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An improved technique was developed for the unidirectional covalent binding of avidin to ferritin by reductive alkylation. The method is based on the oxidation of sugar moieties on avidin and subsequent coupling to amino groups of ferritin via Schiff's bases followed by reduction with sodium borohydride. The resultant conjugate was used as an ultrastructural marker for the localization of surface receptor sites on biotin-derivatized whole cells. Erythrocytes were treated chemically with sodium meta-periodate and biotin hydrazide in succession. The ferritin-avidin conjugates were used to label the biotin sites either before or after fixation of the cells. The density and distribution of ferritin avidin conjugates on cell surfaces were anlyzed on thin sections and compared with those of cationized ferritin, which were shown to bind anionic sites of the erythrocyte membrane. The extensions of this method for the visualization of other systems is discussed.  相似文献   
SRF and MCM1 have related but distinct DNA binding specificities.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A pathognomonic macular ripple sign has been reported with scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images in patients with foveal hypoplasia, though the optical basis of this sign is presently unknown. Here we present a case series of seven individuals with foveal hypoplasia (based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography). Each patient underwent infrared scanning laser ophthalmoscopy retinal imaging in both eyes, acquired with and without a polarization filter and assessment for a ripple-like effect in the fovea. On imaging, macular ripples were present in all eyes with foveal hypoplasia when using a polarization filter, but not when imaged without the filter. We conclude that the macular ripple sign is an imaging artifact attributable to the unique pattern of phase retardation of the Henle fiber layer in the setting of foveal hypoplasia. By utilizing a polarization filter with retinal photography, this feature can be exploited to promptly identify foveal hypoplasia in settings where OCT is not possible due to nystagmus.  相似文献   
Microcladia exserta, a new species of the red algal genus Microcladia Greville (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales), is described from the Natal coast of South Africa. This small, creeping alga, an epiphyte on the coralline alga Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne, is distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characteristics: the prostrate habit, the exerted position of the tetrasporangia, and the presence in the cortex of numerous and conspicuous vesicle cells. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that the criterion of an erect habit in Microcladia vs. a prostrate habit in Herpochondria used to separate these genera is not sound.  相似文献   
Upregulation of aromatase (estrogen synthase) in glia around the site of neural injury may limit neural degeneration. Systemic administration of estrogen limits neural damage, but the specific role of local estrogen provision in this effect is unclear. In male zebra finches, we tested the effect of local aromatase inhibition and estrogen replacement on type of cellular degeneration and the distance of this degeneration from the source of insult. Subjects received injections of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole into one telencephalic lobe and fadrozole and estradiol into the contralateral lobe. Seventy-two hours later, we used Fluoro-Jade B and TUNEL to label dying and apoptotic cells, respectively. Since each subject was its own control, we were able to assess the influence of local estrogen replacement in relative distinction from circulating steroids and constitutive aromatization. Cellular degeneration around the lesion was measured with Fluoro-Jade B, TUNEL, and indirectly with aromatase expression. Additionally, the glial nature of aromatase-positive cells around the injury was queried by co-localization with vimentin. The estrogen replaced injury had fewer apoptotic cells clustered more closely around the injury compared to the hemisphere injected with fadrozole alone. Since Fluoro-Jade B and TUNEL labeled similar numbers of cells, and the distance of these cells from the injection was identical, we suggest that estrogen replacement functions primarily to restrict apoptosis in the current paradigm. Lastly, aromatase-positive cells around injuries co-localize vimentin, establishing their glial nature. Thus, glial estrogen provision at sites of neural insult may be critical in limiting the cellular degeneration caused by injury via an inhibition of apoptosis.  相似文献   
Light in retinitis pigmentosa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most genetically heterogeneous inherited disorders. Twelve genes have now been identified in the autosomal dominant form of the disease, including some recently characterized genes that show unprecedented and fascinating traits in both their function and in their expression profiles. These include many widely expressed genes encoding components of the spliceosome and a guanine nucleotide synthesis gene. Intriguingly, the most recently identified dominant gene does not appear to be expressed in the neuronal retina but is expressed in the capillaries of the choroid. In attempting to understand the effects of mutations in these genes, investigators are forced to re-evaluate their thinking on the molecular mechanisms of genetic blindness and to undertake an increasingly inter-disciplinary approach in their analysis of this disease. Recently, this has resulted in significant developments in the elucidation of the molecular pathogenesis of RP.  相似文献   
STK15/Aurora2 is a centrosome-associated serine/threonine kinase, the protein levels and kinase activity of which rise during G2 and mitosis. STK15 overexpression induces tumorigenesis and is amplified in various human cancers and tumor cell lines. Thus, STK15 represents an important therapeutic target for small molecule inhibitors that would disrupt its activity and block cell proliferation. The availability of a robust and selective small molecule inhibitor would also provide a useful tool for identification of the potential role of STK15 in cell cycle regulation and tumor development. The authors report the development of a novel, fast, simple microplate assay for STK15 activity suitable for high-throughput screening. In the assay, gamma-(33)P-ATP and STK15 were incubated in a myelin basic protein (MBP)-coated FlashPlate(R) to generate a scintillation signal. The assay was reproducible, the signal-to-noise ratio was high (11) and the Z' factor was 0.69. The assay was easily adapted to a robotic system for drug discovery programs targeting STK15. The authors also demonstrate that STK15 is regulated by phosphorylation and the N-amino terminal domain of the protein. Treatment with phosphatase inhibitors (okadaic acid) or deletion of the N-amino terminal domain results in a significant increase in the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Previous empirical evaluations of training programs aimed at improving dog adoption rates assume that dogs exhibiting certain behaviors are more adoptable. However, no systematic data are available to indicate that the spontaneous behavior of shelter dogs has an effect on adopter preference. The aim of the present study was to determine whether any behaviors that dogs exhibit spontaneously in the presence of potential adopters were associated with the dogs'' length of stay in the shelter. A sample of 289 dogs was videotaped for 1 min daily throughout their stay at a county shelter. To account for differences in adopter behavior, experimenters varied from solitary passive observers to pairs of interactive observers. Dogs behaved more attentively to active observers. To account for adopter preference for morphology, dogs were divided into “morphologically preferred” and “non-preferred” groups. Morphologically preferred dogs were small, long coated, ratters, herders, and lap dogs. No theoretically significant differences in behavior were observed between the two different dog morphologies. When accounting for morphological preference, three behaviors were found to have a significant effect on length of stay in all dogs: leaning or rubbing on the enclosure wall (increased median length of stay by 30 days), facing away from the front of the enclosure (increased by 15 days), and standing (increased by 7 days). When combinations of behaviors were assessed, back and forth motion was found to predict a longer stay (increased by 24 days). No consistent behavioral changes were observed due to time spent at the shelter. These findings will allow shelters to focus behavioral modification efforts only on behaviors likely to influence adopters'' choices.  相似文献   
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is commonly termed the ‘amphibian chytrid fungus’ but thus far has been documented to be a pathogen of only batrachian amphibians (anurans and caudatans). It is not proven to infect the limbless, generally poorly known, and mostly soil-dwelling caecilians (Gymnophiona). We conducted the largest qPCR survey of Bd in caecilians to date, for more than 200 field-swabbed specimens from five countries in Africa and South America, representing nearly 20 species, 12 genera, and 8 families. Positive results were recovered for 58 specimens from Tanzania and Cameroon (4 families, 6 genera, 6+ species). Quantities of Bd were not exceptionally high, with genomic equivalent (GE) values of 0.052–17.339. In addition, we report the first evidence of lethal chytridiomycosis in caecilians. Mortality in captive (wild-caught, commercial pet trade) Geotrypetes seraphini was associated with GE scores similar to those we detected for field-swabbed, wild animals.  相似文献   
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