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Weed species and weed communities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary With weeds as with many plant species the main or first level factor determining the area of distribution is a (complex) climatic one. As they have an artificially enlarged area of distribution, they have a huge border area (in an ecological sense), where the climate is not optimal for them, and where they have a narrow ecological and sociological amplitude and are especially sensitive to some measures of modern intensified agriculture. In their northern border areas species of southern origin are restricted to calcarcous substrates and to agrestal and finally ruderal communities, while in their optimal climate they are indifferent to that soil factor and able to compete with other species even in natural vegetation types. Species presumably of origin in atlantic areas are restricted with increasing continentality to very poor and acid soils, as they cannot compete with other species on better sites any more, because of their physiological properties. Thus weed distribution demonstrates the complicated reaction of plant species to the complexes of soil-climatic factors and to the competition of other species. As far as weeds are concerned, species may be only relatively calciphilous, but genuinely calcifuge species, the control being climatic in the former case and physiological in the second.The measures of modern agriculture bring about a gradual extinction of sensitive species from the limit of their range towards their centre of distribution, where they can find refuge habitats in the natural vegetation. The sensitivity of such species (also against herbicides) seems to increase towards their limits. Resistant species occur with increasing densities after the removal of their competitors. In addition, they are able to enlarge their area and to invade sites, where they had not been able to compete before, or sites where they could not previously bear the environmental conditions together with the competition of the rich weed flora.As the complex climatic gradients responsible for the ranges of weed species show smooth transitions, the alteration of species composition in weed communities is also a gradual one. This is one of the problems of weed phytosociology briefly discussed.Nomenclature follows Ehrendorfer (1973), Phytosociological units according to Westhoff & Den Held (1969).Contribution to the Symposium on Plant Species and Plant communities, held at Nijmegen, 11–12 November 1976, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Victor Westhoff.Field studies were partly supported by a grant of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.  相似文献   
Summary Starting in 1968 plant succession and nitrogen status in the top soil of an old field was investigated. The soil is a calcareous loam which was sterilized by heating. In the absence of human influence distinct successional stages with characteristic floristical and physiognomical features were observed. During the first six years vegetational development was characterized by competition between therophytes and hemicryptophytes. Agricultural treatments such as annual ploughing (spring, summer) and cutting (autumn) were found to change the trend of the succession.Five years after starting the experiment total nitrogen content in the top soil of the control area had increased slightly, while the ploughed plots persisted in their low values. A comparison of the nitrogen mineralisation between 1970 and 1974 showed decreasing amounts of mineral nitrogen in the later stage (1970: 67 kg Nmin/ha/30 weeks; 33 kg Nmin/ha/30 weeks). On the other hand, mineral nitrogen supply on the ploughed plots was not significantly different after the five-years-period. It is suggested that in old-field vegetation the external nitrogen cycle of the early therophyte stage changed to an internal one when long-lived hemicryptophytes, rhizome- and root-budding geophytes became dominant.Tables 1 to 4 show the vegetation development under different treatments; the figures represent average cover values per vegetation season using Londo's (1975) scale. Table 5 contains the total nitrogen concentration values in the uppermost of 10 cm of mineral soil, and Table 6 lists the values for soil volume, mean soil temperatures, average water content, and mineral nitrogen supplies for 1970 and 1974.
Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession Research on Permanent Plots, held at Yerseke, the Netherlands, October 1975.  相似文献   
The interaction of ethidium-labeled tRNAPhe from yeast with ribosomes from yeast and Escherichia coli was studied by stead-state measurements of fluorescence intensity and polarization. The ethidium label was covalently inserted into either the anticodon or the dihydrouridine loop of the tRNA. The codon-independent formation of a tRNA-ribosome complex led to only a moderate increase of the observed fluorescence polarization indicating a considerable internal mobility of the labeled parts of the tRNA molecule in the ribosome complex. When the ribosome complex was formed in the presence of poly(U), the probes both in the dihydrouridine loop and in the anticodon loop were strongly immobilized, the latter exhibiting a substantial increase in fluorescence intensity. A smaller intensity change was observed when E. coli ribosomes were used, although the extent of immobilization was found to be similar in this case. Competition experiments with non-labeled tRNAPhe showed that the labeled tRNAPheEtd was readily released from the complex with yeast ribosomes when poly(U) was absent, whereas in the presence of poly(U) it was bound practically irreversibly. The finding that the mobility of a probe in the dihydrouridine loop is affected by the codon-anticodon interaction on the ribosome suggests a conformational change of the ribosome-bound tRNA which may involve opening of the tertiary structure interactions between the dihydrouridine and the TpsiC loop.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1974–1981 wurden in einem Lärchen-Versuchsforst (320 ha; 600 künstliche Nisthöhlen) in Niedersachsen (52.27 N/7.15 E) 529 Brutvögel des Trauerschnäppers beringt. Geburtsortstreue — auf das Versuchsgebiet bezogen — konnte bei 78 Individuen (=5,2 % der ausgeflogenen Nestlinge) festgestellt werden. Die geburtsortstreuen wurden in der Regel schon im ersten Jahr als Brutvogel nachgewiesen, während die Hälfte der geburtsortstreuen bei der ersten Erfassung ein Alter von mindestens 2 Jahren besaß. In der mittleren Entfernung zwischen Geburts- und erstbekannter Bruthöhle ergab sich zwischen den Geschlechtern kein gesicherter Unterschied ( : 883 m, : 798 m). Geschwister verhielten sich bezüglich Ansiedlungsalter und Ansiedlungs-entfernung nicht einheitlich. Von den als Brutvögel beringten Trauerschnäppern konnten 38,2 % der und 24,0 % der in einem späteren Jahr wiedergefangen werden. Bei den lagen die in aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren besetzten Nisthöhlen näher beieinander als bei den (Mittelwerte: 371 m bzw. 534 m). In der untersuchten Population war in allen Jahren bei den der Prozentsatz brutortstreuer Individuen höher und der Anteil an Zuwanderern geringer als bei den (Mittelwerte: 48 % gegenüber 30 % bzw. 45 % gegenüber 64 %). Diese Befunde wurden unter anderem im Hinblick auf die Lage des Untersuchungsgebietes am Rande des Trauerschnäpper-Areals diskutiert. Die Ortstreue war geringer ausgebildet als in mehreren anderen Populationen.
On place-fidelity behaviour in the Pied Flycatcher(Ficedula hypoleuca) in the western border area of its Central European range
Summary The evaluation is based on findings from 1974 to 1981, in a 320 ha. experimental larch forest (52.27N, 7.15E), with 600 nestboxes, in western Lower Saxony, from a total of 529 breeding Pied Flycatchers. Fidelity to birthplace — recovery in the study area — was recorded for 78 individuals (=5.2 % of the fledged nestlings). faithful to birthplace were traced, as a rule, in the first year, while half of the who showed this fidelity were at least 2 years old when first recorded. There was no significant difference between sexes in the mean distance between the hole in which they were hatched and the first known breeding hole ( : 883 m, : 798 m). There was no uniformity among siblings in relation to age of settlement and distance of settlement. 38.2 % of and 24.0 % of Pied Flycatchers ringed as breeding birds were recaptured in a later year. Nest boxes occupied in successive years were closer together in the case of than (mean: 371 m and 534 m respectively). The percentage of individuals showing fidelity to birthplace was higher, in all years, and the number of immigrants smaller, in the than in (mean: 48 % against 30 % and 45 % against 64 % respectively). These findings are discussed in relation to the border situation of the study area. The rate of recoveries was lower than in some other populations.

Gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen.  相似文献   
The endosymbiotic unit of Paramecium bursaria and Chlorella spec. shows two types of photobehaviour: 1) A step-up photophobic response which possibly depends on photosensitive agents in the ciliate cell itself — as is also shown by alga-free Paramecium bursaria - and can be drastically enhanced by photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae; and 2) a step-down photophobic response. The step-down response leads to photoaccumulation of green paramecia. Both types of photobehaviour in Paramecium bursaria do not depend on any special kind of algal partners: The infection of alga-free Paramecium bursaria with different Chlorella species results in new ciliatealgae-associations. They are formed not only by combination of the original symbiotic algae with their host, but also by infection with other symbiotic or free-living (aposymbiotic) chlorellae, respecitively. Systems with other than the original algae are not permanently stable — algae are lost under stress conditions — but show the same types of photobehaviour. Photoaccumulation in general requires algal photosynthesis and occurs only with ciliates containing more than fifty algae/cell. It is not mediated by a chemotactic response to oxygen in the medium, since it occurs at light fluence rates not sufficient for a release of oxygen by the symbiotic system, e.g., below its photosynthetic compensation point. Photoresponses can be inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Sensory transduction does not depend on any special symbiotic features of the algae, e.g., sugar excretion. The participation of oxygen in the Paramecium cell, of its cytoplasmic pH and of ions released or taken up by endosymbiotic algae in sensory transduction is discussed.  相似文献   
Five different strains of wine yeasts were investigated with respect to active uptake of [35S] sulfate and its regulation by methionine. Considerable differences exist between low and high sulfite-producing strains in the initial velocity of sulfate uptake. Further differences were established in repression of sulfate permease by l-methionine, most evident in a total lack of repression in one of the high sulfite producers. These findings explain in part variable sulfite and sulfide formation.List of Abbreviations CCMP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazone  相似文献   
The structure of canarione, a new naphthoquinone from the lichens Usnea canariensis and U. hookeri was elucidated by UV, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, mass spectrometry, and chemical degradation as 5,8-dihydroxy-2-methyl-4H-naphtho [2,3b]-pyran-4,6,9 (6H, 9H)- trione.  相似文献   
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