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Rhizobia are soil bacteria which symbiotically infect legume roots and generate nodules in which they fix atmospheric nitrogen for the plant in exchange for photosynthetically fixed carbon. A crucial aspect of signal exchange between these symbionts is the secretion of phenolic compounds by the host root which induce nodulation gene expression in the bacteria. Stimulation of nod gene expression by host phenolics is required for nodule formation, is biochemically specific at 10-6 M, and is mediated by nodD. We and others have shown that rhizobia display chemotaxis to 10-9 M of the same phenolic compounds. Chemotaxis to inducer phenolics is selectively reduced or abolished by mutations in certain nod genes governing nodulation efficiency or host specificity. Conversely, mutations in rhizobia that affect general motility or chemotaxis have substantial effects on nodulation efficiency and competitiveness. These findings suggest that microbes entering the rhizosphere environment may utilize minor, non-nutrient components in root exudates as signals to guide their movement towards the root surface and elicit changes in gene expression appropriate to this environment.  相似文献   
Susanne Daniel  Wolfgang Barz 《Planta》1990,182(2):270-278
Cell-suspension cultures of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars, resistant (ILC 3279) and susceptible (ILC 1929) to the fungus Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab., showed differential accumulation of the phytoalexins medicarpin and maackiain, and transient induction of related enzyme activities after application of an A. rabiei-derived elicitor. The chalcone-synthase (CHS) activity (EC which is involved in the first part of phytoalexin biosynthesis exhibited a maximum 8–12 h after elicitation in the cells of both cultivars. Concomitant with the fivefold-higher phytoalexin accumulation, CHS activity increased twofold in the cells of the resistant cultivar. The maximum of the elicitor-induced CHS-mRNA activity was determined 4 h after onset of induction in the cultures of both cultivars, although in cells of cultivar ILC 3279 this mRNA activity was induced at a level twofold higher than that in cells of the susceptible race ILC 1929. Investigations of CHS isoenzymes by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated in-vitro-translated protein indicated the presence of five proteins. In the cells of both cultivars only two of the isoenzymes were induced after elicitor treatment. Analysis of the total in-vitro-translated proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the constitutively expressed patterns of mRNA activities in the cell cultures of the two cultivars were identical. After elicitation, considerably more translatable mRNAs were induced in the cells of cultivar ILC 3279. The few induced proteins, and their respective mRNA activities, which could be detected in the cells of the susceptible cultivar, all existed in the cells of the resistant cultivar, too. One highly induced protein (Mr 18 kDa) found in the cells of cultivar ILC 3279 reached its maximum mRNA activity 6 h after elicitor application. The amount of this protein was hardly increased in the cells of the susceptible cultivar. This protein appears to be excreted from the cells into the growth medium.Abbreviations CHS chalcone synthase - IEF isoelectric focussing - ILC international legume chickpea - PR-protein pathogenesis-related protein - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Fonds der Chemischen Industrie is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank Dr. K. Hahlbrock (Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Köln, FRG) for provision of antisera and the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (Aleppo, Syria) for plant material.  相似文献   
Summary Regulation of the paracellular pathway in rabbit distal colon by the hormone aldosterone was investigated in vitro in Ussing chambers by means of transepithelial and microelectrode techniques. To evaluate the cellular and paracellular resistances an equivalent circuit analysis was used. For the analysis the apical membrane resistance was altered using the antibiotic nystatin. Under control conditions two groups of epithelia were found, each clearly dependent on the light: dark regime. Low-transporting epithelia (LT) were observed in the morning and high-transporting epithelia (HT) in the afternoon. Na+ transport was about 3-fold higher in HT than in LT epithelia. Incubating epithelia of both groups with 0.1 mol·1-1 aldosterone on the serosal side nearly doubled in LT epithelia the short circuit current and transepithelial voltage but the transepithelial resistance was not influenced. Maximal values were reached after 4–5 h of aldosterone treatment. In HT epithelia due to the effect of aldosterone all three transepithelial parameters remained constant over time. Evaluation of the paracellular resistance revealed a significant increase after aldosterone stimulation in both epithelial groups. This increase suggests that tight junctions might have been regulated by aldosterone. The hormonal effect on electrolyte transport was also dependent on the physiological state of the rabbit colon. Since net Na+ absorption in distal colon is, in addition to transcellular absorption capacity, also dependent on the permeability of the paracellular pathway, the regulation of tight junctions by aldosterone may be a potent mechanism for improving Na+ absorption during hormone-stimulated ion transport.Abbreviations V t transepithelial potential difference (mV) - R t transepithelial resistance (·cm2) - G t transepithelial conductance (mS·cm-2) - Isc calculated short circuit current (A·cm-2) - V a apical membrane potential difference (mV) - V bl basolateral membrane potential difference (mV) - voltage divider ratio - R a apical membrane resistance (·cm2) - R bl basolateral membrane resistance (·cm2) - R c cellular resistance ( of apical and basolateral resistance) (·cm2) - R p resistance of the paracellular pathway (·cm2) - G a apical membrane conductance (mS·cm-2) - G bl basolateral membrane conductance (mS·cm-2) - G p paracellular conductance (mS·cm-2) - G t transepithelial conductance (mS·cm-2) - HT contr high transporting control epithelia - LT contr low transporting control epithelia - HT aldo aldosterone incubated high transporting epithelia - LT aldo aldosterone incubated low transporting epithelia  相似文献   
This paper describes the macroflora and macrofauna associated with two bull kelp species,Laminaria hyperborea andL. digitata, at the island of Helgoland, North Sea. During a study period of seven months (March–September 1987), 29 macroflora species and 125 macrofauna species were found. The dominant taxonomic groups were Polychaeta (25 species), Bryozoa (17), Amphipoda (14), Hydrozoa (10) and Ascidiae (8). The species maximum was in July. In general,L. hyperborea was preferred as a substrate for settlement toL. digitata. Composition of the communities associated with kelp changed during the season according to exposure to wave action, and according to location on the kelp thallus. The rhizoid community of both kelps bore more species at exposed locations. Wave-exposedL. digitata lacked obvious faunal settlement on both phylloid and cauloid. Phylloid and cauloid ofL. hyperborea were chosen as an attractive substrate at both sheltered and wave-exposed locations, showing an association of encrusting bryozoan and hydrozoan colonies.  相似文献   
Cytochalasin B (CB) is known to interfere reversibly with the cytoplasmic contractile filamental network of mammalian cells. The role of the microfilament system in the mechanism of the reactive oxygen intermediates release of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) was studied for different kinds of stimuli. PMNL from fresh human blood were treated with CB and stimulated by adherence on plastic surfaces, by opsonized zymosan, by phorbol myristate acetate and by N-formylmethionyl-phenylalaline. The production of reactive oxygen species were monitored by simultaneous detection of native, luminol-independent, luminescence (NL) and luminol-dependent luminescence (LDL) using a method of spectral discrimination. Different influences of CB on NL with respect to LDL as well stimuli-dependent influences of CB on the luminescence response of PMNL were observed. Especially phagocytosis-associated activation of PMNL was strongly inhibited by CB, whereas LDL was reduced to a much greater extent in comparison with NL. A firm involvement of the microfilament system is indicated, but it depends on the kind of stimulus engaged.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenstellung liegen Befunde zu den brutbiologischen Parametern Gelegestärke, Schlüpftermin und Anzahl flügger Junge zugrunde, die von 1970–1995 an rund 1500 Erstbruten des Kleibers in Versuchsgebieten mit künstlichen Nisthöhlen bei Braunschweig und Essen gewonnen wurden. Die Vollgelege-Eizahl beträgt im Durchschnitt 6,8 Eier (nur Daten aus dem Braunschweiger Raum), der durchschnittliche Schlüpftermin fällt auf den 9. Mai (Braunschweig) und 6. Mai (Essen) und die Anzahl flügger Nestlinge liegt in erfolgreichen Bruten im Mittel bei 5,6 (Braunschweig) bzw. 5,2 (Essen). Im Untersuchungszeitraum kam es in beiden Gebietsregionen zu einer signifikanten Verfrühung des Bruttermins. Doch werden wohl erst die Befunde der kommenden Jahre zeigen können, ob die rezente Häufung früher Brutjahre beim Kleiber (diese Arbeit) und bei Kohl- und Blaumeisen (Winkel &Hudde unveröff.) bereits eine Folge des anthropogen bedingten global warming ist oder noch das normale Auf und Ab der Witterung widerspiegelt.
Long-term changes of breeding parameters of NuthatchesSitta europaea in two study areas of northern Germany
Between 1970 and 1995, nestbox data about clutch size, hatching date and fledging success were collected for a total of around 1500 first broods of Nuthatches in two north German study areas (near Brunswick 52.16 N 10.32 E and near Essen 51.24 N 6.59 E). The average clutch size was 6.8 eggs (Brunswick), the average hatching date 9 May (Brunswick) and 6 May (Essen), and the mean number of fledglings per successful brood 5.6 (Brunswick) and 5.2 (Essen). Over time hatching dates significantly advanced in both areas. Data of further years are needed to clarify if the recent unusual sequence of early breeding years in the Nuthatch is already a consequence of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect or just due to normal variation of weather conditions.
The localization of the ai adrenoceptors (1-AR) in the heart tissues from rat and human and in the cultured heart cells from neonatal rats was studied by indirect immunofluorescence and postembedding electronmicroscopical immuno-gold technique. With antipeptide antibodies directed against the second extracellular loop of the human 1-AR (AS sequence 192–218), this receptor was found to be localized along the sarcolemma in both human and rat hearts. Similar localization sites were detected in cultivated rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. Beside the localization in cardiomyocytes, 1-AR were identified in endothelial cells of capillaries and smooth muscle cells of coronary vessels, in neuronal endings, in mast cells of cultivated heart cells but not, or in less amount in fibroblasts. Interestingly, in the right atrium of rat heart the localization of 1-AR was found to be near or on atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) granules, providing the basis for the -adrenergic influence on ANF release. The immunocytochemical studies further confirm and complete the findings known by using autoradiographic binding studies with specific ligands.  相似文献   
TGR(mREN2)27 is a transgenic rat harboring the murine Ren-2 gene and exhibit fulminant hypertension and marked heart hypertrophy. In order to study the role of angiotensin II in the increase of cardiac mass, these animals were treated with anti-hypertensive and non-antihypertensive doses of the angiotensin II receptor AT1 antagonist Telmisartan for 9 weeks. All doses led to significant reductions of heart hypertrophy detected by the evaluation of the diameter of cardiac muscle bundles. We conclude from this study that cardiac hypertrophy in TGR(mREN2)27 is characterized by an increased volume of cardiomyocytes and an unchanged amount of fibrous tissue and that angiotensin II plays an important role in the mechanisms leading to this phenotype.  相似文献   
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