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In the arms race between avian brood parasites and their hosts, several adaptations and counter‐adaptations have evolved. The most prominent host defence is rejection of parasitic eggs. We experimentally parasitized nests of 10 potential host species breeding in sympatry with four different cuckoo species in an area in Bangladesh using differently coloured model eggs to test host responses. In four species we introduced both mimetic and non‐mimetic eggs. Black Drongos Dicrurus macrocercus, hosts of the Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus, rejected all model eggs. Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis and Jungle Babblers Turdoides striata accepted all eggs regardless of mimicry. These two species are parasitized by Asian Koels Eudynamys scolopaceus, Common Hawk‐cuckoo Hierococcyx varius and, in the case of Jungle Babblers, Jacobin Cuckoos Clamator jacobinus. Pied Mynas Gracupica contra, with no records of parasitism in our study area, also accepted all eggs regardless of mimicry. In the six remaining species, all of which lay spotted eggs, we introduced only non‐mimetic eggs. Black‐hooded Orioles Oriolus xanthornus rejected all model eggs, even though we have found no records of natural parasitism. Long‐tailed Shrikes Lanius schach and House Crows Corvus splendens, hosts of Asian Koels, rejected 75 and 9.1% of model eggs, respectively. Large‐billed Crows Corvus macrorhynchos, apparently not used as hosts in our study area, accepted all blue but rejected all brown model eggs. Oriental Magpie‐Robins Copsychus saularis and Red‐vented Bulbuls Pycnonotus cafer accepted all non‐mimetic model eggs. In Black Drongos, Long‐tailed Shrikes and Black‐hooded Orioles, all model eggs were ejected within 24 h of introduction. The results show considerable variation in egg rejection rates among various species, providing baseline data for further investigation of co‐evolutionary interactions between brood parasites and hosts in this region.  相似文献   
Most studies on Arctic food webs have neglected microphytobenthos as a potential food source because we currently lack robust measurements of δ13C values for microphytobenthos from this environment. As a result, the role of microphytobenthos in high latitude marine food webs is not well understood. We combined field measurements of the concentration of aqueous carbon dioxide and the stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) from bottom water in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas with a set of stable carbon isotopic fractionation factors reflecting differences in algal taxonomy and physiology to estimate the stable carbon isotope composition of microphytobenthos-derived total organic carbon (δ13Cp). The δ13Cp for Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a pennate diatom likely to be a dominant microphytobenthos taxon, was estimated to be ?23.9 ± 0.4 ‰ as compared to a centric diatom (Porosira glacialis, δ13Cp = ?20.0 ± 1.6 ‰) and a marine haptophyte (Emiliana huxleyi, δ13Cp = ?22.7 ± 0.5 ‰) at a growth rate (µ) of 0.1 divisions per day (d?1). δ13Cp values increased by ~2.5 ‰ when µ increased from 0.1 to a maximum growth rate of 1.4 d?1. We compared our estimates of δ13Cp values for microphytobenthos with published measurements for other carbon sources in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. We found that microphytobenthos values overlapped with pelagic sources, yet differed from riverine and ice-derived carbon sources. These model results provide valuable insight into the range of possible isotopic values for microphytobenthos from this region, but we remain cautious in regard to the conclusiveness of these findings given the paucity of field measurements currently available for model validation.  相似文献   
A further increase in nitrogen (N) intensive biomass supplies to substitute fossil carbon sources implies inclusion of additional reactive nitrogen (Nr) into the biosphere. A Danish model study compared low‐intensity managed seminatural beech forest and a winter wheat system with respect to N losses and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Losses of reactive N to air and groundwater per unit of energy produced were four to six times higher for the winter wheat system. The energy efficiency was an order of magnitude higher in the forest system, whereas the related GHG emission reduction by fossil coal substitution differed by <25%. The question is whether a low or a high intensity of cultivation yields the best overall ecosystem service performance? Given the detrimental effect of excess reactive N on natural ecosystems, we suggest that bioenergy production from unfertilized forest with seminatural structure and function should be preferred over N‐intensive crop production.  相似文献   
Scientific evidence supports the use of common reference intervals (RIs) for many general chemistry analytes, in particular those with sound calibration and traceability in place. Already the Nordic countries and United Kingdom have largely achieved harmonised RIs. Following a series of workshops organised by the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) between 2012 and 2014 at which an evidence-based approach for determination of common intervals was developed, pathology organisations in Australia and New Zealand have reached a scientific consensus on what adult and paediatric intervals we should use across Australasia. The aim of this report is to describe the processes that the AACB and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia have taken towards recommending the implementation of a first panel of common RIs for use in Australasia.  相似文献   
In this study, we report cDNA sequences of the cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase for humans, mice, and two species of voles (Microtus mexicanus and Microtus ochrogaster). Inferred amino acid sequences from these taxa display a high level of amino acid sequence conservation, comparable to that of myosin beta heavy chain, and share known structural features. A Caenorhabditis elegans enzyme that was previously identified as a protein similar to isocitrate dehydrogenase is most likely the NADP-dependent cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme equivalent, based on amino acid similarity to mammalian enzymes and phylogenetic analysis. We also suggest that NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases characterized from alfalfa, soybean, and eucalyptus are most likely cytosolic enzymes. The phylogenetic tree of various isocitrate dehydrogenases from eukaryotic sources revealed that independent gene duplications may have given rise to the cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in animals and fungi. There appears to be no statistical support for a hypothesis that the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the enzyme are orthologous in these groups. A possible scenario of the evolution of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases is proposed.   相似文献   
The two main allelic variants of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) pantophysin I (Pan I) locus have different frequencies within different cod stocks. The Dra I polymorphism which distinguishes the two alleles can thus be used for discrimination of coastal and offshore cod populations. We present a new method for Pan I genotyping using fluorescent allele‐specific duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method is more rapid, reliable and cost‐effective than the previously published method and it is not affected by DNA source and quality. This improvement is important for studies demanding high throughput and accuracy of Pan I genotyping  相似文献   
Mangroves are halophytic plants living at the land–sea interface and are therefore natural trackers of sea-level. Multiple proxies of a continuous (8 m) mangrove peat core (BT-79) from Spanish Lookout Cay, Belize illustrate mangrove ecosystem changes during the Holocene. Radiocarbon measurements show this site was colonized by mangroves ~ 8000 cal. yrs BP, with a significant decrease in the peat accumulation rate from ~ 6000 to 1000 cal. yrs BP. Stratigraphic characteristics of this peat core such as bulk density, magnetic susceptibility, and loss on ignition show relative uniformity, inferring an uninterrupted mangrove ecosystem during a majority of the Holocene. This is supported by pollen data from BT-79 that show that the site has been consistently dominated by Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove), with Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) and Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove) present as well. Subfossil R. mangle leaves are used for stable nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotope (δ15N, δ13C, and δ18O) analyses. δ15N and δ13C values provide a proxy of this plant's past physiology and stand structure showing that dwarf (δ15N < − 3‰) and tall (δ13C < − 27‰) R. mangle stands were previously present at the site, which are a result of nutrient limitations that we equate with seawater inundation. δ18O values show differences in source water of R. mangle, with higher values attributed to the source water being composed of a greater proportion of seawater relative to precipitation. A decrease in inundation at the site is shown by lower δ18O values (< 19‰) from ~ 7000 to ~ 1000 cal. yrs BP that covary with the decreased sedimentation rate. Existing Caribbean sea-level data do not show evidence of a decrease in the rate of relative sea-level rise or fluctuations that we take to be the major causes of environmental changes at site BT-79.  相似文献   
The Late Oligocene (25.8 Ma) Enspel Fossillagerstätte in Westerwald, Germany, contains a comprehensive fossil ecosystem preserved with specimens retaining morphological detail and a concentration of organic material. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were used to examine the lacustrine ecosystem preserved in one stratigraphic horizon. These data suggest the presence of several trophic levels, including primary producers (diatoms and higher plants), primary consumers (e.g., tadpoles and insects), and secondary consumers (e.g., the fish species Paleorutilus enspelensis). Terrigenous and aquatic plants were associated with the lowest δ13C and δ15N values (mean plant = − 26.28‰ ± 0.45, 3.18‰ ± 1.04), primary consumers such as flies are one trophic level higher, and carnivores such as fish are yet another level higher. The δ15N values for P. enspelensis also showed enrichment in 15N with increasing body length, implying a shift in diet or feeding strategy with size. P. enspelensis and tadpole (Pelobates decheni) samples showed intraorganism fractionation between ‘muscle’ and ‘bone’ tissues. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the measurement of components (shale, leaves and seeds) common to a number of different stratigraphic horizons showed significant variation between horizons. A number of the features of the stable isotopic data are similar to those relationships seen in modern ecosystems and therefore suggest that stable isotope analyses can contribute to understanding ancient ecosystems.  相似文献   
It has been forecast that the challenge of meeting increased food demand and protecting environmental quality will be won or lost in maize, rice and wheat cropping systems, and that the problem of environmental nitrogen enrichment is most likely to be solved by substituting synthetic nitrogen fertilizers by the creation of cereal crops that are able to fix nitrogen symbiotically as legumes do. In legumes, rhizobia present intracellularly in membrane-bound vesicular compartments in the cytoplasm of nodule cells fix nitrogen endosymbiotically. Within these symbiosomes, membrane-bound vesicular compartments, rhizobia are supplied with energy derived from plant photosynthates and in return supply the plant with biologically fixed nitrogen, usually as ammonia. This minimizes or eliminates the need for inputs of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. Recently we have demonstrated, using novel inoculation conditions with very low numbers of bacteria, that cells of root meristems of maize, rice, wheat and other major non-legume crops, such as oilseed rape and tomato, can be intracellularly colonized by the non-rhizobial, non-nodulating, nitrogen fixing bacterium, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus that naturally occurs in sugarcane. G. diazotrophicus expressing nitrogen fixing (nifH) genes is present in symbiosome-like compartments in the cytoplasm of cells of the root meristems of the target cereals and non-legume crop species, somewhat similar to the intracellular symbiosome colonization of legume nodule cells by rhizobia. To obtain an indication of the likelihood of adequate growth and yield, of maize for example, with reduced inputs of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, we are currently determining the extent to which nitrogen fixation, as assessed using various methods, is correlated with the extent of systemic intracellular colonization by G. diazotrophicus, with minimal or zero inputs.  相似文献   
Hybridization is a significant threat for endangered species and could potentially even lead to their extinction. This concern applies to the globally vulnerable Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, a species that co‐occurs, and potentially interbreeds, with the more common Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in a vast area of Eastern Europe. We applied single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite markers in order to study hybridization and introgression in 14 European spotted eagle populations. We detected hybridization and/or introgression in all studied sympatric populations. In most regions, hybridization took place prevalently between A. pomarina males and A. clanga females, with introgression to the more common A. pomarina. However, such a pattern was not as obvious in regions where A. clanga is still numerous. In the course of 16 years of genetic monitoring of a mixed population in Estonia, we observed the abandonment of A. clanga breeding territories and the replacement of A. clanga pairs by A. pomarina, whereby on several occasions hybridization was an intermediate step before the disappearance of A. clanga. Although the total number of Estonian A. clanga × A. pomarina pairs was twice as high as that of A. clanga pairs, the number of pairs recorded yearly were approximately equal, which suggests a higher turnover rate in interbreeding pairs. This study shows that interspecific introgressive hybridization occurs rather frequently in a hybrid zone at least 1700‐km wide: it poses an additional threat for the vulnerable A. clanga, and may contribute to the extinction of its populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 725–736.  相似文献   
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