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ABO-incompatible (ABOi) renal transplantation (RTx) from living donors is an established procedure to expand the donor pool for patients with end stage renal disease. Immunoadsorption (IA) is a standard procedure for the removal of preformed antibodies against the allograft. In this study, antigen-specific and non-antigen-specific IA in ABOi RTx were compared.

Patients and Methods

10 patients underwent antigen-specific IA (Glycosorb group) and 13 patients non-antigen-specific IA (Immunosorba group). The effects of both procedures regarding antibody reduction, number of treatments, complications, costs, as well as the allograft function and patient survival were compared between both groups.


Although the IgG levels were reduced equally by both procedures (p=0.82), the reduction of the IgM level was more effective in the Glycosorb group (p=0.0172). Patients in both groups required a median number of 6 IA before ABOi RTx. Allograft function at one year after AB0i RTx was similar in both groups (estimated glomerular filtration rate: 66 vs. 64 ml/min/1.73m² respectively), with a death-censored graft survival of 90.0% and 92.3% respectively. Complication rates did not differ between procedures. Due to the reuse of non-antigen-specific Immunosorba columns, costs were considerably lower in this group; however, the use of the Immunosorba-based IA was less time-efficient.


Considering upcoming alternatives as simultaneous performance of dialysis and IA or a possible reuse of Glycosorb columns, this might become less relevant in the future.  相似文献   
Suppressor T (Ts) cells that can suppress delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) against histocompatibility (H) antigens can be isolated from spleen and lymph nodes a few days after i.v. immunization of mice with irradiated allogeneic spleen cells. In this paper we investigated the suppression of the efferent phase of DTH to characterize the Ts cells involved, and to compare them with the afferent phase Ts cells that have been characterized in a previous paper of this series. The DTH against third party alloantigens that were not used for the i.v. suppressive immunization could be suppressed by presenting the third party alloantigens together with the original alloantigens in the challenge inoculum for eliciting the DTH reaction. Thus the ultimate suppressive effect by the Ts cells that are active during the efferent phase of DTH is nonspecific. This non-specific suppression of DTH to alloantigens has previously been found for the afferent phase Ts cells as well. For suppression of the efferent phase of DTH to alloantigens, a population of Lyt-1+2+ Ts cells appeared to be essential, just like in the suppression of the afferent phase of DTH to alloantigens. We did not find evidence for the involvement of cyclophosphamide-sensitive auxiliary Ts cells in suppression of the efferent phase of DTH. Also no evidence was found for H-2 or Igh-restricted activation and function of the Ts cells that were active during afferent and efferent phases of the DTH response to H antigens. In view of these similarities between afferent phase and efferent phase Ts cells we conclude that there are no arguments as yet to suppose that there is more than one type of T cells involved in the suppression of the afferent and efferent limb of DTH against H antigens.  相似文献   
Summary The secondary structure of 5S rRNA has been elucidated by a cladistic analysis resulting in minimal models for eukaryotes, eubacteria, and halophilic-methanogenic archaebacteria, as well as for an ur-5S rRNA. This ancestor of all present-day 5S rRNA molecules is compared with an ur-tRNA and can be fitted into a tRNA-like structure allowing tertiary-structure interactions at the equivalent positions. A phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic 5SrRNA and 16S rRNA sequences confirms particular monophyletic taxa: rhodophytes (red algae), chlorobionts (green algae and plants), metazoans (multicellular animals), euglenozoans (euglenids and trypanosomatids), a group of zygomycetes (excluding Kickxellales), a group of ascomycetes (excluding Protomycetales), two distinct groups of basidiomycetes, and a group consisting of phaeophyceans (brown algae) and oomycetes (water molds). The Euglenozoa show a distinct relation to the Eumycota (true fungi) and Metazoa. An analysis of archaebacterial sequences substantiates the paraphyletic nature of this third urkingdom defining the eubacteria as a sister group of the halophile-methanogens and defining the eukaryotes as a sister group of a particular lineage of the eocytes/sulfur-dependents. The latter fact implies that even the eocytes/sulfur-dependent archaebacteria are paraphyletic.Presented at the FEBS Symposium on Genome Organization and Evolution, held in Crete, Greece, September 1–5, 1986Dedicated to the memory of Erik Huysmans who died on July 8, 1986, at the age of 29.  相似文献   
Purified chloroplast tRNAs were isolated fromPisum sativum leaves and radioactively labeled at their 3′ end using tRNA nucleotidyl transferase and α32P-labeled CTP. Pea ctDNA was fragmented using a number of restriction endonucleases and hybridized with thein vitro labeled chloroplast tRNAs by DNA transfer method. Genes for tRNAs have been found to be dispersed throughout the chloroplast genome. A closer analysis of the several hybrid regions using recombinant DNA plasmids have shown that tRNA genes are localized in the chloroplast genome in both single and multiple arrangements. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis of total ct tRNA have identified 36 spots. All of them have been found to hybridize withPisum sativum ctDNA. Using recombinant clones, 30 of the tRNA spots have been mapped inPisum sativum ctDNA.  相似文献   
A new rapidly growing mycobacterium was isolated from human sputum. This organism grew at 22, 31, 37, and 41 degrees C and possessed catalase, acid phosphatase, acetamidase, urease, nicotinamidase, pyrazinamidase, and nitrate reductase activities. It did not produce nicotinic acid, hydrolyze Tween, or have benzamidase, isonicotinamidase, succinidamidase, and arylsulfatase activities. A mycolic acid analysis revealed a simple, unique pattern. The organism is susceptible to antituberculotic drugs. A comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis placed this organism within the confines of the genus Mycobacterium, most closely related to the thermotolerant rapidly growing species. On the basis of the pattern of enzymatic activities and metabolic properties, as well as the unique 16S rRNA sequence, we propose that our single strain represents a new species, for which we propose the name Mycobacterium confluentis. The type strain is strain 1389/90; a culture of this strain has been deposited in the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures as strain DSM 44017.  相似文献   
Summary In cryptomonads, unicellular phototrophic flagellates, the plastid(s) is (are) located in a special narrow compartment which is bordered by two membranes; it harbours neither mitochondria nor Golgi dictyosomes but comprises eukaryotic ribosomes and starch grains together with a small organelle called the nucleomorph. The nucleomorph contains DNA and is surrounded by a double membrane with pores. It is thought to be the vestigial nucleus of a phototrophic eukaryotic endosymbiont. Cryptomonads are therefore supposed to represent an intermediate state in the evolution of complex plastids from endosymbionts. We have succeeded in isolating pure nucleomorph fractions, and can thus provide, using pulsed field gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis, definitive proof for the eukaryotic nature of the symbiont and its phylogenetic origin.  相似文献   
Summary The physiological activity and C and N allocation of beech seedlings planted in two different beech forest soils (acid brown earth, rendzina) were studied over 80 days. One adult earthworm Octolasion lacteum (Örley) was placed in half of the containers. Transpiration, CO2, assimilation, chlorophyll synthesis and N incorporation were higher in the acid brown earth than in the rendzina. Fine root production was also higher in the acid brown earth. Production of stems and total N incorporation were higher in the O. lacteum treatments than in the controls. Burrowing activity of O. lacteum did not affect total root production but stimulated the transfer of C and N towards aboveground parts of the plants and shifted the large root to fine root ratio towards large roots. O. lacteum effects were similar in both soils. It is concluded that endogeic earthworms significantly affect resource allocation patterns of beech seedlings over a wide range of soils. This effect can be partly explained by an increased availability of N in soils worked by earth-worms.  相似文献   
 The nematode resistance locus Gpa2 was mapped on chromosome 12 of potato using information on the genomic positions of 733 known AFLP markers. The minimum number of AFLP primer combinations required to map Gpa2 was three. This demonstrates that a reference collection of potato AFLP markers may be a valuable tool for mapping studies in potato. By use of RFLP probes, Gpa2 was more precisely mapped at the distal end of chromosome 12. Gpa2 confers resistance to a distinct group of populations of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida and originates from the same potato accession as locus H1, conferring resistance to pathotype Ro1 of G. rostochiensis. This study shows that these two nematode resistance loci are unlinked and that Gpa2 is linked to the Rx1 locus conferring resistance to potato virus X. The efficiency of AFLPs for genetic mapping of a highly heterozygous crop like potato is discussed and compared with the RFLP technique. Received: 24 February 1997/Accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   
Minor axis, major axis, and volume measurements of erythrocyte nuclei were compared by discriminant analysis to determine which variable best predicted ploidy levels. Predicted correct classification percentages for minor axis, volume, major axis, and all variables combined were 81·33, 86·21, 92·36 and 92·65%, respectively. Minor axis and volume measurements were not as accurate in predicting ploidy levels because nuclear shape changed as the ploidy level changed from the diploid to triploid state. Mean major axis measurements alone classified 92·36% of the fish correctly with a discriminant level of 4·726 μm.  相似文献   
After (semi)allogeneic transplantation of lymphoid cells into lethally irradiated mice, the development of anti-host directed T effector cells can be demonstrated by means of a simple delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) assay. Using this assay we have shown that in H-2 compatible combinations Mls locus antigens can induce the generation of such T effector cells during a graft-versus-host (GvH) reaction. Other non-H-2 alloantigens are probably of minor importance. The capacity of Mls locus antigens to induce distinct anti-host DTH reactivity correlated with the capacity to induce a one-way mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) response. Mlsa and Mlsc locus antigens initiated a positive MLC response as well as distinct GvH-related DTH reactivity. On the other hand, in the combination DBA/2 versus (BALB/c × DBA/2) F1, the Mlsb locus antigen was not able to initiate in vitro proliferation, a lack of response which coincided with a marginal and short-lasting GvH-related DTH reactivity. In contrast, the host-versus-graft (HvG) DTH reaction of BALB/c and DBA/2 mice to subcutaneously injected (BALB/c × DBA/2) F1 spleen cells was equally strong. Here antigens other than those coded for by the Mls locus were mainly responsible for the antigraft DTH response. These results suggest that T effector cells generated in GvH and HvG reactions are specific for largely different sets of minor histocompatibility antigens, with a selective stimulation by Mls locus antigens under GvH conditions.  相似文献   
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