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A numerical taxonomic study has been carried out to establish the relationship of group F to other biochemically similar organisms within the family Vibrionaceae. A total of 154 strains were examined including 59 of group F. Out of 114 characters determined for each strain 100 were used to compute average Euclidean distances between strains. Four methods of clustering were used, all of which gave very similar results.
Strains resembling Vibrio anguillarum fell into clusters corresponding to V. anguillarum, Beneckea nereida and a previously unrecognized group, phenon 5. Strains of the Aeromonas hydrophila/punctata group formed a heterogenous phenon within which certain subdivisions, perhaps artificial, could be discerned.
Group F strains all fell in one closely-knit cluster distinct from all the species of Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas and Photobacteriwn studied. Group F strains could be divided into two biovars, I and II. Both biovars are present in aquatic, particularly estuarine, environments throughout the world but biovar I strains have also been isolated from humans with diarrhoea. It is concluded that group F is a synonym of group EF6 and that the strains within these groups should be classified in a new species named Vibrio fluvialis. The type strain is NCTC 11327.  相似文献   
Pollen from chasmogamous flowers of Salpiglossis sinuata L. could not be induced to germinate in vitro unless stigmatal extract was applied to the culture medium. The substance that induces pollen germination in the stigmatal extract is water-soluble and heat-stable. Crosses could not be achieved between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers because of structural incompatibility. Pollinated pistils of chasmogamous flowers release a large amount of ethylene. The burst of ethylene release is due to an interaction between pollen tubes and stylar tissue and is directly proportional to the quantity of pollen placed on the stigma. Cleistogamous flower buds also produce a burst of ethylene at the time of pollination within the closed flower. The ethylene release may be a cause of reduced corolla development associated with cleistogamous flowers.  相似文献   
The mechanism of action of antileishmanial compounds is poorly understood. Ultrastructural changes in Leishmania tropica within human macrophages exposed in vitro to Pentostam, pentamidine, amphotericin B, WR 6026, ketoconazole, and Formycin B were examined in these experiments. In Pentostam-treated cultures, some organisms exhibited diminished definition of mitochondrial and other membranes, while other organisms had completely disintegrated. Pentostam-exposed macrophages demonstrated loss of membrane definition in the absence of further alterations; it is therefore hypothesized that impaired macrophage membrane function may contribute towards the effect of this drug against macrophage-contained organisms. Leishmania parasites in pentamidine-treated cultures initially demonstrated swollen kinetoplasts and fragmentation of the kinetoplast DNA core. The initial observed effect of the other four drugs on the parasites was cytoplasmic condensation. These ultrastructural studies suggest that all five non-antimonial drugs may have different mechanisms of action than antimony (Pentostam) against Leishmania.  相似文献   
Benthic quantitative samples were taken in 1988 in the soft bottom sublittoral of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands) using a Tvärminne-type bottom sampler and SCUBA-diving technique at 7 successive stations situated at depths from 4 to 30 m.Dominant animal groups in terms of abundance were Amphipoda, Polychaeta and Bivalvia, whereas in terms of biomass Echinoidea were also dominant. Amphipod crustaceans clearly dominated the zoobenthos at depths from 10 to 25 m (the numerical share surpaising 60%) with maximal abundance of abt. 17 000 ind m–2; in terms of biomass at specific depths amphipods occupied the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place with maximal biomass of abt. 100 g m–2 where the maximal total biomass of zoobenthos reached 260 g m–2 (10 m).Amphipoda were the most diversified group with some 35 taxa belonging to 14 families. Most species belonged to Eusiridae s.l. and Lysianassidae s.l. Dominant forms were Pontogeneiella brevicornis, Prostebbingia gracilis, Schraderia gracilis, Hippomedon kergueleni, Orchomenella cf. ultima, Cardenio paurodactylus and Paraphoxus rotundifrons.  相似文献   
Field-caged and open-plot populations of the aphid Sitobion avenae on winter wheat (cv. Maris Widgeon) were sampled approximately twice-weekly in the summer of 1978. Cage populations began at growth stage 10.2 (Feekes scale) (Zadoks, G. S. 52); they were removed by spraying with pirimicarb at growth stages 10.54 (71), 11.1–11.2 (77) and 11.2–11.3 (85) respectively. All cage populations reduced mean weight per grain but the effect per aphid unit was lowest in the population of longest duration. Although the aphid index in the open plots was higher than that in the early cage treatment, yield was unaffected. Cage infestations affected the breadmaking quality of the grain: percentage flour extraction was reduced and there was an increase in colour, nicotinic acid content and thiamine (vitamin B1) content of the flour; percentage nitrogen in the flour was unaffected but there was a reduction in baking value and in the high molecular weight glutenin content; infestation also reduced α-amylase activity. Different aspects of grain quality did not change in parallel with one another or with yield changes and thus damage thresholds will vary according to the yield/quality measure under consideration.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The temporal changes in the size and pH of digestive vacuoles (DV) in Paramecium caudatum were reevaluated. Cells were pulsed briefly with polystyrene latex spheres or heat-killed yeast stained with three sulfonphthalein indicator dyes. Within 5 min of formation the intravacuolar pH declined from ~7 to 3. With the exception of a transient and early increase in vacuolar size, vacuole condensation occurred rapidly and paralleled the acidification so that vacuoles reached their lowest pH and minimal size simultaneously. Neutralization and expansion of vacuole size began when vacuoles were GT8 min old. No labeled vacuoles were defecated prior to 21 min after formation but almost all DV were defecated within 1 h so that the digestive cycle of individual vacuoles ranged from 21 to 60 min. Based on these size and pH changes, the presence of acid phosphatase activity, and membrane morphology, digestive vacuoles can be grouped into four stages of digestion. The DV-I are GT6 min old and undergo rapid condensation and acidification. The DV-II are between 4 to 10 min old and are the most condensed and acidic vacuoles. The DV-III range in age from 8 to ~20 min and include the expanding or expanded vacuoles that result from lysosomes fusing with DV-II. The DV-IV are GD21 min old, and since digestion is presumably completed, they can be defecated. The rise in intravacuolar pH that accompanies vacuole expansion suggests that lysosomes play a role in vacuole neutralization in addition to their degradative functions. The acidification and condensation processes in DV-I appear to be unrelated to lysosomal function, as no acid phosphaiase activity has been detected at this stage, but may be related to phagosomal functions important in killing food organisms, denaturing proteins prior to digestion, and preparing vacuole membrane for fusion with lysosomes.  相似文献   
The binding of probe molecules such as fluorescein isothiocyanate, eosin isothiocyanate and erythrosin isothiocyanate to the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum followed by illumination of the labelled protein causes substantial reductions of ATPase activity over a 1-h period. The degree of light-sensitivity induced by these probes is related to the triplet yield of these probe molecules. Consistent with this, the greatest effect is seen with erythrosin isothiocyanate and the least effect with fluorescein isothiocyanate. These reductions of ATPase activity associated with illumination are also associated with an aggregation of the protein molecules. This is indicated by laser flash photolysis measurements and also by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A reduction in the number of thiol groups present on the ATPase molecule parallels the reduction of enzyme activity and changes in the protein mobility. The results are discussed in relation to the use of these probe molecules to study biological systems and also in terms of oxidative processes which may affect protein function in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary A cytophotometric study of DNA content in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of rats, cats, chicken and humans (Feulgen staining) revealed that in a certain number of cells the amount of DNA ranged between the diploid and tetraploid level (H2C cells). The incidence of H2C Purkinje cells varied among the species studied. In rats, which were studied most thoroughly, these cells amounted on average to 3%. In some rats, as well as in some cats and chickens H2C Purkinje cells were entirely absent. In the group of animals possesing H2C Purkinje cells, great interindividual differences were observed. In rats for instance, the incidence of these cells varied from 1 to 23 per cent. Topographic analyses carried out in rat and human cerebellum revealed that H2C Purkinje cells occurred more frequently in the hemispheres than in the vermis. No significant differences were found in the number of H2C Purkinje cells in healthy and Kilham-DNA-virus infected rats.Densitometric analysis of the distribution of nuclear chromatin showed that H2C Purkinje cells were richer in condensed chromatin, especially in the region of the nucleolus, which apparently contains the hyperploid surplus of DNA. It is proposed that the phenomenon of DNA hyperdiploidy arises as a result of either incomplete S-phase in some immature Purkinje cell precursors or the amplification of some DNA sequences particularly those localized in the nucleolar region.  相似文献   
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