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Accurate estimates of forest biomass stocks and fluxes are needed to quantify global carbon budgets and assess the response of forests to climate change. However, most forest inventories consider tree mortality as the only aboveground biomass (AGB) loss without accounting for losses via damage to living trees: branchfall, trunk breakage, and wood decay. Here, we use ~151,000 annual records of tree survival and structural completeness to compare AGB loss via damage to living trees to total AGB loss (mortality + damage) in seven tropical forests widely distributed across environmental conditions. We find that 42% (3.62 Mg ha−1 year−1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.36–5.25) of total AGB loss (8.72 Mg ha−1 year−1; CI 5.57–12.86) is due to damage to living trees. Total AGB loss was highly variable among forests, but these differences were mainly caused by site variability in damage-related AGB losses rather than by mortality-related AGB losses. We show that conventional forest inventories overestimate stand-level AGB stocks by 4% (1%–17% range across forests) because assume structurally complete trees, underestimate total AGB loss by 29% (6%–57% range across forests) due to overlooked damage-related AGB losses, and overestimate AGB loss via mortality by 22% (7%–80% range across forests) because of the assumption that trees are undamaged before dying. Our results indicate that forest carbon fluxes are higher than previously thought. Damage on living trees is an underappreciated component of the forest carbon cycle that is likely to become even more important as the frequency and severity of forest disturbances increase.  相似文献   
Dietmar Wolff  Gerhard Jahn  Bodo Plachter   《Gene》1993,130(2):167-173
Studies on the biology and function of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genes have been hampered by the limited number of viral mutants available for genetic analyses. We have developed a simple procedure to generate and enrich for HCMV recombinants. By inserting the bacterial neo gene, encoding neomycin/kanamycin phosphotransferase, into the large HCMV DNA genome using homologous recombination, selectable mutants of this complex herpesvirus were isolated for the first time. The synthesis of Neo from the viral genome was used to effectively enrich for recombinant viruses (re-viruses) in permissive culture cells grown in the presence of Geneticin (G418). A quick assay for Neo activity in infected cells, based on phosphorylation of kanamycin (Km), was used to easily identify viral recombinants in the process of screening and isolation. This procedure, not used previously to identify re-viruses, proved to be very useful for screening of large numbers of HCMV recombinants. Analysis of re-virus by Southern blotting revealed that the insertion of the marker gene had resulted in the expected deletion of the open reading frames, TRL 13/14 and UL 1–5, of HCMV. Re-virus was stable and showed no differences in growth kinetics as compared to wild-type (wt) virus. The insertion of a selectable marker gene into the HCMV genome and identification of viral recombinants by the Km phosphorylation assay, as presented here, provides the rationale for effective generation, enrichment and stable propagation of HCMV mutants.  相似文献   


Coastal fishes have a fundamental role in marine ecosystem functioning and contributions to people, but face increasing threats due to climate change, habitat degradation and overexploitation. The extent to which human pressures are impacting coastal fish biodiversity in comparison with geographic and environmental factors at large spatial scale is still under scrutiny. Here, we took advantage of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to investigate the relationship between fish biodiversity, including taxonomic and genetic components, and environmental but also socio-economic factors.


Tropical, temperate and polar coastal areas.

Time period

Present day.

Major taxa studied

Marine fishes.


We analysed fish eDNA in 263 stations (samples) in 68 sites distributed across polar, temperate and tropical regions. We modelled the effect of environmental, geographic and socio-economic factors on α- and β-diversity. We then computed the partial effect of each factor on several fish biodiversity components using taxonomic molecular units (MOTU) and genetic sequences. We also investigated the relationship between fish genetic α- and β-diversity measured from our barcodes, and phylogenetic but also functional diversity.


We show that fish eDNA MOTU and sequence α- and β-diversity have the strongest correlation with environmental factors on coastal ecosystems worldwide. However, our models also reveal a negative correlation between biodiversity and human dependence on marine ecosystems. In areas with high dependence, diversity of all fish, cryptobenthic fish and large fish MOTUs declined steeply. Finally, we show that a sequence diversity index, accounting for genetic distance between pairs of MOTUs, within and between communities, is a reliable proxy of phylogenetic and functional diversity.

Main conclusions

Together, our results demonstrate that short eDNA sequences can be used to assess climate and direct human impacts on marine biodiversity at large scale in the Anthropocene and can further be extended to investigate biodiversity in its phylogenetic and functional dimensions.  相似文献   


It is crucial to monitor how the productivity of grasslands varies with its temporal stability for management of these ecosystems. However, identifying the direction of the productivity–stability relationship remains challenging because ecological stability has multiple components that can display neutral, positive or negative covariations. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the direction of the productivity–stability relationship depends on the biotic interactions and abiotic conditions that underlie ecosystem productivity and stability. We decipher the relationships between grassland productivity and two components of its stability in four habitat types with contrasting environments and flora.



Time period


Major taxa

Grassland plant species.


We used c. 20,000 vegetation plots spread across French permanent grasslands and remotely sensed vegetation indices to quantify grassland productivity and temporal stability. We decomposed stability into constancy (i.e., temporal invariability) and resistance (i.e., maximum deviation from average) and deciphered the direct and indirect effects of abiotic (namely growing season length and nitrogen input) and biotic (namely plant taxonomic diversity, trait diversity and community-weighted mean traits) factors on productivity–stability relationships using structural equation models.


We found a positive relationship between productivity and constancy and a negative relationship between productivity and resistance in all habitats. Abiotic factors had stronger effects on productivity and stability compared with biotic factors. A longer growing season enhanced grassland productivity and constancy. Nitrogen input had positive and negative effects on grassland productivity and resistance, respectively. Trait values affected the constancy and resistance of grassland more than taxonomic and trait diversity, with effects varying from one habitat to another. Productivity was not related to any biotic factor.

Main conclusions

Our findings reveal how vital it is to consider both the multiple components of stability and the interaction between environment and biodiversity to gain an understanding of the relationships between productivity and stability in real-world ecosystems, which is a crucial step for sustainable grassland management.  相似文献   
Is hypusine essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A compound library of sixty six linear compounds, eleven representatives of six molecular families: (E)- and (Z)-isomers of alk-4-en-1-ols, alk-4-enals, and methyl alk-4-enoates, was prepared by combinatorial syntheses to allow the creation of a mass spectral database directly usable for their identification in GC/MS analyses. We demonstrate here that compound libraries can be prepared by combinatorial syntheses using long linear synthetic sequences, i. e., eight step in the case of 4-enals. The resulting mixtures of homologues are still perfectly exploitable to deliver the requested information such as clean mass spectra and good gas chromatographic retention indices.  相似文献   

Spinal fixation and fusion are surgical procedures undertaken to restore stability in the spine and restrict painful or degenerative motion. Malpositioning of pedicle screws during these procedures can result in major neurological and vascular damage. Patient-specific surgical guides offer clear benefits, reducing malposition rates by up to 25%. However, they suffer from long lead times and the manufacturing process is dependent on third-party specialists. The development of a standard set of surgical guides may eliminate the issues with the manufacturing process. To evaluate the feasibility of this option, a statistical shape model (SSM) was created and used to analyse the morphological variations of the T4–T6 vertebrae in a population of 90 specimens from the Visible Korean Human dataset (50 females and 40 males). The first three principal components, representing 39.7% of the variance within the population, were analysed. The model showed high variability in the transverse process (~ 4 mm) and spinous process (~ 4 mm) and relatively low variation (< 1 mm) in the vertebral lamina. For a Korean population, a standardised set of surgical guides would likely need to align with the lamina where the variance in the population is lower. It is recommended that this standard set of surgical guides should accommodate pedicle screw diameters of 3.5–6 mm and transverse pedicle screw angles of 3.5°–12.4°.

Phytoplankton account for >45% of global primary production, and have an enormous impact on aquatic food webs and on the entire Earth System. Their members are found among prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) and multiple eukaryotic lineages containing chloroplasts. Genetic surveys of phytoplankton communities generally consist of PCR amplification of bacterial (16S), nuclear (18S) and/or chloroplastic (16S) rRNA marker genes from DNA extracted from environmental samples. However, our appreciation of phytoplankton abundance or biomass is limited by PCR-amplification biases, rRNA gene copy number variations across taxa, and the fact that rRNA genes do not provide insights into metabolic traits such as photosynthesis. Here, we targeted the photosynthetic gene psbO from metagenomes to circumvent these limitations: the method is PCR-free, and the gene is universally and exclusively present in photosynthetic prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mainly in one copy per genome. We applied and validated this new strategy with the size-fractionated marine samples collected by Tara Oceans, and showed improved correlations with flow cytometry and microscopy than when based on rRNA genes. Furthermore, we revealed unexpected features of the ecology of these ecosystems, such as the high abundance of picocyanobacterial aggregates and symbionts in the ocean, and the decrease in relative abundance of phototrophs towards the larger size classes of marine dinoflagellates. To facilitate the incorporation of psbO in molecular-based surveys, we compiled a curated database of >18,000 unique sequences. Overall, psbO appears to be a promising new gene marker for molecular-based evaluations of entire phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   
The ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) represent the largest known radiation of Müllerian mimetic butterflies. They dominate by number the mimetic butterfly communities, which include species such as the iconic neotropical Heliconius genus. Recent studies on the ecology and genetics of speciation in Ithomiini have suggested that sexual pheromones, colour pattern and perhaps hostplant could drive reproductive isolation. However, no reference genome was available for Ithomiini, which has hindered further exploration on the genetic architecture of these candidate traits, and more generally on the genomic patterns of divergence. Here, we generated high-quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies for two Melinaea species, M. marsaeus and M. menophilus, and a draft genome of the species Ithomia salapia. We obtained genomes with a size ranging from 396 to 503 Mb across the three species and scaffold N50 of 40.5 and 23.2 Mb for the two chromosome-scale assemblies. Using collinearity analyses we identified massive rearrangements between the two closely related Melinaea species. An annotation of transposable elements and gene content was performed, as well as a specialist annotation to target chemosensory genes, which is crucial for host plant detection and mate recognition in mimetic species. A comparative genomic approach revealed independent gene expansions in ithomiines and particularly in gustatory receptor genes. These first three genomes of ithomiine mimetic butterflies constitute a valuable addition and a welcome comparison to existing biological models such as Heliconius, and will enable further understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation in butterflies.  相似文献   
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