition, when analyzing oxidative stress parameters, only superoxide dismutase activity was decreased in the amygdala of animals subjected to unpredictable stress. We conclude that both models of chronic stress lead to anxiety-like behavior and decreased amygdalal Na+, K+-ATPase activity, which appears not to be related to oxidative imbalance. The relationship between this decreased activity and anxiety-like behavior remains to be studied.  相似文献   
A survey was conducted to determine the assemblage and abundance of plant-parasitic nematodes and their associations with soil factors in organically farmed fields in Minnesota. A total of 31 soil samples were collected from southeast (SE), 26 samples from southwest (SW), 28 from west-central (WC), and 23 from northwest (NW) Minnesota. The assemblage and abundance of plant-parasitic nematodes varied among the four regions. The soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, the most destructive pathogen of soybean, was detected in 45.2, 88.5, 10.7, and 0% of organically farmed fields with relative prominence (RP) values of 10.3, 26.5, 0.6, and 0 in the SE, SW, WC, and NW regions, respectively. Across the four regions, other common genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were Helicotylenchus (42.6, RP value, same below), Pratylenchus (26.9), Tylenchorhynchus and related genera (9.4), Xiphinema (5.6), and Paratylenchus (5.3). Aphelenchoides, Meloidogyne, Hoplolaimus, Mesocriconema, and Trichodorus were also detected at low frequencies and/or low population densities. The similarity index of plant-parasitic nematodes between two regions ranged from 0.44 to 0.71 and the similarity increased with decreasing distance between regions. The densities of most plant-parasitic nematodes did not correlate with measured soil factors (organic matter, pH, texture). However, the densities of Pratylenchus correlated negatively with % sand, and Xiphinema was correlated negatively with soil pH.  相似文献   
Methylphenidate (MPH), a psychostimulant that affects both dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems, is one of the most frequently prescribed treatments for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The present study investigated the effects of chronic administration of MPH on some parameters of oxidative stress, as well as on butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity in blood of young rats. Rats received intraperitoneal injections of MPH (2.0 mg/kg) once a day, from the 15th to the 45th day of age or an equivalent volume of 0.9% saline solution (controls). Two hours after the last injection, animals were euthanized, and blood was collected. Results demonstrated that MPH did not alter the dichlorofluorescein formed, decreased both thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and total non-enzymatic radical-trapping antioxidant, and increased superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, suggesting that this psychostimulant may alter antioxidant defenses. BuChE activity was increased in blood of juvenile rats subjected to chronic MPH administration. These findings suggest that MPH may promote peripheral oxidative adaptations and cholinergic changes.  相似文献   
In the current study, we verified the effects of maternal hypermethioninemia on the number of neurons, apoptosis, nerve growth factor, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels, energy metabolism parameters (succinate dehydrogenase, complex II, and cytochrome c oxidase), expression and immunocontent of Na+,K+-ATPase, edema formation, inflammatory markers (tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6), and mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide levels in the encephalon from the offspring. Pregnant Wistar rats were divided into two groups: the first one received saline (control) and the second group received 2.68 μmol methionine/g body weight by subcutaneous injections twice a day during gestation (approximately 21 days). After parturition, pups were killed at the 21st day of life for removal of encephalon. Neuronal staining (anti-NeuN) revealed a reduction in number of neurons, which was associated to decreased nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels. Maternal hypermethioninemia also reduced succinate dehydrogenase and complex II activities and increased expression and immunocontent of Na+,K+-ATPase alpha subunits. These results indicate that maternal hypermethioninemia may be a predisposing factor for damage to the brain during the intrauterine life.  相似文献   
Invasive species can cause shifts in vegetation composition and fire regimes by initiating positive vegetation-fire feedbacks. To understand the mechanisms underpinning these shifts, we need to determine how invasive species interact with other species when burned in combination and thus how they may influence net flammability in the communities they invade. Previous studies using litter and ground fuels suggest that flammability of a species mixture is nonadditive and is driven largely by the more-flammable species. However, this nonadditivity has not been investigated in the context of plant invasions nor for canopy fuels. Using whole shoots, we measured the flammability of indigenous-invasive species pairs for six New Zealand indigenous and four globally invasive plant species, along with single-species control burns. Our integrated measure of flammability was clearly nonadditive, and the more-flammable species per pairing had the stronger influence on flammability in 83% of combinations. The degree of nonadditivity was significantly positively correlated with the flammability difference between the species in a pairing. The strength of nonadditivity differed among individual flammability components. Ignitability and combustibility were strongly determined by the more-flammable species per pair, yet both species contributed more equally to consumability and sustainability. Our results suggest mechanisms by which invasive species entrain positive vegetation-fire feedbacks that alter ecosystem flammability, enhancing their invasion. Of the species tested, Hakea sericea and Ulex europaeus are those most likely to increase the flammability of New Zealand ecosystems and should be priorities for management.  相似文献   
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is an endogenous compound that appears to regulate both lateral and adventitious root formation in many plant species and is also the auxin most available commercially for application to promote rooting. IBA is converted to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by β-oxidation in the peroxisomes. This process has been observed in a number of plant species and has been shown to be critical for normal root development in response to treatment with IBA. In this study, we investigated this process in hybrid hazelnut (Corylus americana × C. avellana), American elm (Ulmus americana), and Cathedral hybrid elm (U. pumila × U. davidiana var. japonica ‘Cathedral’), in which adventitious rooting is a major bottleneck for vegetative propagation, and the efficacy of IBA treatment is highly variable across different cultivars and at different collection times. Using differentially stable isotope-labeled IBA and IAA tracer and internal standard, respectively, and using gas chromatography coupled with selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, IBA-derived IAA was measured in shoot tissue treated with stable isotope-labeled IBA. In elm, higher levels of IBA-to-IAA conversion were generally observed in cultivars which formed adventitious roots most easily in softwood stem cutting trials. IBA-to-IAA conversion was observed in hazelnut genotypes with different rooting abilities and suggested a complex relationship exists between IBA conversion and root organogenesis. In both hazelnut and elm, endogenous free IAA levels were not significantly different across the genotypes examined. High rates of root formation is a key trait for establishment of large-scale production systems. Screening for optimal rates of IBA-to-IAA conversion may facilitate selection against genotypes which respond poorly to exogenous IBA and are thus difficult to propagate using hormone treatment.  相似文献   
Daie J  Wyse R 《Plant physiology》1983,72(2):430-433
The mode of abscisic acid (ABA) uptake was studied in excised leaf and root tissue discs of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Discs were incubated in buffered medium that contained 1 mm CaCl2 and [14C]ABA. The sensitivity of ABA uptake to metabolic inhibitors and temperature indicated that the ABA transport system had an energy-dependent component. Energy-dependent uptake was greater in leaf than in root tissue (70% and 50%, respectively). Energy-dependent uptake by both tissues and passive uptake by root tissues were highly pH dependent. Maximal uptake was observed at pH 5.5. Leaf tissue incubated in the dark showed a 50% reduction of uptake as compared with tissue under light. The decrease was due to reduced passive uptake.  相似文献   


Many musculoskeltal injuries in the workplace have been attributed to the repetitive loading of muscle and soft tissues. It is not disputed that muscular fatigue is a risk factor for musculoskeltal injury, however the disparity between gender with respect to muscular fatigability and rate of recovery is not well understood. Current health and safety guidelines do not account for sex differences in fatiguability and may be predisposing one gender to greater risk. The purpose of this study was to quantify the sex differences in fatigue development and recovery rate of lower and upper body musculature after repeated bouts of sustained isometric contractions.


Twenty-seven healthy males (n = 12) and females (n = 15) underwent bilateral localized fatigue of either the knee extensors (male: n = 8; female: n = 8), elbow flexors (male: n = 8; female: n = 10), or both muscle groups. The fatigue protocol consisted of ten 30-second sub-maximal isometric contractions. The changes in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), electrically evoked twitches, and motor unit activation (MUA) were assessed along with the ability to control the sustained contractions (SLP) during the fatigue protocol using a mixed four-factor repeated measures ANOVA (gender × side × muscle × time) design with significance set at p < 0.05.


There was a significant loss of MVC, MUA, and evoked twitch amplitude from pre- to post-fatigue in both the arms and legs. Males had greater relative loss of isometric force, a higher rate of fatigue development, and were less capable of maintaining the fatiguing contractions in the legs when compared to the females.


The nature of the induced fatigue was a combination of central and peripheral fatigue that did not fully recover over a 45-minute period. The results appear to reflect sex differences that are peripheral, and partially support the muscle mass hypothesis for explaining differences in muscular fatigue.
We have previously demonstrated that acute hyperhomocysteinemia induces oxidative stress in rat brain. In the present study, we initially investigated the effect of chronic hyperhomocysteinemia on some parameters of oxidative damage, namely total radical-trapping antioxidant potential and activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase), as well as on DNA damage in parietal cortex and blood of rats. We also evaluated the effect of folic acid on biochemical alterations elicited by hyperhomocysteinemia. Wistar rats received daily subcutaneous injection of Hcy (0.3-0.6 micromol/g body weight), and/or folic acid (0.011 micromol/g body weight) from their 6th to their 28th day of life. Twelve hours after the last injection the rats were sacrificed, parietal cortex and total blood was collected. Results showed that chronic homocysteine administration increased DNA damage, evaluated by comet assay, and disrupted antioxidant defenses (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) in parietal cortex and blood/plasma. Folic acid concurrent administration prevented homocysteine effects, possibly by its antioxidant and DNA stability maintenance properties. If confirmed in human beings, our results could propose that the supplementation of folic acid can be used as an adjuvant therapy in disorders that accumulate homocysteine.  相似文献   
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