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The glycosylation and deglycosylation of cardiac glycosides was investigated using cell suspension cultures and shoot cultures, both established from Digitalis lanata EHRH. plants, as well as isolated enzymes. Shoots were capable of glucosylating digitoxigenin, evatromonoside, digiproside, glucodigitoxigenin and digitoxin. Suspension cultured Digitalis cells glucosylated all the substrates mentioned but digiproside, whereas the UDP-glucosedependent cardinolide glucosyltransferase isolated from that source did not accept digitoxigenin and digiproside as substrates. It is concluded that at least three different glucosyltransferases are involved in cardiac glycoside formation in Digitalis. Similar experiments carried out with glucosylated cardenolides which were administered to cultured cells, shoots and a cardenolide -glucosidase isolated from young leaves revealed that at least two different glucosidases occur in Digitalis lanata, albeit in different tissues or during different phases of development. The biotransformation of glucoevatromonoside was investigated using unlabelled compound and [14C-glucose]-glucoevatromonoside synthesized enzymatically. After 7 d of incubation almost no radioactivity could be recovered from the cardenolide fraction, indicating that the terminal glucose of glucoevatromonoside was now incorporated into volatile, hydrophilic and insoluble compounds. Since, on the other hand, large amounts of cardenolides were found in the experiments with unlabelled glucoevatromonoside it is assumed that steady state or pool size regulation is achieved by the coordinated action of a cardenolide glucosidase and a glucosyltransferase.Abbreviations Acdox D-acetyldigitoxose - dgen digoxigenin - dox D-digitoxose - dten digitoxigenin - dtl D-digitalose - fuc D-fucose - gten gitoxigenin - qun D-quinovose - CGH cardenolide 16-O-glucohydrolase - DFT UDP-fucose:digitoxigenin 3-O-fucosyltransferase - DGT UDP-glucose:Digitoxin 16-O-glucosyltransferase - DQT UDP-quinovose:digitoxigenin 3-O-quinovosyltransferase  相似文献   
Folate-controtled gene expression and chemotaxis have been examined in Dictyostelium wild-type and mutant strains. We show that regulation of the discoidin genes is sensitive to foiate in growing ceiis as weli as in suspension development. The signal is transferred via the N10-methylfoiate-sensitive folate receptor sites, which also appear to confer the chemotactic response. The strain HG5145 has previously been isolated as a mutant that does not display chemotactic movement towards folate. Nevertheless, these cells are fully functional in foiate-mediated downregulation of discoidin I expression. The strain ga 93 has been isolated as an overproducer mutant of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Simultaneously, these cells fail to downregulate discoidin I in response to folate but are fully functional in folate chemotaxis. Therefore we conclude that the pathways for chemotaxis and for gene regulation diverge downstream of a common receptor type.  相似文献   
Several different bacteria and fungi capable of degrading yeast cell walls were isolated in the course of a screening programme. One Streptomyces and one Acremonium strain were found to degrade yeast cell walls extremely well. Both isolates produced enzymes in liquid culture that could be used for protoplasting of Sporobolomyces salmonicolor (DSM 70851) and Rhodotorula rubra (DSM 70403). This fact is quite remarkable as, so far, S. salmonicolor could not be protoplasted by commercially available enzymes. Correspondence to: W. Kaul  相似文献   
The cDNA and a partial genomic sequence of a rat class I major histocompatibility (RT1) gene, 11/3R, is reported here. The sequence contains several unique amino acid residues at certain positions, mutations in exon 7 (which is not expressed), a mutation of the canonical exon 8 stop codon to a sense codon, and includes a long 3 unstranslated region (utr). The structure of exon 7 differs from that found in most rat class I genes and resembles exon 7 of most H-2K,D,L.Q genes. Parts of the 3 noncoding region are homologous to the RT1.A-4 and certain H-2 genes. Expression is detectable by northern blot analysis in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes only, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in each tissue tested. After transfection into L cells 11/3R can be shown to be expressible at the cell surface. Probes derived from the 3 noncoding part crosshybridize with a number of restriction fragments which map to the RT1.C region, thus defining a subfamily of RT1.C region genes. Several members of this subfamily are deleted in the M1 RT1 mutant. The 11/3R gene presents typical features of a class Ib gene. Aspects of evolution and the potential of the gene are discussed.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank molecule sequence data base and have been assigned the accession numbers X67503 ande X67504.  相似文献   
Serum arsenic concentrations of persons suffering from renal failure and undergoing hemodialysis treatment (n=85) and of healthy controls (n=25) were determined by hydride-generation AAS technique after microwave digestion. The results were evaluated by comparing the values of both groups, considering physiological factors and individual data, as well as comorbid conditions of the hemodialysis (HD) patients. Serum arsenic levels were diminished in the patient group compared with controls (mean values 8.5±1.8 ng/mL vs 10.6±1.3 ng/mL). Furthermore, additional diseases within the hemodialysis group, particularly injuries of the central nervous system (CNS), vascular diseases, and cancer, were correlated to occasionally markedly decreased serum arsenic concentrations. It was concluded that arsenic homeostasis is disturbed by HD treatment and certain additional diseases. Desirable arsenic concentrations in the body seem to be reasonable. This consideration results in the conclusion that arsenic could play an essential role in human health. Thus, reference arsenic concentrations in different human tissues and body fluids should be established in order to recognize not only arsenic intoxication, but also arsenic deficiency. Perhaps arsenic deficiency contributes to the increased death risk of HD patients, and therefore, arsenic supplementations for patients with extremely low serum arsenic concentrations should be taken into account.  相似文献   
A -glucosidase of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima has been purified from a recombinant Escherichia coli clone expressing the corresponding gene. The enzyme was found to be a dimer with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 95 kDa as determined by size exclusion chromatography. It was composed of two apparently identical subunits of about 47 kDa (determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The enzyme had a bbroadsubstrate specificity and attacked -glucoside, -galactoside, -fucoside, and, to a very small extent, also -xyloside substrates. -Glycosidic bonds were not hydrolysed. Kinetic measurement of the hydrolysis of o-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside (oNPGlc) and o-nitrophenyl--d-galactopyranoside (oNPGal) in the concentration ranges 0.05–20 mm and 0.1–10 mm, respectively, at 75°C resulted in non-linear Lineweaver-Burk and Eadie-Hofstee 3lots whereas cellobiose and lactose did not induce this type of effect. Lactose caused substrate inhibition above 350 mm. The enzyme was optimally active at about pH 6.1. The T. maritima -glucosidase represents the most thermostable -glucosidase described to date. In 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.2, at an enzyme concentration of 50 g/ml, the pure enzyme without additives retained more than 60% of its initial activity after a 6-h incubation at 95°C. Correspondence to: W. Liebl  相似文献   
A series of epidemiological studies have indicated associations between exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) and a variety of cancers, including breast cancer. In order to test the possibility that MF acts as a cancer promoter or copromoter, four separate experiments have been conducted in rats in which the effects of chronic exposure to MFs on the development of mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) were determined. Female rats were exposed in magnetic coils for 91 days (24 h/day) to either alternating current (AC; 50 Hz)-MF or direct current (DC)-MF. Magnetic flux density of the DC-MF was 15 mT. Two AC-MF exposures used a homogeneous field with a flux density of 30 mT (rms); one used a gradient field with flux density ranging from 0.3–1 μT. DMBA (5 mg) was administered orally at the onset of MF exposure and was repeated thrice at intervals of 1 week. In each experiment, 18–36 animals were exposed in 6 magnetic coils. The same number of rats were used as sham-exposed control. These control animals were treated with DMBA and were placed in dummy coils in the same room as the MF-exposed rats. Furthermore, groups of age-matched rats (reference controls) were treated with DMBA but housed in another room to exclude any MF exposure due to the magnetic stray field from the MF produced by coils. At the end of the exposure or sham-exposure period, tumor number and weight or size of tumors were determined at necropsy. Results were as follows: In sham-exposed animals or reference controls, the tumor incidence varied between 50 and 78% in the 4 experiments. The average number of mammary tumors per tumor-bearing animal varied between 1.6 and 2.9. In none of the experiments did MFs significantly alter tumor incidence, but in one of the experiments with AC-MF exposure at 30 mT, the number of tumors per tumor-bearing animal was significantly increased. Furthermore, exposure to a DC-MF at 15 mT significantly enhanced the tumor weight. Exposure to a gradient AC-MF at 0.3–1 μT exerted no significant effects. These experiments seem to indicate that MFs at high flux densities may act as a promoter or copromoter of breast cancer. However, this interpretation must be considered only a tentative conclusion because of the limitations of this study, particularly the small sample size used for MF exposure and the lack of repetition of data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   
Electrical responses upon mechanostimulation at the posterior cell end were investigated in the marine hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes vannus. A new mechanostimulator was developed to mimic stimuli that are identical with those involved in cell-cell collisions. The receptor potential hyperpolarized by 18–35 mV within 12–25 msec, reached a peak value of -62 mV with a delay of 4–9 msec after membrane deformation, and was deactivated after 50–70 msec. Cirri were stimulated to beat accelerated backward. The corresponding receptor current exerted a similar time course with a peak of 2.4 nA. The shift of the reversal potential by 57.6 mV at a tenfold increase of [K+] 0 identifies potassium ions as current carriers within the development of the receptor potential. An intracellular K concentration of 355 mmol/liter was calculated for cells in a medium that was composed similar to sea-water. The mechanically activated potassium current was totally inhibited by extracellular TEA and intracellular Cs+, and partially inhibited by extracellular 4-AP. The total inhibition of the current by injected EGTA points to a Ca dependence of the posterior mechanosensitivity. It was confirmed by the increase of the peak current amplitude with rising [Ca2+] 0 . Sodium presumably repolarizes the receptor potential because the repolarization was delayed and after-depolarizations were eliminated in media without sodium. Since deciliation did not affect mechano-sensitivity, the corresponding ion channels reside within the soma membrane.The authors wish to thank Mr. Norbert Spreckelmeier from the electronics workshop and Mr. Herbert Lutter from the fine-mechanical workshop of the department for their excellent work, Mrs. G. Key and Mr. H. Mikoleit for skillful technical assistance and for preparing the figures. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 171, C7.  相似文献   
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