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水淹状况是湿地植被动态的重要影响因素。该研究基于谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台, 利用2000-03-01至2020-02-29所有覆盖研究区域的MODIS遥感影像数据, 分析20年间水淹频率(IF)、增强型植被指数(EVI)的时空变化以及湿地植被对IF变化的响应, 得出以下结论: (1) 20年来鄱阳湖水文节律发生了明显改变, 高IF (IF > 75%)水域面积呈现下降趋势, 从2000年1 435.3 km2下降至2019年的510.25 km2, 降幅为64.45%; (2)区域平均EVI呈显著上升趋势, 植被扩张主要集中在中部IF下降区域; (3)分析不同总水淹频率区域中平均EVI年际变化, 发现EVI与水淹状况的变化趋势相似, 2009年之后鄱阳湖水域面积萎缩趋势缓解, EVI增长速度出现下降; (4)鄱阳湖湿地植被主要沿水域面积萎缩方向扩张, 基于像元统计20年间IFEVI的变化趋势, 发现它们在空间分布上高度吻合, 这种空间异质性进一步证实水淹状况起到调节植被动态变化的作用。  相似文献   
Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) is capable of inducing promonocytic leukemia in 50% of adult BALB/c mice that have received peritoneal injections of pristane, but Friend MuLV strain 57 (F-MuLV) is nonleukemogenic under similar conditions. It was shown earlier that these differences could not be mapped to the U3 region of the virus long terminal repeat, indicating the probable influence of structural genes and/or R-U5 sequences. In this study, reciprocal chimeras containing exchanged structural genes and R-U5 sequences from these two closely related viruses were analyzed for differences in ability to induce disease. Results showed that two regions of F-MuLV, psi-gag-PR and env, when substituted for those of M-MuLV were dramatically disease attenuating. The 5'-most region, which is widely distributed, overlaps with the 5' end of the env intron and includes the RNA packaging region, psi, the entire gag coding region, and the viral protease coding region (PR) of pol. It was also found that reciprocal constructs having substitutions of both of these regions of M-MuLV in an F-MuLV background allowed full reestablishment of promonocytic leukemia. These leukemias were positive for c-myb rearrangements which are characteristic of M-MuLV-induced promonocytic leukemias. Neither region alone, however, was sufficient to produce disease with a greater incidence than 13%. Further studies demonstrated that the inability of viruses with psi, gag, PR, or env sequences from F-MuLV to induce leukemia in this model system was not due to their inability to replicate in hematopoietic tissue, to integrate into the c-myb locus early on after infection in vivo, or to express gag-myb mRNA characteristic of M-MuLV-induced preleukemic cells and acute leukemia.  相似文献   
Strains of E. coli B/r transformed with the plasmid pSK760 were found to be sensitized to inactivation by ultraviolet radiation (UV) and to have elevated levels of RNase H activity. Strains transformed with the carrier vector pBR322 or the plasmid pSK762C derived from pSK760 but with an inactivated rnh gene were not sensitized. UV-inactivation data for strains having known defects in DNA repair and transformed with pSK760 suggested an interference by RNase H of postreplication repair: uvrA cells were strongly sensitized, wild-type and uvrA recF cells were moderately sensitized and recA cells were not sensitized; and minimal medium recovery was no longer apparent in sensitized uvrA cells. Biochemical studies showed that post-UV DNA synthesis was sensitized and that the smaller amounts of DNA synthesized after irradiation, while of normal reduced size as indicated by sedimentation position in alkaline sucrose gradients, did not shift to a larger size (more rapidly sedimenting) upon additional incubation. We suggest an excess level of RNase H interferes with reinitiation of DNA synthesis on damaged templates to disturb the normal pattern of daughter strand gaps and thereby to inhibit postreplication repair.  相似文献   
The Ca2+ content of glial tumor (C6) cells was reduced approximately 5-fold by repeated treatment with media containing ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) without loss of cellular viability. The ability of the cells to accumulate cAMP in response to beta-adrenergic agonists was reduced 60 to 70% following Ca2+ depletion. Ca2+ did not affect the apparent KACT for norepinephrine, nor did it change the concentration of propranolol required to produce 50% inhibition of the maximal norepinephrine response. Phentolamine did not alter the Ca2+ dependence of the response. The binding of dihydroalprenolol by intact C6 cells was not influenced by Ca2+. Furthermore, pretreatment with norepinephrine did not affect the Ca2+ dependence of cAMP accumulation. The effects of Ca2+, therefore, appeared to be exerted on components of the adenylate cyclase system other than the catecholamine receptor. Micromolar free Ca2+ concentration in the extracellular medium were sufficient to restore a maximal norepinephrine response to Ca2+-depeleted cells. The effect of Ca2+ on cAMP accumulation in response to hormone was immediate and was rapidly reversible upon the addition of EGTA in excess of the cation. Cells in media containing Ca2+ exhibited a characteristic biphasic time course of cAMP accumulation; with Ca2+-depleted cells cAMP was accumulated more slowly and the subsequent decline in cAMP content was also reduced. Verapamil, an inhibitor of plasmalemmal Ca2+ influx, decreased the Ca2+-dependent component of the cAMP accumulation when added prior to the cation. The effect of Ca2+ on cAMP accumulation was reduced more extensively by pretreatment of cells at 45 degrees C under Ca2+-depleted (80% loss) than under Ca2+-restored (30% loss) conditions. Trifluoperazine at micromolar concentrations decreased the Ca2+-dependent increment in accumulation of cAMP in Ca2+-restored cells. This inhibition was not overcome by increasing concentrations of norepinephrine or of extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   
Tubulin dimer dissociation and proteolytic accessibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The alpha and beta subunits of the tubulin dimer each possess a distal C-terminal subtilisin cleavage site which, when cleaved, releases an acidic, small peptide. In addition, each possesses an internal site, cleaved by trypsin in alpha and chymotrypsin in beta, which connects the amino and carboxyl structural domains. A model of the dimer is presented which suggests that the beta C-terminal subtilisin site may be more accessible in the monomer than in the dimer. Kinetics of cleavage at this site on the dimer yield straight-line plots of log (undigested fraction) versus time, from which pseudo-first-order rate constants are obtained. Temperature effects on the rate constant are due to changes in the activity of subtilisin, not to temperature-induced unfolding around this site. The rate constant is proportional to the subtilisin/tubulin ratio, whether this is varied by changing the concentration of subtilisin or of tubulin. However, if the rate constant increases due to decreasing tubulin concentration, the extrapolated zero time intercept decreases. The decrease in zero time intercept is interpreted as being due to the appearance of a rapidly digested fraction upon dilution of tubulin. The increase observed in this fast fraction with dilution of tubulin is fully reversible upon reconcentration. It is suggested that this fast fraction represents monomeric beta-tubulin and the concentration dependence of this fast fraction indicates a dissociation constant of about 1.5 X 10(-7) M.  相似文献   
Long‐haul transportation demand is predicted to increase in the future, resulting in higher carbon dioxide emissions. Different drivetrain technologies, such as hybrid or battery electric vehicles, electrified roads, liquefied natural gas and hydrogen, might offer solutions to this problem. To assess their ecological and economic impact, these concepts were simulated including a weight and cost model to estimate the total cost of ownership. An evolutionary algorithm optimizes each vehicle to find a concept specific optimal solution. A model calculates the minimum investment in infrastructure required to meet the energy demand for each concept. A well‐to‐wheel analysis takes into account upstream and on‐road carbon dioxide emissions, to compare fully electric vehicles with conventional combustion engines. Investment in new infrastructure is the biggest drawback of electrified road concepts, although they offer low CO2 emissions. The diesel hybrid is the best compromise between carbon reduction and costs.  相似文献   
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