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Summary The nature of tissue calcium, detectable with glyoxal-bis-(2-hydroxyanil), (GBHA), was investigated using gelatin films as model. The results indicate that in the films the procedure detects only the calcium fraction which was ionized in the original gelatin solution. The GBHA staining intensity (absorbance) appeared to be linear with the amount of ionized calcium in the range from 0 to 2 g/cm2. The method allows detection of amounts of ionized calcium as low as 0.15 g/cm2 or 0.0015 pg/2.For the measurement of calcium in pancreatic tissue of fed rats, the tissue was subjected to freeze-substitution at –80°C in acetone containing 1% oxalic acid. Adjacent sections were stained with either GBHA or aldehyde-fuchsin (AF). Exocrine tissue hardly stained with GBHA whereas islet tissue stained intensely. For GBHA as well as for AF a variation in staining intensity (visual evaluation) between islets was observed. Islet GBHA- and AF-staining intensities did not correlate. The AF-staining intensity but not the GBHA-staining intensity decreased with increasing islet diameter. Also in pancreatic islet tissue the GBHA method appears to be very sensitive and reproducible and small differences in islet GBHA-staining intensity can be detected. The results indicate that between islets differences in ionized calcium content exist. These differences do not correlate with the degree of B-cell granulation.  相似文献   
Variable length hairpins in 16S-like rRNA show a predominance for tetra-loops, its degree correlates with the protein content of the ribosome. The number of base-pairs adjacent to the loop (the tip size) and the nearest neighbor composition contribute to the stability of hairpin structures. The average tip size in length variable hairpins correlates with the thermophilicity of the organism, i.e. in temperate environments less stable stem structures are tolerated or even necessary. The most abundant loop families UUCG, GCAA, and CUUG occur most frequently at loop sizes 3, 2, and 7, respectively. Short tips of size less than or equal to 4 generally prefer nearest-neighbor combinations that result in CCC-GGG. Loop-specific tipmost nearest neighbors are revealed at longer tips: CUC(UUCG)GAG, GUA(GCAA)UAC with a maximum at tip sizes 5-6, and GWG(CUUG)CWC. Conserved hairpins, however, prefer variants of the UUCG and GCAA motifs with additional purines. Minor loop families and single motifs such as UUUA, UUUU, CUUGU, UUCGG, and UUU are investigated for preferable tip sizes and nearest-neighbor composition. Specific features are revealed for prominent hexa-loops.  相似文献   
As sample quality and quantity is a crucial factor in non-invasive genetics, we focused on the improvement of sampling efficiency of glue hair traps. We invented an optimized hair trap with moveable parts which enhanced sampling of high-quality genetic material. With the aid of the optimized hair trap, we were able to remotely pluck a sufficient amount of hair bulbs from our study animal the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) with a trapping success of 49.3% after one survey night. The number of collected hairs with bulbs ranged between 1 and 50, with an average of 20.7 ± 14.8. Subsequently, the use of the hair trap in combination with a simplified laboratory routine allowed us to amplify species-specific microsatellites with an amplification success of 96.2% and ADO of 4.6%. This optimized trap may find usage for species identification or could be used as an instrument for long-term genetic monitoring of mammal populations.  相似文献   
We have utilised polymorphic chloroplast microsatellites to analyse cytoplasmic relationships between accessions in the genera Triticum and Aegilops. Sequencing of PCR products revealed point mutations and insertions/deletions in addition to the standard repeat length expansion/contraction which most likely represent ancient synapomorphies. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three distinct groups of accessions. One of these contained all the non-Aegilops speltoides S-type cytoplasm species, another comprised almost exclusively A, C, D, M, N, T and U cytoplasm-type accessions and the third contained the polyploid Triticum species and all the Ae. speltoides accessions, further confirming that Ae. speltoides or a closely related but now extinct species was the original B-genome donor of cultivated polyploid wheat. Successive decreases in levels of genetic diversity due to domestication were also observed. Finally, we highlight the importance of elucidating longer-term evolutionary processes operating at microsatellite repeat loci.Communicated by J.S. Heslop-Harrison  相似文献   
Cathepsin B, a lysosomal cysteine proteinase, was detected within vesicles of cellular protrusions forming cell-cell contact sites between keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum of human skin. This observation suggested the possibility that secretion of the protease into the pericellular spaces could be involved in the dissociation of cell-cell contacts to enable intraepidermal keratinocyte migration. To determine whether cathepsin B is indeed secreted from migrating keratinocytes, we first used subconfluent HaCaT cells as a culture model to study spontaneous keratinocyte migration. A cathepsin B-specific fluorescent affinity label proved the association of mature cathepsin B with the surfaces of HaCaT cells at the leading edges of growing cells. Second, we used scratch-wounds of confluent HaCaT monolayers as a model of induced keratinocyte migration. Cathepsin B was detected within lysosomes, i.e. vesicles within the perinuclear region of non-wounded cells. Expression of cathepsin B was up-regulated and cathepsin B-positive vesicles showed a redistribution from perinuclear to peripheral regions of keratinocytes at the wound margins within 4 h after wounding. Enzyme cytochemistry further showed that cell surface-associated cathepsin B was proteolytically active at the leading fronts of migrating keratinocytes. In addition, increased amounts of mature forms of cathepsin B were detected within the conditioned media of HaCaT cells during the first 4 h after scratch-wounding. In contrast, and as a control, the activity of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase was not significantly higher in media of wounded cells as compared with non-wounded controls, arguing for a specific induction of cathepsin B secretion upon wounding and migration of the cells. This was further substantiated by applying various cathepsin B-specific inhibitors after wounding. These experiments showed that the migration ability of keratinocytes was reduced due to the blockage of functional cathepsin B. Thus, our results strongly suggest that cell surface-associated cathepsin B is a protease that contributes to the remodelling of the extracellular matrix and thereby promotes keratinocyte migration during wound healing.  相似文献   
The human lysosomal cysteine proteases are a family of 11 proteases whose members include cathepsins B, C, H, L, and S. The biology of these proteases was largely ignored for decades because of their lysosomal location and the belief that their function was limited to the terminal degradation of proteins. In the past 10 years, this view has changed as these proteases have been found to have specific functions within cells. This review highlights some of these functions, specifically their roles in matrix remodeling and in regulating the immune response, and their relationship to lung diseases.  相似文献   
Eighteen new genes, adenosine A1 receptor (ADORA1), complement component 4-beta (C4b), complement component 8-beta (C8b), chemokine ligand 19 (CCL19), chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21), chemokine ligand 25 (CCL25), chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2), chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), chemokine receptor 4 (CCR4), chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7), chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9), interleukin 1-beta (IL1B), integrin II-beta (ITGB2), novel immune type receptor 2 (NITR2), novel immune type receptor 4 (NITR4), natural killer cell lysin (NKLYSIN), nucleotide excision repair (RAD23B) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), were assigned to the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) genetic linkage map. Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for NITR2, NITR4 and RAD23B from short-tandem repeats in the available sequence. Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the remaining 15 genes by short-tandem repeat-anchored primer sequencing of catfish bacterial artificial chromosomes. Two gene clusters (MYOG-NRAMP-ADORA1) and (CCR4-CCR2-CCR5) displayed conservation of synteny between catfish and mammals. Assignment of 18 new genes to the catfish linkage map will further advance integration of genetic and physical maps and comparative mapping between channel catfish and map rich species.  相似文献   
The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-like (TAPL, ABCB9) belongs to the ATP-binding cassette transporter family, which translocates a vast variety of solutes across membranes. The function of this half-size transporter has not yet been determined. Here, we show that TAPL forms a homodimeric complex, which translocates peptides across the membrane. Peptide transport strictly requires ATP hydrolysis. The transport follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with low affinity and high capacity. Different nucleotides bind and energize the transport with a slight predilection for purine bases. The peptide specificity is very broad, ranging from 6-mer up to at least 59-mer peptides with a preference for 23-mers. Peptides are recognized via their backbone, including the free N and C termini as well as side chain interactions. Although related to TAP, TAPL is unique as far as its interaction partners, transport properties, and substrate specificities are concerned, thus excluding that TAPL is part of the peptide-loading complex in the classic route of antigen processing via major histocompatibility complex class I molecules.  相似文献   
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