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Summary The stability of allelic gene expression of X-linked phosphoglycerate kinase was studied in seven carriers of a rare genetic variant named PGK München. The enzymatic activities in erythrocytes of five heterozygous females and three hemizygous males were determined repeatedly over a period of 10 years (1975–1984) and shown to remain constant. As the phosphoglycerate kinase activity is lower in cells expressing the PGK München allele, the ratio of the two cell types in all heterozygous females of the PGK München kindred could be calculated from the PGK activity and from the known allozyme activities in erythrocytes of homozygous wild type or hemizygous PGK München carriers. Since the maternal or paternal origin of both alleles is known from the pedigree, the quantitative expression of the maternally derived allozyme in heterozygous women could be determined. In heterozygous carriers the cell pool expressing the maternally inherited allele was significantly increased, independently, of the PGK allele linked to the maternal X chromosome (P<0.001). Our data show that inactivation of one of the two X chromosomes in human female erythropoietic stem cell precursors may be non-random, at least in the kindred and cell populations described here. The results are discussed in the context of random X chromosome inactivation (Lyon hypothesis).Dedicated to J.S., the senior of the family studied, on the occasion of her 80th birthday  相似文献   
A procedure is described for the rapid preparation of nerve ending particles (synaptosomes) from 11 regions of one rat brain. The synaptosomal fractions have been characterized by electron microscopy and determination of four marker enzymes, i.e., glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Comparison with a much lengthier standard (Ficoll-sucrose) preparation showed that the synaptosomal yield of the new procedure was substantially better as judged by both morphological evaluation and protein recovery. The improved synaptosome preparation was used for determination of regional gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in synaptosomal fractions. The postmortem increase in GABA level during removal and dissection of brain tissue and homogenization and fractionation procedures could be minimized by rapid processing of the tissue at low temperatures and inclusion of the GAD inhibitor 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MP; 1 mM) in the homogenizing medium. The addition of GABA (0.2 mM) to the homogenizing medium did not alter the GABA levels in the synaptosomes, indicating that no significant redistribution of GABA occurred during subcellular fractionation in sodium-free media. Synaptosomal GABA levels determined in the 11 rat brain areas showed the same regional distribution as the GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD. On the basis of these findings, it was suggested that the synaptosome preparation could be used to evaluate the in vivo effects of drugs on nerve terminal GABA. Treatment of rats with a convulsant dose of 3-MP (50 mg/kg i.p.) 3 min before decapitation significantly lowered synaptosomal GABA levels in olfactory bulb, hippocampus, thalamus, tectum, and cerebellum. The 3-MP-induced seizures and reduction of GABA levels could be prevented by administration of valproic acid (200 mg/kg i.p.) 15 min before the 3-MP injection. The data indicate that the improved synaptosome preparation offers a convenient method of preparing highly purified synaptosomes from a large number of small tissue samples and can provide useful information on the in vivo effects of drugs on regional GABA levels in nerve terminals.  相似文献   
Calelectrin is a calcium-binding protein of Mr 36 000 which has previously been shown to be associated with membranes of the cholinergic synapse in a calcium-dependent manner. We report here that calelectrin was solubilized from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata in the absence of calcium together with proteins of Mr 54 000 and Mr 15 000. In cholinergic nerve endings isolated from the electric organ only calelectrin was solubilized in a calcium-dependent manner. A specific antiserum to calelectrin was used to localize the antigen by immunofluorescence microscopy on sections of electric organ and showed that calelectrin is distributed throughout the postsynaptic cell. Calelectrin was also detected in axons and in the cell bodies of the cholinergic neurones where it was concentrated in discrete patches throughout the cells. Electric organ tissue was processed to localize calelectrin with the electron microscope using an immunoperoxidase method. The most intense staining was observed on the cytoplasmic face of the acetylcholine receptor-containing postsynaptic membrane and also associated with the intracellular filaments of the electrocyte. The intensity of staining associated with these structures could be greatly reduced by preincubating the tissue with calcium chelators. In nerve terminals calelectrin was associated with synaptic vesicles in a polarized fashion. Calelectrin was also found on the cytoplasmic face of the synaptosomal plasma membrane and associated with neurofilaments. No extracellular staining was ever observed. Our results strongly support our original hypothesis that calelectrin is a calcium-regulated component of intracellular structure associated both with membranes and filaments.  相似文献   
The non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. strain 23 fixes nitrogen under aerobic conditions. If nitrate-grown cultures were transferred to a medium free of combined nitrogen, nitrogenase was induced within about 1 day. The acetylene reduction showed a diurnal variation under conditions of continuous light. Maximum rates of acetylene reduction steadily increased during 8 successive days. When grown under alternating light-dark cycles, Oscillatoria sp. fixes nitrogen preferably in the dark period. For dark periods longer than 8 h, nitrogenase activity is only present during the dark period. For dark periods of 8 h and less, however, nitrogenase activity appears before the beginning of the dark period. This is most pronounced in cultures grown in a 20 h light – 4 h dark cycle. In that case, nitrogenase activity appears 3–4 h before the beginning of the dark period. According to the light-dark regime applied, nitrogenase activity was observed during 8–11 h. Oscillatoria sp. grown under 16 h light and 8 h dark cycle, also induced nitrogenase at the usual point of time, when suddenly transferred to conditions of continuous light. The activity appeared exactly at the point of time where the dark period used to begin. No nitrogenase activity was observed when chloramphenicol was added to the cultures 3 h before the onset of the dark period. This observation indicated that for each cycle, de novo nitrogenase synthesis is necessary.  相似文献   
N-Acetyl-leukotriene E4, the end product of leukotriene C4 metabolism in the mercapturic acid pathway, was rapidly eliminated from the blood circulation into the bile of rats. Part of the N-acethyl-leukotriene E4 secreted from bile into the intestine undewent enterohepatic circulation. Leukotriene absorption occurred from the small intestine and from the colon. Biliary and urinary excretion within 5.5 h amounted to 15 and 2%, respectively, of the intraduodenally administered N-acetyl- H leukotriene E4 in animals anesthetized with ketamine. HPLC analyses indicated that 35% of the biliary radioactivity corresponded to unchanged N-acetyl- H leukotriene E4, while 65% in bile and 100% in urine were polar metabolites. Enterohepatic circulation extends the biological half-life of N-acetyl-leukotriene E4.  相似文献   
Summary Synaptogenesis has been studied in the electric organ of embryonic Torpedo marmorata by use of two antisera directed against components of synaptic vesicles (anti-SV) and presynaptic plasma membranes (ap-anti-TSM), respectively. The anti-SV serum was previously shown to recognize a proteoglycan specific for synaptic vesicles. The ap-anti-TSM serum was raised to plasma membranes of synaptosomes derived from the electromotor nerve terminals and affinity-purified on electric-organ gangliosides. The vesicular antigen was first detectable at the 81-mm stage of development, which is 1–2 weeks earlier than the formation of morphologically mature presynaptic terminals, but is coincident with a rise in choline acetyltransferase levels and the ability of the electric organ to generate discharges. The gangliosidic antigen recognized by the ap-anti-TSM was first detectable on the ventral electrocyte surface at the 93-mm stage of development. This indicates that specific carbohydrate epitopes, not present on the growth cones, are expressed during maturation of the nerve terminal. The nerve terminal components recognized by these sera arose pari passu with neurite coverage of the ventral surface of the electrocyte, reaching a maximum in the adult. In contrast, postsynaptic aggregates of acetylcholine receptor, rendered visible with rhodamine-labeled -bungarotoxin, arose previous to the presynaptic antigens, reaching a maximum surface density at 110 mm and then declining in the adult.  相似文献   
Summary With the use of a digital image-processing method three-dimensional reconstructions of the arrangement of spermatocytes in human seminiferous tubules were performed. With this method it was possible to investigate the cellular distribution in the tubule in nearly any given perspective and projection. In addition, by means of simple mathematical procedures, such as by transformation of Cartesian coordinates into cylindrical coordinates, it was possible to vary the shape of a reconstruction, i.e., to convert the cylindrical image of a tubular portion into a right-angled r--z-representation.The present work not only confirms the existence of a complex helical plan of organization of the human seminiferous epithelium but also provides further aspects of the phenomenon of physiological germ-cell loss and its integration into the kinetics of spermatogenesis.Dedicated to Prof. E.C. Roosen-Runge, Seattle, on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   
The regular surface layer of Pseudomonas acidovorans was investigated by computer processing of a series of tilted view electron micrographs, and a reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure was obtained. The pattern is tetragonal and consists of massive identical subunits, block-like in face-view, which interlock loosely in a simple cobblestone pattern. The square unit cell has a lattice constant of 11 nm. The surface layer pattern of P. acidovorans appears to be more dependent on the underlying membrane for maintaining its integrity than those so far studied in other bacteria.  相似文献   
Teichoicase from Bacillus subtilis Marburg.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The properties of a teichoic acid degrading enzyme (teichoicase) isolated from Bacillus subtilis Marburg are described. The purified enzyme showed phosphodiesterase activity but not phosphomonoesterase activity, and it had an absolute substrate specificity for alpha-glucosylated glycerol teichoic acid, the endogenous cell wall teichoic acid of the enzyme-producing cell. The substrate was degraded by an exo-mechanism yielding the monomer alpha-D-glucose 1 leads to 2 (sn)glycero-3-phosphate. When B. subtilis Marburg was grown in a rich medium, enzyme activity was detected in extracts from sporulating cells. Teichoicase activity was present in a mutant blocked in stage II of the sporulation process but was absent in a mutant blocked in stage O. It was concluded that teichoicase is active on enzyme-producing cells since the reaction product could be detected in their culture supernatant. Attempts to demonstrate analogous enzyme activity in other Bacillus strains failed. The enzyme could be used for the rapid detection of alpha-glucosylated glycerol teichoic acid and for the controlled alteration of native bacterial cell surfaces exhibiting the appropriate structure.  相似文献   
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