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为解决过去保护修复工程只考虑单要素、单一类型生态系统的问题,我国于2016年开展了“山水林田湖草”生态修复工程,旨在通过整体、系统、综合的方法对各类生态系统进行统筹治理。然而,目前的工程治理中仍然存在对系统内部及系统间耦合概念理解不充分、系统耦合机制不明晰、对“尺度”的关注不足、缺少科学的分析方法等问题,制约了保护修复的成效。对此,首先将多个尺度下的耦合研究方法进行归纳总结,并以国家重点冰川水源涵养区及生物多样性保护优先区——疏勒河流域为例,将耦合方法用于分析要素间、自然生态系统间的耦合关系,最后基于该实例研究,提出多尺度耦合分析框架与“升尺度”保护修复模式,以期帮助相关决策者明晰“山水工程”中要素、系统间的耦合关系,增强治理的科学性与有效性,进而推进我国社会与环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
The present article is the first comprehensive treatment of phytogeography of Thermopsis (Fabaceae) in the world. Thermopsis is one of the few genera within Fabaceae with the distribution pattern of the East Asia-North American disjunction. The distribution patterns of 5 recognized sections (including a new one) covering 21 species in Thermopsis are analyzed, and the results show four centres of frequency of the genus: the Eastern Asiatic Region (9 spp. / 3 sects., including 4 endemic species), the Irano-Turanian Region (7 spp./3 sects., including 3 endemic species), the Rocky Mountain Region (7 spp./2 sects., all endemic), and the Atlantic North American Region (3 spp. / 1 sect., all endemic). In the light of the fact that most species and sections, a number of phylogenetic series of the genus, and the most primitive sections and most advanced sections in Thermopsis occur in the East Asia, the Eastern Asiatic Region might be the centre of diversity of the genus. As the Irano-Turanian Region and the Rocky Mountain Region were just second to that of Eastern Asiatic Region in number of sections and species, and many polyploids appeared in these regions, they were considered as the secondary centres of distribution and speciation of the genus. The speciation looks to be frequent and complex in these regions, and many new taxa have been described from there while many new reduced or incorporated taxa have happened over there. However, recent molecular data has shown that two reduced taxa of Thermopsis are distinct in these regions. Based on the modern distribution patterns and evolutionary trends in morphological characters of the genus, and available fossil record of the genus and the historical geology, we speculate that Thermopsis had already existed on Eurasia and North America before the Late Miocene, and probably originated from an ancestral form of Sophora-like taxa with lupine alkaloids somewhere in the Laurasia in the Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous. After the separation of the two continents, species on different continents developed distinctly under influences of different evolutionary factors. In Asia, the late Tertiary orogeny, disappearing of the Tethys and aridity and freezing caused by the Quaternary glaciation were the main forces to promote the speciation and evolutionary processes, whereas in North America it was the Quaternary glaciation and the orogeny of partial area to promote evolution of the genus. According to the evolutionary trends in Thermopsis and the distribution pattern of the primitive taxa, Sino-Japanese Subregion of Eastern Asiatic Region may be considered asthe centre of primitive forms of Thermopsis.  相似文献   
TRAIL(TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand)是最近克隆的肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)家族的新成员,由于它的蛋白质结构和生物学效应类似于FAS/APO-1L,因此,也被称为APO-2L.  相似文献   
几种旱生灌木种子萌发对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:55,自引:5,他引:55  
以不同渗透势的PEG(6 0 0 0 )溶液 (- 0 .3~ - 2 .7MPa)为模拟干旱胁迫条件 ,研究了柠条 (Caraganakorshinskii)、花棒 (Hedysarumscoparium)和白沙蒿 (Artemisiasphaerocephala)种子发芽、幼苗生长和累积吸水率对干旱胁迫的响应 ,讨论了参试种子发芽特性、初生根长度与幼苗建植成活率的关系 .结果表明 ,干旱胁迫下柠条发芽率最高 ,其次为花棒 ,白沙蒿最低 . - 0 .3~ - 0 .6MPa渗透势下白沙蒿发芽 10d的初生根长度显著大于花棒和柠条 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,三者的测量值依次为 7.9、4 .5和 3.1cm .干旱胁迫条件下参试种子发芽率与种子 72h累积吸水率均呈极显著的正相关 (P <0 .0 1) .  相似文献   
为了解不同玉米品种对草地贪夜蛾生长发育的影响,本文通过比较草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda取食2种糯质型玉米(明玉1203和苏玉糯5号)与3种普通玉米(苏玉29、苏玉30和郑单958)后的发育历期、死亡率、蛹重、成虫畸形率、繁殖力与幼虫取食选择率等生物学参数,分析了草地贪夜蛾对不同品种玉米的适应性差...  相似文献   
目的分析未净化Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠封闭群繁育和生长指标,并利用直接测序法分析其遗传稳定性。方法随机选择40对Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠,记录其繁殖胎次、产子数等指标,分析其仔鼠的生长发育情况。遗传稳定性分析选择Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠非同胞、非亲代个体33只,提取肝脏基因组DNA,PCR扩增D-Loop序列,产物纯化后双向测序,测序结果与Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠标准序列比对。结果 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠每胎产仔7只,胎间隔多在20~60 d间,雄性体重高于雌性。遗传稳定性分析检测发现33只Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠序列与标准序列完全一致。结论 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠群体内未发现遗传多态性,说明该群体具有较好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   



向丹参植株根部施入生防细菌DS-R5,培养45 d后采集根际和根表土壤样品提取总DNA,扩增样品基因组DNA的V4―V5区后进行双端测序,利用生物信息学解析生防细菌对丹参植株根际和根表土壤真菌群落多样性的影响。





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