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The SCA7 mutation has been found in 54 patients and 7 at-risk subjects from 17 families who have autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) II with progressive pigmentary maculopathy. In one isolated case, haplotype reconstruction through three generations confirmed a de novo mutation owing to paternal meiotic instability. Different disease-associated haplotypes segregated among the SCA7-positive kindreds, which indicated a multiple origin of the mutation. One family with the clinical phenotype of ADCA type II did not have the CAG expansion that indicated locus heterogeneity. The distribution of the repeat size in 944 independent normal chromosomes from controls, unaffected at-risk subjects, and one affected individual fell into two ranges. The majority of the alleles were in the first range of 7-19 CAG repeats. A second range could be identified with 28-35 repeats, and we provide evidence that these repeats represent intermediate alleles that are prone to further expansion. The repeat size of the pathological allele, the widest reported for all CAG-repeat disorders, ranged from 37 to approximately 220. The repeat size showed significant negative correlation with both age at onset and age at death. Analysis of the clinical features in the patients with SCA7 confirmed that the most frequently associated features are pigmentary maculopathy, pyramidal tract involvement, and slow saccades. The subjects with <49 repeats tended to have a less complicated neurological phenotype and a longer disease duration, whereas the converse applied to subjects with >/=49 repeats. The degree of instability during meiotic transmission was greater than in all other CAG-repeat disorders and was particularly striking in paternal transmission, in which a median increase in repeat size of 6 and an interquartile range of 12 were observed, versus a median increase of 3 and interquartile range of 3.5 in maternal transmission.  相似文献   
The omega-atracotoxins are a family of 36 to 37-residue peptide neurotoxins that block insect but not mammalian voltage-gated calcium channels. The high phylogenetic specificity of these toxins recommends them as lead compounds for targeting insects that have developed resistance to chemical pesticides. We have begun to examine structure-function relationships in the omega-atracotoxins in order to explore the molecular basis of their activity and phylogenetic specificity. By probing the venom of the Blue Mountains funnel-web spider, Hadronyche versuta, for insecticidal toxins with masses close to that of omega-atracotoxin-Hv1a (omega-ACTX-Hv1a), we have isolated and sequenced five additional omega-atracotoxins. Five of the six omega-atracotoxins isolated from the venom of H. versuta (omega-ACTX-Hv1a to -Hv1e) differ from one another by only 1-3 residues and have similar insecticidal potencies. In contrast, omega-ACTX-Hv1f differs from the other toxins by up to 10 residues and it has markedly reduced insecticidal potency, thus providing information on key functional residues. The new atracotoxin sequences have revealed that the three N-terminal residues are highly conserved. Despite the fact that these residues are structurally disordered in solution we show here, by a series of N-terminal truncations, that they contribute significantly to insecticidal potency. However, loss of activity does not correlate with deletion of highly conserved residues, which leads us to propose that the disposition of the N-terminal charge, rather than the chemical properties of the N-terminal residues themselves, may be critical for the activity of omega-atracotoxin on insect calcium channels.  相似文献   
Abstract The regulation of the spvR promoter from the Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid was monitored using proter-reporter gene fusion constructs. Activity was dependent upon the presence of the spv region and was affected by the number of copies of the spv region present with the cell. Activity remained constant throughout exponential growth, and increased rapidly with the onset of stationary phase, under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Additionally, the level of spvR expression was controlled by the availability of iron, activity being greatest under low iron conditions in stationary phase. The spvA gene product negatively regulated spvR expression in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that SpvA provides a negative feedback mechanism for this operon.  相似文献   
T S Rao  H S Kim  J Lehmann  L L Martin  P L Wood 《Life sciences》1989,45(12):1065-1072
The interactions of phencyclidine (PCP) with the mesocortical dopaminergic system were of interest because of the putative role of this pathway in the etiology of schizophrenia. In the present investigation we examined the effects of PCP, and PCP-receptor agonist, ketamine, on dopamine (DA) release by measuring the levels of 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), the only DA metabolite which is a reliable indicator of DA release in vivo. PCP increased DA release in the amygdala, pyriform and prefrontal cortices, while ketamine was less potent than PCP in this respect. In contrast to the changes in DA release in the cortical regions, ketamine decreased DA release in striatum, while PCP did not change DA release.  相似文献   


The presence of monocyte-macrophage lineage cells in rejecting kidney transplants is associated with worse graft outcome. At present, it is still unclear how the monocyte-macrophage related responses develop after transplantation. Here, we studied the dynamics, phenotypic and functional characteristics of circulating monocytes during the first 6 months after transplantation and aimed to establish the differences between kidney transplant recipients and healthy individuals.


Phenotype, activation status and cytokine production capacity of classical (CD14++CD16−), intermediate (CD14++CD16+) and non-classical (CD14+CD16++), monocytes were determined by flow cytometry in a cohort of 33 healthy individuals, 30 renal transplant recipients at transplantation, 19 recipients at 3 months and 16 recipients at 6 months after transplantation using a cross-sectional approach.


The percentage of both CD16+ monocyte subsets was significantly increased in transplant recipients compared to healthy individuals, indicative of triggered innate immunity (p≤0.039). Enhanced production capacity of tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ and interleukin-1β was observed by monocytes at transplantation compared to healthy individuals. Remarkably, three months post-transplant, in presence of potent immunosuppressive drugs and despite improved kidney function, interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10 production capacity still remained significantly increased.


Our data demonstrate a skewed balance towards pro-inflammatory CD16+ monocytes that is present at the time of transplantation and retained for at least 6 months after transplantation. This shift could be one of the important drivers of early post-transplant cellular immunity.  相似文献   
The supernatants of human monocytes incubated with endotoxin are able to stimulate the proliferation of murine thymocytes in the presence of PHA. This is known as LAF (lymphocyte activating factor) activity and is a characteristic activity of interleukin 1 (IL 1). The LAF activity can be resolved into four major fractions: a 15,000 dalton (pI 7), a 15,000 (pI 5.5), a 35,000 (pI 7), and a 35,000 (pI 5.5) fraction. To determine whether these four fractions shared the other biologic activities ascribed to IL 1, they were compared in a series of bioassays. When standardized with respect to their LAF activities, the four fractions did not differ significantly as mitogens for murine thymocytes, inducers of IL 2, murine or human B cell activators, human chondrocyte or synoviocyte stimulants, or inducers of acute phase proteins in vivo. On the other hand, the samples differed markedly as stimulators of porcine synoviocytes, with the 15,000 dalton (pI 5.5) fraction being the only strongly active fraction. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that all four LAF could be products of a single gene, although the porcine receptor may be able to distinguish between them. If this is the case, all four fractions can properly be termed IL 1.  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling is a critical regulator of somatic growth during fetal and adult development, primarily through its stimulatory effects on cell proliferation and survival. IGF signaling is also required for development of the reproductive system, although its precise role in this regard remains unclear. We have hypothesized that IGF signaling is required for embryonic germline development, which requires the specification and proliferation of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in an extragonadal location, followed by directed migration to the genital ridges. We tested this hypothesis using loss-of-function studies in the zebrafish embryo, which possesses two functional copies of the Type-1 IGF receptor gene (igf1ra, igf1rb). Knockdown of IGF1Rb by morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) results in mismigration and elimination of primordial germ cells (PGCs), resulting in fewer PGCs colonizing the genital ridges. In contrast, knockdown of IGF1Ra has no effect on PGC migration or number despite inducing widespread somatic cell apoptosis. Ablation of both receptors, using combined MO injections or overexpression of a dominant-negative IGF1R, yields embryos with a PGC-deficient phenotype similar to IGF1Rb knockdown. TUNEL analyses revealed that mismigrated PGCs in IGF1Rb-deficient embryos are eliminated by apoptosis; overexpression of an antiapoptotic gene (Bcl2l) rescues ectopic PGCs from apoptosis but fails to rescue migration defects. Lastly, we show that suppression of IGF signaling leads to quantitative changes in the expression of genes encoding CXCL-family chemokine ligands and receptors involved in PGC migration. Collectively, these data suggest a novel role for IGF signaling in early germline development, potentially via cross-talk with chemokine signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Since 2010, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory''s (EMBL) Heidelberg laboratory and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have jointly run bioinformatics training courses developed specifically for secondary school science teachers within Europe and EMBL member states. These courses focus on introducing bioinformatics, databases, and data-intensive biology, allowing participants to explore resources and providing classroom-ready materials to support them in sharing this new knowledge with their students.In this article, we chart our progress made in creating and running three bioinformatics training courses, including how the course resources are received by participants and how these, and bioinformatics in general, are subsequently used in the classroom. We assess the strengths and challenges of our approach, and share what we have learned through our interactions with European science teachers.  相似文献   
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