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Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenstellung liegen Befunde zu den brutbiologischen Parametern Gelegestärke, Schlüpftermin und Anzahl flügger Junge zugrunde, die von 1970–1995 an rund 1500 Erstbruten des Kleibers in Versuchsgebieten mit künstlichen Nisthöhlen bei Braunschweig und Essen gewonnen wurden. Die Vollgelege-Eizahl beträgt im Durchschnitt 6,8 Eier (nur Daten aus dem Braunschweiger Raum), der durchschnittliche Schlüpftermin fällt auf den 9. Mai (Braunschweig) und 6. Mai (Essen) und die Anzahl flügger Nestlinge liegt in erfolgreichen Bruten im Mittel bei 5,6 (Braunschweig) bzw. 5,2 (Essen). Im Untersuchungszeitraum kam es in beiden Gebietsregionen zu einer signifikanten Verfrühung des Bruttermins. Doch werden wohl erst die Befunde der kommenden Jahre zeigen können, ob die rezente Häufung früher Brutjahre beim Kleiber (diese Arbeit) und bei Kohl- und Blaumeisen (Winkel &Hudde unveröff.) bereits eine Folge des anthropogen bedingten global warming ist oder noch das normale Auf und Ab der Witterung widerspiegelt.
Long-term changes of breeding parameters of NuthatchesSitta europaea in two study areas of northern Germany
Between 1970 and 1995, nestbox data about clutch size, hatching date and fledging success were collected for a total of around 1500 first broods of Nuthatches in two north German study areas (near Brunswick 52.16 N 10.32 E and near Essen 51.24 N 6.59 E). The average clutch size was 6.8 eggs (Brunswick), the average hatching date 9 May (Brunswick) and 6 May (Essen), and the mean number of fledglings per successful brood 5.6 (Brunswick) and 5.2 (Essen). Over time hatching dates significantly advanced in both areas. Data of further years are needed to clarify if the recent unusual sequence of early breeding years in the Nuthatch is already a consequence of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect or just due to normal variation of weather conditions.
The Plettenberger Bänderschiefer (Ordovician, Lower Llanvirnian, Zone ofDidymograptus bifidus (Hcall) from the type locality at Plettenberg (Sauerland, NW-Germany) yielded a foraminiferal fauna consisting of primitive agglutinated species (Amphitremoida, Bathysiphon,?Raibosammina, ?Thekammina, Thurammina). Forming one of the stratigraphically oldest European foraminiferal assemblages, these taxa were washed out of an unconsolidated graptolite siltstone and represent a pelagic, oxygen-depleted environment.  相似文献   
Analysis for genetic variation of insular and mainland populations ofEulemur macaco has revealed: (1) a different degree of genetic variation between populations; and (2) the phylogenetic relationships between groups, on the islands of Nosy-Be and Nosy-Komba, and in the Peninsula of Ambato (Madagascar). Eleven systems of blood proteins from 157 animals were used as genetic markers. The genetic variation was lower on the island of Nosy-Komba than in the mainland of Ambato. This is consistent with the expectation that genetic variation is lower on islands than on mainlands. In contrast, the genetic variation on the island of Nosy-Be was the highest of the three populations. This finding can best be explained by assuming that the sample of Nosy-Be consists of individuals of several small isolated groups, where genetic drift computation showed the population of Nosy-Be to be distinct, and the populations of Nosy-Komba and Ambato to be close within the same branch of the dendrogram. These findings give an insight into the population history of the island of Nosy-Komba, which might have been populated by mainland groups from Ambato.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide synthase in the rat carotid body and carotid sinus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The participation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the innervation of the rat carotid body and carotid sinus was investigated by means of NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and NOS immunohistochemistry using antisera raised against purified neuronal NOS and a synthetic tridecapeptide. NOS was detected in 23% of neurons at the periphery of the carotid bodies. Some negative neurons were surrounded by NOS-positive terminals. NOS-containing varicose nerve fibres innervated the arterial vascular bed and, to a lesser extent, the islands of glomus cells. These fibres persisted after transection of the carotid sinus nerve and are probably derived from intrinsic neurons. Large NOS-positive axonal swellings in the wall of the carotid sinus were absent after transection of the sinus nerve, indicating their sensory origin. The results suggest a neuronal nitrergic control of blood flow, neuronal activity and chemoreception in the carotid body, and an intrinsic role of NO in the process of arterial baroreception.  相似文献   
Anaerobically prepared cell extracts of Clostridium kluyveri grown on succinate plus ethanol contained high amounts of 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase, which catalyzes the reversible dehydration of 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA to crotonyl-CoA. The enzyme was purified 12-fold under strictly anaerobic conditions to over 95% homogeneity and had a specific activity of 123 nkat mg-1. The finding of this dehydratase means that all of the enzymes necessary for fermentation of succinate plus ethanol by C. kluyveri have now been demonstrated to exist in this organism and confirms the proposed pathway involving a reduction of succinate via 4-hydroxybutyrate to butyrate. Interestingly, the enzyme is almost identical to the previously isolated 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase from Clostridium aminobutyricum. The dehydratase was revealed as being a homotetramer (m=59 kDa/subunit), containing 2±0.2 mol FAD, 13.6±0.8 mol Fe and 10.8±1.2 mol inorganic sulfur. The enzyme was irreversibly inactivated after exposure to air. Reduction by sodium dithionite also yielded an inactive enzyme which could be reactivated, however, up to 84% by oxidation with potassium hexacyanoferrate(III). The enzyme possesses an intrinsic vinylacetyl-CoA isomerase activity which was also found in 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase from C. aminobutyricum. Moreover, the N-terminal sequences of the dehydratases from both organisms were found to be 63% identical.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) represents a family of structurally related Ser/Tre kinases which are involved in mitogenic signalling and may contribute to human neoplasia. To address this issue, the messenger RNA and protein levels of PKC isoenzymes α and β were analyzed in several human sarcoma- and carcinoma-derived cell lines. Carcinomas contained low or undetectable levels of either PKC-α or PKC-β. Sarcomas exhibited similar or increased PKC expression compared to human diploid fibroblasts. Moreover, sarcoma cell lines expressing one PKC isoform did not contain detectable levels of the other. When PKC was depleted from the tumor cells, we observed that the PKC overexpressing sarcomas had reduced their malignant properties as determined by their ability to grow in semisolid medium. In addition, epidermal growth factor-stimulated and erbB2-transformed fibroblasts exhibited enhanced cell growth in the absence of PKC. We propose a model for the effect of PKC as a negative regulator of proliferation in epithelial cells and a growth promoter in fibroblasts. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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