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This paper explores the temporal stability of growth/climate relationships in ring-width chronologies of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst] and silver fir ( Abies alba Mill) in the Lower Bavarian Forest region in southern Germany. These chronologies were compiled, using both historic and living tree-ring data, with the main aim of developing a dendroclimatic reconstruction for the region covering the last 500 years. Moving window correlation analysis shows that prior to the twentieth century, both species co-vary in a similar way (1480–1899 mean r =0.66). There is no significant correlation between the species chronologies since ca. 1930, which partly reflects anomalous growth trends in the fir chronology since ca. 1960. Multiple regression analysis was utilised to assess the ability of both species chronologies to model March–August precipitation. The precipitation signal of the spruce data was found to be both stronger than the fir data (1872–1930 calibration: r 2=0.45 vs 0.25) and more time stable. After ca. 1930, the fir chronology loses it ability to model March–August precipitation until there is no climate signal at all in the fir data in recent decades. The spruce data also express a later weakening in their climate signal in the mid 1970s. We present compelling evidence indicating that the anomalous trends observed in the fir data, since the mid 1960s, appear to be predominantly related to local SO2 emissions from power plants and refineries. It is also likely that this local anthropogenic forcing is the cause of the weakening of the climate signal in the spruce data since the mid 1970s. The conclusions from this study are: (1) The fir tree-ring data cannot be used for traditional dendroclimatic calibration, although prior to the twentieth century the decadal variability in the fir data is very similar to spruce and so these data could be used to extend potential reconstructions in the future; (2) The recent decline and recovery event in the fir data appears to be unique to the twentieth century and is not part of a natural episodic phenomenon; (3) Traditional dendroclimatic calibration of March–August precipitation will be made using solely the spruce ring-width data. However, due to SO2 forcing in recent decades, the calibration period will be shortened to the 1871–1978 period.  相似文献   
The effects of the pleiotropic serine protease thrombin on tumor cells are commonly thought to be mediated by the thrombin receptor protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1). We demonstrate here that PAR1 activation has a role in experimental metastasis using the anti-PAR1 antibodies ATAP2 and WEDE15, which block PAR1 cleavage and activation. Thrombin also stimulates chemokinesis of human melanoma cells toward fibroblast conditioned media and soluble matrix proteins. Thrombin-enhanced migration is abolished by anti-PAR1 antibodies, demonstrating that PAR1 cleavage and activation are required. The PAR1-specific agonist peptide TFLLRNPNDK, however, does not stimulate migration, indicating that PAR1 activation is not sufficient. In contrast, a combination of TFLLRNPNDK and the PAR2 agonist peptide SLIGRL mimics the thrombin effect on migration, whereas PAR2 agonist alone has no effect. Agonist peptides for the thrombin receptors PAR3 and PAR4 used alone or with PAR1 agonist also have no effect. Similarly, activation of PAR1 and PAR2 also enhances chemokinesis of prostate cancer cells. Desensitization with PAR2 agonist abolishes thrombin-enhanced cell motility, demonstrating that thrombin acts through PAR2. PAR2 is cleaved by proteases with trypsin-like specificity but not by thrombin. Thrombin enhances migration in the presence of a cleavage-blocking anti-PAR2 antibody, suggesting that thrombin activates PAR2 indirectly and independent of receptor cleavage. Treatment of melanoma cells with trypsin or PAR2 agonist peptide enhances experimental metastasis. Together, these data confirm a role for PAR1 in migration and metastasis and demonstrate an unexpected role for PAR2 in thrombin-dependent tumor cell migration and in metastasis.  相似文献   
A novel extraction protocol is described with which metabolites, proteins and RNA are sequentially extracted from the same sample, thereby providing a convenient procedure for the analysis of replicates as well as exploiting the inherent biological variation of independent samples for multivariate data analysis. A detection of 652 metabolites, 297 proteins and clear RNA bands in a single Arabidopsis thaliana leaf sample was validated by analysis with gas chromatography coupled to a time of flight mass spectrometer for metabolites, two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for proteins, and Northern blot analysis for RNA. A subset of the most abundant proteins and metabolites from replicate analysis of different Arabidopsis accessions was merged to form an integrative dataset allowing both classification of different genotypes and the unbiased analysis of the hierarchical organization of proteins and metabolites within a real biochemical network.  相似文献   
Infrequent structural fluctuations of a globular protein is seldom detected and studied in detail. One tyrosine ring of HPr from Staphylococcus carnosus, an 88-residue phosphocarrier protein with no disulfide bonds, undergoes a very slow ring flip, the pressure and temperature dependence of which is studied in detail using the on-line cell high-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance technique in the pressure range from 3 MPa to 200 MPa and in the temperature range from 257 K to 313 K. The ring of Tyr6 is buried sandwiched between a beta-sheet and alpha-helices (the water-accessible area is less than 0.26 nm2), its hydroxyl proton being involved in an internal hydrogen bond. The ring flip rates 10(1)-10(5) s(-1) were determined from the line shape analysis of H(delta1, delta2) and H(epsilon1,epsilon2) of Tyr6, giving an activation volume DeltaV++ of 0.044 +/- 0.008 nm3 (27 mL mol(-1)), an activation enthalpy DeltaH++ of 89 +/- 10 kJ mol(-1), and an activation entropy DeltaS++ of 16 +/- 2 JK(-1) mol(-1). The DeltaV++) and DeltaH++ values for HPr found previously for Tyr and Phe ring flips of BPTI and cytochrome c fall within the range of DeltaV(double dagger) of 28 to 51 mL mol(-1) and DeltaH++ of 71 to 155 kJ mol(-1). The fairly common DeltaV++ and DeltaH++ values are considered to represent the extra space or cavity required for the ring flip and the extra energy required to create a cavity, respectively, in the core part of a globular protein. Nearly complete cold denaturation was found to take place at 200 MPa and 257 K independently from the ring reorientation process.  相似文献   
Urokinase type plasminogen activator (uPA), a trypsin-like serine proteinase, plays an important role in normal tissue re-modelling, cell adhesion, and cell motility. In addition, studies utilizing normal animals and potent, selective uPA inhibitors or genetically modified mice that lack functional uPA genes have demonstrated that uPA can significantly enhance tumor initiation, growth, progression and metastasis, strongly suggesting that this enzyme may be a promising anti-cancer target. We have investigated the structure-activity relationship (SAR) of peptidomimetic inhibitors of uPA and solved high resolution X-ray structures of key, lead small molecule inhibitors (e.g. phenethylsulfonamidino(P4)-D-seryl(P3)-L-alanyl(P2)-L-argininal(P1) and derivatives thereof) in complex with the uPA proteinase domain. These potent inhibitors are highly selective for uPA. The non-natural D-seryl residue present at the P3 position in these inhibitors contributes substantially to both potency and selectivity because, due to its D-configuration, its side-chain binds in the S4 pocket to interact with the uPA unique residues Leu97b and His99. Additional potency and selectivity can be achieved by optimizing the inhibitor P4 residue to bind a pocket, known as S1sub or S1beta, that is adjacent to the primary specificity pocket of uPA.  相似文献   
Using the facultative root hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor and its host Hordeum vulgare several aspects of water relations have been measured in this parasitic association. Extraction of xylem sap by the parasite from the host's roots is facilitated by con siderably higher transpiration per leaf area in the parasite than in the host and by the fact that stomata of attached Rhinanthus were open all day and night despite extremely high ABA concentrations in the leaves. By comparison, another root hemiparasite, Melampyrum arvense, parasitizing various grasses in the field, showed normal diurnal stomatal behaviour. The abnormal behaviour of Rhinanthus stomata was not due to anatomical reasons as closure could be induced by applying high external ABA concentrations. Remarkable differences have been detected between the hydraulic conductance of barley seminal roots showing relatively low values and that of Rhinanthus seminal roots showing very high values. The latter could be related to the observed high ABA concentrations in these roots. Whole plant water uptake, transpirational losses, growth-dependent deposition, and the flows of water within the plants have been measured in singly growing Rhinanthus and Hordeum plants and in the parasitic association between the two. Water uptake, deposition and transpiration in Rhinanthus were dramatically increased after attachment to the barley host; most of the water used by the parasite was extracted as xylem sap from the host, thereby scavenging 20% of the total water taken up by the host's roots. This water uptake by the parasitized host, however, due to a parasite-induced reduction in the host's growth, was decreased by 22% as compared to non-parasitized barley. The overall changes in growth-related water deposition in the host and parasite pointed to decreased shoot growth and relatively favoured root growth in the host and to strongly favoured shoot growth in the parasite. These changes in the host became more severe, when more than one Rhinanthus was parasitizing one barley plant.  相似文献   
Bacterial delivery systems are gaining increasing interest as potential vaccination vectors to deliver either proteins or nucleic acids for gene expression in the recipient. Bacterial delivery systems for gene expression in vivo usually contain small multicopy plasmids. We have shown before that bacteria containing a herpesvirus bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) can reconstitute the virus replication cycle after cocultivation with fibroblasts in vitro. In this study we addressed the question of whether bacteria containing a single plasmid with a complete viral genome can also reconstitute the viral replication process in vivo. We used a natural mouse pathogen, the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), whose genome has previously been cloned as a BAC in Escherichia coli. In this study, we tested a new application for BAC-cloned herpesvirus genomes. We show that the MCMV BAC can be stably maintained in certain strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium as well and that both serovar Typhimurium and E. coli harboring the single-copy MCMV BAC can reconstitute a virus infection upon injection into mice. By this procedure, a productive virus infection is regenerated only in immunocompromised mice. Virus reconstitution in vivo causes elevated titers of specific anti-MCMV antibodies, protection against lethal MCMV challenge, and strong expression of additional genes introduced into the viral genome. Thus, the reconstitution of infectious virus from live attenuated bacteria presents a novel concept for multivalent virus vaccines launched from bacterial vectors.  相似文献   
It is often assumed mutant frequencies, as measured in a DNA sample, faithfully represent basic mutation rates associated with these mutations. This paradigm was extremely helpful for in vitro studies of the mechanisms of mutagenesis/repair and causes of mutations. However, in vivo, mutant fractions appear to vary dramatically and randomly from sample to sample. It's unlikely that basic mutational rates vary so much. Such variations are probably caused by clonal expansions of mutants within tissue. Whether a particular tissue sample includes an expansion or not, is a matter of chance, which explains the observed random fluctuations of mutant fractions. Well-known examples of clonal expansions involve pathological conditions such as cancer or mitochondrial disease. It is less appreciated that even in normal tissue, expansions of somatic mutants create local deviations from the "expected" mutant frequencies. The sizes of clonal expansions appear to span a wide range and thus, may affect samples of various sizes, from individual cells to individuals. In conclusion, human body appears to be a sort of a "gambling ground" for clonally expanding mutants. We speculate that expansion of early mutants rather than de novo mutation at old age may be the major source of at least some aging-specific mutants in our bodies.  相似文献   
For the first time, the nickel site of the hydrogen sensor of Ralstonia eutropha, the regulatory [NiFe] hydrogenase (RH), was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the nickel K-edge. The oxidation state and the atomic structure of the Ni site were investigated in the RH in the absence (air-oxidized, RH(ox)) and presence of hydrogen (RH(+H2)). Incubation with hydrogen is found to cause remarkable changes in the spectroscopic properties. The Ni-C EPR signal, indicative of Ni(III), is detectable only in the RH(+H2) state. XANES and EXAFS spectra indicate a coordination of the Ni in the RH(ox) and RH(+H2) that pronouncedly differs from the one in standard [NiFe] hydrogenases. Also, the changes induced by exposure to H(2) are unique. A drastic modification in the XANES spectra and an upshift of the K-edge energy from 8339.8 (RH(ox)) to 8341.1 eV (RH(+H2)) is observed. The EXAFS spectra indicate a change in the Ni coordination in the RH upon exposure to H(2). One likely interpretation of the data is the detachment of one sulfur ligand in RH(+H2) and the binding of additional (O,N) or H ligands. The following Ni oxidation states and coordinations are proposed: five-coordinated Ni(II)(O,N)(2)S(3) for RH(ox) and six-coordinated Ni((III))(O,N)(3)X(1)S(2) [X being either an (O,N) or H ligand] for RH(+H2). Implications of the structural features of the Ni site of the RH in relation to its function, hydrogen sensing, are discussed.  相似文献   
The recognition of DNA double-stranded breaks or single-stranded DNA gaps as a precondition for cell cycle checkpoint arrest has been well established. However, how bulky base damage such as UV-induced pyrimidine dimers elicits a checkpoint response has remained elusive. Nucleotide excision repair represents the main pathway for UV dimer removal that results in strand interruptions. However, we demonstrate here that Rad53p hyperphosphorylation, an early event of checkpoint signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is independent of nucleotide excision repair (NER), even if replication as a source of secondary DNA damage is excluded. Thus, our data hint at primary base damage or at UV damage (primary or secondary) that does not need to be processed by NER as the relevant substrate of damage-sensing checkpoint proteins.  相似文献   
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