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The validation of an analytical method to quantify the antiangiogenic, (Z)-3-[2,4-dimethyl-5-(2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-indol-3-ylidenemethyl)-1H-pyrrol-3-yl]propionic acid (SU006668) for pharmacokinetic determination in a phase I clinical trial, is described. HPLC, with a gradient mobile phase and UV detection at 440 nm, was used. SU006668 was extracted from plasma by precipitation of proteins with acetonitrile. The assay was linear from 25 to 2000 ng/ml (r(2)=0.997); sensitive (limit of quantification 25 ng/ml), accurate (RE 2.6-11.9%) and reproducible (inter-batch precision C.V. 3.2%). Pharmacokinetic data for six patients are presented. They show linear pharmacokinetics with a low volume of distribution and induction at doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/m(2).  相似文献   
Levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence divergence between species within each of several avian (Anas, Aythya, Dendroica, Melospiza, and Zonotrichia) and nonavian (Lepomis and Hyla) vertebrate genera were compared. An analysis of digestion profiles generated by 13-18 restriction endonucleases indicates little overlap in magnitude of mtDNA divergence for the avian versus nonavian taxa examined. In 55 interspecific comparisons among the avian congeners, the fraction of identical fragment lengths (F) ranged from 0.26 to 0.96 (F = 0.46), and, given certain assumptions, these translate into estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence (p) ranging from 0.007 to 0.088; in 46 comparisons among the fish and amphibian congeners, F values ranged from 0.00 to 0.36 (F = 0.09), yielding estimates of P greater than 0.070. The small mtDNA distances among avian congeners are associated with protein-electrophoretic distances (D values) less than approximately 0.2, while the mtDNA distances among assayed fish and amphibian congeners are associated with D values usually greater than 0.4. Since the conservative pattern of protein differentiation previously reported for many avian versus nonavian taxa now appears to be paralleled by a conservative pattern of mtDNA divergence, it seems increasingly likely that many avian species have shared more recent common ancestors than have their nonavian taxonomic counterparts. However, estimates of avian divergence times derived from mtDNA- and protein-calibrated clocks cannot readily be reconciled with some published dates based on limited fossil remains. If the earlier paleontological interpretations are valid, then protein and mtDNA evolution must be somewhat decelerated in birds. The empirical and conceptual issues raised by these findings are highly analogous to those in the long-standing debate about rates of molecular evolution and times of separation of ancestral hominids from African apes.   相似文献   
Recombination enhancer (RE) is essential for regulating donor preference during yeast mating type switching. In this study, by using minichromosome affinity purification (MAP) and mass spectrometry, we found that yeast Ku80p is associated with RE in MATa cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed its occupancy in vivo. Deletion of YKU80 results in altered chromatin structure in the RE region and more importantly causes a dramatic decrease of HML usage in MATa cells. We also detect directional movement of yKu80p from the RE towards HML during switching. These results indicate a novel function of yeast Ku80p in regulating mating type switching.  相似文献   
Although there typically is little additive genetic variation for fluctuating asymmetry (FA), or variation in nondirectional differences between left and right sides of bilateral characters, several investigators have hypothesized that FA may have an epistatic genetic basis. We tested this hypothesis by conducting a whole genome scan of FA of size and shape of the mandibular molars in house mice from an F2 intercross population generated from crossing the Large (LG/J) and Small (SM/J) inbred strains. Although no individual genes (QTLs=quantitative trait loci) on any of the 19 autosomes significantly affected FA for centroid size, and only two affected shape FA, a number of pairwise combinations of QTLs exhibited significant epistasis for FA in both molar size and shape. The QTLs involved in these interactions differed for FA in molar size versus FA in molar shape, but their epistatic contributions to the total variance was nearly the same (about 20%) for FA in both molar characters. It was noted that the genetic architecture of FA in the molar characters, consisting of little or no additive genetic variance but an abundance of epistatic genetic variance, is consistent with that of other typical fitness components such as litter size.  相似文献   
As genome-scale measurements lead to increasingly complex models of gene regulation, systematic approaches are needed to validate and refine these models. Towards this goal, we describe an automated procedure for prioritizing genetic perturbations in order to discriminate optimally between alternative models of a gene-regulatory network. Using this procedure, we evaluate 38 candidate regulatory networks in yeast and perform four high-priority gene knockout experiments. The refined networks support previously unknown regulatory mechanisms downstream of SOK2 and SWI4.  相似文献   
The molecular chaperone heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) plays a key role in the cell by stabilizing a number of client proteins, many of which are oncogenic. The intrinsic ATPase activity of HSP90 is essential to this activity. HSP90 is a new cancer drug target as inhibition results in simultaneous disruption of several key signaling pathways, leading to a combinatorial approach to the treatment of malignancy. Inhibitors of HSP90 ATPase activity including the benzoquinone ansamycins, geldanamycin and 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, and radicicol have been described. A high-throughput screen has been developed to identify small-molecule inhibitors that could be developed as therapeutic agents with improved pharmacological properties. A colorimetric assay for inorganic phosphate, based on the formation of a phosphomolybdate complex and subsequent reaction with malachite green, was used to measure the ATPase activity of yeast HSP90. The Km for ATP determined in the assay was 510+/-70 microM. The known HSP90 inhibitors geldanamycin and radicicol gave IC(50) values of 4.8 and 0.9 microM respectively, which compare with values found using the conventional coupled-enzyme assay. The assay was robust and reproducible (2-8% CV) and used to screen a compound collection of approximately 56,000 compounds in 384-well format with Z' factors between 0.6 and 0.8.  相似文献   


It has been argued that multibreed animal models should include a heterogeneous covariance structure. However, the estimation of the (co)variance components is not an easy task, because these parameters can not be factored out from the inverse of the additive genetic covariance matrix. An alternative model, based on the decomposition of the genetic covariance matrix by source of variability, provides a much simpler formulation. In this study, we formalize the equivalence between this alternative model and the one derived from the quantitative genetic theory. Further, we extend the model to include maternal effects and, in order to estimate the (co)variance components, we describe a hierarchical Bayes implementation. Finally, we implement the model to weaning weight data from an Angus × Hereford crossbred experiment.


Our argument is based on redefining the vectors of breeding values by breed origin such that they do not include individuals with null contributions. Next, we define matrices that retrieve the null-row and the null-column pattern and, by means of appropriate algebraic operations, we demonstrate the equivalence. The extension to include maternal effects and the estimation of the (co)variance components through the hierarchical Bayes analysis are then straightforward. A FORTRAN 90 Gibbs sampler was specifically programmed and executed to estimate the (co)variance components of the Angus × Hereford population.


In general, genetic (co)variance components showed marginal posterior densities with a high degree of symmetry, except for the segregation components. Angus and Hereford breeds contributed with 50.26% and 41.73% of the total direct additive variance, and with 23.59% and 59.65% of the total maternal additive variance. In turn, the contribution of the segregation variance was not significant in either case, which suggests that the allelic frequencies in the two parental breeds were similar.


The multibreed maternal animal model introduced in this study simplifies the problem of estimating (co)variance components in the framework of a hierarchical Bayes analysis. Using this approach, we obtained for the first time estimates of the full set of genetic (co)variance components. It would be interesting to assess the performance of the procedure with field data, especially when interbreed information is limited.  相似文献   
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