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Changes in leaf physiology with tree age and size could alter forest growth, water yield, and carbon fluxes. We measured tree water flux (Q) for 14 ponderosa pine trees in two size classes (12 m tall and ∼40 years old, and 36 m tall and ∼ 290 years old) to determine if transpiration (E) and whole-tree conductance (g t) differed between the two sizes of trees. For both size classes, E was approximately equal to Q measured 2 m above the ground: Q was most highly correlated with current, not lagged, water vapor pressure deficit, and night Q was <12% of total daily flux. E for days 165–195 and 240–260 averaged 0.97 mmol m–2 (leaf area, projected) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 0.57 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 36-m trees. When photosynthetically active radiation (I P) exceeded the light saturation for photosynthesis in ponderosa pine (900 μmol m–2 (ground) s–1), differences in E were more pronounced: 2.4 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 1.2 mmol m–2 s–1 for the 36-m trees, yielding g t of 140 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 72 mmol m–2 s–1 for the 36-m trees. Extrapolated to forests with leaf area index =1, the 36-m trees would transpire 117 mm between 1 June and 31 August compared to 170 mm for the 12-m trees, a difference of 15% of average annual precipitation. Lower g t in the taller trees also likely lowers photosynthesis during the growing season. Received: 19 April 1999 / Accepted: 23 March 2000  相似文献   
The potent noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist [3H]MK-801 bound with nanomolar affinity to rat brain membranes in a reversible, saturable, and stereospecific manner. The affinity of [3H]MK-801 was considerably higher in 5 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) than in previous studies using Krebs-Henseleit buffer. [3H]MK-801 labels a homogeneous population of sites in rat cerebral cortical membranes with KD of 6.3 nM and Bmax of 2.37 pmol/mg of protein. This binding was unevenly distributed among brain regions, with hippocampus greater than cortex greater than olfactory bulb = striatum greater than medulla-pons, and the cerebellum failing to show significant binding. Detailed pharmacological characterization indicated [3H]MK-801 binding to a site which was competitively and potently inhibited by known noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists, such as phencyclidine, thienylcyclohexylpiperidine (TCP), ketamine, N-allylnormetazocine (SKF 10,047), cyclazocine, and etoxadrol, a specificity similar to sites labelled by [3H]TCP. These sites were distinct from the high-affinity sites labelled by the sigma receptor ligand (+)-[3H]SKF 10,047. [3H]MK-801 binding was allosterically modulated by the endogenous NMDA receptor antagonist Mg2+ and by other active divalent cations. These data suggest that [3H]MK-801 labels a high-affinity site on the NMDA receptor channel complex, distinct from the NMDA recognition site, which is responsible for the blocking action of MK-801 and other noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists.  相似文献   
The importance of the initial follicle pool in fertility in female adult mammals has recently been debated. Utilizing a mathematical model of the dynamics of follicle progression (primordial to primary to secondary), we examined whether the initial follicle pool is sufficient for adult fertility through reproductive senescence in CD1 mice. Follicles in each stage were counted from postnatal day 6 through 12 months and data were fit to a series of first-order differential equations representing two mechanisms: an initial pool of primordial follicles as the only follicle source (fixed pool model), or an initial primordial follicle pool supplemented by germline stem cells (stem cell model). The fixed pool model fit the experimental data, accurately representing the maximum observed primary follicle number reached by 4-6 months of age. Although no germline stem cells could be identified by SSEA-1 immunostaining, the stem cell model was tested using a range of de novo primordial follicle production rates. The stem cell model failed to describe the observed decreases in follicles over time and did not parallel the accumulation and subsequent reduction in primary follicles during the early fertile lifespan of the mouse. Our results agree with established dogma that the initial endowment of ovarian follicles is not supplemented by an appreciable number of stem cells; rather, it is sufficient to ensure the fertility needs of the adult mouse.  相似文献   
New deleterious mutations may reduce health and fitness and are involved in the evolution and maintenance of numerous biological processes. Hence, it is important to estimate the deleterious genomic mutation rate (U) in representative higher organisms. However, these estimated rates vary widely, mainly because of inadequate experimental controls. Here we describe an experimental design (the Binscy assay) with concomitant sibling controls and estimate U for viability in Drosophila melanogaster to be 0.31. This estimate, like most published studies, focuses on viability mutations and the overall deleterious genomic mutation rate would therefore be higher.  相似文献   
Behaviours or traits associated with aggression and communication may increase an animal's conspicuousness to predators or parasitoids. Most examples of this come from instances of aggression or communication within a species. We tested whether interspecific encounters between ants enhance the host location success of a parasitoid (Diptera: Phoridae) that attacks ants in the genus Linepithema. At food resources recruited to by Linepithema, parasitoid discovery rates were lower when Linepithema was alone than when other ant species were present. In experimentally controlled encounters, parasitoid discovery rates were elevated when Linepithema confronted an ant species that elicited use of chemicals, but not when it confronted an ant species that primarily elicited physical aggression. These results indicate that phorid parasitoids of Linepithema use the ant's chemicals as host location cues. Because Linepithema is known to abandon food resources in the presence of its phorid parasitoids, its use of chemicals during interspecific encounters may diminish its competitive success when phorids are nearby. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   
Many studies demonstrate that there is still a significant gender bias, especially at higher career levels, in many areas including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We investigated field-dependent, gender-specific effects of the selective pressures individuals experience as they pursue a career in academia within seven STEM disciplines. We built a unique database that comprises 437,787 publications authored by 4,292 faculty members at top United States research universities. Our analyses reveal that gender differences in publication rate and impact are discipline-specific. Our results also support two hypotheses. First, the widely-reported lower publication rates of female faculty are correlated with the amount of research resources typically needed in the discipline considered, and thus may be explained by the lower level of institutional support historically received by females. Second, in disciplines where pursuing an academic position incurs greater career risk, female faculty tend to have a greater fraction of higher impact publications than males. Our findings have significant, field-specific, policy implications for achieving diversity at the faculty level within the STEM disciplines.  相似文献   
In 2010, foreign-born persons accounted for 60% of all tuberculosis (TB) cases in the United States. Understanding which national groups make up the highest proportion of TB cases will assist TB control programs in concentrating limited resources where they can provide the greatest impact on preventing transmission of TB disease. The objective of our study was to predict through 2020 the numbers of U.S. TB cases among U.S.-born, foreign-born and foreign-born persons from selected countries of birth. TB case counts reported through the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System from 2000–2010 were log-transformed, and linear regression was performed to calculate predicted annual case counts and 95% prediction intervals for 2011–2020. Data were analyzed in 2011 before 2011 case counts were known. Decreases were predicted between 2010 observed and 2020 predicted counts for total TB cases (11,182 to 8,117 [95% prediction interval 7,262–9,073]) as well as TB cases among foreign-born persons from Mexico (1,541 to 1,420 [1,066–1,892]), the Philippines (740 to 724 [569–922]), India (578 to 553 [455–672]), Vietnam (532 to 429 [367–502]) and China (364 to 328 [249–433]). TB cases among persons who are U.S.-born and foreign-born were predicted to decline 47% (4,393 to 2,338 [2,113–2,586]) and 6% (6,720 to 6,343 [5,382–7,476]), respectively. Assuming rates of declines observed from 2000–2010 continue until 2020, a widening gap between the numbers of U.S.-born and foreign-born TB cases was predicted. TB case count predictions will help TB control programs identify needs for cultural competency, such as languages and interpreters needed for translating materials or engaging in appropriate community outreach.  相似文献   
Food fortification is a cost-effective approach to prevent and control of micronutrient deficiencies in India. A cross-sectional survey of children 0–35 months of age residing in the catchment areas of anganwadi centers in the state of Telangana was conducted to assess the coverage of adequately iodized salt and the potential for rice fortification. Salt samples were collected and tested for iodine concentration using iodometric titration. Information on demographics, household rice consumption, and Telangana’s rice sector was collected and interpreted. In households of selected children, 79% of salt samples were found to be adequately iodized. Salt brand and district were significant predictors of inadequately iodized salt. Daily rice consumption among children and women averaged 122 grams and 321 grams per day, respectively. Approximately 28% of households reported consuming rice produced themselves or purchased from a local farmer, 65% purchased rice from a market or shop, 6% got rice from a public distribution system site, and 2% obtained it from a rice mill. In the catchment areas of Telangana’s anganwadi centers, there is significant variation in the coverage of adequately iodized salt by district. Future surveys in Telangana should measure the coverage of salt iodization in the general population using quantitative methods. Nonetheless, increasing the adequacy of iodization of smaller salt manufacturers would help achieve universal salt iodization in Telangana. Despite high consumption of rice, our findings suggest that large-scale market-based rice fortification is not feasible in Telangana due to a large proportion of households producing their own rice and highly fragmented rice distribution. Distributing fortified rice via Telangana’s public distribution system may be a viable approach to target low-income households, but would only reach a small proportion of the population in Telangana.  相似文献   
The snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, is a major intermediate host of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, in the Americas. The inheritance and linkage relationships of a gene enabling adult snails to resist infection by a Puerto Rican strain of the parasite were analyzed using two laboratory stocks that differed in susceptibility, pigmentation, and five electrophoretically detectable enzyme markers. Segregation ratios in second-generation intraspecific hybrids between susceptible (M-stock) and resistant (10-R2-stock) snails indicate that the susceptibility gene is not linked to the enzyme (ACON-1, ACP, EST-2, PEP-2, PGD) or pigmentation loci studied. These seven loci assort independently of one another. Observed rates of infection among F1 and F2 progeny are consistent with Richards' finding that adult susceptibility to the PR-1 strain of S. mansoni is controlled by a single locus with resistance dominant. No association between allozymes of acid phosphatase and snail susceptibility to PR-1 was seen in the snail-parasite combinations studied.  相似文献   
Time-resolved resonance Raman spectra have been recorded during the reaction of mixed valence (a3+ a2+(3)) cytochrome oxidase with dioxygen at room temperature. In the spectrum recorded at 10 microseconds subsequent to carbon monoxide photolysis, a mode is observed at 572 cm-1 that shifts to 548 cm-1 when the experiment is repeated with 18O2. The appearance of this mode is dependent upon the laser intensity used and disappears at higher incident energies. The high frequency data in conjunction with the mid-frequency data allow us to assign the 572 cm-1 mode to the Fe-O stretching vibration of the low-spin O2 adduct that forms in the mixed valence cytochrome oxidase/dioxygen reaction. The 572 cm-1 v(Fe2(+)-O2) frequency in the mixed valence enzyme/O2 adduct is essentially identical to the 571 cm-1 frequency we measured for this mode during the reduction of O2 by the fully reduced enzyme (Varotsis, C., Woodruff, W. H., and Babcock, G. T. (1989) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 6439-6440; Varotsis, C., Woodruff, W. H., and Babcock, G. T. (1990) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 1297), which indicates that the O2-bound cytochrome a3 site is independent of the redox state of the cytochrome a/CuA pair. The photolabile oxy intermediate is replaced by photostable low- or intermediate-spin cytochrome a3+(3), with t1/2 congruent to 200 microseconds.  相似文献   
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