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Summary Lymphocyte karyotyping of an infant girl with the clinical features of microphthalmia, iridoschisis, goiter, hip joint dysplasia, labium synechia and craniotabes revealed an Xp deletion. The lymphocyte karyotypes of the parents were normal. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation studies showed that, in 42 out of 43 metaphases, the deleted X chromosome was late replicating. In one metaphase, the normal X chromosome was observed to be allocyclic. Using DNA markers from the Xp22 region, the breakpoint was assigned distal to DXS16 (pXUT23) and proximal to DXS143 (dic56). Dosage intensity measurements confirmed that the STS gene and the DNA marker DXS31 were involved in the deleted area. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the paternally derived X-chromosome was deleted.  相似文献   
Summary Tongue-projecting plethodontid salamanders have massive direct ipsilateral retinal afferents to the tectum opticum as well as a large and well developed nucleus isthmi. Retrograde staining revealed two subnuclei: A ventral one projecting to the contralateral tectal hemisphere and a dorsal one projecting back to the ipsilateral side. The isthmic nuclei show a retinotopic organization, which is in register with that of the tectum. Electrophysiological recordings from nucleus-isthmi neurons revealed response properties that are very similar to those found in tectal neurons. Thus, there is no substantial processing of tectal neural activity in the nucleus isthmi. Measurements of peak latencies after electrical and light stimulation suggest the continuous coexistence of 4 representations of the visual field in the tectum mediated by (1) the contralateral and (2) the ipsilateral direct retinal afferents, (3) the uncrossed and (4) the crossed isthmo-tectal projection. (1) and (2) originate at the same moment in the retina and arrive simultaneously in the tectum. It is assumed that in plethodontid salamanders with massive ipsilateral retino-tectal projections depth perception based on disparity cues is achieved by comparison of these images.Representations mediated by (3) and (4) arriving in the tectum at the same time as (1) and (2) originate 10–30 ms earlier in the retina. It is hypothesized that these time differences between (1)/(2) and (3)/(4) are used to calculate three-dimensional trajectories of fast-moving prey objects.Abbreviations EL edge length - FDA fluoresceine dextranamine - RDA tetramethylrhodamine dextranamine - RF receptive field  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli capsular polysaccharides (K antigens) K5 and K20 are known as primary receptors for the coliphage phi K5 and phi K20, respectively. A host range study of the phage revealed that E. coli K5 strains were not only lysed by phi K5 but also by phi K20, and furthermore that the E. coli K95 test strain was attacked by phi K5 in addition to K5 strains. In order to find out whether the phage can degrade the K antigens, the interaction of the phage with isolated polysaccharides was studied. It could be demonstrated that phi K5 was able to depolymerize the K5 and K95 polysaccharides and that phi K20 showed degrading activity towards the antigens K20 and K5. Obviously, each of the phages was associated with two different enzyme systems which enabled them to recognize and depolymerize chemically unrelated polysaccharides.  相似文献   
Abstract It has been hypothesized that vegetation in certain ecosystems inhibits nitrification in soil by producing phenolic compounds that inhibit oxidation of ammonia by nitrifying microorganisms. This hypothesis is based largely on a report that very low concentrations (10−6 M–10−8 M) of several phenolic acids (notably ferulic acid) completely inhibited NO2 production in an aqueous suspension of soil treated with (NH4)2SO4 and a nutrient solution suitable for growth of Nitrosomonas and other autotrophic nitrifying microorganisms. To evaluate this hypothesis, we determined the effects of three ohenolic acids (ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and p -coumaric on nitrite production by representatives of three genera of terrestrial autotrophic nitrifying microorganisms ( Nitrosospira, Nitrosomonas , or Nitrosolubos ) grown on a defined medium containing NH4+. We found that nitrite production by the Nitrososspira was not inhibited by ferulic acid, caffeic acid, or p -coumaric acid at concentrations of 10−6 or 10−5 M and was only slightly inhibited when these acids were at a concentration of 10−4 M. We also found that ferulic acid did not markedly inhibit nitrite production by the three genera of nitrifying microorganisms studied, even when its concentration was as high as 10−3 M. These observations invalidate the hypothesis tested because the phenolic acids studied did not significantly retard ammonia oxidation by autotrophic microorganisms even when their concentration in cultures of these microorganisms greatly exceeded their concentrations in soils.  相似文献   
Confusion regarding microcirculatory pathways in normal human spleen has arisen due to extrapolation from pathological material and from other mammalian spleens, not to mention difficulties in tracing intricate three-dimensional routes from the study of thin sections or cut surfaces of tissue. We examined microcirculatory pathways in normal human spleens freshly obtained from organ transplant donors. A modified corrosion casting procedure was used to obtain an open view of vessels and their connections. Our results demonstrate: 1) "arteriolar-capillary bundles" within lymphatic nodules and extensive branching of arterioles in the marginal zone (MZ); 2) the marginal sinus around lymphatic nodules; 3) the peri-marginal cavernous sinus (PMCS) outside the MZ or immediately adjacent to the nodule itself; the PMCS receives flow via ellipsoid sheaths and MZ, or directly from arterial capillaries, and drains into venous sinuses; 4) fast pathways for flow into venous sinuses via ellipsoid sheaths; 5) arterial capillary terminations in the reticular meshwork of the red pulp or MZ ("open" circulation); direct connections to venous sinuses also occur ("closed" circulation), although rarely; and 6) numerous open-ended venous sinuses in the MZ, allowing a large proportion of the splenic inflow to bypass the red cell filtration sites in the reticular meshwork and at venous sinus walls.  相似文献   
When calf aortic tissue, preincubated under organ culture conditions in the presence of [35S]sulfate, was submitted to a sequential collagenase and elastase digestion and guanidinium chloride extraction, the bulk of proteoheparan sulfate was obtained in the elastase fraction. Ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of the elastase digest under dissociative conditions yielded a proteoglycan fraction that contained heparan sulfate as the sole glycosaminoglycan. The proteoheparan sulfate fraction was resolved into a high-molecular-mass (P-HS 1) and a low-molecular-mass (P-HS 2) fraction by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-400. P-HS 1 has a Mr of 175,000 and possesses four heparan sulfate side-chains (Mr 32,000) covalently bound to the protein core via a galactose- and xylose-containing polysaccharide-protein binding region. The protein core (Mr 38,000), which was obtained after deglycosylation of PG-HS 1 with trifluormethane sulfonic acid, contained in addition a few N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide units representing a complex type with terminal neuraminic acid residues. P-HS 2 is a single-chain peptidoheparan sulfate of Mr of 38,000 containing one heparan sulfate chain (Mr 32,000) linked to a polypeptide (Mr 6000). The ratio of specific radioactivities of P-HS 1 and P-HS 2 was 1:0.66.  相似文献   
Empirical evaluation of variables affecting oocyte collection, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer resulted in establishing a successful procedure for the artificial production of offspring in the domestic cat. Female cats were treated with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG, 150 IU) followed 72 or 80 h later with 100 or 200 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). After laparoscopic collection, follicular oocytes were inseminated in vitro with ejaculated, processed spermatozoa, cultured (37 degrees C, 5% CO2), and then examined for evidence of fertilization. Two- to 4-cell stage embryos were transferred to the oviducts of oocyte donors. Oocyte donor cats and naturally mated controls also were subjected to sequential laparoscopic examinations and blood sampling to assess corpora lutea (CL) function. At 24-30 h of culture, fewer (p less than 0.001) degenerate oocytes were observed in cats receiving 100 IU hCG (8.2%) compared to those receiving 200 IU (20.6%), regardless of the PMSG-hCG interval. Overall fertilization (48.1%) and cleavage (45.2%, at 30 h post-insemination) rates were greatest following an 80-h PMSG-hCG interval combined with the 100 IU hCG dose. Five of the 6 cats receiving 6 to 18 embryos became pregnant and produced from 1 to 4 kittens/litter. Gonadotropin-treated females subjected to follicular aspiration produced morphologically normal CL and circulating progesterone patterns that were qualitatively similar (p greater than 0.05) to control cats. These data indicate that domestic cat follicular oocytes are capable of fertilization in vitro, but success is dependent on both the timing and dose of the hCG stimulus. Follicles subjected to aspiration appear capable of forming normal, functional CL and the birth of live young after embryo transfer unequivocally demonstrates, for the first time, the developmental competence of in vitro-fertilized carnivore oocytes.  相似文献   
Between 1982 and 1986 51 patients were treated with ciclosporin a (CSA) to prevent graft versus host disease (GvHD) after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Major side effects of the drug were tremor, hypertension, hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Acute GvHD 0 degree to II degree occurred in 80% of our patients, and GvHD III degree and IV degree in 20% despite the use of CSA. Two to four days before the onset of GvHD, CSA serum levels were significantly lower on the average in patients who developed GvHD III degree and IV degree compared to the others. Our data indicate that plasma CSA concentrations higher than 250 ng/ml should be achieved to reduce the severity of GvHD after BMT.  相似文献   
The interaction of the bile salt cholate with unilamellar vesicles was studied. At low cholate content, equilibrium binding measurements with egg yolk lecithin membranes suggest that cholate binds to the outer vesicle leaflet. At increasing concentrations, further bile salt binding to the membrane is hampered. Before the onset of membrane solubilization, diphenylhexatriene fluorescence anisotropy decreases to a shallow minimum. It then increases to the initial value in the cholate concentration range of membrane solubilization. At still higher cholate concentrations, a drop in fluorescence anisotropy indicates the transformation of mixed disk micelles into spherical micelles. Perturbation of the vesicle membranes at molar ratios of bound cholate/lecithin exceeding 0.15 leads to a transient release of oligosaccharides from intravesicular space. The cholate concentrations required to induce the release depend on the size of the entrapped sugars. Cholesterol stabilizes the membrane, whereas, in spite of enhanced membrane order, sphingomyelin destabilizes the membrane against cholate. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) also reflect a change in membrane structure at maximal cholate binding to the vesicles. In 31P NMR spectra, superimposed on the anisotropic line typically found in phospholipid bilayers, an isotropic peak was found. This signal is most probably due to the formation of smaller vesicles after addition of cholate. The results were discussed with respect to bile salt/membrane interactions in the liver cell. It is concluded that vesicular bile salt transport in the cytoplasm is unlikely and that cholate binding is restricted to the outer leaflet of the canalicular part of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
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