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In the Zoom Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen the third and last biogeographical area dedicated to the Asian fauna was opened in March 2010 covering a total area of five hectares. In May 2013 a new enclosure for tigers was added. The emphasis of the Asia area lies on a 4700 m2 tropical hall with mammals and birds, and Asian gastronomic facilities as well. Included is a mixed species exhibit for orangutans (Pongo abelii), northern plains grey langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) and Asian small clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea). Along a 1.3 km outside path enclosures for some species of colder climates were built, too. The transformation of the former Ruhr Zoo Gelsenkirchen to the modern ZOOM Erlebniswelt herewith is brought to a close.  相似文献   
Live attenuated vaccines are of great value for preventing infectious diseases. They represent a delicate compromise between sufficient colonization-mediated adaptive immunity and minimizing the risk for infection by the vaccine strain itself. Immune defects can predispose to vaccine strain infections. It has remained unclear whether vaccine safety could be improved via mutations attenuating a vaccine in immune-deficient individuals without compromising the vaccine''s performance in the normal host. We have addressed this hypothesis using a mouse model for Salmonella diarrhea and a live attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium strain (ssaV). Vaccination with this strain elicited protective immunity in wild type mice, but a fatal systemic infection in immune-deficient cybb −/− nos2 −/− animals lacking NADPH oxidase and inducible NO synthase. In cybb −/− nos2 −/− mice, we analyzed the attenuation of 35 ssaV strains carrying one additional mutation each. One strain, Z234 (ssaV SL1344_3093), was >1000-fold attenuated in cybb −/− nos2 −/− mice and ≈100 fold attenuated in tnfr1 −/− animals. However, in wt mice, Z234 was as efficient as ssaV with respect to host colonization and the elicitation of a protective, O-antigen specific mucosal secretory IgA (sIgA) response. These data suggest that it is possible to engineer live attenuated vaccines which are specifically attenuated in immuno-compromised hosts. This might help to improve vaccine safety.  相似文献   
Exoribonucleases are important enzymes for the turnover of cellular RNA species. We have isolated the first mammalian cDNA from mouse demonstrated to encode a 5′–3′ exoribonuclease. The structural conservation of the predicted protein and complementation data in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest a role in cytoplasmic mRNA turnover and pre-rRNA processing similar to that of the major cytoplasmic exoribonuclease Xrn1p in yeast. Therefore, a key component of the mRNA decay system in S. cerevisiae has been conserved in evolution from yeasts to mammals. The purified mouse protein (mXRN1p) exhibited a novel substrate preference for G4 RNA tetraplex–containing substrates demonstrated in binding and hydrolysis experiments. mXRN1p is the first RNA turnover function that has been localized in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells. mXRN1p was distributed in small granules and was highly enriched in discrete, prominent foci. The specificity of mXRN1p suggests that RNAs containing G4 tetraplex structures may occur in vivo and may have a role in RNA turnover.  相似文献   
Interdoublet sliding rates were assessed in bull sperm, utilizing a freeze–thaw procedure to allow axonemal disintegration. The sliding rate at 23°C increased with increasing MgATP concentrations up to 1 mMATP, to plateau at 8 μm/sec. The analyzed interdoublet shear in both live and demembranated (Triton X-100-extracted) bull sperm reactivated with 1 mMATP established maximal microtubule sliding rates at 6 μm/sec during flagellar beating. Therefore,in vitrosliding rates were sufficient to account for the beat in intact flagella. The effect of inhibitors of flagellar motility onin vitrosliding rates was evaluated. While 8 μMvanadate minimally reduced the sliding rate (to ≈ 4 μm/sec), only 0.5 μMvanadate was sufficient to terminate reactivated bull sperm motility. Nickel ion (0.66 mM) terminated all spontaneous motility, while only reducing microtubule sliding rates to ≈ 5.0 μm/sec. Exposing intact bull sperm to theophylline (1 mM), and incubating the subsequently demembranated sperm in cAMP (3 μM), improved flagellar motility, but had little impact on microtubule sliding rates as determined by axonemal disintegration. Furthermore, deactivating live sperm with 2 mMKCN and 4 mM2-deoxy- -glucose renders the subsequently reactivated sperm immotile (as long as exogenous cAMP is absent). Yet, this treatment only reduced the sliding rate by 38%. Paradoxically, 4 mMMgADP reduced the sliding rates most dramatically (86%), whereas demembranated sperm models retain a strong, coordinated beating pattern in the presence of MgADP. These results demonstrate that there is no direct relationship between interdoublet sliding rates and the capacity for coordinated flagellar beating.  相似文献   
Celiac disease (CD) is an inflammatory affliction of the small bowel caused by an immunological hypersensitivity to ingested wheat antigens affecting almost 1 % of the population. The gliadin fraction of wheat has been shown to contain the pathogenic antigens which react with antibodies and T cells. However, there is only limited knowledge regarding the precise nature of the wheat antigens recognized by IgA antibodies from CD patients and diagnostic tests based on the gliadin fraction have been demonstrated to give frequently false positive results. The aim of this study was the characterization of wheat antigens specifically recognized by IgA antibodies of CD patients. We developed a combined biochemical, biophysical, and immunological approach for the identification of celiac disease-specific wheat antigens. It is based on sub-fractionation of the wheat gliadin fraction using two ion exchange chromatography steps, the localization of CD-specific antigens by immunoblotting with IgA antibodies from CD patients, subsequent digestion followed by electro spray ionization–liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) and N-terminal sequencing by Edman degradation. Through the sub-fractionation procedure it was possible to separate CD-specific IgA-reactive wheat antigens from other wheat antigens which were also recognized by IgA antibodies of individuals without CD or by CD patients on gluten-free diet. Analysis by LC–ESI–MS/MS and N-terminal sequencing of the sub-fractions and the proteins specifically recognized by CD patients identified certain γ-gliadins with molecular mass of 37,000 and 45,000 as CD-specific wheat antigens. The CD-specific γ-gliadins with the molecular mass of 37,000 and 45,000 should be useful to study pathomechanisms of the disease and to improve the specificity of diagnostic tests for CD.  相似文献   
We investigated adaptive differences among three geographically separate populations of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) by forming first generation intercrosses (hybrid lines) and comparing them to parental types (control lines). Broodstock for the experiment came from the Gastineau Hatchery in Juneau, Hidden Falls Hatchery on Baranof Island, and Neets Bay Hatchery near Ketchikan, Alaska. All were isolated hatchery populations separated by 220–400 km and derived 15–20 years previously from single local wild populations. For each population, gametes were taken from 50 mature salmon of each sex and combined to form nine lines (three control and six hybrid); each line had 50 full-sibling families which were assigned to separate cells of an incubator at Gastineau Hatchery. Embryo survival and development times were measured as indicators of locally adapted fitness traits. Two of the control lines had higher survival rates than hybrid lines formed between either of their parental populations and other populations. Differences (p < 0.05) were found between development times for control and hybrid groups, which varied by as many as 20 days between families and as many as 30 days between control lines. The intermediate expression of development time of intercrossed lines is consistent with additive genetic variation of development time between the ancestral populations of coho salmon and indicates that important genetic divergence exists between the populations. A loss of local adaptation through a change in seasonal timing of completion of embryonic development would occur in intercrosses between the populations.  相似文献   
The formation of crossovers is a fundamental genetic process. The XPF-family endonuclease Mus81-Mms4 (Eme1) contributes significantly to crossing over in eukaryotes. A key question is whether Mus81-Mms4 can process Holliday junctions that contain four uninterrupted strands. Holliday junction cleavage requires the coordination of two active sites, necessitating the assembly of two Mus81-Mms4 heterodimers. Contrary to this expectation, we show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mus81-Mms4 exists as a single heterodimer both in solution and when bound to DNA substrates in vitro. Consistently, immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that Mus81-Mms4 does not multimerize in vivo. Moreover, chromatin-bound Mus81-Mms4 does not detectably form higher-order multimers. We show that Cdc5 kinase activates Mus81-Mms4 nuclease activity on 3' flaps and Holliday junctions in vitro but that activation does not induce a preference for Holliday junctions and does not induce multimerization of the Mus81-Mms4 heterodimer. These data support a model in which Mus81-Mms4 cleaves nicked recombination intermediates such as displacement loops (D-loops), nicked Holliday junctions, or 3' flaps but not intact Holliday junctions with four uninterrupted strands. We infer that Mus81-dependent crossing over occurs in a noncanonical manner that does not involve the coordinated cleavage of classic Holliday junctions.  相似文献   
Hard RL  Liu J  Shen J  Zhou P  Pei D 《Biochemistry》2010,49(50):10737-10746
The BUZ/Znf-UBP domain is a protein module found in the cytoplasmic deacetylase HDAC6, E3 ubiquitin ligase BRAP2/IMP, and a subfamily of ubiquitin-specific proteases. Although several BUZ domains have been shown to bind ubiquitin with high affinity by recognizing its C-terminal sequence (RLRGG-COOH), it is currently unknown whether the interaction is sequence-specific or whether the BUZ domains are capable of binding to proteins other than ubiquitin. In this work, the BUZ domains of HDAC6 and Ubp-M were subjected to screening against a one-bead-one-compound (OBOC) peptide library that exhibited random peptide sequences with free C-termini. Sequence analysis of the selected binding peptides as well as alanine scanning studies revealed that the BUZ domains require a C-terminal Gly-Gly motif for binding. At the more N-terminal positions, the two BUZ domains have distinct sequence specificities, allowing them to bind to different peptides and/or proteins. A database search of the human proteome on the basis of the BUZ domain specificities identified 11 and 24 potential partner proteins for Ubp-M and HDAC6 BUZ domains, respectively. Peptides corresponding to the C-terminal sequences of four of the predicted binding partners (FBXO11, histone H4, PTOV1, and FAT10) were synthesized and tested for binding to the BUZ domains by fluorescence polarization. All four peptides bound to the HDAC6 BUZ domain with low micromolar K(D) values and less tightly to the Ubp-M BUZ domain. Finally, in vitro pull-down assays showed that the Ubp-M BUZ domain was capable of binding to the histone H3-histone H4 tetramer protein complex. Our results suggest that BUZ domains are sequence-specific protein-binding modules, with each BUZ domain potentially binding to a different subset of proteins.  相似文献   
Phenotypic plasticity plays a key role in modulating how environmental variation influences population dynamics, but we have only rudimentary understanding of how plasticity interacts with the magnitude and predictability of environmental variation to affect population dynamics and persistence. We developed a stochastic individual-based model, in which phenotypes could respond to a temporally fluctuating environmental cue and fitness depended on the match between the phenotype and a randomly fluctuating trait optimum, to assess the absolute fitness and population dynamic consequences of plasticity under different levels of environmental stochasticity and cue reliability. When cue and optimum were tightly correlated, plasticity buffered absolute fitness from environmental variability, and population size remained high and relatively invariant. In contrast, when this correlation weakened and environmental variability was high, strong plasticity reduced population size, and populations with excessively strong plasticity had substantially greater extinction probability. Given that environments might become more variable and unpredictable in the future owing to anthropogenic influences, reaction norms that evolved under historic selective regimes could imperil populations in novel or changing environmental contexts. We suggest that demographic models (e.g. population viability analyses) would benefit from a more explicit consideration of how phenotypic plasticity influences population responses to environmental change.  相似文献   
The innate immune system is of vital importance for protection against infectious pathogens. Inflammasome mediated caspase-1 activation and subsequent release of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β and IL-18 is an important arm of the innate immune system. Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium, SL1344) is an enteropathogenic bacterium causing diarrheal diseases. Different reports have shown that in macrophages, S. Typhimurium may activate caspase-1 by at least three different types of stimuli: flagellin, the type III secretion system 1 (T1) and the T1 effector protein SopE. However, the relative importance and interdependence of the different factors in caspase-1 activation is still a matter of debate. Here, we have analyzed their relative contributions to caspase-1 activation in LPS-pretreated RAW264.7 macrophages. Using flagellar mutants (fliGHI, flgK) and centrifugation to mediate pathogen-host cell contact, we show that flagellins account for a small part of the caspase-1 activation in RAW264.7 cells. In addition, functional flagella are of key importance for motility and host cell attachment which is a prerequisite for mediating caspase-1 activation via these three stimuli. Using site directed mutants lacking several T1 effector proteins and flagellin expression, we found that SopE elicits caspase-1 activation even when flagellins are absent. In contrast, disruption of essential genes of the T1 protein injection system (invG, sipB) completely abolished caspase-1 activation. However, a robust level of caspase-1 activation is retained by the T1 system (or unidentified T1 effectors) in the absence of flagellin and SopE. T1-mediated inflammasome activation is in line with recent work by others and suggests that the T1 system itself may represent the basic caspase-1 activating stimulus in RAW264.7 macrophages which is further enhanced independently by SopE and/or flagellin.  相似文献   
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